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  1. Not a favorite, just a road report. Ride: July 2009, Friday, Late PM to Early AM Gas Available: Wikieup. Bagdad is 20 miles off the track, but there's an attendantless station there if you really blow it. Direction: South Avg Speed: 70 Flora: Low desert Fauna Encounters: 0 Subjective Temp: Balmy. [i live in Phoenix, AZ] Road Condition: I won't comment on I-40 except that it seemed to be fine between Kingman and the US 93 junction. After turning onto US 93, the first quarter of the way is very good, the second quarter good, third quarter very good and last quarter good. First quarter is straight with intermittent sweepers. Middle two quarters are packed with well marked sweepers. Last quarter is straight. Center reflectors go for the distance. Raised reflectors on both sides of the road in the corners. Reflector gaps are rare. Reflector condition is easily seen to very bright. Passing lanes on the longer uphill pulls for the patient. Passing stripes abound between the sweepers for those who are not and who have the muscle. Smokeys Seen: 1, in Wikieup. Sherrif, lights on, busted a cager in the reduced speed zone (The bustee was someone who was tailing me by 100 yards or so; shining his lights in my mirrors for 10 miles, so I slowed down going up a hill to allow him to pass. Hee hee hee.) Cars Passing Same Direction: few Cars Passed Same Direction: about a dozen with half being semi's Cars Passed Opposite Direction: low drip with intermittent low trickles I was planning on an overnight in Overton, but the town was such a rat hole (present residents excepted, of course), that I decided to have a couple of beers, get a couple of hours sleep and bust out. What turned out was a very nice, cool (for me), ride on an awesome night road to get some much needed night riding experience.
  2. Does anyone know where I can get the windows for the handlebar master cyl reservoirs? I am fixing to take the blonde off the road to do a ovehaul mostly cosmetic. Thanks Jeff
  3. I recently got a pair of Road King mufflers to put on my 2005 RSV, it was a very simple conversion except 1 thing. I need to find a exhaust sheild that will cover where the pipes meet the muffler. Anyone have any ideas?????
  4. Greetings... If you are just passing through, or staying in the area for a few days, Here's a list of some of the more OUT-OF-THE-WAY roads that you'll definately want to ride on. Some short, some long -- but all fun. If Your definition of fun is winding, twisty turns, 180 degree climbing and diving hairpins intermingled with long flat out straightaways. Once you've done the Tourist roads - The Grand Mesa, The CO Nat Monument, etc, You might want to check out these smaller shorter drives. So fire up Google maps in another tab, center on Grand Junction, and find these roads! The Debeque Cut-off, 45 1/2 rd: (about 20 miles) Runs from the I-70 Debeque exit (heading south) to hwy 65 near the town of Mesa. From there you can either go up over the Grand Mesa if you are headed further south like Delta or Montrose, or head back down to I-70 if you are headed to points west of Grand Junction. Normally clean, new pavement, lots of truck traffic during the day, but after rush minute, is usually deserted near sundown. You could also continue up Hwy 330 through Colbran then up to Vega Reservoir, or even explore the many back roads going up over or even around the Grand Mesa from there! Reeder Mesa Road: (about 20 miles) Runs from Hwy 50 in WhiteWater to Lands End then Kannah Creek rd which comes out further down Hwy 50 just before county line. A shorter very fun road, normally deserted, new pavement, very curvy climbing and diving hairpins, watch out for wild life, rocks and mud on the curves. This IS working ranch country! Hwy 141, WhiteWater to GateWay, AKA Unaweep Canyon: (about 35 Miles) Incredible Scenery, long sweeping banked curves, beware the wildlife! Some hours in the mornings and twilight, I have seen roaming gangs of deer and elk all over the road and fields. Not to mention the domesticated cattle and sheep! Lots of places to pull over and take pictures. Scattered ranches. Go to the Gateway Auto museum once you get there! Little Park Road: (about 20 miles or more depending) : Tourists that want to drive the Co Nat Monument usually go up Monument road off of broadway, pay $5 at the Government toll booth, and end up in Fruita after an hour of stop and go construction traffic. Not a lot of fun if your bike is over heating, dodging stupid tourist children and dogs running out in the road. Those of us who live here, know that telling the Government Toll Booth operator that you are heading up to Glade Park - saves you the $5, but the really adventurous bypass the toll booth altogether and go up Little Park Road to Glade Park. It begins with a long steep climb up to the 'Moon', a huge slickrock area that you can see from GJ, to DS road - The main road up on Glade Park. From there, you can turn left and head to the Glade