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  1. Here is an interesting email I received. Beautiful story and song.. Enjoy.... Story About the Song While at the mall a couple of years ago, my then four year old nephew, Spencer, saw kids lined up to see Santa Claus. Having been taught as a toddler that Christmas is the holiday that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, he asked his mom, "where's the line to see Jesus"? My sister mentioned this to my dad, who immediately became inspired and jotted words down to a song in just a few minutes. After putting music to the words, and doing a quick recording at home, he received a great response from friends. He sent the song off to Nashville without much response, except for a Christian song writer who suggested adding a bridge at the end of the first chorus. My dad then asked if I wanted to record the song to see what we could do with it. I listened to the song, made a few changes to the words to make it flow better, and we headed to Shock City Studios. It was at the studio where Chris, owner and producer, rewrote the 2nd verse and part of the chorus... With goose bumps and emotions high, we were all hopeful and felt like we had something special. The demo was recorded in just under 2 hours and sent off again to Nashville ... Still no response. Then 2 weeks before Christmas last year, my cousins Greg and Robbie decided to do a video to see what we could accomplish on YouTube. The first day we had 3000 hits and it soared from there. We received e-mails, phone calls, Facebook messages from people all over asking for the music, CD's, iTunes, anything... We had nothing. After a couple of meetings with Chris following the amazing response, we got serious. We headed back into the studio this past spring... This time with guitars, drums, bass, pianos, choirs... The real deal.... And here we are today. Getting iTunes set up, a website put together, and loving that thousands upon thousands of Christians have come together... Remembering the true meaning of Christmas. Out of the mouths of babes come profound truths that many adults can not understand. Hopefully Spencer's observation will cause people all over to reflect on the love of Jesus, and that one day we will all stand in line to see Him. We are most thankful to our Heavenly Father to have this chance to share our music with you. Merry Christmas everyone. MERRY CHRISTMAS OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=OExXItDyWEY&vq=medium
  2. Hopefully this posting works! Thought you folks might find this interesting. Edit: cut off sentence from bottom right reads " where you want the full pop with throttle response, but in traffic......."
  3. I've got 2 Ventures, an '83 with YICS and an '88 without YICS. Twisting the throttle wide open, the '83 accelerates briskly and without delay from a starting slow rolling speed, but the '88 seems to pause a moment before full on response, with no popping back through the intake or other indications. Almost like the machine is thinking about what the twisting of the throttle is all about. The carbs are clean and well balanced, pilot screws adjusted well, fuel level correct, engine starts quickly cold or warm, and has a nice steady idle. Is this delay just the nature of the beast, or should I expect instant response like my '83? -Pete, in Tacoma WA USA '83 46K miles Avon tires '88 52K miles Bridgestone Spitfire tires
  4. Six weeks ago I ordered a new toilet on e-bay for our motorhome from T & S RV Parts for $155, and haven't received it. It was paid for from PayPal, using our bank account. I had followed up with several e-mail messages to T & S with no response. I also filed a dispute with e-bay's resolution center and still no results. Today, I called PayPal, which is close here in Omaha, and almost immediately I got an e-mail stating that a full refund has been deposited into my PayPal account. I think that is a terrific jesture and response on the part of Paypal. I've re-ordered from another vendor and also found the same unit for $140. I'm a happy camper now! PayPal has my vote! (About made a nervous wreck out of me though!) Owen.
  5. ... I am able to insert it here. Enjoy. Jack T PS Says invalid ULR; it's a Jpeg and under my C drive. Anyone got any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Response wi:fingers-crossed-emoll be welcome. PSPS CAN be educated at 73, believe it or not!!! J
  6. I had a little squeak in my VRII Speedo Bearing. I had a friend with a machine shop and he made this out of aluminum. It works just great. So I thought I would present a group buy opportunity. Just response here and after a week or two I'll see what kind of quantity order we get and then see what kind of price I can get for that quantity. This would be a non committal response. Once I get the price then I will ask each if they are still interested in an order. I'm guessing that the coupling are the same for MKI and MKII. Could someone check please. Also if some could find out if the Speedometer coupling for a 1st Gen is the same as a 2nd Gen.
