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  1. HI folks, after doing some searching I have found no riding tips for when your in the mountains dealing with inclines and such. Having never spent anytime in the mountains at all, I am looking forward to this summer as I will be living up in the NE for five months and look forward to spending a lot of time in the mountains, so any riding tips would be much appreciated. I also did some searching on Ironbutting, as I will be making some really long trips this summer also, so any tips for when you are going to be in the saddle all day would also be very helpful. Thanks for your time guys, really do look forward to the advice you have to offer.
  2. My brother is planning a trip to Guadalahara Mexico on his motorcycle. I've heard horror stories of motorcyclists getting their bikes stolen or taken away, mugged and any number of other consequences from riding across the border. I just wanted to get some feedback from some of you guys with firsthand knowledge or a safe way to travel in Mexico on a motorcycle in particular.
  3. I don't mind the cost of great touring riding gear especially if I can avoid of any the mistakes that sent others back to buy something different. Any lessons you learned AFTER you bought gear for riding cool and wet winters (I'm in Oregon) or hot dry summers (like eastern Oregon) that you wish you had known, or purchases you wish you had made first? Thanks Tom
  4. A friend of mine pointed this out to me, I am not to thrilled about the name but being one of the roads I grew up riding it is a nice ride. http://backofthedragon.com/
  5. New here but I was told by a friend that this is the place to come to if you needed information about the Venture. I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this question or if it's been asked but hey, like I said, I'm a newbie here. I just bought an '09 Royal Star Venture S. My question to you riders is, does anyone know somewhere I can pick up an after-market driver's back rest? One that is easy to install, able to fold down to allow a passenger easy access to the back seat and perhaps even removable for simple, every day local riding. My back ain't what it used to be and I'm looking for something for long distance riding. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance....... Bluez
  6. I am 70, and dislexia makes me a happy 07! I have two artificial knees, and I feel YOUNGER on my 86VR (thanks Squidley and Lonna) .... than at any other time. Have we done a survey? I did read the VR 1st Gen post of the 16 year old riding a VR. Great. So, ... fill me in while I roam Colorado some more! Jack Tharp Fort Collins, CO
  7. This will be our 4th annual Maintenance Day here at our place, The date is June 27th and anybody that wants to come and camp is wellcome there are motels 6 miles away in Viroqua if you are not into camping. We start it out on Thursday and go till Sunday, I will have rides planed out for Friday and Saturday cant have a bunch of cycle riders here and not take them out and show them the great riding roads we have around here. Its been a great time each each year and look forward to many more. I will be getting it on the calendar so you can go on there and RSVP and I will put the list motels on there also. It will be good to see our old friends and get to make some new ones. Orlin and Sharon
  8. From Nashville home... GORGEOUS ride, colors were beautiful, perfect day to ride. We started out eating at the Loveless Cafe and then hitting the road.we had a heavy coat then went light jacket, then Short sleeve. It was so NICE!!! Kinda funny I've ridden the trace many times both ways, but saw things I've never seen . I told my wife it was almost like riding it for the 1st time.
  9. We are in the process of rebuilding our VR Assistance List. If you can and are willing to offer assistance to a member who is riding through your area, please edit your profile to include that information. Simply click on "Settings" at the upper right of the page and then scroll down to "Edit Profile". Near the bottom you will find a place to select "yes or no" in regards to offering local assistance and then a place to select services that you may be able to offer. Cowpuc just mentioned in another thread another, and maybe easier, way to get to it. Click "forum actions" in the small menu at the top. Select edit profile. Scroll down and you'll see where to select your information.
  10. Looking forward to playing with the Venture I just got. 100% complete and it runs on ether. Looks like it's been leaking from several spot's for awhile and after this cup of coffee is done I'm gonna get back at making it roll. Trying to get it out a bit to see if the tranny is OK and whether or not it obviously is too far gone overall. If it's worth doing, I'll have the best running 500 dollar (purchase price) Venture out there by the end of the winter! Been wrenching a long time and enjoy the tinkering, cleaning stuff up, polishing and overall fun of not having to worry about riding ten miles down a dirt road that turns into a two track to find a cool camping spot. Have owned every Japanese make over the years as well as HD, the Yamaha's I've played with have always turned out to be the best ones. Rehabbed an 82 Virago 920 this summer and have that on the road still, a fun street fighter but not what I need to hit the interstate for a serious trip. At 52 this is my first ever bagger, I'm too burned out on the Then Came Bronson fantasy and as long as I aint wearing a sweat suit and riding a Goldwing my cred should still be good.
