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  1. I finally finished installing all the crankcase covers. The dealer ordered the wrong gaskets. I don't understand how, when they have a picture right in front of them, and I pointed out the gaskets I needed. I topped off the fluids and went for a ride. The Temp gauge wouldn't quit climbing. Well, long story short, Rocket to the rescue. I now know there is a by-pass valve to assist in bleeding off any air in the system. I will continue to monitor this with short rides until there is overheating issues. Thanks Rocket! :happy34:
  2. Had our home a/c serviced yesterday and was told the price of freon was gonna ski rocket next year. Anyone in this line of work have any insight.
  3. One of my girlfriends is wanting her 1st bike....she's never taken a safety course, she says she will but I am not sure she will. She's got in her head she wants a crotch rocket, something about a 650 or larger. She's headstrong about things and when her mind's set she'll do it even if it's going to hurt her. I'm trying to convince her to get a Vstar 650 or the like as a 1st bike, what am I to do? Her Dad rides as well but he has a crotch rocket and has many yrs of experience with riding. HELP!
  4. bottom line is be carefull out there. Today i was in my work van( e250) and I ran a rider on a crotch rocket off the road. Never seen him untill I was already in his lane. Since I ride I tend to look and still never seen him till it was too late. I was traveling in the right lane running 50 mph in a 45when I needed to change to the left as that lane turns into a right turn only at the next light. I looked , seen nothing and changed lanes and thats when I heard his horn. I pulled back into right lane as quick as possible . The only glimps I seen of this guy was that he was on one wheel as he was trying to go by me. The rear wheel at 65 plus according to him. After he cussed me and informed me that I should have seen his hid headlight he recently installed I informed him its kinda hard to see a headlight when its pointed at the sky. He finally admitted to me he was playing and doing a wheely at that speed . I finally got him to calm down after I did say that he must be a hell of a rider as I have no idea how he got it back down on 2 wheels , put it in the gravel edge of the road and managed to keep it up. We parted ways shaking hands and both agreeing to be a little more carefull. In the end no one was hurt and no damage to either vehicle lbut damn that scared us both as that truck weighs 6000 lbs empty and who knows what could have happend. be safe out there weather in a cage or on your bike. Later all David
  5. You can find a little British humor on the You Tube video of the manufacture of a Triumph Rocket III. I don't know how to post it on here to save you time but if you need a chuckle then check it out. Also shows some pretty good riding.
  6. Was just poking around looking at pics of 2012 Rocket IIIs .... and boy those saddlebags look familiar ... seems I've seen the almost identical ones on 1999 - 2012 RSVs. ???? Could it be that Triumph is made of parts from other bikes? [ATTACH]64796[/ATTACH]
  7. Have not heard a thing from Rocket since Cody... has he gone AWOL? Anyone heard from him?
  8. Well Rocket (Paul) and Grump (Rod) were able to get off this morning. I find myself thankful that they did have an extended stay and in that I must thank the crappy weather. I would match Grump's story telling against any comer... the guy can talk! Rocket has his hands full. Rocket is saying he wants this to be a trip of a life time and I hope he finds plenty of joy and has more than his expectations filled. It is a honor to be among his friends, and I am certainly going to miss his company and am so grateful that he found time to stop in and shower us with his presence. I believe they will try to make it to Bozeman Montana today.
  9. Spoke with him on the phone this morning bout 8:00 a.m. he said he was in Post Falls Idaho and heading to Salmon today. He said he needed to get a prepaid phone card and would try to call from Missoula Montana. I figure it should be about four hours from Post Falls to Missoula...conservative speed, then three hours from Missoula to Salmon. It is now nearly 6p.m. here in Salmon and we have not heard a word from him. His tracker says he has not left Post Falls... needless to say we are a bit concerned. If you have heard from Rocket, please give us a shout. Thanks, Erv
  10. Well this has been trashed over many times I have a list off seals and O rings but I know there is a thread for all the part numbers for my 1983 Venture second gear as I have a complete Vmax trans to replace the old one .I have had the talk with Rocket but I don't want to bug him as he in the mids of a big move . So, if anyone knows the thread it would be appreciated, Michael R in Calgary. Hay Brian F. your FB is Great!.
  11. :guitarist 2:I'm moving to a new house, been in the garage to get it ready to go. I found 2 engine panels Venture 12-13 1983-86.and will sell for what i can get for them .all th nubs are there no cracks, Burgundy. these are of the donor bike I gave Rocket, let the emails begin . Note I will be silent @Nov.12-15. then I should have the system back up..Mike R..
