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  1. I will be replacing my stator soon. I remember a post or a section with photos and step by step of How to. Can any one help? joe
  2. I just found out that I have no brake light on my 85 vr when I pull the front brake. I am presuming this is the switch shot in the lever, has anyone done this and what is involved in replacing it? I would like to save a buck or two if I can do it myself. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Brian
  3. Hi This is my first post. I have a 2012 venture. I would like to know if I replace the regulator with a high output one,if that will help my voltage without replacing the stater. Thank you Cheny
  4. I'm going to Install Progressives on my 91 VR very soon. I would like to know how much additional work and time is it to replace the fork seals for a so so back yard mechanic. My MKII has only 7200 miles. I bought it from the origional owner last year. It has always been stored in a heated garage. Its never been rained on. Everything about it looks like it just came off the show room floor. He has licensed it every year only rarely rode it. I myself would be lucky if I put maybe 2000 miles on per year on the average over the next 10 years. I recall reading some on replacing fork seals and my recollection tells me that it is quite a job. Right now I'm leaning on not replacing them unless if I can be convinced that the job is fairly easy and 21 year old seals with 7200 miles really need replacing badly.
  5. Went to my local dealer to transfer warranty, no problem there. Asked service mgr about whine, he agrred that it was anoying. Asked him about I basket he said that at their shop the ONLY thing that got rid of whine was working on or replacing the rear end. Going to make an appointment to have it checked out. He also stated that Yamaha only replaces rear end in about 50% of the cases submitted.
  6. Just wondering, it was previously discussed in a prior thread on stator and rectifier problems that the 2006 through current model has the highest output stator,equal to the upgraded models that are available as replacements. If that is so, they recommend that the wires be hard wired.Would cleaning and dialectric grease help prevent the bad connections that happen in these areas or would it somehow make it worse? I'm not having any problems right now, but was trying to do some preventative maintenance and save some time and money down the road. I don't want to have to hardwire until it is necessary.Also, what are some thoughts on replacing just the rectifier to one like SkyDoc17 sells. It is supposed to be better.but I'm not to good on electrical, and wish some one could explain it as simple as possible so hopefully I understand.If it would help,I would replace the original to get the most out of the system.Any thoughts or experience on this would be greatly appreciated
  7. I've checked the other posts on bypassing the battery monitor resistor and most people are saying to use a 1k or 2.2k resistor. The thing is I want to keep the monitor in place and my resistor wire is coroded and needs replacing, but the bands indicate that the original is only a 680ohm resistor. What would be better? Try and find another 680 or would a 1k work as the original did? Thanks Markus
  8. Hi all! Just bought myself an 85 Venture xvz12! I'm now in the process of fixing some of the issues it has. The biggest one is the CMS doesn't seem to work! The rest of the gauges seem to be ok except the RPM gauge is intermittent. Nothing at all shows on the lcd. I've tried replacing the 15A fuse but same issue. I have read about the CMS needing to be resoldered but all the posts I've read have some function! Mine has none!! Suggestions?
  9. Where can I find liner snaps for the EXO-900 transformer helmets? There are plastic snaps that attach the liner to the helmet. The receiver/female piece on several is broken. Replacing the liner will only replace the male part. I can not find any online. Any suggestions?
  10. Any members in Florida have a shim kit...or just the shim tool...that wouldn't mind loaning them out for a couple of weeks? Decided to take the plunge and check the clearance on my valve shims, and replace the ones that need replacing! Thanks!
  11. OK, I'm new(oob) to this forum so maybe I'm just not adept at searching yet but I'm sure I saw a thread with instructions and part numbers for replacing the shifter segment with a VMax or later model Venture. This is to fix the loose dowel pin issue. Ride safe, Mike
  12. :fingers-crossed-emoI went on a 200 mile first ride after replacing all the bushings in the swing arm and replacing the rear shock. IN my 83 xvz12 all went well. I then went out on sat to the local coffee hang out, and the rear calaper hung up. So I went to the local Yamaha dealer and picked up an "O" ring kit, thats all thats in the calaper rebuld kit. after replacing the "O"rings in the calaper, It still locked up after aprx. 10 miles.:confused24:The calaper attaches to an arm, that appers to have the abilaty to floot, The book is not helping me in replacing the axal and spacers, I think I must have eather put a spacer, or washer in the wrong place, that, or I'm tightining the axal wrong, I need some help,
  13. What kind of life people are getting out of the Odyssey batteries? I've had mine a little over 5 years now and I'm wondering I if I should start thinking of replacing it. It's always on a battery tender and it's given me no indication it's going to fail but you never no.
