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  1. I am really enjoying my recently acquired 83 Venture Royale. I believe the radio speakers and in desparate need of replacement. Can someone tell me what size replacement speakers I need to get? I don't want to take the fairing apart to see because I want to ride the bike up until I'm ready to do the speaker swap. Thanks!
  2. Hola, My first post on this site. I am syre the air filter replacement procedures are not difficult on my 2008 RSTD but I am not sure of them. Do I need to remove the cowling? Are there any technical docs on this subject? Thanks:97: Knifeeven
  3. Im seriously thinking about having knee replacement surgery within the next year. I wanted to wait about 8 more years as I got closer to retirement but the pain is getting to be a drag. Has anyone here had it done and if so, how has it affected your riding. Recovery time? Flexability?
  4. Does the rear tire have to come off to change the rear shock?
  5. Has anybody used this windshield as a replacement and is it a decent quality for the price? http://www.ebay.com/itm/83-93-Yamaha-XVZ-1200-1300-Venture-Royale-WINDSHIELD?item=140815088391&cmd=ViewItem&_trksid=p5197.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D2%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D1624150924259620255
  6. I broke the arm on one of my highway boards. would like to get a replacement but there are no markings on the boards. Anyone recognize the brand? Thanks!
  7. I bought a 2011 Silverado about a year ago when there were some great rebates and discounts but being the cheapskate that I am I decided to NOT pay the extra for the leather interior. Not really a big mistake but I decided that I wanted a leather interior in it for christmas. After a lot of research I found that the leather interior from the factory is only partially leather. No matter, in searching I found that Katzkin (in California) made the best fitting and best overall quality replacement. They are not seat covers but replacement fabric for the seat. Hope I like it because it will be redone next thursday as well as heat in both seats.
  8. Does anyone know what company made the lights that go in the light bars that wrap around the trunk and saddlebags? I need to find a replacement for one as the lens is broken. Thanks for any info....[ATTACH]72923[/ATTACH]
  9. Does anybody have the part number for the o-ring that slips onto the coolant drain pipe assembly and then seats into the thermostat housing on an 83 first gen? I cant seem to find it in the parts manual. Any alternatives or if someone has one that they can measure up that would be great. Perhaps I can find a suitable replacement.
  10. Said goodby to the best bike I've ever owned this week. BUT those tears are going to be short lived as I've already have a replacement lined up and will be picking it up next weekend. Larry
  11. I was looking for a replacement left side fairing mirror for an 85 venture. 50 or 60 bucks on ebay sounds like a lot of $$$. I see some of the goldwing aftermarket mirrors on bikebandit ($10) look awfully close. Has anyone ever tried mating one to the Venture?
  12. Well, after about 4,000 miles my Avon Venom rear tire had developed cracking and needed to be replaced. I phoned Avon and discussed the matter with them, and though they seemed very helpful (and not unaware of the problem) they advised that I would have to go through my retailer for a replacement. I tried to call SWMototires but got no answer, so had to email them about the problem. They responded quick enough and advised that there should be no problem getting a replacement. Then I started thinking that I might just want to try the new Michelin Commander II's I had been reading about, and use the Avon's as backup tires if the Michelin's don't prove to be all their Marketing Department says they are. I know, the Commander II is not available in a 150/90HB-16 front, but I had been wanting to give the narrower 130/90HB-16 a try anyway so this was not a problem for me. They do make a direct replacement for our 150/90HB-15 rear tires, so that's was a no-brainer. Once I got them mounted and balanced, I only had enough time to put about 15 miles on them. I did like what I felt, and will report back after I get a couple of longer trips made on them.
