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  1. Redneck


    I have gone and done it now. I decided I've had enough of the work thing so I'm going to try the retirement thing. What do retired people do?
  2. I just got back from the Orthopaedic surgeon and now I have to go in Fri morning to have a plate put in my shoulder since it is not healing right, my right shoulder has dropped an inch and is getting worse. My day just keeps getting better now I may have to quit my job to get my money out of retirement to pay my mortgage and keep my house. So riding is not on the top of my list but I will not stop as soon as I am better I will buy another bike. TOM
  3. since retirement is getting closer and i want to get down to one bike. i have three choices so far. i love my v-star, and have been looking at a victory crossroads, and a triumph thunder bird. the v-star is the cheapest route, but i sure like them other two. such a delema.
  4. This video is one of the best I have seen as far as showing why mandatory retirement isnt for everyone. THis woman is 88 years old and most of us (probably none of us) could keep up with her. http://www.garynorth.com/public/6791.cfm brian
  5. as part of my second retirement plan, i was wanting to buy a new ford fiesta and have it paid for. well i could'nt find a fiesta so i went for a focus. i found a 2010 focus with $3000,00 cash back and my z plan discount of $1500.00, i got a fully loaded new focus for $14,400.00. i feel guilty, but it sure feels good to have it payed for. retirement is getting closer. can't wait. glad i got the focus. i don't think the fiesta was what i really wanted.
  6. Just wanted to reminder everyone that there is still one week left to get your 50/50 tickets for the January drawing.. And remember the proceeds go to the 2010 International Rally Fund or my retirement. Which ever comes first. And I still have lots of trailer raffle tickets left....
  7. NEWTRK06 and I get a little closer every day to retirement. We've discussed many times what we want to do when that happens. NEWTRK06 is a few years older than I am so he will retire before I even start thinking about it. He's always thought that he would play Wild Hair II and ride where the wind takes him while I continue to work to fund his travels, but we came up with a new plan that we are going to try out for the next couple of weeks. NEWTRK06 is going to ride to the place we have decided to vacation at and in order to maximize my vacation time I will fly in join him for a week or two and then I will fly back home leaving him to make him own way home sometime. So on Wednesday we are going to practice for retirement. NEWTRK06 has a 2 week vacation and is going to the San Diego area. Just himself and his bike. He's going to visit family he has not seen in years over the weekend, and then next Monday he and his nephew are going to take off on their bikes and ride through the mountains in Southern California with plans to end up at the Pacific eating fresh seafood. Just the two of them enjoying life on the road together. The following Wednesday is when my part of Phil's retirement plan kicks in. I am flying into Phoenix with my helmet as my carry on luggage and we are going to spend the next 6 days riding through Arizona and New Mexico as we make our way back to home. If this works who knows where we'll turn up next. I want to see New England in the fall, ride through West Viriginia, see Mt Rushmore, just imagine the sky's the limit. So now that I've shared our retirement plans - what do you plan to do to enjoy your retirement?
  8. well, i have just about throwed all the crap at this old body that it can take so i am going back into semi retirement. i retired in 1994 and went to work for one of my good friends to help him out and pay for all my toys. ain't paid for the toys yet but just can't hook it like i once did. the boss don't know it yet but i'm going to start taking a day off here and there. mostly here. i'm going to start with this sunday night. besides that i done used up all my vacation for this year. :clap2:
  9. Whats faster then a first gen? Meaner then the dragon? Even makes WV twisties look mild. Not many survivors on this one. Anybody rode Wall Street lately? Retirement public pensions and private IRA's are down by 2 trillion over the last year and that data was before this weeks slide. My nest egg is down by 40 % since Oct of 07. Some economist are saying if you need your money in the next 5 years to take it out. If not ride it out. My thinking is it's to late to roll it and the bottom to this market may be long and flat. I was planning on being debt free in ten years and retiring with a new house. Now it's move on to plan B. Not sure what that is but I'll think of something. I feel sorry for the guys nearing retirement age. Plan C is to become a Walmart greeter. I'm still doing alot of work for my Oil field and energy clients I wonder how long their boom will last.
  10. Why am I sad at Christmas? It's one of the few times we stop our busy day to day and take a look around the neighborhood. A aging couple the man continues to work. He draws social security now but made some mistakes in life and has no pension or retirement fund. With house payments and other bills he must work to help out. His wife just retired at 60 and has a small retirement check. Social security is 2 years away. She has pressing needs at home a elderly mother to care for and a 9 year old grand daughter to raise.Her first retirement check after they deduct her monthly health insurance premiums leaves only $37.00 for the month.These are some of the lucky ones there doing better then many. My wife comes home and tells the story of a young working mother who says. I'm not putting up a christmas tree this year. I have no spare money to buy my little girl anything and if I don't put up a tree maybe she won't notice it's christmas. She doesn't know it but her little girl will have christmas gifts this year. As I drive up the road to work I notice many run down mobile homes. No underpinning, exposed water lines,and a big vent pipe sticking out a hole in the side with an old wood burner fired up.It happens every year with winter coming on. Some cold night they will bank the fire to heavy or plug in some electric heaters to help and the next morning there is nothing left but ashes. Yes several will stop take a look around there community and give to some needy families this christmas.I often think that christmas is the only time of year many children get anything at all. Giving this time of year is all good and well but the fact remains. Give a needy family a dollar this month and next month they will stilll have a need. Teach them some skills and maybe they can improve there quality of life. After christmas it's back to our day to day and the world turns.
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