  14. Hello everyone: Cody is our first VR event. Having a blast regardless of what we are doing. Enjoying our new found friends. Relaxing this morning. Wives visiting in the shade. I am observing Dano and Condor replacing a rectifier on Condor's RSV. Amazing Talent. Sure glad I brought the Ipad along to keep up on the site. Looking forward to future events!!!!!!!
  15. OK, I have done a search, but did not find the directions for REPLACING my clutch and brake levers. I just ordered a new set...chrome with leather braiding from Ironbraid.com. But the posts I found mostly discussed where to get them at online. My question...can someone explain how to change them out in PLAIN LANGUAGE. My wrench skills are weak...but I'm willing to try. Will I have to remove any cables? Is this a difficult swap to do? Thanks, Wally
  16. I found a used tci locally that will work on my 85. It looks ok on the outside and when I open the back its nice and clean and I dont see any issues, but I want to have a look at the front of the board and check to the capacitors. I seem to remember a thread in here about replacing the capacitors but i cant find it. does anyone know how to get the board out of the plastic box and what capacitors i need if any of them are burnt? Thanks in advance, Brian
  17. I am at a loss. I seem to be missing both cylinders on the left side. When I crank my bike (05 Midnight Venture) the right side heats up but the left side doesn't. I have tried replacing the spark plugs but that didn't work. Any suggestions would be very helpful as I am at the end of my rope! Mike:confused24:
  18. Since I can't post on the classified section yet, although I am a paid member, I am looking for a stock heel/toe shifter and stock rear brake lever/pedal. The original owner of my 06 RSV cut them off and did a crappy welding job of replacing them. Don't ask why, but they have got to go. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Mongo
  19. The clear protector pieces that screw into the bottom of the fairing on each side to redirect air flow are pretty scratched up & I'm thinking of replacing them. Anyone know if you can get those in a smoke color? Just wondering...not a big fan of the clear pieces.
  20. Ive searched and haven't found any thread about disassembling the forks and replacing the seals and springs. Ive found plenty of threads about how great new springs are, but no step by step procedures.
  21. After saying last year that im done with mods to the bike, some fools here come up with more parts to sell us and we, like sheep, shell out bucks for them. A simple tail light mod, like adding 2-30 red led strips to the rear as a run/brake light combo turned onto Sky Doc's R1 caliper conversion, which turned into replacing all brake/clutch lines with SS lines which turned into rebuilding the rear caliper and new HH pads, and only the best for me, buying that new 5.1 brake fluid which turned into replacing the rear valve cover gasket which turned into replacing the spark plugs which turned into flushing the cooling system which turned into adding Carbon Ones crash bar bracket, which is turning into 2 more smaller red led lights on the back to replace a burned out one, which will lead to an oil change and rear fluid change. Add a wash and wax and im done for good....... Yea Right!!
  22. Can someone provide an general approximation of time, part and dollars in replacing a cracked oil plan.
  23. I am replacing the pads on my rear and was wondering if both pistons are supposed to be able to back off or is one side stationary?
  24. Can't seem to find how to for replacing the final drive oil. Thanks.
  25. Anyone in the Colorado Springs/Denver area have recommendations for someone that can mount/balance tires and do other basic maintenance on my '06 RSV? I'm a new owner to this bike and haven't had to do too much on my v-star since I've been in this area...I hate the high prices of the dealer and would rather go to an experienced, smaller shop or something. Services I'm currently looking for (over the next couple of months): Replacing front tire Replacing kickstand 20,000 mile services Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
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