  13. This site is very informative and worthwhile! Which ever diseases you click-on it gives you a video explanation! Interactive Sites For Medical Information The tutorials listed below are interactive health education resources from the Patient Education Institute. Using animated graphics each tutorial explains a procedure or condition in easy-to-read language. You can also listen to the tutorial. JUST CLICK ON A SPECIFIC AILMENT NOTE: These tutorials require a special Flash plug-in, version 6 or Above... If you do not have Flash, you will be prompted to obtain a free download of the software before you start the tutorial. Diseases and Conditions Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Acne AIDS Allergies to Dust Mites Alopecia Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Angina Anthrax Arrhythmias Arthritis Asthma Atrial Fibrillation Avian Influenza Back Pain - How to Prevent Bell's Palsy Brain Cancer Breast Cancer Burns Cataracts Cerebral Palsy Cold Sores (Herpes) Colon Cancer Congestive Heart Failure COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Crohn's Disease Cystic Fibrosis Depression Diabetes - Eye Complications Diabetes - Foot Care Diabetes - Introduction Diabetes - Meal Planning Diverticulosis Endometriosis Epstein Barr (Mononucleosis) Erectile Dysfunction Fibromyalgia Flashes and Floaters Fractures and Sprains Ganglion Cysts Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Glaucoma Gout Hearing Loss Heart Attack Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Hypoglycemia Incisional Hernia Influenza Inguinal Hernia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Kidney Failure Kidney Stones Leishmaniasis Leukemia Low Testosterone Lung Cancer Lupus Lyme Disease Macular Degeneration Malaria Melanoma Meningitis Menopause Migraine Headache Mitral Valve Prolapse Multiple Myeloma Multiple Sclerosis Myasthenia Gravis Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Otitis Media Ovarian Cancer Ovarian Cysts Pancreatitis Parkinson's Disease Pneumonia Prostate Cancer - What is it? Psoriasis Retinal Tear and Detachment Rheumatoid Arthritis Rotator Cuff Injuries Sarcoidosis Scabies Seizures and Epilepsy Sexually Transmitted Diseases Shingles Skin Cancer Sleep Disorders Smallpox Spinal Cord Injury Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ) Tennis Elbow Tinnitus Trigeminal Neuralgia Tuberculosis Ulcerative Colitis Umbilical Hernia Uterine Fibroids Varicose Veins Vasculitis Warts Tests and Diagnostic Procedures Amniocentesis Barium Enema Bone Densitometry Breast Lumps - Biopsy Bronchoscopy Colonoscopy Colposcopy Coronary Angiogram and Angioplasty CT Scan (CAT Scan) Cystoscopy - Female Cystoscopy - Male Echocardiogram Echocardiography Stress Test IVP (Intra Venous Pyelogram) Knee Arthroscopy Laparoscopy Mammogram MRI Myelogram Newborn Screening Pap Smear Shoulder Arthroscopy Sigmoidoscopy Ultrasound Upper GI Endoscopy Surgery and reatment Procedures Aorto-Bifemoral Bypass Cardiac Rehabilitation Carotid Endarterectomy Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Chemotherapy Cholecystectomy - Open Laparoscopic (Gallbladder Removal Surgery) Clinical Trials Colon Cancer Surgery Colostomy Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) C-Section Dilation and Curettage (D & C) General Anesthesia Heart Valve Replacement Hemorrhoid Surgery Hip Replacement Hip Replacement - Physical Therapy Hysterectomy Knee Replacement LASIK Massage Therapy Neurosurgery - What is it? Open Heart Surgery - What to Expect? Pacemakers Preparing for Surgery Prostate Cancer - Radiation Therapy Shoulder Replacement Sinus Surgery Stroke Rehabilitation Thyroid Surgery Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy TURP (Prostate Surgery) Vaginal Birth Vasectomy Prevention and Wellness Back Exercises Coumadin - Introduction
  14. I know this has been decussed before,but I need to know if I install 1 1/2 risers what do I do about the rubber bushing between the bars and fairing? Is there a replacement for this bushing?
