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Found 6 results

  1. This area was created for the posting of legitimate fund raising events that are motorcycle related but being held by groups other than VenturerRiders. There are many charitable causes out there and I often receive requests to put "stickies" on such threads in the watering hole. If I honored all those requests, the first page of the watering hole would be nothing but stickies for such causes. So, this area was created for our members to post such things. Please note. ONLY events that are being held by recognized groups will be allowed here and only when they are raising money for verifiable charities. Any others will be removed. Only "Supporting Members" may post to this area. Thanks for your understanding.
  2. I am in the process of laying out the menu for the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast. So, does anyone who is planning on attending have any requests for a special item or side dish? If so, please let me know and we will try to accomodate you. Thanks.....
  3. Folks, last week was very busy for me and I was unable to get online for any extended amount of time. I know that there was a thread deleted and then another thread explaining why that got a bit out of hand also. I'm pretty sure that this one will end up getting deleted also but I feel that I need to respond to some of the remarks made in that thread. It was voted on by the membership in the early days of this club that political discussions have no place here. This has been discussed MANY times over here but in spite of MANY warnings, they still happen from time to time. It's just human nature that something is going to get under your skin and you just can't control the urge to get it off your chest. I understand that but we ask that you PLEASE no post it here. There was also a statement made that there are a lot of political statements made under the disguise of jokes. That is true. I've seen it many times. I've seen such jokes aimed at the left and others aimed at the right. I can usually see the humor in them regardless of which side they are from and we sometimes will let them slide for a day or so in the misguided hope that they will not become political debates. They usually do though and then get deleted. It seems that it is getting harder and harder to tell any joke without offending somebody so maybe I just need to add an "auto-delete" function to the joke area. Seriously, we try to be fair to both sides and I can promise you that there is no preference given to one side or the other. It simply depends upon the responses. If they are blatantly political, they are typically deleted as soon as one of the moderators see them. Now there were also a number of comments about religion and prayer requests. The forum rules clearly state that religious debate is not allowed. That rule will always be upheld but I don't think I can remember it ever being an issue. Apparently though there is some confusion regarding what is religious debate and prayer requests. When I wrote that rule, my definition of debate was that there would be no discussion in regards to "does God exist", "Protestants vs. Catholics vs. Islam, etc." "Baptism by emersion vs. Sprinkling, etc." The Prayer Request are was created for those who DO believe in prayer to request them and to receive them from other members who believe. That is NOT debate. There have been a few people here who have stated that they are Atheists. I have seen no instances where anybody asked them why they did not believe and try to convert them. I have also seen no instances where an atheist tried to convince a believer that there is no god. The members here have been very respectful to one another and that is all that is asked. I did see a couple of posts in this last discussion from one or two people claiming they are "offended" by the prayer requests. I honestly don't understand that. If you don't believe in prayers then simply don't read the requests but why in the world would anybody be offended by it? I'm not going to be offended because you refuse to pray. I just don't get it. Folks, I very seldom draw a line in the sand here because I've always said that this is OUR forum, not MINE but I know that the prayer request area is appreciated by the vast majority of the members here and it is just something that I am not going to change. I don't want to lose a single member here. I know that you can be an atheist and still be a good person of high morals and a willingness to help your fellow members and all are welcome here regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof but if you are truly offended by the prayer request area, then I am sorry but it's not going away. Anybody who is offended to the point that they don't feel they can participate here then just send me a PM and I will refund your membership dues. So, like I said, I will likely have to delete this thread later on because I know it is going to turn into yet another debate but there is really nothing to debate here. We have had the discussions, the members have voted in the past, the rules have proven to work fairly well over the past ...what...8 years? This post is primarily for any new members or visitors who may have questions about these policies. Thanks, Don
  4. This entry in the news blog is a little dated, but, it sorta re-enforces my belief that the rear turn signals should be of a different color from the brake lights. I don't care for the run, stop, turn lights that are red. What do you think? NHTSA Requests Feedback on Amber Turn Signals
  5. got a couple of requests from the members. since the riding season is approaching. i need to ask the members to first start thinking about registering for the international rally, so cinderella can get the orders together for the t-shirts, and since she has graciously took on the task of making the name buttons, so she doesn't get backed up on that. we will also have to let the hub know about what to expect so they can figure the food for the big dinner which they are catering. i also would like to get a rough count for the attendees for my st. charles meet in may, so i can figure the food etc. not trying to pressure anyone, cuz i know the economy is affecting many of us. but if you have an idea that you are planning on comming please let us know. thanks, bill ,and the planning committee.
  6. Anyone shipped to the United Kingdom ? Any problems? Had a few ebay requests but I have never shipped other than U.S. and Canada
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