Park store (the only one there!) for a cold beverage. From there you have a choice of 4 directions. Head east (left turn) to go to the fruita reservoirs in a 30 mile dirt road loop back to DS road, head south and explore the ranch country - You may even find "The Pot Holes" A local waterfall where we usually lose 2 or 3 drunks a year who think they are in Mexico cliff diving; Head West back to the Monument road, or north back down to GJ... East Orchard Mesa: (about 12 Miles) From 32 Rd & C 1/2 rd half way up the 32 rd bridge hill to 38 rd in Palisade. This is the 'Fun' shortcut if you are changing from I-70w to Hwy 50s. Directly off I-70w, take the 1st Palisade exit right out of Debeque canyon before you cross the river - then turn left again at the base of the Palisade bridge (hwy 6) up 38 rd. In other words - don't cross the river! It's definately NOT the fastest. It's a slow pleasent country drive through the fruit orchards and wineries. During August - you'll be lucky to make it in 3 hours with all the fruit stand stops and winery tastings! Short half mile straights with 90 degree turns that follows above the Colorado River through our most fruitful and bountiful. West Elk Loop: Hwy 92 from Hotchkiss to Blue Mesa Reservoir: (About 50 Miles) Then Hwy 50 to Gunnison, then Hwy 135 up through Crested Butte up to the Paonia State park Hwy 133 ( about 100 Miles) From there, you can either head west back to Hotchkiss, or Go east to Carbondale over the pass. Doing the entire West Elk loop from GJ is an entire day trip! Getting there is half the fun! The tourist cage traffic is almost non-existent with gas being so expensive - Lots of FREE camping areas, rest stops and some of the most incredible scenery you will ever see. The tourists head over to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison where they willingly PAY Government vacation tax - This road is basicly the NEXT Canyon over - sans tourists and taxes. If Winding mountain roads, steep passes, and little to none cage traffic, spiced up with snow covered mountains, steep deep dark canyons, breezing along a mountain creek, are your idea of Ideal motorcycle driving - You can't beat the West Elk Loop...
  5. US 550 into Ouray and Silverton. They call it the milliion dollar highway. I think it is because it cost that much per mile to build it. I think it is because it has million dollar views as you ride along it. It winds up and over several mountain passes and you will see crystall clear rivers and waterfalls. There are stopping points along the way and during holidays, you will encounter some traffic. The road has lots of curves and you might hit some gravel occasionally on the road from pull out areas. The town of Ouray has a public Hot Spring that is visible as you pull into town. Use it at the end of the day. It is great! Lots of Hotels and Motels to stay in. The Weisbaden is the usual biker choice but I stayed at the Beaumont which is very lavish and expensive. Only place I could find a room on Labor Day. The town is western and very friendly. Silverton is more rustic and an old Mining town. There is plenty to see and do in both these places but the ride in is what makes it great. I also had to add a couple pics from Grand Junction and the Mesa. Great country to ride.
  6. Guest

    Highway 1 in California

    Highway 1 "Shoreline Drive" is just an incredible road. It has everything you could want in a road. Curves with Cliffside vistas of the Pacific Ocean. Little to no traffic (occasional yellow line drifters so watch out). Small, rustic towns to visit and eat lunch. The best way to ride it, is from the North so you are next to the water. You can take side trips through the Red Wood forests. Absolutely amazing views so take several days to absorb this world class road.
  7. Thinking about getting a Zumo 550 for 3 reasons...weather, road construction, mp3+xm. Ride mostly in ND, SD, WY, MT where alternate routes are few & far between, so knowing what's in front of me is a good idea! Have a few questions though: 1) With NavTraffic it shows road construction but it says it only has 80 markets...and none up north. Am I correct that I won't get road constr info for up here, or can I get road const but just not the up to the minute traffic reports, etc? 2) With WX Weather subscription, can I display weather on the screen simultaneously with xm/mp3 playing? 3) If I disconnect the 550 from the bike, it has a lithium battery to power it. If I take it over & crash in the lawn chair with a beer...can I use it without having the antenna on the bike connected? I'm guessing I'll be able to see the last downloaded info but won't get current updates. Thanks for the help...JR
  8. I'm planning on getting a 1986-1993 Venture.I used to ride a 2005 HD road king.Does anyone know how they would compare top heavy wise.I was use to the road king but had to be careful when riding double and stopping on steep inclines.Also how about the handling.I want a bike that is happy in the mountain curves.
