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  1. Next week, Grump & I get on the road again, hitting places we didn't get to or need to see more of from last year. Pakidaho's is a required stop, again this year, as is Cody. Spot Shared Page http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0dW2uviFRmfVBIi65A9vRaQ1osJHe2jOq Link to last years trip thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=60094
  2. I picked up a set of Dunlop E3's for my 08 RSV. Front - 150/80-16 , the Rear I was sold was a MV85/B15. My manual says 150/90-15. Is the MV85/B15 the same as what is required, under a different part number? I want to make sure before I have them installed.
  3. Does anyone have one of those shouldered spacers that is required for the installation of the chrome rotor covers for a MKII?
  4. My breather plug is seeping on my '89....I noticed in the shop manual this plug can be replaced.....anyone done this before? Can the plug be pulled out w/ a pair of pliers or the like, or is there some special tool required? Considering how tight it feels, I wonder if I can get it our w/o breaking off a part of the plug. Thanks in advance, Greg
  5. This just looks like the potential of way to much fun. And weighing just 231 lbs means that there is no license required to use it. http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2011/06/09/hoverbike-the-twin-rotor-bmw-boxer-powered-flying-motorcycle/
  6. Anyone out there have a lower right side fairing/wind deflector with louvers? Black would be great:o) While I'm at it...since these pieces are plastic as opposed to fiberglass...is special paint required. I'd hate to paint this baby and see the stuff melt away!! Ride safe, Mike
  7. MY DOG http://us.f1614.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f935928%5fAPfTi2IAASTaTkflzAD1SkSaLx8&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1 It's just dawned on me!! My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day. He has his food prepared for him. He can eat whenever he wants. His meals are provided at no cost to him. He visits the Dr. once a year for his checkup, and again during the year if any medical needs arise. For this he pays nothing and nothing is required of him. He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep. If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up. He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep. He receives these accommodations absolutely free. He is living like a King, and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of his costs are picked up by others who go out and earn a living every day. I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a brick ........ I think my dog is a member of Congress
  8. I have seen a pic or 2 of an RSV with the ISO grips and the original end weights. What mod, if any, is required to put the weights back on with the ISO grips? Is there a noticable difference without andy weights?
  9. The safty chrome glued to the top of the lid of my venture mug came off . Will this render it unsafe for further use of my mug Is it coverd under warranty If it is do I have to produce my reciept Will an affidaved from a notary of the public be required to varify that it was not abused:think: Would I have to send it in for inspection:think: Should I fill it with hot coffee or cold beer while I wait for an answer :witch_brew: :witch_brew: :witch_brew: :witch_brew: :witch_brew: :witch_brew: :witch_brew:
  10. I just tried to reply to a post and was notified by the forum that I had to fill in the NAME field in my profile to be able to post. I was wondering when that change went in and why it's required? Honestly, I will never post my real name on any public forum and it should never be a requirement, IMO.
  11. I think that when a new members joins even as a trial member he or she should be required to fill in more information than the make of the bike they ride and the state he lives in.....I try to welcome all new NY members to the site via pm and offer an invitation to join the WNY group in planned events....more often then not , many new members put no information in their bio at all, not even their first name....hey, they now have access to our information...I feel we should know a little more about them ....... certain fields SHOULD be required to fill out when joining...
  12. If you have managed to get a Texas non-CDL class A license, I would like to know which agency you dealt with....which county or facility. I have a buddy who has bought a truck for personal use and is having some trouble with the local clueless DPS office. So...if you have that non-CDL class A, which is actually required in Texas to drive a large motorhome pulling a heavy trailer, please let me know. Thanks.
