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  1. I m rebuilding the forks on a 1990 Venture Royal. The plate seat came out. My question is there is a rubber ring that appears to bonded to the the plate seat is this necessary to have the rubber on it since fluid can get around it any way or do I need a whole new plate seat cause the rubber ring is important? Please look at the pictures Thanks.
  2. Was underneath the bike today and noticed my bell is gone. Key ring it was mounted with is still there though. Looks like the bell rubbed off a lot on the key ring. Does the pewter ring wear through? I like to have my bell swinging free. I am wondering if it needs to be installed so that it doesn't swing? Ross
  3. What rear end can be used in an inverted position (to reverse rotation) ? Should be close to 3.09 ratio. Are there any rear ends that allow flipping just the ring and pinion? (I did it once on a VW that I put a Corvair engine in.)
  4. How do I remove the chrome ring around the headlight? The bike (RS Venture) has the chrome visors on all the lights and I bumped the visor on the headlight and it came off. I need to get the chrome ring off to put the visor back on. I removed the bolt at the bottom, but something is still holding on. I need your help. Thank you! Owen.
  5. Has anyone ever had the spring loaded cog gear to bust into 4 different pieces Middle gear and ring gear ok
  6. To me this is one of the greatest honors I can think of. I just met Dick Anderson from the '72 undefeated Miami Dolphins. He brought his ring and some of us got a picture with Dick and us wearing the ring.
  7. One of my front turn indicator beauty rings (chrome ring between the lens & housing) split over the winter. Wondering if anyone has an extra. I have one turn indicator visor, free (including shipping) for any member that needs one. PM me with info and I'll get it shipped off to you. Thanks, Jim
  8. I had to repair my exhaust collector and I am in the process of putting thing back together. I ordered 2 exhaust gasket http://www.boats.net/parts/detail/yamaha/Y-26H-14615-01-00.html and I see in the parts list http://www.boats.net/parts/detail/yamaha/Y-26H-14618-00-00.html Ring stopper. I did not have any ring stoppers when I took everything apart. What are they for. Should I order these are they necessary?
  9. Sailor


    First, I am an idiot when it comes to mechanical things or comfusers, er , computers. My headlight burnt out on my 02 and I am trying to figure out how to get the headlight out. When I take out the screw at the botom of the headlight ring I still can't get the ring off. What is the secret? Once I can get at the headlight it is no problem.
  10. Yamaha since early June. Getting tired of waiting around. Anyone have one of these laying around. It's the chrome ring off an RSV right rear turn signal.
  11. Wellll... after going thru 2 pairs of those crappy adjure 20 dollar special passing lamps, I have decided to go with a sealed beam from napa 70,000cp 55wt. Got one reinstalled on the bike and WOW I love it. Go to install #2 and for the life of me that metal ring for the sealed beam grew legs and split!!! I have searched and searched so now I ask for your help. Any chance someone has one laying around I could get?? Please let me know ASAP Thanks Guys
  12. This morning, got to try out the Nolan X-1002 helmet, Condor so graciously sold me. Fits perfectly and has a lot less wind noise than my HJC IS-Max. After supper, I made a Wally-World run, on the scoot. When I got there, I had a ":think:" moment. The new helmet has a quick release buckle on the chin strap. In other words, no "D" ring to hook on the helmet lock. So, this time the trunk was empty and I just locked the helmet in there. How many others here have this predicament? Short of putting your, like this, helmet in the trunk, how do you secure it?
  13. How do I adjust the headlight on a 2nd Gen? Do I have to remove the Headlight ring? Craigr
  14. For those of you changing your rear tire in the future I have a new snap ring that I don't need. Part number 99009-52500. Fits Gen 2 only. Would ask that you really can use it instead of throwing it in the tool box. Lower 48 only. PM address. Oh! It's free. hh
  15. Yesterday I decided to get out and replace a hatch port on a dinghy I have listed for sale. It came with just the ring. The screw in center disc was missing. The new port was about a 1/4" larger than the OEM ring. No problem, I have a Roto-Zip... The Zip came with a circle cutter that I've never had the chance to use, but it looked simple enough. The plan of attack was to cut a hole in a piece of plywood and then use it as a guide along with a veining bit to enlarge the hole in the dinghy. Well... let me tell you... that thing sucks. I started with a piece of ply about 4' long, and ended up screwing up the entire piece. But.... I did end up with 5 side stand discs... And I bet you thought this thread wasn't going to be motorcycle related....