  12. Get a Crotch rocket or anything the resembles a crotch rocket you'll have one of these follow you allthe way and even park in front of me at a rest area
  13. Hey Folks, we're looking at a possible Group Buy for state-of-the Art Regulators/Rectifiers - Shindengen FA 012. At the Moment, we need someone who is willing to handle the Contact with the Seller and get Things arranged. Every Bike could use this new Unit, as a recommended Upgrade, when the a excellent Charging Systems is in Order, like heated Clothing, intense Loads like running Lights or just because the Stock Units failed. Here's the Plot ... [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=37971]has anyone explored alternative voltage regulator... - VentureRider.Org[/ame] The List for interested Buyers so far. Danob11 -2x Squeeze - 5x Rocket - 1x ozlander - 1x timgray - 1x barend - 1x mbrood - 2x Props - 1x Enjay - 1x Snaggletooth - 1x capt'n eddie - 1x Iowa Guy - 1x safetyguy -1x nyjerry -1x thom440 -1x Condor -2x Camos -1x kbert777 -1x Smitty161 -1x Marcarl -5x Bongobobny -1x MikeC -2x dthomso1 -1x 83VR3711 -1x friesmann1 -1x uncledj -1x Wizard765 -1x gscbetrand -1x cimmer -2x Saddle_Bag -1x hlange -1x
  14. Black Owl


    Can anyone say bendover.... Just ordered a set of fork seals for the Viagra. $114.00 Now if I can just talk Rocket into coming down to put them in for me.... and the
  15. thanks to Don and Rocket my class computer is working great. Don pointed me to the 1st. gen tech forum. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=493 Rocket, Paul if i remember right, actually called me and told me how to operate the thing. I had requested that info and He made the call within a few minutes of my post. This is definately an "Above and Beyond" group of folks. Rocket also told me that it may take more than one try at "the fix" to get it right, He was right. and, I think the trace was bad on the board because i wound up putting a couple of jumpers on the board to get it to work.. Thanks again:bowdown: Now if i could just get the blinkers and cruise to work.
  16. doesn't need to be rebuilt, i just bought the kit. The one i had needed the screws drilled out, as the heads were broken off. I snapped a drill bit off in the hole it's leaking with only one screw, so i was hoping someone might have one for cheap they would be willing to part with? last thing i need to get on the road Edit: Rocket called me and reminded me that it might be useful for you guys to know WHICH one i need! i need the brake master for the front, for a MK 2 (Electric AntidiveThanks Rocket! (i'm sorry, i don't know your first name I feel bad since you know mine!)
  17. FROG MAN


    I was just reminising about my high school days and my first street bike. A Triumph 750 bonneville. Triumphs not everyones cup of tea but I was just wondering?Have you ever test drove a Rocket III ? I'm not asking if you would own one just how did 10 minutes behind the throttle feel?
  18. Looking at one of these for my FJ Cruiser and just wondering if it might be made to work and fit in the cassette hole on a 2nd gen? Does the RSV have an ODB II port? I saw where they use these on the Triumph Rocket, I guess it has the ODB port, or maybe an interface cable could be made? http://www.scangauge.com/ http://www.scangauge.com/assets/graphics/IMG_2009_withdims.jpg
  19. What a great ride, crisp fall air, the harvest smells in the air, beautiful sunset and a nice (too short) chat with Rocket who brought my t-shirt back from Cody after I had to drop out. Thanks Rocket for doing that. Nothing like a 500 km ride in the fall evening to remind me how much I love this bike!!
  20. I would like to know the members that have served and are nowserving, there ranks ( if thats how you say it) and what they did and are presently doing here(US and Canada) and over there (where ever that may be) Hey Rocket! you must be in Telecommunications You are always calling me
  21. Well finally got the Batwing fairing installed on the V Star, it only took a few hours to do, but it took, a door fabricator, a substitute school teacher, a Fed Ex driver and a rocket scientist.......so wasnt to tough............and we also rewired this weird looking trailer so the rocket scientist could get it home from here. New pics added, removed the fairing to adjust the brackets and paint, fairing is now reinstalled with everything,w/s, lowers, and fork lowers...........Its finished.........:dancefool: I guess I can call it Midnite now................
  22. Yesterday while on duty I clocked a guy on a victory vision going 74 mph while he was in a 35 mph zone. After I stopped him he said he was on the way to the hospital to see his wife. I'm not going to say weather or not I gave him a ticket:rasberry:, but I really think he was showing off for the guy on the crotch rocket he blew by!
  23. This last weekend Moto 400 (Dawsonville GA) sponsored the Triumph factory Demo Rides. I went there Sunday and rode three of the bikes: the Rocket III Touring, the Scrambler, and the Tiger. I somewhat enjoyed the Scrambler, really enjoyed the Tiger, and was overwhelmingly impressed with the Rocket III! That is one incredibly smooth, incredibly powerful machine; it has great throttle in all gears and, for a heavy bike (almost 800 lbs), was surprisingly easy to handle. 86er also rode this bike, so he will hopefully chime in and offer his opinion! For any of you that live anywhere near this dealer, they are having Star demo rides on all models this weekend. It might be a good time to try the Raider on for size... Terry
  24. Has anyone else read this article? It just doesn't make any sense why they didn't include the Venture as one of the test subjects. They compared the H-D Ultra, Victory Vision, Honda Goldwing and last and certainly least the Triumph Rocket III. The first 3 make sense, all touring bikes. But why the Rocket? It is a cruiser with hard bags. It obviously didn't make the grade as a tour bike, so why forget the Venture. The ranking came down as follows: 1. Wing, 2. Vision, 3. Ultra, 4. Rocket III. Having riden the Vision & the Ultra, I think the Venture would have given the Wing a run for the money. I will be sending Motorcyclist an e-mail voicing my dismay of their mistake at overlooking the Venture. mcmail@sourceinterlink.com
  25. Who the heck are you and why do I not know who you are? A bud on a crotch rocket thought it was me until he saw those silly square saddle bags.
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