  9. I was in one of my local independent bike shops today and found a new/ used(1 week) set of Road King mufflers very reasonable do I need any bushings, gaskets, special clamps or brackets to mane the switch, I have an 06 RSV and would like just a little more sound:cool10:
  10. Not on the bike, but in the little Miata we just got. It was absolutely beautiful with views of at least 50 miles it was so clear. I took a couple of pictures, but did not realize I had a big greasy spot on the lens that I did not notice until I put them on the laptop. This was around the Little Switzerland area. We got off at 80 and went toward Burnsville as the road toward Mt Mitchell was closed. RandyA
  11. Shipped my Road Glide seat off to Rick Butler this morning. I have put some miles on it and was pleasantly surprised with it for a stock seat. I've done a Saddle Sore and a Bun Burner on it so I know that I can do a thousand mile day on it with no major problems. There is still room for improvement though so I figured that with the snow on the ground, it was a great time to let him work his magic.
  12. I have a 2012 RSV, and I'm having a problem with the passing lights. The right side will go off and come back on at random times going down the road. Has anyone experienced this problem? Both bulbs are new and still do the same thing. Thanks for any help.
  13. http://bamarides.com/ride/ride-reports/lazy-leola-sunday/ check out some of the pictures... several very good shots...
  14. I figured you would be pretty much parked for the winter but then saw this picture so I guess you are on the road again.
  15. Looking forward to playing with the Venture I just got. 100% complete and it runs on ether. Looks like it's been leaking from several spot's for awhile and after this cup of coffee is done I'm gonna get back at making it roll. Trying to get it out a bit to see if the tranny is OK and whether or not it obviously is too far gone overall. If it's worth doing, I'll have the best running 500 dollar (purchase price) Venture out there by the end of the winter! Been wrenching a long time and enjoy the tinkering, cleaning stuff up, polishing and overall fun of not having to worry about riding ten miles down a dirt road that turns into a two track to find a cool camping spot. Have owned every Japanese make over the years as well as HD, the Yamaha's I've played with have always turned out to be the best ones. Rehabbed an 82 Virago 920 this summer and have that on the road still, a fun street fighter but not what I need to hit the interstate for a serious trip. At 52 this is my first ever bagger, I'm too burned out on the Then Came Bronson fantasy and as long as I aint wearing a sweat suit and riding a Goldwing my cred should still be good.
  16. Here is a short video that I ran across on youtube that gives just a little taste of my favorite ride. This video shows only one of the three pigtail bridges. [ame=http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3718826354166885858&q=black+hills+iron+mountain+road&total=12&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0]Iron Mountain Road[/ame] The last time that I rode it, I tried to count the curves to see how it compared to the Tail of the Dragon, I lost count at around 250 and was only about 2/3 of the way through the road. I think the road is about 18 miles long.
  17. The nice man in the big brown truck just showed up again at my house. This time he had a small box with a Hi-Lo beam HID setup for my scoot. It has all of the wire harnesses and is supposed to be plug and play. The system has a relay and a fuse already in their wire harness. It is a 35 watt system so I will have a little more power for something else. I will wait to install it till I can get out on a dark road to get a before and after pic of what the light looks like shining down the road. I'm sure gettin lots O new toys on the scoot this winter.
  18. I got my Road King slips ons today. They are from an 09 bike and were never used. I looked into the input on one of them and it looked like a wig was stuffed in there. This is what I pulled out. It appears to be packing? The stuff you see is brownish, the rest inside the muffler is white. Anyone else see this? Now that I pulled it out a bit did I screw it up?