  11. Going to Fort Wayne, Indiana for three weeks of job training. Staying at the Marriott Courtyard off exit 111b, Lima Road & I-69. Just wondering what the area is like and who is around there for a M & E? I was thinking of riding the RSV down and do some riding after class. Later-
  12. Hi. This is a question mainly for those of you who live in hot areas, like 90 plus, regarding engine temp. Now I know the gage catches alot of flak for inaccuracy, but what I've noticed is consistent. If I'm riding at any kind of steady speed in cool weather, my 87's temp runs at about 1/3, where there's a little gap in the green line on the gage. I'm assuming this gap indicates "normal" which I think is 180, right? As the weather warms, it doesn't hold there. When the weather gets over 90 or 95 temp tends to run more like 2/3 or 3/4, right about where the fan kicks on. At mellow speeds, like 55, it might go a little lower like 1/2 plus, but on the Interstate the increased wind drag loading causes the temp to go up. In fact, it may be kicking the fan on and off, but it's hard to tell at those speeds. It does generally hold at that temp, not continuing to climb into the red. One time, in extended riding at 107 deg and 90 mph (we wanted to get it over with) the temp was getting close enough to the red to make me a little nervous. I know there's limits to everything, but if the cooling system and thermostat are effective, it really should be more steady regardless of the weather, methinks. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure I see a correllation between hotter temps and reduced gas mileage, by maybe 2 or 3 mpg. The one trip mentioned above was horrible, 26 mpg or so. I also notice a little ping here and there in hot temps, so I run higher octane gas in those times. Is my bike just like everyone else's, or should I look for trouble? I've flushed the cooling system but never replaced the t-stat or anything else cooling, for that matter. Jeremy
  13. I wanted a different look for around town as well as some natural air conditioning so i decided to cut and tint a spare windshield that i had. Now people are asking me what kind of bike i am riding and they cant believe how old it is. It sure gives the bike a different look.
  14. Ok you have to add on to see where this story goes, I'll start. I jumpped on my second gen and started riding to Maintenance Day, just a passing all those first gens. Then I saw...
  15. Thinking about taking off tomorrow and just riding all weekend, however Mr. Weather Man is saying it's going to top 100 degrees even in the mountains. Have not rode in 100 degree temps since last summer so I ask is anyone else planning on riding this weekend in the heat or is everyone going to just chill out indoors?
  16. :Happy Birthday: :Happy Birthday: Hope you're having a great day and maybe getting in some riding. Here's to another great year for you. Margaret
  17. Hello Everyone: I was able to get in a 50 mile winter ride yesterday. Dry roads and 42 degrees. I reflected back on my improvements this past season that have really made my cycling experience much nicer. Using my DroidX cell phone in Otterbox Defender case is a much welcomed improvement. Bluetoothed to my Nolan N103 helment gives me freedom to ride even when I am "On Call", something that I was always scared to do before, afraid I would miss an important callout. Adding a 12v accessory plug allows me power to my cell now. No more "low Battery indicators". Using a GPS program on my cell phone has given me a precise easy to READ "Speed" indicator. I always felt uneasy riding with my stock speedometer, knowing that it was 8 miles per hour off. Little improvements that have made a big difference for me.
  18. Does anyone take spare fuel on a long trip? Im thinking about taking spare fuel on my cross country trip, since i am riding solo. Does anyone know a good source for containers?
  19. Got the bike loaded on the trailer and in a few days the wife and I will be headed to florida for 12 days of riding. ready for some warmer weather and riding.
  20. It is time for me to ride SOUTH. I was supposed to be leaving tomorrow morning, but...as we all know too well...weather at this time of year dictates when we can ride. Finding that we have a perfect window of clear, dry weather for the next several hours, we have decided to leave Washington state now, and make it down to Eugene, OR., and stop for the night. We could easily go farther, but we have a large hill to go over at the Oregon/California border, and there is usually lots of snow and ice on the road this time of year. We want to do that hill in the daylight, after some sun has hit it. Have an appointment in Redding to have our tires changed out, for the ride down to much warmer/hot weather down in South America. We will leave our winter tires at this shop, as well as most (not all) of our heated clothing. Then on the way back north, we will have the same shop take off our summer tires, and re-install our winter tires, and give us back our heated clothing that we left with them. Total ride down to Bolivia/Chile' should be about 15,000 round trip. We plan to do some sight seeing in Bolivia, retrace the steps of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and then take in day # 10 of the Dakar Rally in Chile'. I will be riding my 2012 Super Tenere', and my riding partner is riding a 2005 R12GS. We are well prepped and planned for this ride, but..."IF" anything goes wrong, well...my friends, it has been lovely getting to know many of you. Hope to be back on here in 4 weeks. Stay safe, and be nice to one another while I am gone. Adios,
  21. Wishing all VR members here a safe & happy New Year. Hope to see many of you this coming riding season at various events. Larry
  22. Is there a place here that I can find out who is from Colorado? I would like to find some riding buddies for the upcoming riding season. I am in Denver. Dave
  23. Now for the next 100k. Brought my 05 RSV Midnight on 12-28-08, with 15k on it from PO. It has been a blast riding this past 4 years. Hope to keep it going for 4 more.
  24. The last two sunday mornings while flipping the channels I have found a show title LA Rider. Wondering if anyone else has seen this. It's a female named TW riding a harley and touring Louisiana. I think I saw a midnight venture in the commercial for the show. Anyone know?
  25. Motorcycle journalist from a French magazine test riding a new bike...................:bang head:
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