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  1. First off, I'm sorry for the novel. I'll try to stay on point so nobody has to read my rambling. I get tingly fingers in my right hand when I ride. I'll start by explaining my position when riding. I have all original equipment on my 06 RSTD as far as handlebars and grips are concerned. I have a Throttle Rocker installed. When I ride, my arms have a VERY slight bend at the elbow. I do have a driver backrest but I don't feel I use it to it's full potential because I feel like I have to stretch to reach the handlebars. Here's what I've done... I just ordered a set of Flanders bars (yes, I ordered the correct one for the RSTD) and also Kuryakyn ISO grips with Kuryakyn Bullet End Weights. My thinking is that I am experiencing problems from stretching too far to reach the bars which is why I ordered the Flanders bars. I figured the ISO grips would be a little nicer on the hands than the narrower, stock grips. The end weights I ordered mainly because I don't have the tools (or the machanical ability) to fabricate my stock ends to work with both the ISO grips and the Flanders bars (although I know there are some that have done it with no issues). I haven't installed any of this stuff yet but I'll certainly let everone know when I do. This is where I get concerned... Tonight I rode about 60 miles after work (it's a nice day in Mid-West Wisconsin so I thought a little trip around the block was called for) SORRY... STARTING TO RAMBLE!! Back on point - as I was riding a thought crossed my mind. What if it's my Throttle Rocker that is causing my problems? Has anyone else ever had problems with the Throttle Rocker? I'm interested in everyones feedback on that and also any input you may have to reassure me that changing out my handlebars and grips is worth doing and something a mildly mechanical person like myself can accomplish. **Note - I did plan to just relocate the cables with the new bars. I didn't purchase the SS upgrade.** I read A LOT of posts about the bars and I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... Please provide any feedback you think my help/reassure me. Thanks all, Les
  2. OK, I am really confused on this. My new bike has the extra lights which are set in chrome all over the back of the rig and a simple switch to turn them on and off, which works fine. I was replacing it with a rocker switch that has an LED (so it now needs it's own ground). When I flip the switch the on/off functionality of the switch works fine but the LED only goes on for a brief moment before the switch engages (basically just flashes on then back off). Any thoughts on why this LED wouldn't work. For the supply I am using a blue wire that comes from the fuse box. The load is the one I am assuming goes to the lights. I ran a ground wire right to the negative terminal of the batter, do I need a different ground point? I also went and got another identical switch in case there was something wrong with the rocker I bought first. Thanks!
  3. So, it's Saturday, it's raining/snowing, I have nothing to do. Have my fairing split to install an extension to the Aux Audio line coz I removed the cassette and I was thinking about auxilliary power switches for things like driving lamps or whatever. Remembered seeing others with those chrome 3 switch boxes on top of the front brake reservoir (I like those) and also remembered the nice rocker switches below the gauges on the Harley Ultra so, I started fabricating and came up with the following.... First pic is the Factory "bare bones" cruise switch. Second 2 pics are the completed result. Rest of the pics are in order of build process. I had some flat 1/8 thick (appx) 2" wide aluminum that I'd used for something or another. I cut a piece 6" long. Used a cardboard template to determine the appx cutout below the cruise switch. Made the cut and then realized I needed tabs to mount it. Was going to use some angle brackets but decided it would be easier and cleaner to bend the existing aluminum so I had to re-cut (hence the "fixed up" pic). Also realized that the original size (using angle brackets) would hit somewhere near the ignition switch when the wheel was turned to pin. Made the bend and checked for positioning. Cut the holes for the switches ( appx 5/8 by 1 & 1/8 based on the rocker switch I used). I drilled a hole big enuf to get a jigsaw blade in and then cut to appx size with that...then used a file to finish off, checking often to get it just right so that the switch would pop in (forgot to take pics of the switches but I used the kind that have little "pressure tangs" on the back) I drilled 4 holes for mounting screws and used some short sheet metal screws and screwed them right into the plastic. I drilled small pilot holes first. After all the cutting, filing, and checking for fit was done, I smoothed all the edges, roughed up the surfaces, cleaned it with thinners and painted the bracket with a "textured metallic" paint (black of course). I toyed with the idea of smoothing and polishing the aluminum but I felt it would not blend with the overall look. Rocker switches mounted....not yet connected to anything but hey... one day they will be!
  4. Is there any way to adjust the throttle tension? I don't know if it's gotten dirt in the cable or if something else is happening but it is getting worse. I've got a throttle rocker on it, but its getting so hard to turn it's not much help. Thanks.
  5. Looking through this month's Motorcycle Cruiser and there was an article comparing the H-D Rocker with Yammies new Raider. Both sweeeeeeet looking rides, streeeeetched out and custom looking. On pg 40 there was a few pictures detailing how the passenger "seat" (pad, slab ???) slides out from the back of the seat on the Rocker. If you haven't seen it, take a peek next time your in the corner store. It is unbelievable, looks dangerous as hell. So I took it in to the mrs and asked her what she thought about cruising around on that? "Not in this %&*@#$ lifetime" she says! I think I've spoiled her.
  6. I am looking for the original THROTTLE ROCKER, it appears that it was discontinued and replace by THROTTLE ROCKER II with the Velcro strip. I was hopping some one my have NOS of it. I rather have the Throttle Rocker than the Cramp Buster, I think it is more ergonomically correct.
  7. Interesting Comparation In Stock Chopper Class http://www.motorcycle.com/shoot-outs/mainstream-chopper-shootout-69801.html Once Again winner is Raider
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