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  1. Thought I'd pass along a helpful product that I came across. I just bought a Dodge Ram 2500 truck. Needless to say the ride is on the rough side. I had a few friends who put these different spring shackles on the back of their heavy duty trucks. The name of the rubber spring/shackles is called Sulastic. I put about 100 miles on the new truck, and it really chattered on less than perfect roads. After putting them on, I drove another 50 miles down some rough snowpacked roads. There is a very noticeable improvement. It says on their website that it wont affect warranties, and or load/towing capacities either. I dont work for the company etc. Just thought I'd pass along something that appears to be a good deal. I think I paid about 380 bucks for the set, plus about 100 to have em installed. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Heres a link https://www.sulastic.com/
  2. If this has been asked already, I'm sorry. I searched and didn't run across this particular question. I have an 84 VXVZ12, and after a year of working on the bike it's running pretty well. The problem is that I can sync the carbs and it will purr like a kitten, but after a couple days of spirited riding it's running a little bit rough. Not enough to suspect anything new, so I just sync it again. Then the cycle repeats. Any ideas why? Anyone else have this issue?
  3. Daughter back in school and it must be rough. She gets home sets on the couch and starts talking to me while I'm doing things, suddenly I don't hear her anymore and she was in the middle of telling me how her day went. I walked into the living room and this is what I found.
  4. I was riding my bike today and almost went down. I was going down the county highway which is in bad need of repairs. Lots of potholes that have been patched with hot mix. The road is rough etc, and the hotmix is a dark black compared to a light gray from the rest of the highway. I was going along driving through the rough patches, when I came over a hill down through a river bottom with water on both sides. For some reason I decided to dodge around one of the dark patches at about 70 mph. I happened to look down beside my floor board as I went around it and I noticed that it moved. It wasnt a black pothole, it was a snapping turtle! The movement was the turtle jerking his head back into his shell. He was about 18 inches in diameter, and I think if I wouldve hit him I wouldve went for a nasty ride, most probobly not on the bike. The top of his shell wouldve been at least a foot tall. I've dodged a lot of things riding, but never a snapping turtle.
  5. I just purchased a 1999 venture. The first ride was short but the bike performed ok. I changed out the oil and put in synthetic. I also changed out the rear gear oil. So I decided to go for a ride, expecting it to run better. It was realy rough and got worse with throttle applied. Any suggestions
  6. I have putting off the invetiable foo long now, starting a liquid diet this morning and wont be able to eat anything solid till around noon tomorrow:crying:. Tomorrow morning I will be heading to the hospital for my colonoscopy. I should have had this done a long time ago, but procrastinated way too long. I havent been having any problems, or symptons of anything, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I get a clean report after its over. So what are your plans for today..???
  7. I went for a short (50 mile) ride yesterday and noticed that during the course of the 'trip' the bike seemed to feel more and more "reluctant" to run. A sense of 'hesitation' got more and more pronounced as I rode along. My first reaction was to POWER through it, thinking that maybe I had a temporary condition of some sort brought on by dirt in gas, fouled plug.........bad AIR!!! I was really grasping for 'causes'. But, the more I gassed it, the worse it seemed to get. When I 'backed off' to what the 'normal/neutral throttle grip position' SHOULD have been for the speed I was going......the engine again sounded somewhat erratic and "hesitant" (for lack of a better word). The sensation was similar to what you might get when running out of gas.......but I had just filled up before leaving home......and was showing "all bars" on the gas gauge when I left the driveway. I could almost SEE my gas gauge going down, however, while driving along! I ended up burning what looked like about a quarter of a tank over the fifty miles (80 km). (I was TWO or THREE bars down on the gauge by the time I got home!) YIKES! Being an old-time mechanical type (but not a mechanical genius, by any means), I fiddled with the gas tap while riding along (which did nothing).....and moved the choke button all the way out and back in.........several times.........which, strangely ALSO DID NOTHING!! Shouldn't pulling the choke out have made the bike run "rough"......kinda like the way it was ALREADY RUNNING?? Therefore, my training told me, maybe the choke is stuck ON.....somewhere in the mechanism "beyond the button". When I tried to search this site for a thread on the subject/problem, I came up with http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=65183&highlight=choke, where the conversation centered on the OPPOSITE problem....."choke won't come on".....and reference to sticking linkage. Is it possible I have the same cause......but opposite symptoms? Anybody else ever had this problem? Choke stuck ON? Rough running? Horrible gas consumption? (Background info: I HAD just removed/replaced my tank while doing a coolant flush last week. Also, I had just (the day before) removed/replaced my front brake lever in order to lubricate its action and take out some of the play in it. (I took out too much play, apparently, because I notice the cruise control wouldn't stay ON during my ride; but I don't think THIS problem is related to the rough ride/high fuel consumption............IS IT???) Thanks for any hints, tips, tricks!........then get out there and enjoy your Sunday ride!
