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  1. Replaced my rear pads tonight and noticed somebody has done some modifying. Bike is a 90 MKII. Rear rotor is a vented disc and not offset. Somebody has added spacers to move the caliper closer to the wheel. Has been functional up to this point but I'm concerned about my braking efficiency. The rotor only measures about 304 mm. The rotor isn't large enough to make full contact with the pads, there is 5/16" of the pad not being used. Included are pics of the worn pads, rotor and caliper spacers. http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x337/steve_roseman/Venture/pads.jpg http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x337/steve_roseman/Venture/rotor.jpg http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x337/steve_roseman/Venture/caliper.jpg
  2. Hopefully someone can advise me on this issue. I just installed new oem pads on the rear of my 05 RSTD . I noticed some drag when I pushed the bike back and the rotor is hot after a 2 mile test ride. Did I do something wrong? Will the pads wear in?
  3. Hi everyone! My major maintenence project on my 86' is coming along and today I got my R1 calipers. So now my question is which pads? I like the cleanliness of the cermics but is this going to halve the life of my $200+ new rear rotor? In the past I would by pads all willy nilly but since I'm starting with mostly new stuff (R1 calipers, delinked brakes, new rotors, SS lines and E3's) I would like to monitor the wear better and overall just start with the best. We don't ride fast but pull a very heavy trailer. Thanks everyone!
  4. Could someone tell me how far back in years will they fit the 08 RSTD? Looking at a remanufactured one on Ebay from a 97.
  5. Sooo New guy here trying to remove the starter clutch so i can send to Dano. I got the covers off no problem. How do you lock up the rotor to get the bolt out and do you have to take the gear loose before you pull the rotor? Thanks Kevin:confused24:
  6. I need a rear brake rotor for my 86. Any suggestions on what to get. Thanks.
  7. I don't know if that has been asked before, but, for a VR90 are the front brake rotors swappable? I mean keeping the correct cooling air flow? From pictures I've seen on the net they look to be, but anyone has hands on experience with that? I know there are different part numbers for the two rotors... Also, what is the minimum acceptable thickness of the rotor? My right rotor is about 6.1mm and the left is about 6.5mm. I just found at a seller a used LEFT rotor that is about 7.0mm and I wonder if it can be a replacement for my RIGHT rotor. Regards, Corneliu
  8. I just discovered that my rear pads are pretty well shot, and that my rear rotor is looking like it probably needs to be replaced sometime soon as well. The OEM replacement rotor at the stealership is about $240, plus the new bolts. I found an EBC replacement rotor on eBay for $145, new in the package and free shipping. http://www.ebay.com/itm/EBC-Brake-Rotor-MD2078-for-Yamaha-XVZ1300TF-Royal-Star-Venture-1999-2008-/261008709417?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3cc554d729&vxp=mtr Does anyone have any experience with this brand, or would I be wise to bite the bullet and stick with Yami's stock rotor? Any other suggestions would also be appreciated. Thanks.
  9. 5000 miles on my 2008 RSTD and I plan on being at Don's maintance day, what should I try and have done? I am not savey on the mechanical part so any help while there will be greatfull. Do I need to bring anything to do some maintance thing's? I would like to take off the front rotor cover's for a different look. Having some pin striping done as well. I will have completed the trunk install this weekend with help from Carbon one (What a great guy). Hope to see others for riding before then. Joe
  10. I removed the front wheel and brake rotors to send it out for a tire replacement. I didnt keep track of which side the chrome rotor covers came off of. I now discovered that one is weighted and the other isn't. Which side does the weighted one go on? I looked on South Seatle Yamahas part site and it appears to me it is the right hand side. Is this rught? What is the weight for anyways? As usual any and all help is greatly appreciated. Jim
  11. I’m reworking an 83 goldwing . Had everything else fixed but could not get the front brake to tighten up. Might slow down the bike but not really stop it. Put new master cylinder on and tried three different old hoses, rebuild old calipers, looked like the rotor ran true when spinning the tire. Bleed the brakes about 20 times, replaced calipers from Ebay… ETC ,,,,,, Took to dealer, they spent three weeks and rebuilt the original master cylinder replaced brake hose with new and checked the caliper. Got a bit better but not right. Brought bike home and my son noticed that the caliper was slightly twisting when applied. Put a straight edge on the rotor and its warped like a bowl. It only out by 0.05 in but that enough to cause a real problem. Bought used rotor on Ebay and problem solved. Hopefully this may help someone else in the future.
  12. I just recently acquired a set of rotor covers that included the install instructions and I thought I would share that with everyone here who might need to reference it. Hope this helps. Rick F.
