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  1. We may not be rich, but I am blessed in so many ways.
  2. Going to need 5 rooms next Oct., want French Quarter area, We're not rich and are looking for some place clean, near the center of things. Any suggestions?
  3. I don't see it in the classifieds. How do I order one and how much? Thanks
  4. Been playing with ingitech software. Went for ride around the block to test my latest load. At stop sign I thought to myself "awful rich" due to the gas I could smell, "wonder how my ignition advance changes caused it to be so rich?" (TPS ingitech is running great!) Headed home and pulled into garage, started to back into my park spot, and slipped in pool of gas-it was pouring out right in front or rear tire. Key off and finished parking. Pulled the overflow lines out where I could identify which one was leaking, and identified #4 when pump on. Turned pump off, and rapped on #4 diaphram cover. After big gush of fuel (primed pressure?), fuel stopped. Turned pump back on and still no leak. I may be alright now, possible piece of dirt was stopping float needle I got cleared when rapping on carb, but now leary to take for ride. Any other suggestions to ensure my float is ok now? BTW, heavy dose seafoam in this tank of gas. Been doing it about every 4th tank. Messed up my MPG check:bang head:
  5. Good day. I just got my '86 back on the road after some major carb transplantation. I had 2 carbs with hopelessly seized low speed jets so I got a set of 4 from thirdbike and frankensteined a set out of the 8. The floats were perfect and as it turns out, the needles he sent were different than mine...with a longer and shallower taper. They were also set to their max rich setting. I put on some new diaphragms on the best of the slides, left it at max rich and bolted it back together. Holy crap...what a bunch of nasty noises when I started it up...I did a balance, set the low speed jets by ear and now it's running better ever. With the needles set rich, I don't have the bogging with the filter out anymore since more gas needs more air. Some previous owner had drilled some holes in the air box lid and then covered them up with tape...I took off the tape and no bogging. I was planning on trying this experiment for some time and this was a good opportunity. The bike has more power than before, smooth from idle to redline, no dead spots, no more popping at idle, leaner at idle, (less raw gas stank), and I don't even need the choke anymore when it's cold. Basically it goes like a scalded rabbit. I could probably lean it out for a bit but instead, I'm going to try supply even more air and put that extra gas to good use. I'm getting about 32 mpg, (us gallons), but it runs so damned good that I think I'd rather eat the couple of extra bucks than chance screwing with the goodness of the engine. I added a couple of huge wind deflectors to the fairing so that will have dropped the mileage a bit. Someday I maybe even change the plugs. So if your bike is running somewhat rich, maybe try giving the engine more air as a first resort...it working great for me.
  6. So it would appear that the right channel of my amp is toast. Would anyone have a 1st Gen amp they would be willing to part with at a reasonable price? (I have thought about buying a complete new system and trashing the whole stock radio but I am stuck on having the ability to go to headset anytime I like and having GPS Bluetooth phone capabilities, thanks to my Buddy Rich cable. I partly blame Buddy Rich for my dilemma. ) Thanks, Thomas
  7. I just pulled the trigger on a new Yamaha Tenere and will trade in the Venture. I had ordered the Buddy Rich cable to hook up my Garmin 665 but will no longer need it for that purpose. Because of the generosity of so many on this board, sharing ideas and how to's...I am going to send this to the first person that expresses interest, postage paid. Just send me your address (PM if you like) and post on the board that you took it so I don't get lots of disappointed interest. You guys have been an awesome resource in the enjoyment of my Venture these past 6 years. Thanks.
  8. Will the Buddy Rich cable work on a Harley Ultra?
  9. Any reason to believe the Buddy Rich cable won't work with a Streetpilot 2820? I could be wrong but the connection to the GPS seem to be the same as a Zumo 550
  10. I just received my Mic Mutes the other day and I'm getting ready to install them. I've read that if you're going to split the fairing you might as well go through all the electric connections and make sure they are clean. I have also read that you should use dielectric grease to keep them from corroding. I have also read that you shouldn't get the grease on the connector pins just on the rubber boots. Any advice here would be appreciated. Thanks, Rich
  11. 83 venture, long time in rebuild, 84 miles on new plugs, 29mpg , feels like slight miss at idle, runs fine otherwise. Run 1/2 can seafoam/full tank in this 84 miles. Refilled 2.9 gallons and add second 1/2 seafoam, but have not run anymore yet pics of plugs cyl #1 nice tan, came out slightly wet cyl #2 hardly any coloring cyl #3 hardly any coloring, came out very wet cyl #4 vary carboned My read of plugs, please correct me if you believe otherwise #1 about ok #2 super rich, likely not firing much-likely flooded #4 too rich Due to my concern of flooding, I rechecked float levels-mark with blue tape, bike level on lift. All seem ok to me Due to #4 to rich pulled diaphram, pic of carbon on slider Closed #4 idle screw 1/4 turn, all were set at 2 turns out. At a loss what to check next, reading on needle shim mod, but if I am too rich, seems pulling slider needle out more would be going in wrong direction-is this correct? Have not rechecked other diaphrams, but there were no holes or other problems during assembly. It is possible during assembly, diaphrams were not seated in grove correctly. would leaking diaphram cause my symptoms?
