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Found 20 results

  1. Saw this story and I just knew we had some that would be really interested in it. Barley genome breakthrough may lead to better beer LONDON (Reuters) - An international consortium of scientists has published a high resolution draft of the barley genome in a move that could not only improve yields and disease resistance but may also hold the key to better beer. "This research will streamline efforts to improve barley production through breeding for improved varieties," said Professor Robbie Waugh, of Scotland's James Hutton Institute, who led the research. "This could be varieties better able to withstand pests and disease, deal with adverse environmental conditions, or even provide grain better suited for beer and brewing." Barley which has been malted is a key ingredient in brewing beer along with hops and yeast. The research, published in the journal Nature, could also be a boon for the whisky industry while barley is also a major component of animal feed for meat and dairy industries. Barley is the world's fourth most important cereal crop, trailing only maize, rice and wheat, and its genome is almost twice the size of that of humans. "It will accelerate research in barley, and its close relative, wheat," Waugh said. "Armed with this information breeders and scientists will be much better placed to deal with the challenge of effectively addressing the food security agenda under the constraints of a rapidly changing environment." (Reporting by Nigel Hunt; editing by Keiron Henderson) Margaret
  2. We are now under 2 weeks till our meet and eat in W. Memphis, Ark. From there we ride over in mass to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tn. to make our donation and tour both the Hospital and the Ronald Mc Donald house. Dont miss out on this great experience. All we ask is a small donation to help St. Jude in their research. I will have plenty of Cruisin' for St. Jude t-shirts for those attending and donating. We are meeting at the Flying J/Pilot Truck Stop that is located at the junction of I-40 & I-55 in West Memphis. We will be having lunch there before we go to the hospital. Looking forward to a good turnout for this special event. :Venture:
  3. Just bought an 08 RSTD last Sunday, So far so good love the bike. got a buddy has an 06 model. Are there any major differences in the two model years ? Now I need to research tires as well as I dont like the Bridgestones on it ? Suggestions?
  4. Help................... We need to raise a little more money for the Kids at St. Jude, I was given a hint as to how much NARR group has raised so far and we are going to fall short and loose the challenge, but thats not whats important, we want to make an impact on the research that goes on at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The kids are in need of all the help they can get to find a cure for this horrible affliction that strikes out at everyone, it knows no age limit, young, old it makes no difference. The research that goes on at St. Jude benefits everyone in the long run. If we can raise a little more money we will get the donation to St. Jude go over the $10,000 mark, that would be a combined total from both groups and that would be fantastic. We were told on one of our visits there that the average donation from a m/c group was $2,500.00. We can set a new standard! If you don't feel comfortable sending the donation to me, you can always make the donation to the hospital via the tribute site we have set up at the St. Jude web site. The link to that page is below. Remember we are going to make the donation in person at St. Jude in Memphis on Oct 1, 2011. You can make a donation at the tribute site any at any time. Its all about the Kids!!! Mean Dog Tribute __________________ St. Jude Benefit Ride Oct. 1, 2011 http://www.danasoft.com/sig/STJUDEBENEFITRIDE.jpg Follow up from B2Dad Come on people..... The time is getting close. I am sure a $1 or $2 won't break most of us. If everyone gave just a dollar, we could hit that $10,000 mark that Lewis spoke of! I personally will get this going again with a donation of $25. Who is with me??? Dig deep fellow VR members! And thanks! It's for the kids, ya know!
  5. This post is not to start any arguing about helmet usage. It is simply information from new research published this year about reduced neck injury in motorcycle accidents because of helmet usage. It seems to show a 22% decrease in neck injury from those without a helmet. http://www.news-medical.net/news/20110210/New-research-Motorcycle-helmets-appear-to-reduce-cervical-spine-injury.aspx
  6. A friend of mine dropped by last night to show of his '86 Aspencade with 86K miles which he bought for $1000. By the outside lights it looks like it is pretty decent. He plans to ride it until he finishes customizing his wing's paint job and offered to sell it to me at that time for the same 1000. Without other research (you guys are it so far), I imagine that you guys are going to tell me that at that price I can't go wrong?? How about the bike itself? Problem areas (alternator?)? How does it compare to my '83 Royale? Or is that like apples and oranges? Thanks!
