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  1. Well had our meeting at work and it was not good.With all the BS that has been going on at work and communication between Canada and US offices about runs and no good out come I guess I am totally out of work now. I am getting unemployment for now unless they decide to stop it. I will file for SS on Monday and hope for the best till I reach 62 in February. In the mean time I will have to sell off a few things so my ride will be listed again in the classifieds at a rock bottom price of $7000 :bawling:if sold by next due date of Dec 22nd. There is a lien on title but rest assured it will be paid off at time of sale and pay off letter issued may take a few days tho. I'm no way a scam artist so not to worry this is not a scam. Joe
  2. Took a 60 mi. out and back ride this afternoon. Heading out I was passed in op direction by a dual sport bike ( BMW I think ) and he had some kind of a rig sticking up on his back seat, with a bicycle mounted on it. ( Rear tire sticking up above his helmet ) Ok, I'm heading back home, and near the same location the same guy passed me going the other direction. Hmmmm A Motorcycle with a Bicycle mounted on the passenger seat. ????? At this point, I'm not sure if I really saw, what I saw ??? :confused24: And, I stopped at the top of Snoqualime Pass on I-90, to make a pit stop and get something to drink. I'm standing there talking on the Ham radio to a friend in Calif. , and a nice old gentlemen pulled in with Alberta Plates. He comes over with a map and wanted to know the exact loaction ? Fine, I marked his map for him, then he says, that about 2 miles up the road his car was hit by a large rock. ( They have been blasting the Mt Side there for several years to widen I-90 ) Anyway go over to look at damage, and his Right side Rear View, Mirror is completly " GONE " . Nothing left but the gasket, and Wire connector !!! Not another Scratch on the Car !!! Mirror, completly gone!! I'm thinking a rock about the size of a baseball must have come down off the Blasting area, and hit his car. ( Road is closed during blasting of course ) Must have been a Delayed Rock Fall !! :confused24: The blasting here has been going on for about 3 years now, takeing down a good section of the Mt. Side to widen I-90. He said it sounded like a shot gun went off inside his car !!!
  3. First a thanks to Orlin and family for a great week end. My 180 Mile return trip ended up taking 7.5 hours thanks to a jackass in a P/U that took out my bike and the car behind me. My poor bike is now held together with Gorilla tape, and bungee cords. Just before Madison on 14 a P/U had a rock about the size of a softball roll out of the bed and come bouncing down the road. I swerved hard right and thankfully I was able to keep on the road, but the rock just caught the left saddle bag breaking the lid, the lid and the rock then flew up in the air and both hit the windshield of the car behind me. The rock ended up going thru the windshield and ended up in the empty passenger seat of the car. Other than some very rattled nerves there are no injuries. Both of us were very lucky. I had to sit at a McDonalds and eat ice cream till I calmed down enough to ride home. Had I not swerved hard I would have caught that rock square in the front. Seeing what it did to the car, I am sure it would have come right thru the plastic front end of the bike. I did not even know the bike and trailer and could even make a move like that. I guess the practice drills at swerving that I do in a parking lot are worth the effort. Oh and of course the P/U never stopped. I am now in the market for a left saddle bag lid for a 1st gen MKII. Preferably the metallic Maroon to match my 88. I have not inspected the bottom half for damage yet.
  4. Saw Bob Segar and the Silver Bullet Band last night. A solid 3 hour concert. Man, cant believe that hes now 66 yrs old and the first time I saw him was in Commack NY in 1977. But he still performed great and didnt miss a beat. Too bad ticket prices werent the same as they were in 1977. And it was funny seeing all the old geezers try and rock out to his music. Back then we were passing funny lit things and small pink pills. Now we were all vying for the handicapped parking spot. Man, passing the beach ball is now outlawed too.
  5. I went for a nice long ride today. Had to go to Bancroft and it wasn't supposed to rain so I figured I'd take the bike. I jumped on the 84 ...(Class is still not fixed on the 88) but only after putting on about 6 layers of clothing including the rain suit Then I headed out for my 2 1/2 hour ride in overcast and 6 *C about 9:00 am It was a cool but nice ride. After I took care of neccessary business I rode home about 3:30 in bright sunlight (still only about 12*C or( 54*F) But the leaves were amazing. I rode past some large rock faces, many many lakes, and it was nearly all nice winding (some twisty) country roads. I took about 15 pics (I know the rules) but now I cant' find the cable to connnect my phone to the PC I"ll try again tomorrow afternoon.