  19. I was riding after dark when a car in front of me slammed on it's brakes and moved off to the side of the road a little causing me and the person I was with to have to make a quick move to the center of the road to avoid hitting the car. About a mile up the car rolled up beside us and said my high beams were on. When I told him (showed him) they were not on he said they were too bright (bright enough to cause him to almost run me off the road). When I got home I checked the aim of the headlamp and it was pointing into the sky - right where at proper following distance a rear view mirror would be. I had replaced the stock bulb with a silverstar and had not changed a thing. Lesson learned, from now on I'll check where the headlight is pointing...
  20. My 06 Midnite Venture quit on me this morning 5 miles out of Three Rivers, Michigan, and left me sitting on the side of the road for 20 minutes before it would start again. The same thing happened 10 days ago in Maryland. The symptoms: Cruising in 4th gear or so, the engine acts like it is starving for fuel (or that the kill switch has been hit - it wasn't) Coast to a stop, engine won't start. Yes I tried the kill switch, checked the pitcock - fuel flows from tank. No start. Yes, I hear the fuel pump when I turn the key. I have normal dash lights indicated. There's no smell of flooded engine. No leaks, no smoke, but no start. 20 minutes later (both times) the engine starts and runs normally. Since the incident in Maryland, I have put over a thousand miles on the bike (MD, VA, WV, OH, IN and now MI). The only weird thing today when it finally started was that I pulled the choke on and then off while starting and it suddenly fired up. When it did, it was more like an electrical connection being made than the choke clearing. There was no coughing and sputtering. No smoke, no smell. Engine ran fine to the motel in Niles where we are staying. Any ideas or suggestions before we hit the road Thursday heading South? Thanks for mulling it over. Lynn
  21. barend

    road trip

    looks like i'll be making a little road trip if everything works out the way I hope. the "big" question is which way to go, my choices are either I40 East from CA to SC or stay a little lower and take I 10 and I 20. any thoughts? I want to do this in three days if possible (2300+ miles) -- hmm, maybe four:hihi:
  22. There just has to be an Award for Dumb,,,,,, Let me set this up a little. I just finished converting my 01 RSV to a Trike, and did a total repaint, which means that I had it down to the frame, and chassis for a month. OK did all of the thought needed maintenance including breaking the Oil Pan ( there has to be an Award for that too,, ) You know Plugs, filters air and fuel check wiring, and add wireing for things I added. Etc: Etc... I read the Tech info section or most of it, and have the manuals all downloaded ( great stuff here ) I noticed that the Ignition Switch connector has the dreaded HOT Spot on one wire. Checked it and re crimped it and put dilectric grease on it. Good to go..... Note here on the hot spot: Here in the Toolies I couldn't find a connector to replace it with, so fixed on it. But it is always in the back of my mind. We have been out on several trips 2- 300 miles here and there, and went camping last week end at one of the rallies that we normally attend.. All is well. Getting ready to head out to the Thunder in the Heart of Texas Rally this morning, and rid into town for gas, and work till 3 or so and hopefully head out. Get gas, and hop on to head on in to the computer shop, and What to my surprise,,,, Lights,Radio,every thing, but GoGo,,,Yepp ya got it Want do any thing......... OK I think Crap it happened to me this time, but better here in town than out on the road, but still 7 miles from home, and an easy way to work on it. OK I thinks,, maybe it will start if I get it going down the hill to the hi-way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NOPE ,,,,,NADA OK now I am in the middle of the road, and Zip I get a couple of guys to help me get the Trike to the side of the road, and I am thinking,,Ain't this the pits!!!! I have a trailer for just this situation for myself and others, BUT it is too narrow for the RSV Hannigan Trike,,,,, Double Crap!!! All right, I think I know what I need to do that will get me going and back to the house ( Maybe if I remember right from the articles ) Just pull the tank and jumper the connection that should do it.... just like adding the switch right,,, should work. Here I am on the side of the road with limited stock tool kit, and taking a fresh filled up full gas tank off..................... on the side of the road,,,,,, OK I have the seat, gas tank, a few bolts and stuff lying on the shoulder of the road, and a piece of wire trying to jumper the connection. Trying every combinatrion I can see ( both of them,, only two wires ) Nuttin still dead as a Stump.... and I am drawing a little of a crowd a couple of Goat Ropers, a truck driver, and a Sheriff . Now I am thinking I have to get it back to the shop some how. One of the guys there said he had a car hauler with a ramp and would go get it,,, Real nice of him, and headed off to get it. SAVED Sort of, but still stuck it want start still. I start putting it all back together to make it easier to load on a trailer, when he gets back. What a revolting development this is. I get it all back to gather, and as I was putting the rubber cover back on the tank tab on the right side I reached up to grab the handle bar to stand back up, and heard a CLICK!!!!!!! Yepp you guessed it.... I had hit the KILL Switch when I got on to leave the gas station by accident, and didn't know it............. An hour and a half taking it apart, and messing with this and that, and putting it back together ON the side of the road,,,,,,,,, and it was the darn Kill Switch... Where's my sign!!!!!!! Now can the kill switch be disabled so this can't happen again,,,, At least I know you can take a Venture apart on the side of the road... If you just have to...
