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  1. While cruising the item on EBay for sale I came across this add: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-Yamaha-1989-Venture-Royale-1300-Blue-Like-New-200-miles_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem588296a25dQQitemZ380148032093QQptZUSQ5fmotorcycles Does anyone believe this is really possible? A 1989 VR with ONLY 210 miles on it? It does look very clean. 3K current bid but it also has a reserve on it.
  2. jaymacdoo


    fuel light came on . I kept riding .20 kms later Needed to switch to reserve. I kept riding . 70kms after that i ran out . Thats ok now i know I have less than 70 kms on reserve. BUT what pee'd me off was the fact I could only get less than 22 liters in the tank . What happened to 23 liters and 3 of reserve making this a 26 liter tank ?
  3. How much fuel is left in the tank when the last bar on the gauge goes away?? The knob for the reserve valve on mine was broken off when I bought her so I don't know if it's set to reserve or not.
  4. I'm trying to ascertain EXACTLY what the range of my bike is. I feel I am getting lousey MPG since I've gone 79 miles & the gauge is dancing between 1/2 & the bar below it. So I put the petcock in the on position to see how long I can run (leaving me the reserve so I'm not stranded). So when I hit the level where I need to switch to reserve position on the petcock, what will my main LCD gas gauge show? No bars? One bar? What about the red warning light will that turn on when IN reserve? What should I consider the normal range of the 1st Gen in (average) miles? Thank for the input.
  5. The CMS and therefore the gas gauge is not functioning. The knob and faceplate are missing from my petcock reserve switch. There is a stopper tab connected to the shaft that points fore or aft. Assuming OFF is in the middle, if the shaft is turned all the way clockwise would that be the REServe position or the On position?
  6. Do yourself a favor... If you have 2 bars showing, your in the fuel countdown mode, and, your approaching a steep hill with cagers on your six... switch to reserve immediately... I found this out on my way to MD today... luckily the cagers weren't riding my six... took a half a mile going up hill for the reserve to kick in... food for thought... On the flat you can run without flipping to reserve well below one bar...
  7. I ride a 2005 RSTD mostly 2 up, when on longer trips with friends I usually will stop for gas before they do. I've noticed when the fuel guage gets down to about 1/8th of a tank, the guage disappears and the letter "F" shows up and it starts to count UP miles. How many miles does it give me before switching over to Reserve? Or is this my Reserve as the owner's manual states? How many miles can I push it after the "F" shows up? Thanx to all in advance for any insight into this.
  8. For the longest time, I have been riding my bike with the petcock in reserve and have had no issues. Well last night on the way home from work on I94 north of Chicago, I ran out of gas with 4.7 miles on the countdown milage indicator. The worst I have ever pushed it is 26 miles (with the petcock in reserve). Never again. From now on I ride in normal and only use reserve when needed. I'm gonna start watching milage a little closer again also and not rely on that IDIOT light. Kevin
  9. I have read all the posts about the plugs behind the fins. I pulled the fins to check the plugs and found none of them to be leaking. The drip just started as the cold weather set in, It drips just behind the kickstand pivot. The puddle is the size of a silver dollar after 24 hours. This on an '01 RSV 40K on the odo. So if it's not the cylinder plugs what else might it be? I see no seepage around the head gaskets or anywhere on top of the motor. Inspection with a mirror and flashlight of the underside of the motor shows it dripping off the shift rod, but I can't tell where it's coming from. The reserve tank is at the proper level. No overheating problems. My last few rides have been in temps of 25 to 40 degrees. I need to get this fixed before Thursday, as a pgr member we provide the parking guides for the veterans day service at Great Lakes National Cemetery.