  7. The United Way realized that it had never received a donation from the city's most successful lawyer. So a United Way volunteer paid the lawyer a visit in his lavish office. The volunteer opened the meeting by saying, 'Our research shows that even though your annual income is over two million dollars, you don't give a penny to charity. Wouldn't you like to give something back to your community through the United Way ?' The lawyer thinks for a minute and says, 'First, did your research also show you that my mother is dying after a long, painful illness and she has huge medical bills that are far beyond her ability to pay?' Embarrassed, the United Way rep mumbles, 'Uh . . . no, I didn't know that.' 'Secondly,' says the lawyer, 'did it show that my brother, a disabled veteran, is blind and confined to a wheelchair and is unable to support his wife and six children?' The stricken United Way rep begins to stammer an apology, but is cut off again. 'Thirdly, did your research also show you that my sister's husband died in dreadful car accident, leaving her penniless with a mortgage and three children, one of whom is disabled and another that has learning disabilities requiring an array of private tutors?' The humiliated United Way rep, completely beaten, says, 'I'm so sorry, I had no idea.' And the lawyer says, 'So . . . if I didn't give any money to them, what makes you think I'd give any to you?'
  8. Hope to see plenty of members in Memphis tomorrow for our Annual St. Jude Donation Ride. Looking forward to seeing some I havent seen in a while........and hopefully some new faces will get to see what a great job the folks at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital do for the kids. Please remember to wear you Cruisin for St. Jude shirt if you have one, I will have some with me for those who dont, but come early I dont have a lot of them. :Venture:
  9. I thought it was time for an update of the past efforts of everyone here at Ventureriders. I could name a lot of people that have taken the bull by the horns and helped me in our effort to raise money for the kids at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. But being the old fart that I am my memory isnt so good at remembering all of them, but let me say that most have been raised by hosts of many of our events that have come to pass. With that said I thought you should know how successful our efforts have been up to now. Let me preface this by saying that the average for giving by motorcycle orginizations like ourselves, have an average of $2500.00. Now some of them may be smaller, some larger, but I dont think any are more dedicated that VentureRiders, we are a special breed, we are more of a family than just another riding group. Since 2005 when I put together the first Tail of the Dragon/Vogel up to now we have raised and donated over $10,500.00 to St. Jude. That does not include any of the money raised so far this year. We are lagging behind a little but I have faith that we will get quite a bit more before our annual ride to St. Jude. I want to thank everyone for their support of St. Jude. It is a wonderful research facility and until you have been there and seen it and the Ronald McDonald house across the street from it you have no idea of what St. Jude is to those kids who need it and its research. So In the next few days I will be contactinig them and setting up a date to present the monies to them in person at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Thanks again, Lewis & Charlene
  10. I have just posted a donated item in the classified section under St. Jude Auctions. Remember all proceeds from these auctions will benefit the kids at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tn. The link below will take you to the auction. St. Jude Auction
  11. I had a 08 Polaris Sportsman 500 atv. It was ok and did the job pushing snow, but it wasnt quite what I wanted. I decided to start pricing a side by side instead. So after some investigating and some research, the fun began. To make a long story short, I am the owner of a 09 Kawasaki Teryx. This thing is a blast. Oh and by the way, got a good deal to boot.....
  12. Has anyone here ever tried the TireGard-Wireless Tire Monitoring system? Not very cheap and don't want to waste my money. I haven't dones much research so there is probably someone who sells them cheaper. Just curious if they work or not. http://www.bigbikeparts.com/ $209 at this site.
  13. See Link: http://www.tachyoninc.com/HTML%20Manuals/2010%20XC%20English%20Manual%20HTML.html Hope to have this in 2 weeks or so. I done LOTS of Research and this should be on your research list too for consideration.