  13. Could anyone please tell me what size of dowel or plug is required to block off the AIS systems? I have read the articles but not sure what size plug is required. Thank you in advance Chris
  14. Does anyone know if an 88 Venture seat will fit an 83? Mods required?
  15. Guest

    Some Assembly Required

    A friend of mine, Marthia Sides, has made another music video to go with her new song....lets get the youtube hitcounter to rack up some views for this lovely and talented young lady from Nashville. Thanks for the support! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESofX-wYH_4]YouTube- Some Assembly Required[/ame]
  16. I've never been real picky about the grade of gas I used in my bike, but since I got it out of the garage this spring, I've only been putting premium in it. I don't have the original factory manual that came with the bike, so I'm not sure, but I think 93 octane may be required. When I was using cheaper grades of gas my bike seemed like it started "hard" and you had to let it warm up for about 20 minutes before you could ride it. But since I've been using the expensive stuff it starts nice and smooth and is ready to go at the start. Not to mention it seems like it runs better in the high rpms range and seems like it has more get up and go. So is 93 octane required, or is it just good for my bike?
  17. OK, LD rally season is upon us. I am reviewing my setup and realize a bigger/better aux fuel cell is needed. The IBA rules allow up to 11.5 gallons to be carried on the bike at any time. With the stock tank of 5.9 gallons, this allows 5.5 gallons extra to be carried. My current aux tank is 3 gallons. I am going to upgrade to a 5 gallon tank (don't want to push it and get disqualified due to tolerances). Also, the 3 gallon tank does not have a vent (although it appears to have a vented cap) or a grounding lug. Both these items are required to run in an IBA sanctioned event (or an event that uses the IBA rules). These features are not required to use this tank to run a SS1k or any of the other 'self documented' IBA rides. Only required for the IBA Rally and related organized rallies. Therefore, the current 3 gallon tank is up for sale. It works great to extend your station to station range 50% (to about 300 miles). It is very easy to plumb this into your current fuel line using a simple brass 'T' available at any auto parts store. The tank has an internal baffle to keep the gas from sloshing about. The pictures show the tank mounted on a board with a check valve. I would like to keep the board and check valve (and hose) since the new tank will be the same style - just bigger and with the vent and grounding lug. I will be glad to provide a pattern for the construction of new mounting board. The mounting bands are included. $125 including shipping CONUS. $100 if no shipping required (would prefer this since I suspect UPS will be kind of squimish about shipping a used gas tank). Tanks for looking:smile5: RR
  18. Hi all, Running a 83' Venture. I have a question about vacuum. Is there a required amount of vaccuum required? Interested in range required to run the pressure sensor for timing advance. I tested the pressure sensor and seems to be good. I am getting low fuel mileage 25mi to 32mi/us gal. Also seem like the diaphram on #2 carb is loose fitting on plunger maybe loosing vacuum. Any thoughts would be greatly apprieciated.
  19. I'm giving away the luggage off my 83. Bags are in good shape, trunk has usual cracks but repairable. The side covers are also available, but have the tabs missing. I would like it to go to one place (the luggage) but not required. These would be good if you want to do a repaint. Pay for shipping and they are yours.
  20. I have a 2006 RSTD and have been thinking of adding a stereo of some kind,CD player,MP3, whatever and some speakers. However,I am kind of a freak in that I like to keep my bike as close to stock as possible so I am asking for people to tell me what they did to add some tunes to their RSTD...... Any suggestions are welcome. Also if it required me to beef up my battery or electrical that would be good to know too. I really dont care about GPS,CB,etc.Just some tunes on a long ride or some awesome rock on a short run........... Thanks everyone!!!
  21. I was just looking at the repair manual for rear wheel removal procedures and could not help but think it can't be required to just about disassemble the whole rear of the bike to get the wheel off.
  22. I want to do away with the trac braking and have two front calipers. Any idea how to do this? Is a different mastercylinder required?
  23. Hello, My name is Julian and im from Guelph, Ont, Canada. Im interested in bike riding, but im not sure where to start. Clearly i need my licenses, but are there resources out there that will help me gain the knowledge required to begin riding? Regards
  24. Does anyone have one of the shouldered spacers that is required for the installation of the chrome rotor covers?
  25. MBL Innovations, from Thorn Hill, TN. has a new muffler for the RSV. You may want to check them out. Alley Kat Mufflershave rich, deep tone without being offensive or bothersome on all-day rides. 100% stainless steel construction superb quality, polished finish no adapters required lifetime warranty against rust-through MBL is proud to announce the addition of the new Yamaha Ventura Mufflers to its line of performance products. www.mblinnovations.com 423-231-9550
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