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  1. I was driving down the road today and had to flip a u-turn and follow this rig until he pulled in to a auto store. It is a Boss Hoss with a Chevy 350. The side car is how you ride?/drive? this rig. The driver/rider was the builder. He built it for a paraplegic friend. Took him 2 years. It is all custom made and he said only two exist since he has built one other with a Honda. A friend skinned it with the fiberglass. You actually drive/ride from the side car with all controls in the custom sidecar. The passenger rides on the bike. He had incredible suspension, disc brakes, shifting etc. He said he can disconnect the sidecar with 4 bolts ( they were big bolts) and all the bikes controls can be moved back t the bike. The bike only had 550+ miles on it. Unfortunately his friend passed away and the "rig" has been sitting. He decided to get it back on the road. The wheel chair ramp is electric. Just thought I would pass it on:
  2. Tx2Sturgis, Brian, here is a rig that is being slowly moved...that combines your line of work with my old line of work. http://www.autoblog.com/2012/11/06/this-192-wheel-vehicle-is-carrying-nuclear-waste-to-utah-right-n/?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl4%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D232024 This rig weighs in at 700,000 lbs., can only be moved at 25 mph, and will take three weeks to go 800 miles. Oh, and it is 400 ft. long, and has...192 wheels under it. Imagine the pay that this truck driver...or crew of them...are getting to move this.
  3. As of July 1st a company from Kansas, Bickford Senior Living stepped in and took over the management of the Assisted living Community I worked at. To say the transition was a hostal one would be an understatement. Ruthless greed motivated corporate rat B@$tards would be more accurate. They literally threw all of the existing employees and a good many of what they felt were undesirable residents to the street. Including me. So, now I'm considering a career change. I'm thinking about going to Indianapolis and going through CDL training to become an OTR Big rig driver. I've always enjoyed my travel adventures on the road and think I might enjoy seeing the country through the windsheild of a big rig for a while.
  4. I got off work yesterday morning at our local Wally World to find a rather familiar rig sitting at the far end of the parking lot. Ken's "Trick-Lights" rig was sitting there along with 2 motor coaches, 3 bikes, and a car [and who knows what else!]. Didn't take long for me to spot a certain white 1st gen so I figured Thom had to be along as well. Since I had no idea as to when they had pulled in, I headed for home without disturbing them. I sent Thom a PM to let him know they'd been spotted and to say HI! to Ken for me. When I went to work last night, the whole gang was still there. So when I got off work this morning, I pulled over by Thom's bike to see if anyone was going to be up and around anytime soon. Ken came out to take his dog for it's morning walk. I ended up getting invited in for morning coffee and found out why they had been parked there for two days. They were on their way back from the rally at Somerville. The lovely 60 mph wind gusts we'd had over the weekend had taken the awning off Ken's rig and they were waiting for parts to replace it as they were also on their way to the rally at New Braunfels. Oh Fun! Thom says HI!! to everyone and to let folks know that his cell phone went out on him over the weekend so he's been unable to read his "mail" and to add his 2 cents worth to things. He also almost froze his tootsies off as we had something like 40* weather around here last night! It got cold! For May at least. Parts for the awning are due in today. They have to get it rebuilt and rerigged today as they have to head out for New Braufels tonite. Another Oh Fun! I may make a run into town later on to make sure they got back on the road ok. That is not a small awning!
  5. Any one ever use any of this??? I couldn`t find what % of Molly it is, they use it on Drill Head gears after they get refitted and before they get shipped out to the Rig.
  6. When this big rig gets stuck they bring in the REAL horsepower! http://wimp.com/realhorsepower/
  7. Any other CCW holders on here? I'm having a problem finding the right way to ride with heat. I carry a Glock model 30 or a MR Baby Eagle 9mm 90% of the time. Soemtimes I carry a Sig P220, but it's hard to carry a full sized handgun concealed. Anyway, the problem I'm having is that when I carry my weapon on the inside of my waistband, it's very awkward and jabs me in the side not to mention if my shirt gets to flapping in the breeze it shows in my wastebnd. When I carry in my shoulder rig it feels bulky, and since when I wear my rig I have to wear my jacket, it takes more time to draw if I need to. I thought about trying an ankle holster, but again the draw speed isn't there. Is there a happy medium here, or do I just need to suck it up?
  8. Is there a way to rig the flashers on an RSV to operate without the key turned on? It seems to me that in an emergency, you'd want them to work even if the ignition is off. Help!
  9. Since I have had my hip and knee replaced last year and doing great I might add. I have decided to sell my Sidecar rig. I have been ridding the 2001 I got 2 months ago and just haven't been ridding the hack much. I'm sure I will miss it when its gone ( hard to beat on a trip ). Its in the classifieds if anyone is interested.
  10. This morning my daughter and son-in-law were going to Atlanta on I75 in their car. They were next to a tractor trailer rig when a tire blew on the rig. The tire hit their windshield and it shattered the windshield and glass went inside the their car. They can't drive the car until the windshield is repaired. If they were on a motorcycle it would probably have killed them.
  11. So many toys; so little money. But it's still a neat looking rig. Is it a members? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Yamaha-Venture-Royale-1986-Venture-Royale-27058-orig-miles-withsidecar_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1171Q7c66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a0Q7c293Q3a5Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem320353008884QQitemZ320353008884QQptZUSQ5fmotorcycles
  12. I am offering my 1983 Venture Standard (with 66K) and Champion Escort Sidecar for sale. I thought I would give you folks an opportunity first before listing it on Craig's List or eBay. I am asking $4350 for the complete rig. I will separate and sell it individually if anyone is interested in either. I would take $2000 for the bike and $2350 for the sidecar. I've put a couple of thousand miles on the bike since installing the sidecar. I will be taking some pictures if anyone is interested. The rig is located just off I75 near Cleveland TN. Drop me an email at ronandhazel@charter.net if interested. This is a good old bike with lots of miles left on it. Good brake pads and tires. Ron
  13. Just re-newed my licence 2 weeks ago. Item of note: The Old licence, Endorsment says. " All Motorcycles " The New licence, Endorsment says. " All 2 wheel Motorcycles " So, I guess this means if I add a SideCar, or get a 3 wheel rig, I have to get Re-Licenced --- Hmmmm ???? I will have to look into this, just out of curiosity.
  14. I have a 07 venture . i have been looking into tow bars that attach to a trucks hitch and tows with front wheel off the ground. Anyone tried this rig and is it ok with the shaft drive?
  15. Not sure where this is, not in the USA though. Nice rig. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN7n55YjeTY]YouTube - yamaha venture[/ame]
  16. Anyone know someone or has a side car on a 1999 or newer RSV. I got a great deal on a Champion Rig and Looking for info on the hookup for it.
  17. Hey guys. Just found this on eBay. Could be a cheap way of coming down under for a touring holiday WITHOUT bringing your rig with you. You'd get your money back before you went home! http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320162190891
  18. Well that little piece of plastic that the rubber do dad attatches to actually bent on my bike. Lost one of those rubber grommets also. :doh:Anyone know if i can use pvc or cpvc glue on the inside of the cover. Im concerned that it may melt the plastic.I have one crack to repair and i can probably rig up somthing to act as a tab. Or can i get by and ride without the rubber thing. If ya got a spare grommet drop me a line.
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