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  1. Thunder By The Bay in Sarasota Fl was a huge event that went on for several days. There were many of the downtown streets that were blocked off on Sunday for the finale. Jagermeister sponsored the big stage and the music was awesome by several bands. There were thousands of bikes, a couple of bike shows and hundreds of vendors with everything from patches to parts to bike customizing on the spot. There were some pretty cool Ventures, Royal Stars and even side cars. I know you guys are gonna complain about pictures but it was pretty hot and most of the bikes (the ones I wanted to take pictures of) were parked in the shade and my cell pictures were all too dark or had pictures of people more than bikes. There was plenty of parking that was either on the streets or huge reserved lots for those that had registered for any of the events. The food was awesome for vendor food but hey who doesn't like the Italian Sausage with peppers and onions or a deep fried snickers bar? Budweiser was the beer sponsor and there were beer tents everywhere. There were even full bar tents and even though there were a lot of mixed groups from MCs to Veterans rider groups and clubs by ethnic background everyone behaved. I was wearing my vest with my American Legion Rider emblem on the back as well as some other veteran and patriot guard patches so I was especially thankful that a lot of folks stopped me to say thank you for your service and several even thanked me for belonging to the Patriot Guard. All in all it was a pretty great time especially the charity poker run and I would recommend that folks try to make it next year.
  2. A very good friend of mine passed away yesterday from that Godawful cancer,he was a great guy and a really good friend,he has been a motorcycle and car mechanic for years--I worked with him for 2 years at GM dealership,this guy could actually wheeley a Venture Royale,great rider he will be missed.
  3. I was just reading the headlines on our local radio stations website. Article indicated a local 62 year old rider was severely injured last Saturday morning around 11:00 A.M. A deer ran out of a cornfield and was struck by the 1989 motorcycle. The rider was wearing a helmet, but still sustained injuries to his face and legs. No other information available. I had a close call last week with the Murano. While traveling home from Wyoming in the dark, two deer jumped out on the highway in front of us. I almost took the bike instead of the car, glad I did not. It can happen at anytime of day or night.
  4. Rider killed in LA. Hope it was no one here. http://www.ktbs.com/news/Man-Killed-After-His-Motorcycle-Collided-With-A-Horse/-/144844/17911828/-/hq6ons/-/index.html
  5. It's killing me to think about doing another engine swap into my 83/86 Venture Frankenbike. And I'm very ticked off to not be riding the rest of the season. I still may try to get another 86-93ish engine, or another 86-93ish Venture, ride it for a couple more months, and do an engine and plastic swap. But it's stressing the crap out of me. I've read a LOT of adventure rider riding reports the past 2.5 years, and it really intrigues me to be able to go odd pavement on a lighter bike. I've looked at a new Honda NC700 and a Suzuki 650 Vstrom and I'm approved for either one. My wife isn't on the wagon. I'm more interested in the Vstrom. I may try to look at used Vstroms depending on if I can get financing. I'm very interested in the high gas mileage (65mpg); that would pay for over 50% of the payment (new one), increasing my monthly $ commitments about $100/month, and I wouldn't have to touch it mechanically for a lot of years other than normal maintenance. Tomorrow I'm going to go to the credit union and see what Kind of financing I can get for different options. If I do go the adventure rider bike route I will just part out all of my Venture stuff. Sucks that I barely spent almost $200 for a new rear tire. I'm just getting VERY sick of life's curve balls. Doug
  6. I was on you tube looking for music and I thought of the movie easy rider that I saw when I was a senior in high school. I accidentally found a video that is so cool. If you go to you tube and type in "Henryk Rynkowski Easy Rider" you will see the video. It starts out with a harley davidson starting and then you see Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper riding in the movie. I think Henryk Rynkowski is polish and the writing on the video is in polish. My question is does anyone know how I might could get this music. I sure would love to have this song on my mp3.
  7. Just saw this online. Someone riding in a race t-bones a deer, gets up and keeps racing! Very lucky rider! http://jalopnik.com/5930273/this-motorcyclist-t+boned-a-deer-and-just-kept-on-riding
  8. I ride that route several days a week. It would take nerves to walk out into traffic there. The hospital is only a few minutes from there and I'm sure the man knew he could get him to help before help could get to him. Hoping for a good recovery for the rider. http://www.ketv.com/news/local-news/Mystery-man-saves-motorcyclist-s-life/-/9674510/15851280/-/eli0nez/-/index.html Mike
  9. Had to pick up an 18 wheeler in welland last night, and on the way decided to stop and p/u a drink at Cassablanca. As I parked I spied a second gen venture complete with rider. I decided to introduce myself and we had a chat (No not as long as one of Carls) but we spoke just the same. I asked him if he was a member or even heard of us. Turns out he did but could not seem to find our site. So I gave him our website and then a little bit about us (not too much I did not want to scare him off). We had a few chuckles (seems like the sort that would fit right in). I let him know how we look out for each other. For eg: how us 1st Genners carry tow ropes to make sure the 2nd Genners can keep up during group rides. (He kind of laughed at that one, I think he thought I was joking.) Any way I get the feeling we will soon have another member.
  10. I bought a Scala Rider Teamset Pro kit for my wife & me to use on trips. I love these & got them new for $130 which was GREAT. Now my son got his MC license & I want to buy him a headset so that we can all communicate when riding together. So which Scala headset link to Teamset Pro Kit? Scala has a many different ones scala rider G9 scala rider G4 scala rider Q2 scala rider FM scala rider SOLO but the manuals don't say anything about linking to other units. Is the scala rider SOLO the same units as the teamset pro?