  15. I don't normally praise a lot of companies but I have to say something about Garmin. I've owned a Zumo 550 for a number of years. Once I had a software issue after the warranty had run out and the service rep told me she had heard of this sort of thing happening on a rare occasion with some of the other units but never a Zumo. She said it was obviously nothing I did and sent me a new unit completely covered. Impressive!! Now recently I had the covering of the on/off button finally wear out and the unit got some water in it that made the screen hard to work and then it finally cracked. I'm pretty technically inclined so I openned it up and found the problem. I called Garmin to see if I could order a new screen and housing because the warranty was LONG over and the rest of the unit worked fine. They told me they didn't sell the parts but for $150 they would send a new or refurbished unit to me. That's pretty close to what I was thinking I would have to pay for the parts so I was pretty happy with that. They said I would receive the replacement 10-14 days after they received mine so I sent it off. Not only did I have the replacement 7 days after I sent mine but after careful examination I'm convinced this is a brand new unit. New software, maps and everything. They had even updated the serial number in my registration in MyGarmin so I didn't need to do anything for the new unit to be recognized. WOW!!!! Now that's customer service!! I am now a LOYAL Garmin customer.
  16. last night i was having issues with not all cylinders running at the same time, i had no to low fire on a rear cylinder so i popped of the cap while running to see if the was any change in idle. and as soon as the cap cleared the plug i got some good zaps so it would seem my caps and wires are no good. where can i get the best replacement?
  17. Are there any replacement antennas for both the CB and the AM/FM OEM whips on a 2nd Gen? Mine are working fine as far as I know. I never use the CB or the AM/FM. I would just like replacements that are shorter. It would be a plus if the replacements actually work but since I don't use them and I would keep the OEM whips I suppose that would be ok also. Preferrably they should be as simple as possible to replace...just screw them on???
  18. My sidestand switch isn't working properly, and was looking for another one. As the part is discontinued, I was wondering........where do I get one? This is for my 84
  19. I have a 1st Generation Venture Royal. Is there a code number to use to get a replacement ignition key made and where can I find it. Thanks, racerod129
  20. ok i just got approved for a total knee replacement for my very bad left knee. this will be done around the end of july. what i want to ask is? how many here had this done? and how long did it take you to feel like you could ride a bike again? also the right knee needs a partical replacement. most likely a year after the left. i was told that after the left one is done i will be sent to a rehab place for 2 weeks because i live alone and i have MS as well so they want me working the new knee for 4 to 5 hours a day for that 2 weeks the lots of PT there after. no driving for 6 weeks? this sounds like a good plan and i hope it works. not sure how much pain is invovled in healing ? im prety good at handling pain. and im sure they will dope me up. bad news is no new bike this fall. but hopes are for a good recovery and a new to me bike in the summer of 2013 i will have about $3900 to $4200 for a bike. wont be able to find one with the voyager trike kit for that amount. but if i get a light bike and low in the seat hight i should be able to hold it up. well let me know how you all did if you had this type of operation. and how long it took ya to get back on a bike thanks oldgoat
  21. Good news! Repair shop found my wheel spacer. Now I can make it to the Kootenays this weekend. Thanks to the guys that offered me a replacement parts. Now just have to pick it up, get it all together and take it for a:cool10: test. Markus(calgaryrider)
  22. I'm looking at adding collision to my Venture. Whats a good site for replacement value for insurance purposes?
  23. I've checked the Classifieds, and didn't find anything there, but does anyone know of a good site to check for replacement lower wind deflectors? On my recent trip to DC, one of the brackets broke and I lost one somewhere along the line, and need to replace it, but given the condition of the other one, I figure I'd replace both. I can get the replacement mounting bracket fairly cheap from Yamaha, but the deflectors are a little pricy. Thanks.
  24. Anyone have an extra? When I dropped my VR in the garage it went scurrying somewhere, oonly to be found when I purchase a replacement. So if you have one to sell, the other one will probably show up and I can pay it forward.
  25. I just discovered that my rear pads are pretty well shot, and that my rear rotor is looking like it probably needs to be replaced sometime soon as well. The OEM replacement rotor at the stealership is about $240, plus the new bolts. I found an EBC replacement rotor on eBay for $145, new in the package and free shipping. http://www.ebay.com/itm/EBC-Brake-Rotor-MD2078-for-Yamaha-XVZ1300TF-Royal-Star-Venture-1999-2008-/261008709417?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3cc554d729&vxp=mtr Does anyone have any experience with this brand, or would I be wise to bite the bullet and stick with Yami's stock rotor? Any other suggestions would also be appreciated. Thanks.
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