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  1. My tach works, but it's "slow" to respond, for lack of a better term. It doesn't respond to quick rpm changes, and once I get cruising in 5th gear it finally catches up to the engine after a couple minutes. Kinda weird symptoms. Anybody ever see this? I did try to search threads but didn't see anything similar.
  2. looking for recommendations for tire pressure for the following set up Royal Star Venture Nexxan Car Tire on Rear Wheel Side Car setup Anyone with similar set up please respond
  3. I was looking at front rotors for my 99 on ebay and Pinwall has a set from a low mileage 2005 rstd with just 6500 miles on it. However the pics showing the bike being tested has the odometer at over 30,000 miles. I sent them request through ebay on the right mileage. Lets see if they respond.
  4. Boss, Maybe you could once again urge the members to utilize the "Custom User Title" to show what the are riding. We all know how much easier it is to respond to problems/questions if it is known up front for what specific motorcycle they are seeking help/answers.
  5. I have owned this Venture for only about 10 months now and I love the bike. One thing I noticed was that my Honda Sabre was more fun to ride around town than the Venture but it was only a little quicker and more nimble Well I sold the Sabre and bought a CBR1100xx which I have been riding for about a month. A couple of days ago I pulled out the Venture to run it around a little because it had been setting. OMG!.....It was scary! It felt like a bus (a big yellow one). Now I don't need it to respond or handle like the Blackbird but it was a job just getting it to corner and stop. So: Is there some way to get the brakes to be more responsive? Is there some way to lower it an inch or two on both ends? Thanks; please don't flame me because I want more. Because I'm sure this bike will do more. And NO I don't want another bike. Rich
  6. I odered a helmet last wk. Checked the tracking yestered (fri) and it indicated that it was delivered on thur at 5:08 pm. I was home and there was no packaged delivered. Looked all around and found nothing. Called Fedex and got a claim #. I asked them to contact the driver and ask where it he put it. By friday evening, still no call, no delivery guy. Call em back, lady says we're waiting on the driver to respond. I can see this is probably gonna be a long drawn out deal. Who knows what he did with it. Any advise with these ya-ho's.
  7. I have a pair of MK1 and a pair of MK2 front rotors that are cluttering up my garage. They are used, in fair to good shape. If you need them respond here or PM..
  8. Anybody from the Atlanta area or the state of Ga. planning on going to Dons for Maintaince Day? I am going and looking for someone to make this long ride with. My plans for leaving and return are sort of open right now, so just respond to this thread or pm me and we can see about joining up and making this long ride a little more pleasant for us........ Its drawing near and I am getting excited..............
  9. Just a heads up here folks. As you can imagine, there is a LOT going on in my life right now and it's only going to get worse over the next few weeks and possibly months. Since starting this club about 4 1/2 years ago, I've had it set up to where every post made here comes to me by email. I do this so that I can keep up with things, reply to posts that require or request my reply, watch for any threads that get out of hand for one reason or the other. What this means is that I read every post made here and that is usually hundreds per day in my email box. I'm afraid that I may have to disable this feature for a while. I will continue it through the following week before heading to Boston but will probably have to turn it off before I leave. There will be days when I just won't be able to keep up with the posts here and that will mean thousands of emails to go through when I get the opportunity to do so. Now the main way this affects you is that there are often posts where people will say "I'm sure Freebird will see this and respond"...or "I think Freebird did that"....etc. I very well may not see those posts so if there is something that truly requires my attention and/or input, please do not just assume that I will see the post. Either send me a PM or an Email and I'll respond to it as soon as I can. Thanks in advance for your understanding and if you don't get immediate responses to your PMs or Emails, please understand that I will be doing the best that I can.
  10. Thanks to Brad for putting this idea in my head......... I have quite a few Crusin for St. Jude Pins that I have been auctioning off, and the shirts, hats, and lic. plate holders will all be gone before the pins......... So here is what I am going to do.......... I am going to set aside 15 of the pins for this offer......... The first 15 people who respond to this post will be able to purchase for a $10.00 donation to St. Jude Children's Hospital, 1 Cruisin for St. Jude Pin, this will include shipping by US mail. No PM's please, must be requested in this post. Once you respond to this post you can use PayPal to pay or send me a check for the donation. My PalPal addy is below. partin_guy@yahoo.com Thanks to all.
  11. To all, My apologies to all for a recent post (not mentioned). I understand the thread was deleted which was proper and in order. My intention was NOT to cause dissention among any members who hold other views on any particular subject. Please do not respond to this but let it eventually go the way of all other threads, but accept my apology as sincere. Now, go have a beer (non-alcoholic and at your own expense). Marv.
  12. I would like to get some idea where everyone is staying in Kitchener this July.Are there other members from the Maritimes going and do you wish to Travel in a small group ? Please respond as soon as possible.I would like to book the rooms or whatever this week. Thanks Bucky Thompson
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