  10. Since I'm at work & can't look it up, can someone tell me if the fuel pump is in the tank? This morning I started off to work, as usual. Got about a half mile up the road & bike starts stumbling. Oh yeah. Forgot to flip petcock yesterday back to reserve. I usually don't put it to "ON", but, just to keep things working, I turned it down. Turned it back to reserve, but, bike will hardly start, if it starts at all, then dies within 15 seconds or so. I was actually going to get gas before heading to work, as I was 14 miles into "F". Good thing from my home to where I was, is all up hill, so, I turned around & coasted back down the hill to home & took the truck to work. I've heard it's not good to run the gas down to empty if the fuel pump is in the tank because it uses the gas as a lubricant & coolant & if you're that low, it could damage the fuel pump. Is this an issue with this bike? I've never had a problem like this before & I almost always fill up with about 5.25-5.75 gallons. I now have 40K miles on it & another 7 months on the warranty, so, if it is the fuel pump, I assume it's covered. Any other ideas out there? I guess it could also be a clogged fuel filter? Thanks.
  11. Can anybody tell me how to filter listings so I don't even see the listings with a reserve on them? I see the filter for auctions....but nothing to select no reserve only.
  12. Don't know if this the same for all Ventures but on MINE it sure is.... Filled the gas tank yesterday and put the gas petcock to Reserve. I normally switch it back th Normal after 25-30 miles. I do this because I don't want any gunk build-up in the petcock and this also ensures that I have good flow.... Well today I found out that with the petcock in the Reserve position the Low Fuel Light does NOT come on and the Trip odometer does NOT warn of impending Low Fuel as it does NOT zero out. Luckily for me when I ran out of gas I was able to slap the bike over onto its kickstand and get enough gas to the left side of the tank.....which enabled me to haul a$$ to the nearest Exit and Gas Station. Boomer....who sez ya gotta remember ALL the steps of any procedure ya use....even when it comes to thumping on the pygmies during periods of cheesecake withdrawal.
  13. My grandson picked up a Kawi 1980 kd80 non-runer. Kinda proud of him as it now screams like a banchee. The question I have is.... it's a 2-cycle with an oil reserve crankcase like a 4-cycle... does it need a gas/oil mix, or use straight gas?? All my experience with 2-cycles deals with a mix engine...
  14. I just purchaased a 1989 Yamaha Venture Royale. My questions are...1. Is there a reserve tank? 2. If there is, how do you activate it? Thanks JC in MN
  15. Good morning everyone, The question i have is about the fuel gauge on my 08 RSV. As the bars reduce to empty is this an indication of the whole tank or is the reserve still intact? A few of my freinds ride with the fuel pet-cock on reserve, but i try to tell them if they ever run out of gas, thats it !!! they'll be pushing. So i was wondering if the fuel gauge on my RSV reads the reserve gas. Also how far can i expect to go on a reserve before runnung out? Thanks and have a safe summer Frank
  16. I have a question about the low fuel light on my 96 RSTD. When I bought the bike the Low Fuel light was on all the time. After removing the tank I found that the wires to the sending unit were not routed right and had been pinched. I cut back the covering and spliced new wires in and rerouted them under the rear tank mount (where they were suposed to be) and the light went out. Now my question is, "When should the low fuel warning light come on?" I have run the bike down into reserve a couple of times and never saw the light come on. When I hit reserve I have around 1 gal of gas left based on the pump and gas milage. I would like to know when I should see the light without tempting fate while in reserve.
  17. ok ..... I've read through a few threads and would like to ask a simple question as to how my 2002 midnight ventures gauge works. At about 175 miles odometer switches to F and starts to count up. Is that when I should switch to reserve ?? also some say to just run it set on reserve all the time ?? So my first question is how is it suppose to work and what works best for my friends riding these bikes ?? Dale ps. I haven't run out of gas yet, but have had it in sputter mode a few times.
  18. OK, here what I need to know, how fardo you or can you go once you switch petcock to reserve. My fuel gage light comes on at roughly 182-185 miles and i swiitch to reserve, fill up and it takes about 4 to 4.7 gallon. Why does fuel gage light come on so early if I have a 6 gallon tank? I have over 6,000 miles on RSV in 5 months and have never put more than 4.7 gallon in it. So how far can I still go with 1.3 gallon left and 2 bars showing. How far can you go on your reserve? thanks Brian D.