  6. I changed the clutch basket and now the clutch lever will not depress, it's hard as a rock. Anyone else have this and what should I do.
  7. This is fun...check it out. http://dalesdesigns.net/rock-on.htm
  8. If you can go to the calendar and can add what rides (rock city, ice cream run, train ride etc.) to your name ,it would be a big help...also if you plan to go to the hearth on Saturday for lunch...now ,if you are going on the rock city ride you wont be there for the hearth lunch... thanks for taking the time to do this......It make things easier for those planning the rides and to make sure we have enough for the group rates....
  9. Just a Sportster, bike for around town, a bit of commuting and short solo rides. Kept the Venture!! I'm going to have to do something about that rock hard stock seat though.
  10. All RSTD owners if you have an RSTD with a trunk mounted could you please post pic's so I can get some Idea's. Need to see as many shot's as I can to get the best Idea's. Thanks so much all the members on this site ROCK. Star4772
  11. I got a chance to take a couple of days off and make a four day weekend trip with my Wife's blessing. A couple of buddies and I rode from Atlanta to Cleveland to the Rock and Roll hall of Fame. We took I 75 and I 71 up but on the way back rode I 77 through Ohio, West Virginia and Virginia; what a beautiful ride. Those of you who live in that part of the country sure have some fantastic scenery. I also stopped at an 1890 farm house museum and took a couple of pictures of the Venture. I don't comment much on the site but I do read almost daily and just wanted to say when traveling it is nice to know there is such a support group available if you have trouble. Anyway just wanted to share a little of my ride with you. I'll attempt to upload some pictures. This is my first Venture, a 2006. I've owned it about a year and have put about 8K miles so far. I have a Golwing and have really enjoyed it but I have to say the Ventue is a Hoss and a true pleasure to ride.
  12. Here is a short video clip. Indiana has put down chip rock down on 135 south if 46 to around Jackson counthy line. Here is a link to our excitement of the day. [ame=http://vimeo.com/14147766]Indiana 135 South Chip Rock Ride Goes Down on Vimeo[/ame]
  13. I am going to Rock Springs this weekend and all are invited to ride if your free. I will be leaving Athens about 7 am traveling Hwy 31 to Waco. I will be in Corsicana about 740 and Waco about 900. I will be meeting my brother Rick "Goose" at the Cracker Barrel on IH 35 and the north loop. KSU at 1000 for the ride to Rock Springs. We will be doing back roads and taking our time and enjoying the wind in our face. Saturday we will ride the Three Sisters and anywhere else we want to go and Sunday we will head back home. If you want to go make sure and let me know so we don't leave anyone. I can also give you Hotel info if you need it. Right now I think we have four bikes ready to go but all are welcome. I am taking cards and dominoes. This is not a guys only trip. I know at least two couples will be riding two up. The New Mexico and Colorado Trip for July is still on and more details will be sent out soon. This will be the first road trip for the new Motor. Michael "Mavrick" Burton Director Blue Knights Texas XXI ltmdb1@suddenlink.net 903-681-5983
  14. My neighbor and I took a 300 mile ride today and purposely stopped at this memorial rock. The kid paints this rock every year in memory of our Vets. One portion of the rock does not get repainted as it actually has ashes from some veterans in the paint. If you ever travel across I-80 in Iowa - turn south on highway 25 west of Des Moines - and the rock is about a mile south of the interstate on the east side of the road.
  15. While at a Rally this past weekend, a HD owner cranked up his radio. Oh my does that radio Rock!!! Would replacing the speakers in mine help any? Craigr
  16. Saw this today on the Tail of the Dragon website. Does anyone know for sure that it is open? Last I knew it was going to be July before they got it cleared. Also, the hubby,sons and I are heading down there in June. Has anyone ridden "Devils Triangle" or the Cheohala Skyway and are they really nice roads with a lot of twistes? Thanks Deb ROCK SLIDE UPDATE April 16, 2010: The rock slide on US 129 is located between the Dragon and Happy Valley Road/Foothills Parkway. TDOT has announced in a press release that the 11 mile section known as the Tail of the Dragon will be open from 8 am to 8 pm beginning Monday April 12, 2010. The only access is from North Carolina US 129. THP announced that there will be zero tolerance for traffic violations, so I'd travel the Tail with extreme caution. Please obey the traffic laws and report any undue harassment to us. We will forward all complaints to the Tennessee and North Carolina senators and representatives who worked so hard to get the road open. We will continue to post the latest information here so keep in touch. All is going well at the Tail of the Dragon. Traffic is low, so it's a great time to enjoy the road without fear of semi trucks and large crowds.