  16. The lens ring on the rear right hand turn signal split and the eyebrow popped off onto the front lawn. Must have happened when putting on the cover?? Anyway the GK was mowing the lawn this morning and the mower ate the eyebrow... Not a pretty sight... Lawnmower kill?? Looked up the parts numbers and it looks like they sell the turn signal eyebrows as a set. Not real expensive, but I only need the one. Probably the same for both rear blinkers. The ring is a little more expensive... plastic of course.... guess that's why?? The part number for the ring is 42X-83363-00-00 and the eyebrow set is STR-4NK58-30-00.... at least I hope it's a set. Anyone have an extra ring and brow laying around they no longer need??
  17. How do I remove the ring gear from the differential bearing housing? I need to adjust the backlash on the pinion gear. I have zero backlash as it is. This is an FJR rear end, but it is essentially the same as a 1st gen. There is a shim under ring gear I need to replace, as well as changing the thrust washer which is accessible. I have ring gear and bearing plate separated from main housing, does it need to be pressed out, or just lightly tapped out? Parts breakdown shows no retainer clips. Gary
  18. Hi to all, Just had my rear tire replaced and something does not look right. I remember seeing a nut and lock ring on the right swing arm, can't be sure but not feeling safe riding. Any help would be appreciated. Screaming red
  19. I have a 1988 with 28,500 miles on it stripped down. Cylinder heads and valves looked normal. Pistons 1 & 2 have a tight oil ring. There is burnt oil below rings on #'s 1 & 2. End clearance on #1 ring about .020" on on all 4. End clearance on #2 ring about .020" on 3 & 4. End clearance on #2 ring about .026" on 1 & 2. Side clearance on all oil rings in tolerance. Cylinder walls good on 2,3 & 4, cross hatching still very visible. Cylinder wall on #1 not bad condition but cross hatching not as visible. No ridge at top of cylinder. What if any thing specific would cause left side pistons to be in worse shape than right side. Picture shows pistons 1 -4, left to right. Gary
  20. This maybe a simplistic question but I have to ask. I have been working on putting a 1988 venture back on the road after some neglect. My question is: the rear rotor is a two piece design with bolts/studs holding the outer and inner ring together, does the ring normally have play or should it be locked down? The rotor is in good condition no nicks or excessive wear----so is this normal or another piece to replace.. Please let me know...
  21. Well, I took the venture out for its second short jaunt, just to get a feel for it. The fork seals are so bad they wont hold air, and the oil SPRAYS out the right seal. It has a definite miss, that comes and goes. It idles erratically, from 900 up to 3000 and back down again, even after synching the carbs. It overheats. I used a thermostat from a Geo Metro (I think) I saw somewhere that it woudl work, maybe its too hot of a thermostat. The oil warning symbol is always on, but it doesn't sound like there is an oil issue. IIRC its a level sender not a pressure sender. My headlight trim ring from ebay is a MK2 instead of a MK1 so the rubber gasket and front glass won't fit. My windshield got messed up while in the garage. Methinks one of my "assistant mechanics" was trying to help out. In spite of it all, it seemed to run straight and handle ok.
  22. MY '87 has a mild noise noticed when checking air in the read tire. 1st I have owned this for 20 years. This noise is new and I do hear the normal ring and pinion noise typical for 70k when spinning by hand. I have Spectro SPL 75w140 ($15/QT) in it, GREAT GEAR OIL. Along w/ the ring & pinion I hear this new noise when I spin the tire by hand, I hear a "creek" similar to an old door on your house closing or opening. Spin it fast...not noticable. Thus it cannot be heard while driving. The sound is very mild(not loud) but ODD. Any thoughts on maybe this is a wheel bearing or not. Yes, It makes this noise in both directions of rotaion. One way a bit more noticable that the other. The wheel shows no side play. I also have a new u-joint in it and the noise is clearly from the rear wheel area. My mechanics stethoscope says so. And no vibes can be felt while spinning by hand. Any input is helpful.
  23. This is funny....................:rotfl: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnRJh9HgNRw[/ame]
  24. I am looking for a handlebar damper for the left side of a 2nd gen. Mine apparently decided to exit stage left yesterday. Don't really want to spend $24+ to the dealer. It would be great if someone in the Dallas area has one so I could just pick it up. Yamaha is sure proud of their rubber parts, as I spent $14 to replace the ring around the ignition switch.
  25. A few weeks back I changed rear tires and noticed wear on the spines on ring gear. I thought about swaping ring gear and plate with a MK1 84 which I have on hand off a parts bike but noticed that bolt pattern is different. But my question is: Does any one know why I can't swap the whole pumpkin on my MK2 87 XVZ1300 with a 84 MK1 XVZ1200 pumpkin by unbolting from the drive shaft end from swing arm. Will they interchange without a problem.
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