  8. So my fathe rin law ( 76 shovel head rider) took my bike out for a lil while and he has a few comlaints which I myself have had in the past. the royal star rides a bit rough. having a monoshock with no spring gives the bumps a very jarring effect. he even noticed that the forks were riding rough. I think i am correct that there is no adjustment for the forks. This is the royal star tour classic 96 and there is no way to add air nor have I heard of anyone changing the fork fluid or replacing the rear shock with after market or another bike swap. Has anyone changed thier fluid or the rear shock on this type of bike. i thought It was due to my size but my father in law is 200 lbs lighter than me and he also notices it.
  9. Guest

    Rough night on Ft Bragg

    Last night was a rough night of training for the Marines here on Fort Bragg. Keep them in your prayers. http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/9271350/
  10. I'm "taking advantage of Roxie's absence" to look into her predecessor, Suzie. Suzie is a 1989 Suzuki Intruder 750GLP. She was my starter bike, and when I got 10,000 miles on her I started looking for a step up, and that's when I got Roxie in July, 2008. Since then, Suzie hasn't been run much at all. I started her and got her to rough idle about 6 months ago. I ran some SeaFoam through her, but she still was rough. Today I completely took the tank off and drained it, then sloshed some Coleman's fuel around and drained that. I put it back on and put in fresh fuel. She started just about right away. However, she wouldn't idle, and eventually coughed and gave up. Now she won't start, and will barely catch now and again. What should I look at next? Fuel filter? Dave PS. I could go to IntruderAlert, which is much like VR. I just like y'all more.
  11. What is different in this pic and what do you think about it? (the pic editing is rather quick so kinda rough) [ATTACH]51510[/ATTACH]
  12. My 86 VR will start up normal. I'll let it warm up for a while then take off. The bike will run rough until its fully warmed up. Its running rough longer than I think it should under the guise of being "cold blooded".. Could this symptom possibly be a coil going bad?
  13. Hi; I haven't seen this problem before so here goes. I got a cheap 87 VR 1300, the bike runs OK but rough ran Seafome thru it changed plugs. It helped a Little but still very rough Idle and back firing some manly on deceleration. I decided to sync. the carbs. Problem is the bike runs so rough the vacuum gages bounce so fast you cant see then, they just vibrate in a range of about 1/3 the gage blindingly fast? I have a sinking feeling its the valves are out of adjustment some thing fierce but thats just a guess. I'm hoping some one here is familiar with this condition and can give me a hand, any thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Pete
  14. I looked but have not found a thread about this. My 04 RSV has started running rough at speed only, idles smooth, and rough is intermediate no all the time. I first noticed it at 11,000 miles, at 75 to 80 mph the bike begins to have a rough vibration. Thought it was tires at first, but then realized it was engine, ran bike up to 90 and pulled clutch in and bike was rolling smooth. Went home and parked bike, the wife said lets ride to Valdosta and eat, got back on and bike was as smooth as ever. On the way bike was rough again, but half way back it just smoothed out. I am going to change plugs tommorrow and put some sea foam in the tank. Any other suggestions Gregg
  15. Well, here I go again. I had so much fun fixing my brake issue...that now I'd like to tackle my rough starting problem. My bike is an 83'. She's got 60,000+ miles on her, but she's been pretty well taken care of. I'm the 3rd owner. My problem is, she's a pistle to get started cold! I mean I've actually had to start using my car to jump her. Now, she has a new battery as of the fall of 2008. I keep it on a trickle charge when I'm not riding. But she just doesn't seem to want to start any more. Again, last fall I put in new plugs and wires. I was thinking that maybe I need a carb job or something. I've run seafoam through her for the past couple of fillups. Still she starts rough. I can't seem to work out when to choke her and when not to. If I give her a lot of choke she won't start at all. In the middle, sometimes she'll start. Less choke, she sometimes starts easier. Mostly it seems to start when I apply full choke, try to start, and fail, then switch to less choke and try again. But again, I need to use the car to jump it. All the connecting on the battery terminal seem to be clean. I check the connection at the starter. That looks good too. Oh, and when it does start, is seems to be putting out volts with the stater. Around 16 or so by the dash board meter. Once I've got her running and she warms up she does pretty well. Good exceleration. Plenty of power. Idles well. Maybe a little rough here and there. I mean I know she could be better...but what do I do? Should I mod the battery cables? Rebuild the carbs? Get a new tune up? Take her to a shop? I don't know. Looking for advice in Ohio. Thanks
  16. put 250 miles on new federal and i like the handling. no more roar when connering the cures. wife said the ride is smoother for her unless were going over rough payment. i like the change and never going back. interested now about c/t on front?
