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Found 18 results

  1. Hi all, Just sharing that I did a review of the CruzTools metric roadside repair tool kit if you are interested. I for one am interested to see what my Brother @cowpuc carries for roadside emergency repairs besides a bottle of Chardonnay, two chairs and an AMA roadside assistance membership...:bighug: https://ultimatemotorcycling.com/2020/09/01/cruztools-roadtech-m3-metric-tool-kit-review-motorcycle-repair/ comments always welcome. VentureFar...
  2. Ever hear of Bondit, looks promising for plastic repairs that we are always needing. https://www.touchofmodern.com/sales/bondic-6d378346-198d-4326-880b-45ebe26c3242/bondic-super-bundle
  3. I figured since many of you have been helping me with this bike, it's only fitting that I show you the progress so far. When I bought her last month she was running strong. The major thing was cosmetics. This is how I picked her up. She needed some repairs but a lot of cleaning and plastic work. One of the first things I did was buy a new seat. I found this one on EBay for $50. The original seat had a rip by the gas fill & was covered with stick junk. I've since read this is protectant breaking down & quite common. I understand that when the original owner died & the bike sat for years. A major part of my work so far has been tearing her down & cleaning, scrubbing & polishing. When I took her apart, you could not imagine the amount of dirt I found. The next thing I did was slap a trunk on her. When I bought my 81 Honda CB750, she came with K&G hard saddlebags & an aftermarket trunk. Since I pulled all the bags from the Honda, I decided to recycle the trunk. This is how it sits right now. I'm going to start the plastic welding on the fairing and other ABS parts. I will make videos of the repairs & post them so that anyone else looking to try their hand at plastic welding has at least a heads up to what to expect.
  4. Ok, so I am new here to this site on the trial membership right now at least until payday to pay my $12. A fee well worth the knowledge I have already gained from you. I bought my 2006 Venture last december and have loved stacking on the miles. Unfortunately I ended up going off road with her and beat us both up pretty. Lucky for me I was wearing most of my protective gear. My Venture is in the local dealership because I didnt know where else to send her for repair. The insurance adjuster called today said they would send me a check for the repairs but I needed to call the dealership and give them consent to do the repairs. When I called the service manager said they would be in touch with "their" estimate for repair. Humm am I missing something here? I feel like they are going to give me a higher estimate than the appraisor. Does this sound right to anyone? I havent had anything like this happen with my cage repairs.
  5. I just found this product called Q-Bond, it repairs just about anything. I glued two pieces of abs at 90 degrees and within 15 seconds I could not pull them apart. If you google the product they show repairs to gaskets, plastics, abs, wood, etc. It can also be built up like a weld, it would be great for all of the plastic repairs on your bike. It is extremely strong and very easy to use. Just thought I would pass on.
  6. My wife used to own a nail salon and has done nails for close to 30 years. So I let her do all the plastex repairs! That's not the ususal position for doing nails though! You can see the "FINGER FASHION" sign that was in her salon behind her.
  7. My gas mileage dropped by about 10 mpg. I checked and my left back cylinder wasn't heating up the pipe so I removed the plug and it was fouled I replaced with new plug but pipe still does not heat up So cylinder is still not firing. I can do some repairs but am not sure on what is the best way to trace this problem. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated. dale
  8. For those of you that are doing some major repairs on your 83, such as transmission repairs or whatever, I suggest you think about doing what I did as a frame repair, even though you have not experienced a frame breakage as I did 4 1/2 years and probably 35,000 miles ago. Even though I don't feel it is a common problem of frame breakage, I do feel that if you are serious about keeping your bike on the road and having the structural integrity it needs, this is something I think you should seriously consider. RandyA http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1521
  9. If I ever come back to this world in another life I plan on marrying a woman with only one tooth......... Must have spent close to 10 grand on her mouth already. Just found out that Jean needs another $5600.00 in dental repairs. Good grief!!
  10. I wanted to see if we can help Lowell out on his cycle repairs. As most know Lowell has done a lot for our family and being at most every event we had and being our ambassador for Venturerider.org Please lets show Lowell how much he means to us!!. I would like to help out by giving some money to help him get his cycle fixed. as of right now 300.00 is needed for the cycle repairs but extra is also needed for gas as well to get his bike there in TN for the repairs. Most of us know Lowell is having some health issues which we all know takes $$ to do so I was hoping by doing this for Lowell it would help him out toward his other $$ needs.. I know Lowell will be talking to me later on :whistling:but heck we Love the Guy Freebird, Can we do this for Lowell as he really means a lot me and others here? Buddy
  11. factory paint on the ventures or is it better to start all over and paint the whole bike after doing crack repairs on the fairing?
