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  1. Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2 Did something really stupid. Trying to get a cigarette out of my mouth with gloves on and dropped it in my lap. Looked down and when I looked up was in the ditch. I'm ok but my ribs hurt.
  2. This time it's me! Coming down a small hill, in a light rain, we came to a 90 degree bend. As we entered the curve....oh no it's covered in very fine gravel. As we began to slide we hit the guardrail at about 25 mph. We flew off the side and landed in the road. We just got home from the hospital an hour ago. I have bruised ribs from hitting the handlebars (I think), wife has a concussion. Thank God it was nothing worse,(but the ribs are still hurting!). We were hauled away before the bike was, so in the morning I'll have to track it down. It didn't look pretty when I last saw her laying on her side with her front wedged under the guardrail. Now, advice from you that have "been there done that", what are my next steps? If you were at Don's for maintainence day maybe you saw our baby. She is/was a white RSTD with chrome and gold/silver pin-stripping with 3 crosses on the tank and fenders. Hopefully she will look like that again someday! Mark
  3. 2lbs of sausage wrapped in bacon and given a good dry rub tossed on the Traeger for a little over 2 hrs. I also have some boneless pork ribs and a turkey leg still on the Traeger finishing up. I smoked my first ribs last weekend and they turned out excellent. Im liking my new grill/smoker!!
  4. Just about got a turkey in the chest today. He was gliding across the road about windshield height.... Luckly.... with the help of my horn and braking, we didn't meet up. It got me to thinking about the time I rode in to PKB on my bike and a Mechanic there showed me scars on his chest and shoulders a couple years back. Said it was from a 20 lb. turkey strike, He was on a harley, without a windshield traveling about 60 mph. Took him off the bike an busted up his ribs... Didn't quite know wether to believe him or not... I'm a believer now.... This was about an 8 on the pucker scale! Just be careful out there...
  5. I made it back home yesterday from Huntsville after getting Jacque moved into her new apartment so now I am able to post some pictures of our meet and eat in Huntsville last Sunday! It was so good to see Eck and Konnie and Blackjack (what a surprise too!). Ben, Jacque and Brock enjoyed the group! The ribs and trimmings were outstanding. :thumbsup2:They use a mop to put the BBQ sauce on the ribs. And everyone enjoyed the banana pudding for dessert! http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y26...ntsville%20ME/
  6. Our family (Nina, me & our kids) LOVE ribs and we've been "ribbing" (pun intended) each other for 2 years now about who's got the best ribs so, about 6 month's ago we decided to hold our 1st annual Rib-Off contest. All the kids came along with their "signigicant other" (those who currently have one LOL) plus a few other close friends of ours and theirs. Basically there were 4 contestants (would have been 5 if my son, who basically pushed to have this contest initially hadn't forgotten to bring his "famous" ribs LOL). One couple (close friends of our kids) are not cooks so they arrived with a rack of ribs with no idea how to cook them LOL. Everyone else's ribs were "pre-prepared" and I had to do a quick job on this raw rack...thankfully they arrived early enough. My own consisted of 3 racks using a chipotle sauce for one, a honey-garlic sauce for the other and Sailor's "rum ribs" sauce for the 3rd. Nina did "her thing" and one of her daughters brought some awesome ribs done in a slow cooker. Sorry Sailor, neither your "rum ribs" recipe nor my concoctions were good enuf....the couple that came with the "raw rack" with no idea what to do wound up being the winners! It was pretty funny them having no idea, not a clue how to cook ribs to wind up winning....they said they had no idea cooking ribs was that easy (LOL .... I did the cooking). I think the quality of the meat was a bit better and the fact that the ribs were "fresh cooked" played a big part in the result. A great party we all had, a lot of beer, wine, rum, coolers were consumed and needless to say, I have felt a LOT better than I do right now LOL. As for my son forgetting to bring his ribs, we've all decided that he will be the winner next year because he will be the only one doing ribs! (punishment for forgetting)
  7. The cement is poured. 63 bags at 60lbs per bag plus water = 2 tons (4000lbs) of cement poured. Now all of our fence posts are set and are ready for cross bars and dog ears. ... Next weekend. Beer time!!! And time for food! The ribs are on the grill and the smoke is pouring out. BBQ pork ribs are a cookin.
  8. Not mentioning any names here (you know who you are) but this is in response to your recipe that you so generously shared... Rick's RIB's... Rack(s) of back ribs... as many as you need. Cut into serving portions (appx 4 or 5 ribs each) Wash in cold water...salt lightly...let stand for appx 20 min. In a bowl, mix some diijon mustard with crushed fresh garlic & some extra virgin olive oil. Baste the mixture liberally onto the ribs (both sides) Sprinkle Rick's Spices liberally on the meaty side. Wrap tightly in tin foil so that the meaty side is up and the drippings won't drain out...set in a roasting pan...put in fridge for a couple hours. Heat oven to 450 Place ribs into oven and cook for 15 min @ 450 Reduce heat to 250 and cook for 3.5 to 4 hours (this may vary depending on quantity of ribs) Remove from oven and let stand for appx 1/2 hour. Mix BBQ sauce (I used mixture of Spicy Szechuan, Thai Peanut sauce, HP sauce, and Sweet Chili sauce) Remove ribs from foil wrap and baste liberally with sauce mixture. Heat BBQ to 450 or so Place ribs meaty side down and grill for appx 5 min. Flip over and baste with BBQ sauce again. Serve with your choice of side dish (I love salads) If you don't like "salty" taste... eliminate salting at beginning. ps..Rick's Spices...sorry, that's a secret!
  9. Well from what I know ....Gary's sister and brother are bringing back the Mobile home and trailer and Gary himself is going in and out of consciousness and has a broken nose and ribs. They haven't told him as of yet what has happened to Leslie.
  10. I just got a call from Orrin, and he is in the hospital. Fri. night out riding his 05 RSTD with a friend and had to do a fast stop, and it all went bad. He said that his helmet has a big gouge and he's sure that it saved him. He's got a broken collar bone and 3 broken ribs, along with some road rash. He hasn't seen the bike yet. He should be home in a day or two. Steve
  11. anybody got a headset or headsets for sale cheap , i want to see if my cb/intercom works before i spend a lot of money on a headset or headsets and to see if i want to listen to Cruise control or not:confused24: [ sore ears or sore ribs ? which one that is the ? ]
  12. Did you hear George Clooney was in a motorcycle accident in New Jersey? Evidently, he passed some one the right because they had their left turn signal on, and the cage turned right instead. George had broken ribs and his passenger broke her foot. Hey no politics talk, he is a biker too.
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