  23. I know there are a lot of scenic rides in the Black Hills but here are some of that don't get a lot of traffic usually. One of the better ride is just south of Sturgis, SD, just south of I-94 exit 32. It is Vanocher Canyon Road. There is alot of curves and elevation changes on it and very little traffic other the other motorcyclist. It is a nice paved road and run to Nemo Road on the south end. From here I take Nemo road east towards Rapid City but turned south onto Norris Peak road. This was a twisty, sometimes little narrow paved 2 lane road the goes to Johnson Siding on SD 44. From here you can either go east to Rapid City or west to US 385. I enjoyed this ride so much I did it twice, once from the north and then from the south.. I also went into Sturgis and had lunch at One eyed Jacks on Main St. They have excellent hamburgers there. Another fun ride was the Old Hill City Road. This run alongs the Hill City Railroad tracks to Keystone. It is lightly traveled and has alot of curves on it. You will cross the tracks over a dozen times also. This is a nice ride from Hill City to Keystone. Of course I did the major riding roads too.. US 16A and Needles Highway. The one thing to watch out for on Needles highway are the tour buses and I mean the full size kind. So be prepared for meeting a few of these. I ended up meeting 4 of them on one trip and it took one of them about 20 mins to get thru the eye. He sure had traffic backed up both ways. Also road in Spearfish Canyon Road, US 14. We started in Spearfish and rode to US 85 where we headed south to New Castle, Wy. This is a nice road with lots of twisties in SD and then flattens out in Wy but still is a nice ride. We returned to the Hills via US 16 east to Custer. This route has more traffic but does have some scenic spots that make it a nice change. Another circle I did was south out of Hill City on US 385, thru Custer and south to SD 87 north. SD 87 is a twisty narrow road that runs up to US 16 and has all kinds of different terrain. I didnt have alot of traffic on this road either, compared to US 16A and Needles Hwy. There is a pigtail bridge on this section also that adds some interest to it but alot of wide open areas that give stunning views of the valleys. These were the roads I traveled this time and there are alot more you can do. If you dont mind gravel roads, there is always the forest roads to explore but I dont recommend it on a Venture Royale. Hope this helps in your travels of the Black Hills. I know I sure enjoys my travels out there on the motorcycle. Rick F.
  24. today i was out doing laundry. when i saw a lady in the parking lot looking at the back right side of her car? i went out and she had a flat tire. she said she had no spare no jack nothing to change this or fix this tire. i went to work and got out my floor jack and huge 4 way tire wrench. with my knee i had a little trouble but got the tire off. told her to watch my laundry and i will be right back. i went down to kings tires just down the road to see if it could be patched? well the tire had a huge screw in it that came out the side wall. and the tire was pretty well shot. so i said hey do you have a used tire you could sell as they do have them. then i explained why i could not afford a new tire. the owner put on a brand new tire and just charged me for mounting. then said merry christmas. it,s people like you who do good things for others and i want to help pass it on. so i give a big A++++++++++++ to kings tire of lasalle IL the woman is now back on the road and the smile and thanks from her just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
  25. Been xmas shopping at the HD shops. My wife really likes their cloths. High quality at a high price I tell her. She really came around with this new bike and has taken an interest in my riding. Im glad after 30 years on the road. Did you guys know that some Harleys have four wheels ? After a month of bickering with my salesperson at my local Ford dealer and a counrty search I bought a new truck. First time they were offered in white.
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