  14. hi guys (i do hope you know i mean aussie and kiwi in the nicest way possible!) I am taking an Alternative Energy class as part of one of my degrees, and i've been assigned a research paper on australian and new zealand "green" building pratices. I'm not familar with the subject, so i felt that in the course of my research, it would just make sense to see what, if any experence any of you might have with "green" construction past or present in your country, as well as your opinions on it. I feel it is important to show both sides of a subject, just because it's good for the enviroment doesn't mean that it doesn't cause problems or get under your skin so to speak. So, I ask if any of you would be so kind, to share your experence, information, and opinions on the subject. i'd also have to ask permission to list you as a resource in the papers list of sources, and if you wanted, i could send you a copy of the report. thanks in advance any and all who respond, and thanks for your time! - Jared
  15. I have just posted 4 more auctions to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. These auction are for a St. Jude Cruisn T-shirt, hat, and pin. These auctions will fun for 15 days. Thanks to everyone who supports this great research hospital for our kids. If you havent been there, you need to check it out if your ever in the area, it is a beautiful facility, doesnt resemble a hospital at all. Thanks again, and happy bidding:mo money::mo money:
  16. Unfortunately my son got A H1N1 about 10 days ago. During that time he went from: "go back home it's a cold" to Intensive Care Unit with assisted respiratory support, and so far he still is there. Nobody give us (Me and my Wife) instructions about medicine or vaccine to take (Yes, I'm talking about doctors), and today we get the best part: A call from the county trying to research about how this happened. (It take 10 days to the county to realize my son is ill). One day, same people will going to do another research but nobody will be alive to answer the phone.... :95:
  17. Alan and I have been members of the Ulysses Club.org for twelve years now, and try to spend our annual holidays travelling to, and attending the Rally and AGM held every year in a different state of Australia. It's the largest club in the southern hemisphere (27,533 members in Australia), and has even gone international to about seven countries. The club runs on very similar lines to VR.org--that's probably why I feel so much at home here!! AND "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" It was started 26 years ago by three guys looking for somewhere to socialise and have comradeship in their senior years.(with their wives etc) Their days of "hooning" were over and they just wanted to ride and enjoy. So I thought I would show you a couple of pics of rallies and some of the silly things we do to raise money for charities. (mostly for children & arthritis research) Thats Alan as the "phantom" and also as a woman (YUK) on the "shockin' Frock Run" where the men had to dress female (riders pay $10 & pillion $5) then there is a "beauty contest":rasberry: A couple of years back I even shaved off my hair, while a friend went "blue" for Luekemia research. I'll do most anything for the kids!! :happy34: So now I belong to the two best "family" clubs in the world, it doesn't get any better than that!! :banana:
  18. Yesterday, and they had a consigned 2006 xv1900 Stradoliner sitting on the floor with tons of add-on$. What a beast...., but I like it. I think the owner had to have been smoking something when he...or she?... congered up the asking price of $18,500. Did a little research on them and the price was way over the market. Does anybody own one, or have ridden one maybe?? With 1900 cc's I wonder what the MPG would be??
  19. Got this by email. Have no idea about how valid it may be but was kind of fun to watch. The footage first shows ground crew from America, Spain, Germany, Italy and Holland conventionally directing aircraft. As the music changes to YMCA, the 21-year-old Brit makes his impressive entrance. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leacw8H8Lrk]YouTube - How to marshall a Jet full version[/ame] The video was made by RAF staff and has raised over £1,000 for Cancer Research UK. Mark Coote, director of community fundraising at Cancer Research UK, said: "By raising much valued funds for Cancer Research UK, Dean also appears to have raised many a smile from the cockpit of the RAF jet fighters he helps take off and land. We salute him for his imaginative fundraising dance moves and for his efforts in helping us in our bid to beat cancer."
  20. I found this stress test at one of my favorite research sites; www.ldolphin.org http://www.sbac.edu/~research/stresstest.html
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