  12. well i went out today to look at bikes with dianne. she.,s the one who had the accident with her ninja. we looked at v stars im not impressed with them. sorry . just my opion. shes still in the looking stage. still has time since she needs to let that broken wrist heal. well we got home and drove by my place and my bike was gone!!!! i went **** the police took it? she laughed and said i had it towed. to a place who is going to work on it. and its my treat to you? she said she tould them to do up to 600.00 in repairs? wow i love this woman as a friend of course. heres the kicker. while shes gone. i have to paint the garage door and watch the dogs. cute little beagles. so its going to get fixed still need them bleeder screws that where sent many thanks for that.
  13. Well my odometer just passed the 100K mark last night... I bought my 03 in June 05 with 10K on it on ebay for $8500... It had been dropped and I had to do some work to it but was very rideable and only cosmetic damage.. The only out of pocket repairs were a Stator which I replaced with the Buckeye Performance Higher output stator which works fine powering my 55W Passing Lamps... A Clutch which I replaced with a Barnett Pressure Plate and new factory discs.. The Barnet has a little stiffer pull which you really don't notice after a while until you ride your Buddy's stock RSV and sometimes it can take some doing to find neutral but I would buy another Barnett in a heartbeat.. I also had to replace a coil in TX which would have been a warranty item had I known going in that it was the coil but Yamaha had the coil backordered at the time and I was down there working... The Independent shop hooked me up with a used V-Star coil and it's been in there since... I had the valves adjusted at 60K and the mechanic (Yamaha Dealer) was kinda sketchy on how they were. I replaced the original still working battery in 07 cuz I was doing a long trip and I never had a battery last 4 years before so I didn't take any chances.. Warranty repairs: Rear Shock, Ignition Switch, and CB Antennae which the dealer ordered the FM Antennae so I have to radio Antennaes which don't bother me cuz I only listen to the CB occasionally.. Usually to find out why traffics backed up.. I don't own a headset so my Ratchetjawing days are over... That's about it except 3 sets of brakes and a whole bunch of synthetic oil and tires... All in all this has been the best bike I have ever owned and I've got the most bang for my buck... I hope it goes another 100K..
  14. does anyone know where i can find someone that repairs a computer for my dads 1983 venture in Illinoise?
  15. rotordriver


    How do you folks install the maps with the places you traveled to on this site? Also thanks to everyone for the help on various repairs. Your all a great bunch of people looking out for each other.
  16. Hey folks, any suggestions on a bike jack to lift up the bike in my garage to clean and do minor repairs. Any suggestions and tips are useful. Thanks, John...
  17. Well, I finally got all the bugs out of the starter clutch problem that I was having. Thanks for everyone's input on the problem to help me diagnose it and make the repairs, especially GeorgeS (he was a really big help and couldn't have done it without his telephone assistance). Now I have another wierd problem that reared it's ugly head for only the second time since I have owned this Venture (19 months so far). I needed to give my throtle hand a rest when riding today and decided to set the cruise. I hit the power button on the cruise module, all the lights indicated proper functioning and the pressed the "set" control on the handlebar. The bike immediately lost all electrical function and died. After coasting to the side of the road, I turned the ignition off and then back to the run position. The bike started right up. I made it home, but was afraid to try the cruise again for fear of the same results. In case you are wondering if this may be somehow tied to my starter clutch repairs... I don't think so. The cruise did this exact same thing once before back last fall. After that incident it has worked flawlessly untill today. Any ideas?
  18. Got a good one for you folks. As most know I am buying a US 05 midnight from a member here. Now, how do I go about transferring the warranty into my name? I know my dealer here will not do warranty work on my bike...he has already told me so and that I will be required to go back to the US for any work needed. Yamaha Canada has also told me the same thing. Then I asked how they take care of US travellers that have urgent repairs needed...well that was over a month ago and I am still waiting for a reply! Not a huge concern as I am not that far from the border. But I do know I need to transfer the thing into my name. Thanks as usual!
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