  13. Well, I thought I had this #3 & 4 rich idle issue figured out. I found a bad float needle @ #3. Replaced #3 & 4 needles. Set all floats again...to be sure. This did not fix the issues w/#3 or #4 posted elsewhere. ALSO to be sure my "choke" plungers were absolutely sealing, I used double springs. They were checked under mag glass. ANd I made sure the choke body was good at the seat. No change. Could it be the coasting enricher? And how does is work? And if it's bad ...what are the possible signs? Could this be my cause? Carbs are not foreign to me. But this is a pain....Any further idea or answer are appreciated.
  14. Someone sent the Sales Book on the 2010 Harley Davidsons,I've only ridden one in my life time and it was Police Special, anyways 3 models strike me that I would consider in buying if I were rich The Rocker c..XR1200 and The new FLHXSE CVO Street Glide
  15. Hi, First post. Background. ---My 84 venture is running rich. I replaced the carb diaphragms because they were shot, ultrasonically cleaned the carbs last fall. When you twist the throttle it goes like stink. Last fall it was sluggish at cruise (2000 RPM). I ran seafoam through it and put new plugs. It ran much better but the plugs are very sooty(ALL 4 PLUGS EQUALLY SOOTY) and the sluggish tendancy returned this spring. I plan to do seafoam and plugs again. Question- I have the idle mixture screws out 2.5 turns as per the manual. Do I screw them in or out to lean the carburation out? PS- 1984 Venture first gen with 30,000 miles on it. I rebuilt the exhaust collector box so the exhaust is tight. Thanks for any input. James
  16. Has anyone tried the passenger backrest in accessories book? My wife would like it to wrap around her a little more. She is only 5 ft 2" tall. Can you still move your arms around with the new one? Any help would be great. Rich
  17. Riding with a couple of guys today and both of them mentioned that they thought I must be running rich since they could smell a strong fume of gas as we ran along. Thought some of you might have some insight on this. Carb sync at Vogel last year and Seafoam once this year. I also have made sure the airboxes are seated properly on the carbs. Would carb. float levels due it or just air mixture? All thought would be helpful as always. Thanks Brian
  18. Okay I am attempting to decide which GPS system I should buy. I have a very limited knowledge of these items, so I have a few questions that I would appreciate commits on: 1. In order to have bluetooth connection is it possible to use the existing radio on the Venture? If so is this done by the Buddy Rich cable that I have read about? If not then what must be done? 2. For XM radio on the Garmin unit can the antena be installed inside either the fairing or rear storage area? 3. What is the best mount for the bars? Thanks
  19. I have decided top add this addition to the scooter. can anyone advise where to buy the buddy rich cable setup. I just bought new speakers and figured since I will be splitting the fairing ...might as well add that setup as well. thanks for your input. Artie
  20. I've read a number of threads here that give explicit details on how to synchronize the cards on an RSV using the Morgan CarbTune...basically "make all four of the bars match". Have a look at the attachment for reference. There are a LOT of smart folks here, so here goes: What is the effect adjusting all of the carbs so that their reading matches carb 4? Does this make things too lean or too rich? What is the effect adjusting all of the carbs so that their reading matches carb 3? Does this make things too lean or too rich? What are the net effects of running too lean or too rich? Any facts, conjecture or comments would be greatly appreciated! :confused07:
  21. So I have a smell after I have been riding for a while not sure what is is maybe fumes from the carbs. It is not a raw gas smell but it is a smell like exhaust. I know this is not much to go on but its all I can say. The pipes look good when I look at them it is not running rich.
  22. I seem to be noticing a rich running issue recently. It appears to me it is at idle conditions. Fuel mileage seems ok...similar to what i always get. Around 40 mpg. At idle i notice a strong fuel/rich mixture smell...if it idles for any length of time....some 'smoke' from right pipe (fuel?)...accompanied by strong fuel/rich mixture odour. I pulled and checked plugs. Right front cyl. seems to 'foul' badly...wet with fuel. If i pull vacuum barb cap on that cyl...notice some raw fuel...but no external fuel leakage otherwise. Right rear plug looks somewhat rich too.... but better than front cyl plug. Left side plugs look perfect. If i try to adjust mixture.... left side carbs will lean out and stall out engine...right side makes very little difference as screws are adjusted. Bike runs decent starts well...no issues otherwise. Bike hasn't been sitting. Have changed plugs several times. Brand new set right now. Have run seafoam in the past...late last year....just as a 'maintenance' thing. Just changed diaphragms(only because of age...was running ok)...seems problem surfaced or more noticeable then...or coincidental??? 3 of 4 diaphragms had a small pinhole each. Synched carbs several times. Any thoughts/suggestions?
  23. Does any know if the Buddy Rich cable will work with any bluetooth GPS. It seems the only GPS mentioned is the Zumo series. If not, does anyone know how I can hook up with a bluetooth phone
  24. Can anyone recommend where a Canadian can purchase a color tune kit for a 2006 RSV? (which size, 12mm?) and a clamp on tach? The only tachs I can find are all in the US and for what ever strange reason they can ship to Canada.. what is it, top secret technology? My exhaust IS sooty compared to the other RSV bikes I checked out so I'm guessing I'm running rich.. (I have K&N filters and Screamin Eagle pipes and burn premium) Any help would be appreciated.. Anyone know where to get the appropriate 10 psi air pump for the front shocks? Thanks in advance! Cheers
  25. Does anyone have more information on these "Buddy Rich" cables? I couldn't tell from the comments I found if it is what I want or not...
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