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Found 13 results

  1. Posting pictures of the Tattoo that Jason who's proud Mom and Dad are Beer 24/7 and Beer30 did Sunday evening. He added the Dragon onto the already present Tat of the heart and rose. He did an AWESOME job, he has a wonderful gift. I couldn't be happier with it. Thanks Jason.
  2. rod

    Heart attack

    Rose had a heart attack yesterday afternoon. They cleared a clot and she is doing well. Rod
  3. Incredible is all I can say. We rode 550 from Durango to Montrose and passed through Silverton and Ouray with a side trip to Telluride. For me this ride ranks right up there with the "Going to the Sun" road in Glacier, maybe better. The elevation rose to a little over 11,000 feet. Everyone needs to go over this road at least once. I've placed some of the day's photos on my web site and they can be seen at www.traynorphoto.com/day7 Dennis
  4. This thing or I are wanky. I think I read the instructions correctly to calibrate it. I turned all the screws counterclockwise until they stopped and then turn clockwise to even them all out. All looked good until I plugged each hose into each port on the bike. At 1k, #3 rose to the top (prolly some came through). Then a little later all four did the same thing. All the restricters are int he hoses and at the carb boot end. Tell me what I have done wrong here?
  5. My new store, Premiere Pets, that is. I just paid the 1st month's lease and utilities without using my (er, Wayne's $)! http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz162/SunnyblueVR/feeling%20happy/dancing-is.gif Now to work on filling the rest of the shelves! Brandy Krome Rose
  6. If you have read any of the posts about Vogel, you might have read about the 2 older ladies that were given rides by Wingman (Jamie) and B2Dad. Here is a post from her grandaughter, it was located in the picture forum, so I thought it would be seen more posted here...... [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/member.php?u=8233]VentureRider.Org[/ame] Member Join Date: Aug 2009 Thank You! I would like to thank everyone who was at Vogel State Park this past weekend. You made my grandmother's (Frances) and great aunt's (Rose Anne) day! you were all very attentive when "Ganny" passed out and me and my father greatly appreciate it! I would like all of those who met her and, most importantly, gave her a ride on a motorcycle that she is doing fine and that they could find nothing wrong with her. We think she just got to hot. I would also like you all to know that you've created a monster!! lol. Thank you all again, and we hope to see the group at the next meet & eat! Knowing how much Ganny and Rose Anne love to ride, I'm sure we'll be there! Last edited by Brandi; Today at 04:02 PM. Reason: Wasn't finished =)
  7. Dano