  17. Guest

    One of my favorite videos...

    This might get yanked, but I feel like this is one of those songs that deserves to be heard. I'm not much of a Kid Rock fan, but he hit the nail on the head with this song. I'm pretty sure the song is PG, but if there's a slip in there don't blame me! It's a bit gloomy at the beginning but gets better... Enough babble, here's the vid. (There may be a 15 second Ad before it plays, be patient.) [nomedia] "]YouTube- Kid Rock - Amen [OFFICIAL VIDE[/nomedia]
  18. SC Star Touring chapters is having a Meet&Greet 3/27 in the Greenville area. I am looking for a one night (Saturday) motel stay for a few friends somewhere around Lake Lure, Chimney Rock, Bat Cave NC. (Prefere motel over cabin.) Bike friendly, reasonable cost,,,, and maybe a bar/grill in close walking distance. Any suggestions? Thanks, Mike G in SC
  19. Well some Rock star, reached into my truck at the local 7/11, and stole my just remapped and updated tom tom. Not worth calling the cops. So I know the Calgary druggies are going to have a little rock today. anyone else had a simple ripoff happen?
  20. YOU GUYS ROCK.....Thank You.... :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool:
  21. Now heres a real bright bulb........ Robber Loses Wallet, Asks Victim To Return It Man Asked Victim To Meet At Service Station POSTED: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 UPDATED: 3:44 pm EDT October 14, 2009 LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- Police said a would-be robber was in jail after losing his wallet during the attempted robbery then phoning the victim and asking for it to be returned. Little Rock police said the 23-year-old man was arrested on robbery charges Tuesday. Police said the man tried to rob a man at gunpoint at his home but fled and dropped his wallet then later called and told the man to return the wallet at a service station in North Little Rock. Little Rock police were interviewing the victim when the call came and notified North Little Rock police who found the suspect outside the service station and arrested him after a short foot chase. ___ Information from: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, http://www.arkansasonline.com Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
  22. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhuc954gpeg]YouTube - sportloader 2[/ame] i just figgerd out how to upload to you tube . you can see how heavy my 1st gen , it makes that f250 rock
  23. Gail on her 1100 Virago and I no my 83 std. went on a charity ride for Richmond county Hospice. A 55 mile ride through the country some up and down and twisties, we ended up at the Rockingham Speedway. We got to do 4 laps around the Little Rock, a 1/4 mile oval track that was a rush!!! that was worth the $10.00 per bike. One rider on his Harley had to push it and went off the track, broke his windshield turn signal and some road rash but OK lucky for him the track was surrounded by sand. Then we went to a restaurant for hot dogs with all the fixens and of course ice cream:cry:, was a great day yes it was. Gail had fun to but only did 2 laps around the track.
  24. Here is our latest! This is Heaven Hill a local Louisville band that is now getting national air play http://wwww.myspace.com/heavenhill We have been given the gig to make a production video for TV and I-Tunes on their hit single "Going Down". We are going to shoot it in the old school style in the vein of early Motely Crue or Van Halen Videos. Should be a fun project. The only downside is it will be shot the same weekend as Don's Maintenance Day, so I'll miss yet another. I am hoping with their success we get some visability with this one on a national level. Anyway, this was just a spur of the moment fun shoot we did at a Derby celebration in Louisville where they were celebrating having the #1 requested Rock song in Louisville. Let me know if you hearing it in your market if your into Rock music. [ame=http://www.vimeo.com/4567852]Heaven Hill Live - Derby Jam on Vimeo[/ame] This is a a High Def Video so you can watch it stream in full 720p full screen.
  25. SaltyDawg


    I'm not usually one to push band onto anyone but, KromeRose and I went to the Freedom Fest Bike Rally in Fayetteville NC Saturday the 4th. Originally we went to see Rebel Son a NC edgy Southern Rock (with the emphasis on Edgy) band. We also saw Confederate Railroad, but the first band that opened up impressed us the most. They were called Swampdawamp. What a name. I got to say though they were a great Southern Blues Rock band. They had great stage presence and really put on a heck of a show. We are going to see them again in Kinston NC on the 17th then on to Raliegh the next weekend to see Kid Rock, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Black Stone Cherry. Check them out, they could be the next best thing in Southern Rock. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dmyMQiNsC0]YouTube - "Dance"[/ame]
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