Yesterday some of the O.F.'s in NorCal got together for the first time in too long of a time. Steve (SteveD..aka Hdhtr2000) Dubois and his wife Michell were in town for the first time in 3 years to visit kids and GK's. So what better excuse needed to get together with the old crew. Vic (LoneEagle) Tibs, Rick (EasyRider) Bray and wife Doris, Rich (Rich99) Elliot, and Yours Truly.. , met up at Steve's daughter Bree's house, and headed off the Red Robin for bugers. We had a great time and the laughing never did seem to stop. We had a few group photos taken in front of the house by Bree which will be posted later. This one was sent to me this morning by Rich99. We gotta do this again...