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  1. I went to Fin, Fur and feather yesterday to get a couple new rods and reels to replace our older rods we use for crappie fishing. I guess I should have looked at the prices - 3 reels, 2 rods and tax = $298.00 OUCH ! I had a little cash left so I went upstairs to look at the Kimbers knowing they wouldn't have anything that would fit like my Glock. First I looked at and held the Solo, I know it's not fair but it reminded me of the KelTec I have. Then I asked what other options were available in 9MM. The clerk brought out an Ultra CDP 11, that's when it happened - I was totally smitten I started breathing heavy, broke out in a light sweat and when I could talk again I asked if he had one in a box. No was his response and he just stood there - After a short (very short) awkward moment, I told him to put it in a box before somebody else saw it. :mo money: In line at the cash register a guy looked at me and said - your first Kimber ? I replied yes and he his offered congratulations saying "you'll like it " Bottom line - Don't go to a well stocked sporting goods store without your wife !
  2. Hey guys. I asked these questions on the Sportster.org forum, but got no responses. Maybe because my avatar is the same one I use here (VMAX). I hope that's not the case. I also went to our area Harley dealer today and spoke to the service dept. He really tried to assist me, but could not offer any measurements either. At least he tried. Now, any of you Sportster owners who can take some measurements for me or answer some of my questions will go straight to #1 on my list. So, below is what I posted on Sportster.org. "O.k. Maybe I was asking the wrong question, or in the wrong way, in my previous post. So, I think I am barking up the right tree this time. Please bear with me on this. My 2003 883R was lowered by the previous owner, but I don’t like the loss of travel and the stiffness. I want a better ride and to return the sporty-ness of my Sportster. I think it was lowered with Progressive springs. Looks like the stock damper rods were probably replaced with shorter ones (from a Hugger maybe?). Now I need stock damper rods (and maybe fork tubes) to install because I want to return the forks to stock height. I have a couple of questions: On the 883R bikes, what is the stock distance between the bottom of the lower triple tree fork clamp and the top of the chrome dust cover ring on the forks? Right now, with my bike in lowered style, that distance is only 3 1/2 inches. Looking at other Sportsters, I think that maybe should be about 5.5 inches or more, but I don’t have any Sportsters near me to measure. So I need some help please. Also, what length are the stock damper rods, top to tip (and if you know, the length of the shock tubes also) of a 2003 883R? And, can anyone offer a source for the stock damper rods? Or, does anyone have any that they have taken out when lowering their bike and they want to part with them? Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks a mucho gazillion!" Rusty
  3. I got my hands on one of those carb synch tools with 4 gauages.. it came for a bunch of brass rods, with a threaded end with rubber o-ring and the other of the rod is a small hole.. They call these 'adapters' but doesn't say how they were to be used? The kit comes with the 4 rubber hoses and 4 valves used for restricting the air to smooth out the needles.. But are the rods for? Curious.. Cheers
  4. I just finished synching the carbs on my '09 RSTD. It only has 400 or so miles on it. I wanted to do it to learn as well as the fact that people on the board stated that it can be off from the factory. I used the Carbtune to do it. Unfortunately I bought it from a place in California before I noticed some posts about buying it from the manufacturer to take advantage of the exchange rate. Just goes to show what a wealth of knowledge the board is and maybe post a question before making a purchase. In any case I want to thank Freebird for posting the instructions and pics on how to do this. For those that are reticent about doing something like this don't be it is so simple it is not even funny. A pox and shake of the fist to the dealers that charge $85 for this. If the Stealers were smart they would give away something like this to get you into the store to buy more farkle. Literally the hardest part of this job was getting the hose off because it was kind of stuck and it is hard to get your fingers in the small space to get a good grip. I ended up using a screwdriver blade to push the end of the hose while pulling at the same time. I think i will put a dab of boy butter (silicone grease) on the nipples to make it easier next time. The other hard part was figuring out exactly where to put the Carbtune. I have my bike in a wheel chock to keep it upright so the handle bars are straight putting near the grips made it too far away for the hoses to reach the opposite side. I happened to have the seat off so I put it in that area. I was also worried about the hoses melting if they contact the pipes but that did not seem to be an issue. Another thing about the Carbtune, at least the one I have, is that one of the rods will stick if it is not mostly vertical. That is an important check the rods will bounce when the engine is running so make sure all 4 are bouncing. I ended not taking a before shot because I am bad like that. But I did get an after. The pairs were close to each other but the sides were off a bit. Get knee pads when you do this to save your knees. The first thing I did was get my long screw driver to make sure I could reach the screws. Even though I knew where to look it was kind of hard to pick them out at first. The one that does the one side to the other was like trying to find Waldo. Anyway here is an after pic. Thanks to the guys that post info to make things like this easy to figure out. David.
  5. Went to the Neurosurgeon today to find out the results of the tests that was done. Need more surgery due to the degenerative bone disease and now scoliosis. He has to take out the screws and rods that's in my back now and replace them with longer rods, new screws, and spacers. Has to go up 3 more vertebra. 6 hour operation and 4-7 days in Hospital. Have to check Abigail's school schedule and make arrangements for someone to take care of her and get her to school for up to 7 days. Just hope it helps as good as it did in 2005, lost weight, felt great, and got around real good for 2 years.
  6. I'm at my wits end. I haven't rode my 89 VR since last summer and yesterday went to sync the carbs after changing the plugs. I hooked up my Cartune II up and it read very low readings. I attempted to adjust carb #1 to #2 and got not reading. I need to know which way to turn the adjustment screw to at least close the throttle plate. I only attempted to adjust the one carb and couldn't so I quit before I screwed it up anymore The bike wont hold a constant idle, it goes up and down and when you rev up the engine it settles back down slowly. I did tighten up the clamps on the carb boots. I haven't tried spraying starting fluid to see if there is a vacuum leak. Any suggestions will be appreciated as I had to walk away before I got more frustrated. I did have stabilizer in the tank. One note is that I can feel the vacuum pulsing in the Carbtune lines and when I take out the restricters the rods bounce all over the place. I also cleaned the Carbtune rods as per the instuctions and it worked when I put vacuum to it with my Mitymite. Help please. Dave
  7. Guest

    alumaloy welding?

    Has anyone tried using Alumaloy welding rods? I have been thinking of trying these, but I'd like to hear from some members who have some experience with using a propane torch and these rods to do some small aluminum fabrication. I wont be building a bike frame or anything like that! I'd like to build a small rack for the hitch on my bike, and I'm wondering if just using standard fasteners might be the better option. I'm curious, its new to me, so if anyone has any input...I'm all ears!
  8. I had posted this prior to the crash and thought it might be helpful to anyone owning a Carbtune so here it goes again; I've owned a Morgan Carbtune for a couple of years now and used it quite a few times with no problem, until today. I could not get consistent readings, the rods would rise and fall with changes in throttle settings but two rods would not change their positions at idle in response to adjusting the balancing screws. In other words, when I turned the adjusting screws only one rod on each bank would rise or fall, the other rod would just stay fixed, making proper balancing impossible. I removed the Carbtune, took it over to my workbench and removed the bottom cover, opposite the hoses, I removed the rods one at a time, polished the rods with a cotton cloth, I then inserted a Q-tip into each of the brass rod bushings, a surprising amount of black residue came out of each rod bushing. I reassembled the Carbtune, hooked it back to the bike and tried it again, this time all the rods moved smoothly and I was able to sync the carbs. From now on I'm going to make cleaning my Carbtune a first step in syncing my carbs, it only takes about 10 minutes and guarantees a correctly operating piece of equipment.
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