  11. I just received news that a local rider and his wife went down in Indiana, the preliminary reports were that he lost control when the rear tire blew out. I know him and he is a pretty conservative rider. His wife did not survive the crash and he is in bad shape. My training was always, let off the gas, no breaks and steer to the side slowing down gradually. I have never experienced a blow out in all my years of riding, I have had tires gradually go flat. Please respond as to your experience with a blow out and any tips for riding it out. We will keep our friend and family in thoughts and prayers.
  12. Just thought I would give everyone an advance viewing of the 2012 International Rally Long Rider trophy.
  13. Since Wally World cancelled the contract with Champion Lab, I have only one Super Tech st7317 left (2004 Yamaha Royal Star Venture). I went with this filter because you guys out there in Venture Rider world recommended it and you haven't steared me wrong yet. What do you recommend as a replacement for the Super Tech st7317?
  14. Sailor


    Anybody have any info on a motorcycle accident in the Portland Oregon area in the past few days? Someone thinks a rider from Saltspring may have been involved.
  15. .....since my friend Jana was killed last July. Finally his killer is getting some court time. Her lawyer is playing all the poor me angles.... All I want is this lady behind bars so I do not have to stand on the side of a highway and give another eulogy for a fallen rider. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.timescolonist.com%2Fnews%2FWoman%2Bpleads%2Bguilty%2Bfatal%2Bcrash%2F6811255%2Fstory.html&h=XAQHMYCCrAQGBIfUJZmRjK2ws4rF3rV9Le-WML6npTCf_lA
  16. Seen this in a parking lot the other day. That is a Honda Rebel with a bicycle rack installed and a bike on it. I didn't get to talk to the rider but it sure looks to me like he/she really means to save the gas. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm220/AKRefugee/Yamaha%20Forum/de4e6015.jpg
  17. After reading the post about the recent death on the Dragon I am going to confess. I had much rather ride roads where I can view the scenery than fight a bunch of curves. My style of riding is cruising and being able to see in the distance. When I ride curves such as the Dragon I don't enjoy it and get nothing out of it. I know it seems most riders like the curves and that is their world of motorcycling but it is not mine. Am I the oddball or are their others? Give me a straight road and a few sweeping curves are ok and elevation where I can see out and I am one happy rider. Leave the switchbacks to someone else. My2c. Bill
  18. Well, I just received our Scala Rider G9 Bluetooth PowerSet. I've got a bit to learn about it, and rig my wife's helmet so we can check out the Intercom function, but I did Bluetooth my G9 to my Blackberry Torch and listened to Pandora radio on a 30 min ride. So far I'm impressed. The sound quality is pretty darn good, even at speed. I even had to turn down the volume on a song or two, but then also had to turn up the volume (It's a Pandora thing). SOOOOOOoooo much better than my Chatterbox wired set. So, initial thoughts are: worth the cost. I'll give more thoughts as I continue to set our intercom up and we take a trip together.
  19. Lost a fellow rider yesterday. http://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/index.ssf/2012/06/muskegon_motorcyclists_involve.html#incart_river_default Car driver crossed the center line and mowed down 10 of 12 riders in a group killing one and injuring 9. All the riders are from my town and the local club. Remember, the cars are trying to kill us.
  20. The hips have arthritis, as do the neck and shoulders... too many years driving long haul trucks [45+yrs] The Venture was getting too heavy, so before any mishap I have changed bikes! A friend here wanted mine, and I wanted his...so we swapped I now ride an FJR Still consider myself a Venture rider, don't come in here much -- but I lurk LOL and get all the goings-on from Annie Stay safe everyone
  21. Wish I was there to ask the Venture's Rider some questions haha!
  22. I rode the tail of the dragon yesterday and it was crazy. Way too many idiots with no regard for human life yours or theirs. The tn leo's had 2 units with hand held radar guns working and it didn't faze the speed demons. Wolfie and I pass through today in the pu and saw 1 tn leo with radar two others with a wreck they had the rider lying out on his/her back beside the road. I think that is damn good place to stay away from.
  23. Anyone heard from KY. Rider? He is from my neck of the woods and have not seen him post lately.
  24. i wasa at the local honda shop today and a fellow venture rider and told him about this great site and was telling about the benifits of the leveling bars for his bike he seemed really interested inseeing this site and learning more, he was from paris ky and his first name is Montana, i think he'll be stopping by soon. steve:325:
  25. Perhaps some of you know my friend Lumpy (Bill Kahley) suffered a bizarre motorcycle accident last September. He was riding his 1984 Venture, returning from a Ride-In in Indiana to his home in the Quad Cities, Illinois when it happened just a couple miles from his home. A lightning bolt struck the Interstate roadway directly in front of him, sending basketball sized chunks of pavement into Lumpy's face...at seventy miles per hour. He was severely injured and has spent the last 7 months in intensive care and rehabilitation. He is still in a skilled nursing/rehabilitation facility and in a wheelchair, although unable to maneuver himself. Some of his friends have started an online fundraising event to help defray the costs. Please consider contributing toward this worthy endeavor to help a fellow Venture rider (though not a VentureRider). Thank You. http://lumpy.bbnow.org/index.php Fundraiser for Lumpy lumpy.bbnow.org
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