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  1. Got a lot going on and thinking of Dropping both the 08 Venture Royale and the Roadstar Midnight. Or at least the Venture for a FJR 1300 2013 ES. It just seems it would fit me better the way I ride and where I ride. I have hung out with the Concours Owners Group on some rides and I just like the Ability of that bike but not the few drawbacks it has. Considered a Triumph but ditched that Idea (1200 no go) So far as I look the FJR 1300 is near as perfect as I can get for single, two up and towing. So before I let my beloved beast 2008 go that I have spent so much time outfitting and buying everything Carbon one has for it (LOL) I thought I might ask if anyone has owned both a Venture and a FJR 1300 Keep in mind I am going for the ES model for sure. So any suspension woes you had, don't mention it, that is fixed on the ES. EVEN if you KNOW someone who had the FJR 1300 chime in. I may be letting the Venture go, package deal, trailer and all. I have a crap load of spare parts! Even spare Bags and Wheels and Diff and Fenders, Hard to decide what goes between the Venture and the roadstar, but Think I like one water cooled and one air cooled so thinking of keeping the Midnight RoadStar. If the dealer was open today and had one, I might have bought one today. I know one drawback is going to be the seating position. Legs tuck under and pegs instead of boards. Ugh,
  2. Well I have searched the threads re this and went out and got a complete setup (in fact 2 set ups) 1 from an 07 roadstar with 14mm master and calipers and all lines inc splitter...#2 is a R6 blue dot caliper complete with master also 14 mm bought the R6 first and will be selling them after install......I am going to use the roadstar m/c and roadstar calipers as they look the same as R6...they have chrome dots .....Are these calipers the same internally? both are 4 piston.....the lines from RSV and roadie are same length banjo looks a little different...I will be replacing stock lines with SS....and EBC pads.....why the use of a Vmax splitter?is it for better flow?.also will roadie floating rotors fit..they are same dia. and have saame # mounting holes any problems that i might run into thanks for any info Les
  3. how many folks on this site have a strat, roadliner, roadstar, or warrior. i was thinking if there are enough of us we could get don to start a tech section for them, like we did on the goldwing, since all four are close to being the same.
  4. Is there one available for my 2005 RSTD? Yamaha doesn't show one, didn't know if one for a Vstar or Roadstar might work?
  5. HI Everyone, I'm new here- I'm a little bored with my Roadstar and found someone with with a Royalstar that wants to trade me. He came by my work, we rode each other bikes around the parking lot, so far so good. Tomorrow we are gonna take a longer ride at lunch and if things are as they seem, we will trade strait across. Both bike have around 50k miles. Is there some crazy maintenance I'll have to do with the Royalstar? ANything I need to look for? Both bikes have apes, and are quite customized. Mine has stretched harley bags, tricky air custom fenders, exhaust and his has custom wheels, fenders and stereo. I think I just want things a little simpler, just get on and go. I almost created too much of a custom bike. I always have scraping in the back of my mind with the bags and air, and it's loud as heck. And if my girl is on the back- oh geez- even more to worry about. Anyways, that why I'm here- doing my due diligence on this trade. Thanks for your time. Royalstar http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb34/retroactivefunk/b23cf8b8.jpg http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb34/retroactivefunk/06d6f78d.jpg http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb34/retroactivefunk/c804fbfb.jpg Roadstar http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb34/retroactivefunk/Bagger%20Project/7a30454a.jpg http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb34/retroactivefunk/Bagger%20Project/7b85a0d0.jpg http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb34/retroactivefunk/Bagger%20Project/f3ce208e.jpg
  6. OK, I miss my first gen already, although the royalstar is significantly quicker, I have too much wind even with the lower deflector wings on the forks. I was thinking of putting on a fairing to decrease the wind on the bars, but don't know if a fairing made for the roadstar would fit a 00 Stock Royalstar. I have the speedo on the tank, so no issues there. Any input? I noticed several with RSTD's that the speedo becomes the problem. Or would I be better off putting Flanders bars on and the a harley fairing. I already have a trunk and hard saddlebags in mind. Maybe I would have been better off waiting for a RSV in my price range to come along.
  7. Thnking of adding the sportech fairing to my RSTD. For those that have added one to a RSTD I have some questions. 1) Is there any noticeable difference in wind protection at interstate speeds, 70+ mph. 2) After going through the effort and expense would you recommend it or just look for another mc like the RSV. 3) I like the looks of the sporttech, but like most they only have a mounting bracket for the Roadstar. Will the roadstar bracket work with the RSTD? And in general, those that have done it the pros and cons, tks.