  7. Why is it that the right 2 cylinders on the carb tune fluxuates about 2 to 3 horizontal indicators while the left two stays almost dead still. I can adjust the left two to each other or away from each other. I can adjust the left and right banks to each other. When I rev the engine all 4 banks response then return to its adjusted level. Is everything ok or it that an indication of something else needing repair?
  8. I guess maybe I'm posting in the wrong area or just not getting my point across Last week I asked if someone could measure standard handlebar width on any Venture newer than a 1999. 58 views not one response. Today I asked about how to use a regular jack on a Venture 50+ views and no response. Would like to know if I'm posting wrong don't want to pay for this site with this kind of response. Thanks
  9. A huge thanks to M61AMECH for obtaining this bulletin and making it available for all the members here. This bulletin was in response to his issue of the audio system working intermittently. [h=2]59085.pdf[/h]
  10. Folks, as most of you know, we send out happy birthday wishes to those who have their birthdays listed in their profiles. Such a birthday wish went out to Biker44. His actual name was Terry Richardson from Fulton, NY. He only posted a couple of times so most would not know him but I still ask that you say a prayer for those that he left behind. Here is the response that I got back from his wife today in response to the birthday wish. "Thank you for the birthday wish, unfortunately my husband died 2 weeks ago in a motorcycle accident. Would you please remove him from your email list. Gratefully, Joyce Richardson"
  11. You guys might just want to pull your trunk and check the mounting bolt holes on the chrome trunk frame. When Squid and I pulled my damaged trunk off this past weekend we discovered that the FRONT mounting bolt hole plates on my trunk frame were cracked... and it appears the only thing keeping things together was the chrome plating...and yes the stress cracks were clearly visible through the chrome too. From the response I got from my Dealer this morning I don't hold much hope of Yammi eating the $500+ bill to replace the chromed trunk frame....And yes, the Service Manager was NOT surprised to see the damage on the trunk frame... and that tells me that this may be a trunk frame defect that Yammi is fully aware of.....And the typical response from Yammi it seems is that they attribute the failure to the customer "overloading" the trunk with weight. My Yammi Dealer took a complete set of good pics of the trunk rack both top/bottom and is going to submit a request for Warranty replacement at no cost to me. Note to Squid: If this goes through I will get the NEW trunk rack to you Bro!! Boomer....With regards and respect to all.
  12. Anyone have any luck or problems with Pin Wall cycle on Ebay? Sent them 2 emails asking about the condition of a set of upper fork covers before I ordered them and never got a response back. Not a good way to do business in my opinion.
  13. I am going to buy a windshield from clearview and was wondering if the sealant around the vent they put in for you yellows after a while. Thanks for the response.
  14. Hi All, Does anyone have info on the Markland cruise control? I have an 83 VR1200 (1300 86 engine,) and it doesn't work currently. I would like to find some info, schematic, etc. on the electronics on it. When I got the bike, it would work intermittently. I took apart the head, and resoldered some connections that looked iffy, and then it worked fine. I rteplaced the wheat lamps in it, and it lights up, but now there is no response from the cruise unit, it does not pull the throttle cables like it should (not at all). This is the aftermarket one, not the factory VR cruise like the 84 on has. Thanks in advance!