  19. What's normal for Hwy riding at about 120 to 130 kph before using reserve? I've been getting about 220...then have to switch to reserve.
  20. General Questions (still under construction) Q: What does RTFM mean? Is it rude when someone uses this term in a post? A: Read The Friggin' Manual! (or something similar) Although easy to misconstrue, this term is rarely meant here in a mean way. Instead, it is a quick and somewhat lighthearted shorthand to tell the reader the requested information is actually documented appropriately by the manufacturer. Not only should it help you find the information in the future, but it also works as a kind of validation that the supplied answer (which is usually included with "RTFM") is not just something immagined in an alcohol induced fog by the respondent. Q: OK, I get the hint - RTFM! But I don't have the "FM" - where can I get owner's and technical manuals for the Royal Star Venture and Tour Deluxe? A: Although the 2nd Gen bikes have not materially changed since their introduction in 1999, the owner's manuals HAVE changed. (find data on model year differences) You can download the correct one for your specific model year free from the Royal Star web site (insert link here). The shop manual has not been changed since it was first printed in 1999. You can purchase one from Yamaha, find a copy in either hard copy or CD on ebay, or it can be downloaded here ((insert link here). Q: What "known issues" are there with the 2nd Gen Royal Star Venture and Tour Deluxe bikes? A: These are documented in the Technical library here: [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1067]A list of known problems on the Second Gen Venture - VentureRider.Org[/ame] In addition, much more information on any item listed can usually be found with a search of the forums. Just be sure to use search terms greater than three letters and try alternate spellings if you aren't finding the results you expect. Q: Are there any differences between model years for the 2nd Gen bikes? Are all parts interchangeable? A: There are virtually no differences between model years other than colors offered. All parts should be interchangeable, and when ordering new Yamaha parts, an updated part number for any improved or upgraded part should be applicable to all older models, from 1999 through 2010. Although not a technical or design difference, the CD Changer accessory that previously could be purchased for around $600 became standard on the 2009 RSV. It is installed in the right saddlebag. Q: What is covered in my warranty? A: This is pretty straight forward - the U.S warranty is clear that it covers the entire bike for 5 years from the date of initial service. Unfortunately, a few bad dealers seem to be too lazy to provide proper support to their customers and try to claim various problems are not covered, including things like ABS plastic body parts, wheel bearings, etc. These shyster dealers should never be allowed to get away with such dishonest behavior. If you run into something like this, post your experience on the board here and we will try to help you identify the proper places to file your complaints. Q: What fuel should I use? A: This engine is specifically designed to use regular fuel (typically 87 pump octane rating, 85 at high altitudes). Some riders prefer to use premium fuel, but all scientific documentation and independent testing shows that there is zero benefit from using higher octane than the engine needs to prevent knocking or detonation. Using premium fuel will not hurt your bike in any way, but the extra cost is a complete waste of money unless it just makes you feel better. Q: What fuel mileage should I be getting? A: Like tire mileage, there are many things about individual riding styles, the environment, and specific differences in each bike that may make your specific mileage different from the "norm". The biggest variable for this bike is the average speed you ride. In general, if you spend most of the time at 60 or less, you should expect between 36 and 40 MPG, and even up to 45 is not uncommon when spending the day in the twisties. But if you like to travel at an indicated 75 or above, you will probably see mileage figures between 30 and 35 MPG. Q: How much gas does this tank really hold? Is it all usable, or is some left in the tank even after I "run out"? A: The manual says the RSV has a six gallon tank (the RSTD tank is smaller), and this is accurate. However, filling the tank completely to the top is quite difficult unless you have added vent holes to the top of the filler neck as described here: [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=302]Vent the Gas Tank Filler Neck - VentureRider.Org[/ame] These tanks do not have a crossover line to allow the fuel levels to equalize, so if you hold the bike straight and drain the tank, some fuel will be left on the right side. In real riding conditions, the normal sloshing of the gas in leaning, acceleration and braking will allow virtually all of the fuel to be moved to the left side and be used. Several riders have reported filling the tank with up to 5.98 gallons, verifying the full capacity of six gallons and that all of it can be used in most riding conditions. However, if you have been riding on a straight and level highway for a while before you run out, you might be able to get another 10-20 miles by leaning the bike way over to the left to get access to some of the trapped fuel. Q: How far can I go on Reserve? A: The RSV owner's manual says the reserve is 1 gallon, but the majority of owners have found their actual reserve is 1.5 gallons (usually the low fuel light will come on and the odometer switches to the "Fuel" trip meter about 5 miles before the carbs begin starving and require you to switch the petcock). Under most conditions, you should always get a minimum of 40 miles on reserve, and with reduced speeds and careful riding, 60 miles is often possible. Although the RSTD has a slightly smaller tank and no low fuel light, its reserve capacity is theoretically similar, but we are still looking for definitive information there.