  8. OK, I was riding to work today, and I noticed what looked like an RSTD at the light waiting to cross in front of me. As he went by, it looked like he had a billett cover between his cylinders kinda like the Roadstar has for the air cleaner. I may have been mistaken but since he had a 2 in 1 exhaust on the one side and I thought I saw another from the back that would indicate 4 cylinders. It looked awsome and covered up the dead space taken up by carbs inside. Any ideas or am I looking at a Roadstar. Nothing in the yamaha catalog on it
  9. I'm hoping to pick up an 08 Bushtec Roadstar trailer this weekend. Now I need to start thinking about a hitch? Bushtec hitches are "pricy"...and not the "attractive".... What/who's hitch do you recommend for an 08 RSV pulling an 08 Bushtec Roadstar trailer? Will the hitch accept the same PIN required for a Bushtec trailer?
  10. Does anyone have any experience with the Roadstar Silverado? I have the opportunity to trade my old 72 Suburban for an 07 Roadstar with 3400 miles on it. I checked out the Roadstar forums but can't find the kind of information I find here. Is there anything I need to be watching for? Thanks!
  11. I think it would be cool to add a 2000 MM Roadstar to match my 2000 MM Venture. I wonder if anyone here has both.
  12. Just joined today and im playing with the features of the site, so heres a pic of my road*
  13. I have been riding a Roadstar 1600 for about 6 years now and want to move to a Royal Star Venture for some more serious Touring. My wife and I have had the Roadstar out to the Black Hills, Yellowstone, Badlands and Montana and it's fine but not a true touring bike and lacks some comforts. I don't like the look of Goldwings and at 6'5" they just don't have enough room for me. I love the look of the Royal Star and it seems roomier. I seem to recall that some airbox improvements have been made over the years giving a bit more power and torque to the Royal Star. Is there a year that is preferable? Are, say, the '06's and on better than the '99 through 05's? I figure this is the place to ask. Tom W. Illinois
  14. I found this forum last night, and am very impressed by everything I've found here. Looks like a great place, and wonderful helpful people. I just bought a new 2008 Venture yesterday, and hope to pick it up Tuesday after work. I have a 2002 Roadstar and love the bike so much, we're keeping it too. I'm a member of The Roadstar Riders forum on Delphi too... I've done a lot of work on that bike, lots of mods, and parts galore to make is as good a performing and long haul bike as possible, but it just didn't give us the comfort we were looking for. Great around town and shorter haul bike though. SO, that brings me to this bike, and forum. I was hoping that some of you could post to this thread giving me some of the best bang for the buck mods and or parts I can start off with to make this bike even more pleasurable than I'm sure it's going to be. Several things already in mind, but please add more ideas if you can... I will be making a hitch and installing it first thing for our trailer. I also know a driver backrest is high on the list, along with arm rests for the wife, racks for the tops of the bags, and other such things.. What brand tires do most people like on this bike? I normally run Metz tires. Is AIS removal highly recommended? What other performance clues can you give me? I know fork oil change is up there.. Yamaha always seemed to go light on things like that... I'm not familiar with the rear suspension, but is there a spring that is recommended to be changed? Any tips hints and clues are greatly appreciated and heeded... HOWDY ALL! Hope you don't get tired of me!
  15. Ok, So I have a venture that I bought sans trunk. My wife reslly needs som kind of back support so I bought an upright from a royal star and mounted it up. It fits like a champ of course, but now I need to know it the mounting pattern of the upright pad from a roadstar will fit the upright of a royal star. I am trying to find a deal on a pad now. I have seen a lot of roadstar upright pads and can get a good deal on those, so I want to use one of them for my upright. Anyone know if the bolt pattern on the back of the pad will allow to be mounted to my upright?
  16. I just read through the Kawasaki Voyager thread. I saw several comments disparaging the belt drive. I don't understand the down side of a belt final drive?? I like shaft drive, but I've also owned a RoadStar with belt drive that I thought was just fine. I'd like to know what I'm missing. What makes shaft drive superior to belt?
  17. finally got the new bike on the road today.Between banks/insurance etc. As some of you know from Marcarl's birthday bash it is a 2000 Yamaha Roadstar Silverado 1600cc. It isn't a first gen but it will do for now. Not sure what I will be doing with my 87 yet.
  18. Guest

    New Bike

    I am considering Buying a 2008 Royal Star Venture from My Dad and would like to hear from some of you on how you like your Bikes and any Problems/Issues with them. I read about the Rear End Problems/Noises. Any of you dealing with this and how serious is it. I currently Ride a 05 Roadstar and would like to go to a Touring Bike but My Bike Runs great and I have no problems or issues at all with it. This would be my only concern.
  19. Can anyone help with a pdf. file on a 04 roadstar 1700. thanks
  20. Hi, I have a Roadstar and am thinking of trading for a "venture", anyone know what kind of difference I'll find with Horsepower and torque? thanks, eric
  21. Anyone here using or know of someone using a Memphis Shades windshield? Im thinking about putting one on my Roadstar. Just looking for some feedback.
  22. Anyone here know how to decode yamahas vin numbers? Need to decode one for an '83 Venture and one for an'04 Roadstar
  23. I know a few of you here own or have owned a Roadstar. What size of carburetor do they have, and are they downdraft or sidedraft style? I'm not where I can look at one.
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