  15. Given there is not going to be a Vogal rally for the southeast this year, I was expecting a bit more response to us having an Asheville Rally. So far, I am getting very little response on my request to do an ICE list. For those of us that have been to either of the previous Asheville get-togethers, you know it is a laid back gathering and we have a lot of fun. For those that have not been to this rally, or in this area, this is truly a motorcyclist's paradise. You can not get much better riding than this, in just about anywhere. Usually, the biggest problem is trying to decide which direction you want to go. And, for those staying at the KOA site, it is a perfect place for us to get together. I know the date is a little later in the year and many have kids in school by now, but I am hoping before this gets going that we have a bunch show up. If there are any questions about anything, please do not hesitate to ask on here, or send me a PM and I will try to help. I plan on being there in the afternoon on Wednesday the 11th and will be leaving out Sunday. I will be in campsite #21 by the lilly pond. RandyA
  16. Well, here goes. It may get a little bit long, but here are my thoughts. On March 17th I ordered two Scorpion Hat Trick jackets @ $149.99 each. They shipped them on March 22nd, and I got them OK. I was pleased with the price as they were lower than most other sites, and I had looked at the jackets at a local dealer (higher priced) and knew exactlly what I was getting. Last Thursday 04-22 I get an ad from them in my email and they have the same jacket for $114.99, $35 less than I paid, for a total of $70.00 less for the two. So I sent them a polite (I thought) email inquiring about a possible price match. Here is what I sent, and I also added my name, address and phone number: "Subject: Price of Scorpion Hat Trick jackets On 03-22-2010 you shipped my order number 1031756 of two of these jackets. I paid $149.99 each for them. You now have them on sale at $114.99 each. $35 each is a signifigant difference in price. Is there any chance that I can get a price match refund of the $70 more that I paid? If I had only waited a month to order my two jackets I would have gotten them for $114.99 each. Thank you for your consideration of this matter." Yesterday, Tues. 04-27 (5 days later) I got this reply: We do not go more than 7 days for match That's it, that's all they sent. I was not happy with how they responded. It is their choice as to how they establish their price matching policy, but I felt that they were rude and very unprofessional in their response. Following is my reply to their reply: "What kind of response is this? No name, no comment, no thank you for your business. Not even any punctuation. This certainly is not the way to promote your business. This response must be from someone who just doesn't give a damn about this business, only that they get a pay check. I checked as much of your web site as I could to find your written policy for price match against yourself and could not find it anywhere. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to where to find it. Meanwhile, I will post my feelings about your your customer service (and price match policy), and your lack of courtesy, to the motorcycle forums in which I am active. Some of them even list your store as a recommended source to purchase parts and gear, etc. Seems like they must not know the whole story. By the way, I sent my email to you last Thursday, 04-22-2010. Got the response Tuesday, 04-27-2010. Seems like a long time to wait for such a short response." Needless to say, unless I get some kind of positive response from someone in their customer service, managment, or ownership, they will never get another order from me.All this FWIW, and now I feel better. Mel
  17. So, got the new (to me) bike here yesterday. Put in new plugs and wires, completely drained the tank, and filled with fresh gas. Started and idled kinda ok. Sprayed carb cleaner on carbs, shafts, linkages, etc. Drained the float bowls, and restarted. Ran a little better. Pulled one of the diaphragms out, looked pretty new actually. Still will not develop power. What I have noticed is with the choke wide open it will idle up around 3,000, and will have some throttle response, but when you push the choke in, it drops to 1,000 and pretty much little throttle response. Some popping and spitting up through the carbs, but, not bad. And the chokes on the passenger side are pretty sticky. I am wondering if this is an indication of bad carbs, and how hard are the carbs to rebuild. I have a fair amount of mechanical expertise with motors, but, to me, rebuilding carbs has always been voodoo, or a black science. I would appreciate any real world experience from others.
  18. Ok, first I would like to say that I have no mechanical ability. I am not embarrassed by this only frustrated. I have had over 50 years to learn to live with it. While I can do some simple things, sometimes I have to be shown they are simple. Sometimes repeatedly. Now that I have gotten that off my chest, what tool to I need to remove the seat on my 07 RSV? I need to get to the batter, it is dead. I think I have found the bolts on the bottom side, but can't seem to get to it with a wrench and it doesn't look like there is enough room to get to it with a socket. I truly do not want to have to get the bike towed to the dealer to change a battery. But am almost desperate enougt to call the Yamaha Road Side assistance and take the abuse so I can start riding again. Not sure why this is so much harder to get to than my old 83VR. On a related side note. I did have a trickle charger hooked and it shows charged, but I got no electrical response from the bike. Maybe it is something else? Thanks
  19. I was wondering, are the carb heaters standard on the RSV? "Four heated 32mm Mikuni carburetors with TPS deliver seamless throttle response and greater power across the entire rev range" http://www.brenhamyamaha.com/yamaha_star_motorcycles.html Ben
  20. I guess scamming isn't limited to Ebay. I've been looking for a new or nearly new Tahoe and found a nice sounding deal on Autotrader with the truck advertised to be in Huntington, WV. I emailed a couple of questions last night and tried calling today, number not working should have been my first clue. This evenging I get the following email response which didn't answer either of my questions. Needless to say I provided him a few words in response. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hi Dennis, The car is still for sale. The asking price is $28,800. It is located in Belleair Beach, FL and the VIN is 1GNFK13078R247309. The car is registered on my name and the title is clear (no lien). It is in great condition, no dents or scratches. It was always garaged and the regular maintenance was done in time. It wasn't involved in any accident and has never suffered any kind of damage. Also this is a non-smoker car. If you have any questions regarding the car or you want extra photos or the CARFAX report (for free) just let me know! I'm a pilot on cargo flights. My wife broke up with me recently because I'm always away from home. We just sold our house and split the money. This is the last thing I need to sell and split the money with her. Because I'm away most of the time I will not be able to deal in person. But I've already arranged the shipping and the title transfer anywhere in the US. I will pay the shipping fees. I want the payment to be handled by MSN Autos. They will keep the money until you will receive and inspect the car. You will have 7 days of inspection period. If the car is not like described you will have to ship it back on my expense and they will give you a full refund. This way, you will be able to inspect the vehicle before committing to buy it and I know that you have the money and you aren't just fooling around. Giving the nature of this transaction please note that my sale terms are final and nonnegotiable. In order to move forward I will need your full name, address and phone number. I don't want to offend you, but the car is priced for a fast sale so please if you intend to apply for a loan or financing do not reply to this message! Chris Larsen."
