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Found 10 results

  1. So, if its nudity you want, well then its nudity that you will get........enter chat at your own risk!!! (really, you thought we'd look good nude?? Are you serious??)
  2. I am having noise from the ignition (a ticking sound that varies with the rpms) in my radio or intercom. There is an item on ebay # 330302485789. Is this what I need and if so, where do I put it? Risky question but I'm willing to risk it for a good answer for this tech dummy. Iowa Guy
  3. In the news today, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute has found that drivers text messaging increase their collision risk by 23 times than when not texting! On the cell phone when driving 6x the greater risk. Why are drivers doing this in the first place? Why would they want to live with the nightmare of being responsible for the injuring or the fatality of a bicyclist, pedestrian, motorcyclist, etc... Some states it is illegal and others it is not? Why? My opinion...all governments need to place huge fines on these people using these devices when driving. Thankfully, I don't know of anyone yet who has been involved in an accident, due to using a cell phone while driving.
  4. WARNING THIS LINK IS NOT PG RATED! OPEN AT OWN RISK. ENJOY! http://s525.photobucket.com/albums/cc340/MARKANDBINA/FAUNSDALE%2009/ or here...photobucket is deleteing them. http://s525.photobucket.com/albums/cc340/MARKANDBINA/FAUNSDALE%2009/
  5. I read an interesting article in Smithsonian Magazine this month: Presence of Mind: Buckle Up. And Behave http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/Presence-of-Mind-Buckle-Up-And-Behave.html The article ostensible deals with the 50th anniversary of the introduction of the three-point seat belt but then goes on to discuss the human behavior of risk taking. "Now researchers are positing a risk compensation corollary: humans don't merely tolerate risk they seek it; each of us has an innate tolerance level of risk, and in any given situation we will act to reduce - or increase - the perceived risk, depending on that level." As I read the article I was thinking of several implications. As more safety equipment is added to cars does it make the roads more dangerous for bikers? Do bikers who wear helmets and other safety equipment ride less safely because they compensate for the improved odds of survival? If so, does that mean that we are safer if we wear less safety equipment and carried no personal liability or physical damage insurance? Interesting Iowa Guy
  6. Hey all, Can anyone tell me the size of the steering head nut I need to loosen to adjust my steering head? Don's got a great write up in the tech section, but I apparently don't have a large enough open end wrench and I don't want to use channel locks and risk messing up the bolt head. Thanks for the help.
  7. I have a stock '06 RSTD with K&N air filters and I just installed a set of BUB Sleepers. What a difference in throttle response and power! With this increased air flow, how do I know if I need to re-jet? The bike runs great, but I don't want to risk any damage to my bike. I'm sure some of you guys have had the same set up, what did you do? Thanks, David
  8. Some people are very bold. There is a escalating crisis in this country. I'm talking about people driving with suspended license,no insurance, and under the influence of something not to mention unsafe vehicles. It seems to be normal for people to drive everyday many crossing state lines. Construction workers,utility crews, etc drinking up the paycheck every weekend with no conscience or thought for what they do or the people on the highway at risk. We all might want to raise our uninsured coverage and just hope for the best. I know several contractors who still have help wanted signs posted. The only qualification to get a job is to have a drivers licensee for a $12 an hr job.
  9. I got a vent, hoping to install it in my factory windshield. The vent has slightly less of a curvature than the windshield. Has anyone done this? Does it work? Clearview informed me that they are aware of people that have done it and that the windshield will flex some as the vent is tightened. Makes me wonder if it is worth the risk.
  10. What keeps us riding even after a minor or major accident as we have seen on this site. This year I have lost 3 very close friends and one is in coma.... all experience riders. Is it in our blood or are we risk takers or we just like the Rush.... As for myself Im all those
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