  21. My reserve antifreeze tank gets harder to read, darker, as it gets older (could not be my eyes). I imagine we all have the same problem for the first gens, even with the brights of lights my wrench could not reach it. So I took his advice: 3/4'' dowell, 12 & 1/4" long, top mark (high Mark the bottom from the top of the stick, ) nitched at 9 & 1/8th "; for the low mark, 10 & 7/8". I figure that is accurate enough, but might be off a little and better measured on a reserve tank OFF the bike and in natural light. Just thought I'd pass this tidbit along for other lucky 1st gen riders! JackZ
  22. Just bought an 88 VR and see some things I have questions about. A while back, I asked about rev limiters on first gens and seemed none had them like the 2nd gen do. Well, I was looking at the 1st gen (86-93) service manual and saw something electronic that said it's putpose was to limit engine revs. Can't remember what part it was and don't have that with me. So, do 88s have a rev limiter? Also, (looking at photos because I haven't picked the bike up yet) I see what looks like a lumbar adjustment cable for the passenger backrest. Is that what that cable does? Looks like it is managed from a lever on the right side near the passenger's grab rail. One more question from a photo: I see a black, kinda round, notched, 3 or 4 position knob with a red arrow over it on the left side in front of the fuel pump. But I can't read what is written on the knob. Is that a fuel tank reserve valve or something or do these bikes just have a low fuel warning light that tells you it's on reserve? Thanks for any info. I could find out Monday when I go get the bike, but I am just too curious (and bored at work) tonight. Rusty
  23. 2008 RSV STOCK and serviced at 600 miles by me. Now at 8,000 miles-ish. From Mileage 0000001 thru about 7,000-ish miles got about 200 mpg before Reserve Fuel Light came on. From 7,000-ish to 8,000-ish the Reserve Fuel Light was coming on regularly around 150-ish miles vs 200 miles earlier, that is a 25% loss of mpg. (Thinking to myself Hmmmmm the 8,000 miles Service is soon and then replace (OIL= Shell Rotella 5-40 Syn, Oil Filter, 75-90 SYN in Final Pumpkin and replace spark plugs). These were the same fluids used at 600 mile Service. Had GREATEST of performance enhancement with NGK Iridium Spark Plugs on (Toyata, Subaru, Two Yammie Outboards and Yammie-Rhino-660) using the NGK Iridium Spark Plugs. Threw them in my STOCK 2008 RSV at 8,000-ish and BAM got my MPG back to 200-ish miles before Reserve Fuel Light comes on again... NO LIE So the Owners Manual was DEAD ON in regard to spark plug replacement around 8,000 miles. Hopes this helps someone... NO I'm not a NGK Stockholder or Dealer... Just a decent Mechanic and a simple M/C Rider.