  17. Friends I've heard the idle pilot holes are very small on our bikes. Has this become a problem for any of you getting plugged (rough idle)? Wyoming Tom
  18. Well Charlene finally had surgery to repair her knee today, she is resting now, hopefully this will help her get on her way to feeling better, dont know if this is going to help with her hip or not, but time will tell if she needs surgery on that. Just going to take it one day at a time, she had a rough time coming out from under the drugs they used to knock her out, she has always had a hard time with that anytime they put her under. Please keep her in your prayers for a fast recovery............
  19. still need people that are planning to be at the 2009 ar. rally, to go over to the polls heading and vote. even if your not sure yet. there is a spot for that. we need a rough idea of how many people to expect to help with our planning. thanks bill
  20. Man that was rough!! 4 & 1/2 days of putting up with Scooter Trash, riding and fixing motorcycles!! Rough I tell you!! Just got in and looked at my bed. Gotta unpack Scoot first.. You like them pics of it Squid????
  21. I just purchase an 85 1st gen Venture. When i start it there seems to be high compression for a split second upon starting then she fires up great and holds an idle. But running seemed rough. I am comparing it to my 84 Honda sabre V65 which is a 90 degree V4. I was wondering if it's just how the engine feels . Then last night I craked open the throttle to make a pass and for a split second there awas a shot of extra power and a slight smoothening that seemed to feel right to me. Then she went back to her normal running. The bike also seems un happy to run in fifth gear at anything less than 65 mph. It'll do it but it seems rough. I haven't changed plugs or airfilter since I brought it home and I intend to run a couple of tanks or Sea Foam through it as well but any suggestions to a newcomer? Thanks Phil.
  22. Guest

    Rough River/ Nolin Lake

    Anyone ever ride around Rough River or Nolin Lake in Ky? this is my stomping grounds, some pretty country for sure.
  23. Thanks to everyone who helped with the rear pad install, brake bleeding and initial start up of my newly found 87' venture royale. If you followed the post the bike was stored in a chicken coop for about five years and was absolutly filthy and covered with, well chicken poop! So after putting the bike back together I decided to give her a good cleaning which involved a garden hose and degreaser. After drying and starting the Venture for more adjustments I now have a rough idle, almost like a dead misfire, and the tach bounces around at will. So the question is...where did water go the it should not have? I am new to the Venture scene so please explain clearly the locations I need to look at. Thanks in advance Dave
  24. hey all....well it got to 70 degrees here in north west tennessee and the sun was shining all week. guess where i was....in the bed with the flu. missed all the riding weather. its now a light rain falling and i feel great. maybe next week huh. just catching up on all the post. first i would like to shout out to all the new members WELCOME. i know you will enjoy this group of some of the nicest people i have ever had the privilage of getting to know. all are willing to lend a hand and help with any problem you may have. second my heart goes out to meandog and his family. my wife and i will be keeping him in our prayers. kbran i know you are going through a rough time and i will add a line for you too in that prayer. third now that i have give my sermon LOL i have a question about wiring. my acc fuse is blowing and i want to know what is on that circut that might cause the problem i'm having. appreciate any feedback. have a great day all steve. p.s. great job don....had my own group once know how diffucult it can be sometimes...the good things allways makes it worth it though.
  25. I forced my self to go for a ride it was frigid only in the upper 70s. I only went about 200 miles when I got home just before sun down it was in the lower 60s. This winter riding stuff is rough.
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