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  1. HOW THE HOSTESS COMPANY IS BEING SPLIT UP You may have heard that Hostess Bakery plants have shut down due to a workers' strike but you may not have heard how it was split up. The State Department hired all the Twinkies, the Secret Service hired all the Ho Ho's, the Generals are sleeping with the Cupcakes and the voters sent all the Ding Dongs to Congress. :rotf: :rotf:
  2. Thought some of you gearheads on here might enjoy this.. and you youtube addicts,, well you might to
  3. I heard it was loaded and on it's way to Big Tom's house... so sad..
  4. Is it just coincidence that you guys are posting all these senior jokes now that I am officially a senior or what??
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=eFafj0ystrs Laugh on my friends. We need a good one more than just every now and then. Fuzzy :rotf:
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/motorcyclist-clocked-going-193-mph-ny-highway-113500876.html Had to be a 2nd Gen!
  7. http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/tires.jpg
  8. Common Sense for Sale Order an extra for your closest friend! I got yours Boomer!
  9. http://www.wcax.com/story/16663947/prisoners-sneak-pig-into-vsp-decal I took a year for one of the officers to notice it.
  10. http://www.noob.us/entertainment/best-alpine-coaster-ever/
  11. Poop and Ride? This is a green thing? http://www.gizmag.com/toto-toilet-trike/20018/
  12. Taters and I made it back home last night around midnight...It was a very long day with a lay over in Boston of 9 hours(enough time for a lobster dinner).....Nice to be home, but the heat here is nuts .......over 100 degrees...we're not used to that around here...Our trip was absolutely FANTASTIC........Thank you Jonas and Greta for being our host and tour guides...We love the both of you ....your family is terrific and made two strangers feel so welcome....loved the bakery, never saw a bakery the size of 4 football fields....WOW...............Jonas, I had no problem with the salmon and customs, and I picked up the special green bottle at the airport for the cook.......I really don't know how to put into words what Iceland is like except "ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC...." everyone will speak english for us foreigners so communicating was easy...(sometimes the tour guides will mess with your heads though) ..... so next year when you plan your vacation, keep Iceland in mind you won't be dissapointed.....ps...and the police are friendly too ! :rotf: Again, thank you Jonas and Greta for a wonderful week....... :bowdown:
  13. until Taters and I leave for Iceland to visit StarFan and Greta..........remember if you don't hear from me by the 23rd of July ...send in the Navy seals or the Marines or the Infantry or the AIR FORCE.....Wait, better than all that....... SEND MINI-MUFFIN...yeah, thats it, send mini to get us out....I'M SKEEEERD OF VIKINGS...lol....hey Jonas, it won't be long now my friend...Can't wait to see you two again...I want to see the Wii movie you took.... :rotf: :rotf:
  14. We are in a major heat wave here in Arkansas...and using true "hillbilly" ingenuity, I was able to strap the AC to the back of the bike...now I gots to figger out how turn thems vents around.
  15. A certain fellow left his key/headlight on while we where stuffing our self's with fish. Man that fish was good .... And so was the big laugh we all had afterwards, it was not so much as what happened, but at what was said in the crowd that was willing to help push and give jumps from a Harley Road King... Sorry, but can not help it. [ATTACH]58144[/ATTACH]
  16. The lovebirds left Alden at 1:48 PM this afternoon. They are heading toward Oberlin to visit the boss via I-90 west out of West Seneca NY.. Here are a few pic from this morning.....note SOME and I really mean SOME of the shoes needed for their trip :rotf: :rotf:Just kidding Greta, we All carry that many pairs with us
  17. A blond goes into a coffee shop and notices there's a "peel and win" sticker on her coffee cup. So, she peels it off and starts screaming "I've won a motorhome! I've won a motorhome!" The clerk says, "That's impossible. The biggest prize is a free lunch." But the blond keeps on screaming, "I've won a motorhome! I've won a motorhome!" Finally the manager comes over and says, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but you're mistaken. You couldn't have possibly won a motor home because we didn't have that as a prize." The blond says, "No, it's not a mistake. I've won a motorhome!" and she hands the ticket to the manager and he reads ..... (are you ready for this?) (scroll down) WINABAGEL :doh: :doh: :rotf:
  18. Just got back from Bongobobbys meet and eat at the Hearth restaurant...My son and his girlfriend met us there and met my friends for the first time....We had a great meal and tons of laughs....when leaving my son came up to me and thanked me for the invitation and stated "YOU KNOW NONE OF YOU ARE RIGHT IN THE HEAD".......Ahhhhhh....its so nice that he thinks so highly of my friends...kind of reminds me of what I thought of his friends when he was a teenager... :rotf: :rotf:
  19. You seen any butterflies with large beautiful wings lately ? If so, I'm sure everyone would love to hear about it... :rotf:
  20. QUIZ Are You Male or Female ? Have a look further down to find out... NOT IN HERE YOU IDIOT ! I worry about you sometimes!
  21. Google, Bing, or whatever else you use has nothing on this. As you can see it directs you to some very good sites. My new personal web nav unit.... http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dc09b3127ccefc2d59aa256600000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/
  22. Will someone please quit putting in the order for this white stuff. It is flat out dumping again on us. Heavy wet snow. Noones satelite is working they are all snow packed (i have netflix and laptop so dont care), power lines are drooping quite nicely. Just sitting and waiting for the next tone out. We have had one call after another. I finished up with a semi loaded with cookies that rolled a little bit ago. As soon as this snow settles Ill have lots of cookies for sale.... aaah just kidding. Towing company gets to offload the cookies Then the School bus with 27 students rear ended. No major injuries YET thank God. that it stays calm the rest of the night.
  23. I have been offer a position in our fire department as Chief. I have many many years commited to the dept and feel like I am ready for it, but its a huge responsibility just the same. At least they gave me plenty of time to think it over. I was asked Monday, meeting is Wednesday I already have my business, I'm a board member for our 911 emergency services, member of the community betterment association, do all the presentations from the fire dept to daycares and home schooled children, have 4 children and a wife and now they want me to be Chief But other then that I dont have much going on so I am considering it.
  24. Think I might have the Whine/Chirp ..... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtYxINUdEBo]YouTube - 3 headlights[/ame]
  25. Well at MD , I noticed that my pillow top seat was ripping at the seams . Within the pleats where the naugahyde was vulcanized . Scoot is just over 3 years old now with almost 52K miles on it . It's not a tear , rip , or normal wear and tear , just coming apart . I went to my dealer today to show them the seat . Service manager said that Yamaha would more than likely not cover it . Well I said to him , just call the rep and tell them to just call me direct to tell me that if they are not going to cover the seat . I told him also to tell the rep to be prepared to receive numerous e-mails from VR.Org if the seat will not be replaced also . 2 hours later , I got the call from the service manager that I will have a new seat with 2-7 days . So thanks to all of you VR.Org members in advance for standing behind me . Man , can I BS !! :rotf: BEER30
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