    Home safe

    Just to let ya'll know we made it home safe and sound. Gonna get in and eat some dinner, be back later. Thanks to everyone for a GREAT weekend! Dan & Rose
  8. Well today we went to the Carolina Motorcycle Rally in Jacksonville, NC and well let me backtrack a bit. Everyone needs to know when to keep their mouths shut, me well I guess I haven't learned that lesson yet. Well maybe I did today. Earlier this week KR asked me if she could buy some more pin stripe decals for her Volusia. I said that I thought it was GAUDY enough already............Yeah I know, not too bright, but I wasn't feeling too good at the time and it just jumped right on out there. Back to the story. Today at the Motorcycle Rally we just happened to park right smack dab in front of a Custom Pin Striping booth. Man what luck. Long story short, Krome Rose now has a REAL Pin Striping job done on her bike. As much as I like to complain, it looks pretty darn good for the price. She asked me on the way home "How's your money look on my bike" again Lesson Learned!! I'm posting the pics, everything on the bike except the Krome Rose and Roses on the rear fender was done today for, are you ready for this? Drum Roll Please. $115.00 I guess I got away cheap for that slip of the mouth. I have a recording of her saying she was never getting rid of the bike and was FINISHED putting accessories on it. If I could only be for certain. The guy did the rose on the take on his own. She/We didn't ask for it, he just did it. The Pic of Krome Rose is when she saw the Rose on the tank the first time. It was worth the money to see her so happy.
  9. On mother's day yesterday we had a little meet and eat. Didn't think too many folks would be able to come since it was mother's day. So we had Painterman (David) his wife Laura, Salty Dawg (Wayne) Krome Rose (Brandy) Riderduke (David) and his daughter Courtney Muffinman and myself. Not a huge turnout but we had fun. This time Courtney and Laura were willing to go on the train with me. Nobody ever wants to play on the train. Anyway here's the few pics I took yesterday. 1st pic is the back of Krome Rose and the front of Painterman & Laura. 2nd pic you can see the front of Krome Rose and Salty and part of muffinman get in the act. 5th pic is Courtney discovering the IPhone and it's apps 7 - 9 Courtney, Laura, Me on the train. Then it's time for ice cream. And before they think we're gonna move in at the place we head out to the bikes for a bit and eventually we leave. Oh for those who don't know what riderduke looks like he's the 2nd ice cream pic. Think I covered everyone. Margaret
  10. By now I am sure that everyone has heard on the news about the "FIRE" this past weekend that started in Sylmar, CA. We are all okay and the dogs are okay. We (5/6 staff members) came in around 1:30 AM Saturday morning and evacuated 69 dogs around 2:30 AM. We loaded up 6 vans with dogs in crates, on tie-downs (and a couple riding in the passenger seats..smile) and went to the Wal-Mart Shopping center in Santa Clarita, CA (which is about 9-10 miles north of the center through the Newhall Pass). The air was clear and we were able to walk, water and exercise the dogs. Around 7:00 AM, local puppy raisers started arriving to help with the walking of the dogs. Around 9:00 AM we decided to see if we could place the dogs in puppy raiser homes locally (throughout the Los Angeles greater area) so our Puppy Manager who was home sick in bed got up and started calling people. We arranged to meet at the Rose Bowl to place the dogs. To get there, we had to drive through Santa Clarita the back way up through Palmdale, CA out the 138 highway to the I-15, south to the I-210 back to the Rose Bowl. So, to get to what would have been a 45 minute drive to the Rose Bowl, turned into about a 2 ½ hour drive. When we got to the Rose Bowl, there was over 90 puppy raisers there to take dogs. By that time we had about 47 dogs left to place as the Santa Clarita group took 12. I can't believe how fast the puppy raisers mobilized and came to our aid. What HEROs. Anyway, the kennels, dorm and admin building received no damage other than ash accumulation and the smell of smoke. To give you an idea of how close the fires were, the Mobile Home Park that burned to the ground is about 1.25 miles from the school to the west, the hospital that was evacuated and lost some outbuildings is about ½ mile north of the school. At some points burning tree limbs were flying past staff members as we loaded dogs. The winds exceeded 70 miles per hour. I must say it was an "exciting" time. At any rate, we are all safe and appreciate the help from everyone. Chuck Jordan Director of Programs Guide Dogs of America cjordan@GuideDogsofAmerica.org (818) 833-6453 Direct line & FAX
  11. I would like to send out a huge thank you to Rod. I’m glad that you were able to take the time and show me some of the country around San Diego. I really enjoyed the ride and meeting Blackjack. I also want to thank Rose. Together they made this old sailor feel quite welcome. Oh yes, thanks to Rod I know what I will be replacing my 1st gen. with, someday. (soon?)
  12. Pics from the Dessert First M&E. Apparantly there is a rose garden.
  13. We patrol the camp about three times a day. This evening at 6:00 pm I turned into the access road and could see a vehicle parked beside the same rose bush that was stole last time. As I drove closer I noticed a woman standing on our road bank. When I got up next to her car she was getting back inside as I drove by I noticed fresh dirt where a rose had been. I done an immediate U-turn and pulled in front of her car and blocked her in. I confronted her and ask her why she just stole my rose bush? She flatly denied stealing it so I took her licensee plate number and told her you got 5 minutes to put it back or I will report this incident. I'll be back in 5 minutes to check it out. I drove the mile home and called MamaMo. She couldn't wait to get home and open up a big can of whoop #!@ on her. When I drove back down the woman was watching from a distance to see if I would return. Sure enough the rose bush was back where it was. Moral of the story is buy your wife a rose once in a while she might leave your neighbors alone. This is a neighbor who drives by every day. Get this she even called me one night to tell me someone may have broken into my camp and just thought I should know. I hope MamaMo is in a better mood when she gets home. I would hate to think I'm leaving for the beach in a week and she is in jail. What would I do with out her at the beach? Fish,Ride the bike, Check out the ladies on the beach! Hmmmmmm?:think:
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