  13. I owne and ride 35000km a year mostly two up, on a 08 Concours 14, but my wife received knee replacement surgery and we decided for the adventure to continue that a more comfy ride was needed, so I purchased a 1991 Venture Royale with 106000km and will receive it next week-end, I also purchase a 1983 VR, stripped the bike completely for parts(mk1 and mk2 have alot in common but some parts are different), this site is really full of great expertise and helps me plan on making my new ride as efficient possible. I will change and inspect parts defective, all fluids and grease where needed. Based on my reading, special attention and replacement of front forks springs to progressive, new steering bearing, fork brace and my favorite 'brakes, I tried and really dont like the linked brakes system and would like to delink, plus my right rotor is fried blue and needs replacement and will upgrade to R6 Calipers witch I got a pair in the garage. I figured finding a pair of rotor would be easy to find because on my C14 I have spare parts like, complete forks and brake parts, exhausts etc. All bought on eBay and really cheap. Surprise no front rotors and worse no new rotors, except the Chinese whom have 282mm but only 5mm thick and ???quality. There seems no compatibility except certain early VMax or Fj, but nothing offered, those rotos are rare to say the least. Anybody with a mk2 right rotor. Mike
  14. Has anyone converted the lights around the circumference of the Rotor Covers to LEDs? Being that there are so many lights, my thoughts are that the lights combinations from both sides could be a significant draw.
  15. i have a 2005 venture with 35,000k on it and i think my rotor maybe getting warped. pulses at slow speeds when slowing down. #1 is it possible to get warped during tire change?? #2 will grease from the rear hub find its way onto the rotor?? i cleaned it real good with brake clean and did good for about 600 miles and then started pulsing again... any thoughts
  16. Hi; I am putting a new rear tire on my 86VR. I have the repair manual and am following its' directions. I removed the 2 bolts from the caliper mount and am unable to remove the caliper. It rotates freely on the rotor when I spin the wheel but it will not lift off. Have I missed something? As ussual I apreciate any and all help
  17. Tried to turn down my rear rotor at work. To take the edge off , but thought what the heck I will just do it all. Well that wasn't the thing to do. Didn't look bad when done,but it pulses bad. It will wear down again, but real hard to do slow turns. Didn't know if someone triked theirs lately that would still have one. Don't have cash for a new one and on ebay there is only three on there. Which none of them are very cheap. Any help I would be thankful for.
  18. I need a usable, front rotor off an MKII. Right or left per Bongo. I am putting it on rear wheel as part of my VMax wheel conversion. I have to use the VMax rear brake and mounting setup due to swing arm clearance issues. The VMax uses a 282 rear rotor, which is the same diameter as a 1st gen front. 1st gen is 1mm thicker, but it will work for what I am doing. MKII rear brake setup I have on now with the 320mm rotor isn't even close to being able to make to work due to the offset in the floating rotor design. I could make my 298mm MKI rear rotor work, but it wouldn't be an exact match either. Gary
  19. For you guys that need rear rotor for first Gen heres the email add--sales@perfectbrakes.com--made in England out of stainless shop is in the midwest, 236.62 delivered. Yooper
  20. Had flat tire morning after Marcarl's M&G on Sun. morning when I woke up.Called around to see who could put on tire in as quick of time as possible .Went to ZDENO Cycle in Kitchener Ont. Got it on lift and they said my rotor was really worn so \i said ok and had a used one from a wreck put on with new pads.Went with Metszler again. Was also told that the tire I had on was a HARLEY tire???????SO! tire$206 tire tax $5.84 instal $60 rotor $150 instal $20 pads $35 instal $30 tube $25 TOTAL SHOCK $600.97 Phantom Wife says that is budget for this year! Still going to MD this weekend!!!!!!!
  21. Guest

    rotor covers

    Does anybody know if there is a full front wheel rotor cover out there ? I'm looking for something similar to the ring of fire that they have for the Goldwings. It sure would look good on my 09 venture . Thanks for any info on the subject. Gus......
  22. I pulled the rear wheel off of my '08 RSV this morning (installing a new tire). When I flipped the wheel over (rotor side down), this spring-looking thing was lying on the backside of the rotor. It has a diameter of approx 1.25" if that helps. I'm not sure where this came from...:confused24: since I hadn't disassembled anything. I looked at the rear wheel parts diagram, and the only thing that loosely resembles this is an o-ring. Any thoughts or ideas?
  23. Replaced front brake pads on my 97 RSTD about a month ago and now my right rotor has enough warp to cause bad brake pulsing. Torqued according to specs .Kinda strange.. Can anyone give me a good place to shop for rotors? If anyone has one for sale here I would consider buying it from ya. Thanks Steve
  24. This Intregrated Brake is new to me. So when I hit the foot brake, one front rotor and the rear rotor are activated. Are the fluid pressure 50/50 front rear or 60/40 or ##/##? When I hit the front brake only with the right hand brake then are both front rotors activiated or just one front rotor? I'm from the old school riding 27 years ago and so I'm still not too comfortable when needing to brake in a turn and say it is wet out. The whole idea of Intregrated Braking seems strange to me. And not having ridden much so far, would welcome any thoughts of comfort. Like does one brake differently in different situations with intregrated brakes vs the old fashion brake system. Or do I brake as if I have the old system and just forget that the brakes are intregrated, and let the new technology do its stuff. As for now I ride kind of conservatively until I get a better understanding, more experience and a better feel for the braking.
  25. Does anyone know if the MkI and MkII rotors are compatible? I'd like to get some slotted ones off an '87 for sale on eBay mounted on my '83.
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