  24. This bike had 25 bids and topped out at $4,999.99 and did not meet reserve for those that were interested in it. That is more than I figured it would go for. RandyA
  25. Ok so now everything is back to normal.. (I'm posting this in case someone out there has the same rare occurrance as I had.. and that this may help them in the future.. ) Initial problem was that I ran out of fuel while still carrying the reserve amount.. This happened twice in a 2 week period. Petcock set to ON and the bike stuttered with 2 fuel bars showing.. switched to RES on the petcock and the bike died.. poof. When subsequently fueling up, it's discovered that the bike still had a reserve amount of fuel.. It would not feed from the RES position on the petcock (yes, it was indeed in correct position as per etc) There was no F on the ODO nor was there the amber low fuel warning light.. just the stutter of the engine indicating a low fuel issue but the bike would not feed from the reserve fuel in the tank when the petcock was on RES. Testing at home showed that the fuel would drain from the petcock from the ON position and when the flow stopped, it would indeed resume when petcock set to RES position, just as it should.. but didn't when I ran out of fuel twice on the road.. So this problem did not make sense. When the tank was drained from the petcock, the F on the ODO nor the amber fuel light came on.. huh. Ok something is not working. A few calls to service dept yielded such things as witchcraft and pulling stumps out with a wet herring.. No idea what they were talking about.. I doubt they knew either. What caused the problem? Well guesses are that sludge might have blocked the RES port on the petcock, preventing the fuel from flowing to the engine. But when I pulled the petcock off the tank, the standpipes on the petcocks were clean as a whistle and the inside of the tank showed no signs of dirt or sludge.. So ok, the petcock is working as advertised up to this point. The VENT tube at the top of the tank is cleared and passing air so that's not blocked causing a vacuum. The Fuel meter on the dashboard indicates proper fuel levels and shows it full and decreasing as you put miles on the bike.. So the float is working.. I changed the fuel filter on spec. On examining the fuel filter, it was as it should be after a year of use.. nothing dramatic or un-normal about it.. I had disconnected the battery at this time as I had other electrical work to fix on the stereo under the main fairing.. I pulled the tank off the bike to change the spark plugs and at that time, 'swished' the tank with clean fuel and drained it.. upside down and sideways, listening to hear anything bopping around loose in there but all was good. When the bike was put back together again, with 10 litres of fuel added to the tank, and ignition turned on, the fuel pump could be heard ticking away filling up the bowls and lines and the bike's engine fired up as it should.. Fuel levels were showing on the gauge and the bike was put away for the evening. This morning, with a jerry can strapped to the back seat of the bike, I set off to test if I would get proper function of the fuel system or a repeat of the last time. And at two bars showing on the fuel gauge, the F on the ODO showed up and 3 or 4 miles later the low fuel amber light came on, just as it was supposed to. And I added just over 16 litres of fuel into the tank, JUST as it should.. so everything is back to normal.. A subsequent fuel run gave me the same results.. seems I can now rely again on the low fuel indicating system.. But the big question is what the heck happened to cause the problem in the first place?! I basically ran out of fuel as I was unable to feed from the reserve fuel in the tank.. Here's what I'm guessing and let me know if any of this makes sense or not.. (A) there was sludge in the tank but it got 'swished' out and now all is good.. (B) the fuel filter was probably actually dirtier than I had thought and replacing it fixed the problem.. © or more interestingly, perhaps the bike's fuel management computer pooped out a while back and was reset when I disconnected the battery.. In other words, a set condition was met when the fuel float got down to a certain level, failing to activate the pump or signaling the system that the bike is actually dry and not having any reserve fuel.. or something like that.. The reason I mention © is that the stereo system on the bike was giving me probs all spring long where as the bars had to be turned to the right in order to make any channel changes, though the volume works all the time.. I pulled the fairing to find the cable going from the hand controller on the left bar was trapped under a bundle around the steering neck and when the bars were to the left, applied a weird pressure on the cable causing it to not work.. go figure.. Once I released that cable to the top of the bundle, the control unit works perfectly.. ... And also to mention that on a recent road trip, the Cruise Control would sometimes deactivate when hitting a large bump.. Perhaps there was something electrical causing all this BS in the first place and all I needed to do was reset 'something' by disconnecting the battery?! Anyway.. if anyone ever finds themselves in this kind of situation, drop me a line.. I've been through it.. Hopefully I might be able to save you some time in trouble shooting. Thanks to all who submitted helpful suggestions.. Cheers
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