  21. Eileen and I are going out of town for the weekend. I will be taking my computer but don't know if there is WIFI there so if you don't get a response to a post/pm/email....please be patient. Will respond Sunday night or Monday morning.
  22. I have an 07 RS Venture from new. It now has 40,000 kms on it. I have a few problems... some of which have been there since day 1. My dealer has tried to resolve some and not tried on others. The chirp/whine clutch basket noise is a common one and I am planning to talk to my dealer..... again....about trying to fix that one. My question is... do any of you other Venture owners have the other problems I have? If so, were you able to fix them and how? 1) whine/chirp at some rpms. Getting louder now, with 40,000 kms on the bike. Dealer response??? nothing. Do any of you think this is worth pursuing? It is getting very annoying lately. 2) groaning sound from swingarm or rear shock when flexed (sitting and bouncing up and down) when the bike is cold in the morning or on cold days. Mostly an embarassment but the bike has not always done this. Dealer response? lubed swingarm bushings, shock mount pivots, still the same. 3) Accelerate Button on cruise does not always respond to single incremental push. Dealer response? replaced switch assembly, and I think entire cruise electronic box. Still the same. 4) handlebars, forks, seem to point to the right. Bike runs straight, but points to the right. I have initial suspicion that the rear wheel is not true vertical relative to the frame. Dealer response? Bike seems to run normally to everyone else. Any help or comments greatly appreciated.
  23. Following is for anyone's FYI ... feel free to comment. Email I sent to Yamaha Customer Service Dept I have a 2006 RSMV. It has an extremely annoying whine/chirp coming from the clutch basket. I have had a local dealer install an "I" basket under warranty. This has not corrected the problem. The dealer told me that it could only be done one time regardless of whether it corrected it or not. This is not satisfactory to me. I have been in contact with many other RSV/RSMV owners who have had it replaced several times until they got a basket that reduced the whine/chirp to an acceptable level. I would like to know if Yamaha will look after this problem for me. Response I received I am writing in response to your e-mail regarding your RSMV Yamaha motorcycle. Yamaha introduced this model to critical acclaim. I can record your concerns but based on the information you provided I would encourage you to continue driving and enjoying your motorcycle without hesitation. All motorcycles have inherent, and different, engine noises. We have, in some cases, replaced clutch baskets and in many cases the noise remains unchanged, and in some cases increases the noise. These models have an inherent engine noise that is considered normal and may be augmented by the type of helmet a person wears or accessories they have on the motorcycle. Do you wear a half helmet? We consider this to be a characteristic of this model and would not repeatedly change clutch baskets. Your comments will be kept on file if you send me your serial number and you will be contacted in the unlikely event that time, and product monitoring, indicate this issue requires further investigation. Sincerely, Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd. Scott Harrison Manager, Consumer Relations
  24. Deleted due to lack of response.
  25. Well as part of my winter project Im going to rejet my carb as per the teck article in the forum. Makes sensc to me but I looked for the main and pilot jets OEM and they had no Idea. Where can I get these. Also if anyone has done this procedure can you tell me how much of an improvement have you had. I dont want to waste time and money but I do want better response. It seems like its starving right now.
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