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  1. I read several threads on mounting a garage door opener on the RSV and newer RSTD's. None of them were on the older RSTD's. So here is what I did. http://images.photos1.walmart.com/232323232%7Ffp432%3C9%3Enu%3D33%3B6%3E%3A%3B9%3E238%3EWSNRCG%3D32%3C483%3B958329nu0mrj First I opened up the remote an soldered wires to the activation button. When the cover is closed, the wires come through the whole in the front of the cover. You might have to create one on your remote. http://images.photos1.walmart.com/232323232%7Ffp43332%3Enu%3D33%3B6%3E%3A%3B9%3E238%3EWSNRCG%3D32%3C4843753329nu0mrj Then I found a suitable location for the remote button. I decided that behind the seat near the ignition switch was easy to get at, out of the way, and had plenty of room to work with. http://images.photos1.walmart.com/232323232%7Ffp432%3B6%3Enu%3D33%3B6%3E%3A%3B9%3E238%3EWSNRCG%3D32%3C4843756329nu0mrj I wired a momentary button from Radio Shack ($2.39) and heat shrinked the wires. Make sure the switch is "N O" (normally open) so it only activates when you press the button. http://images.photos1.walmart.com/232323232%7Ffp43335%3Enu%3D33%3B6%3E%3A%3B9%3E238%3EWSNRCG%3D32%3C483%3B959329nu0mrj Next I removed the drivers seat and drilled a hole for the button. Mine needed to be 3/8". http://images.photos1.walmart.com/232323232%7Ffp432%3B%3A%3Enu%3D33%3B6%3E%3A%3B9%3E238%3EWSNRCG%3D32%3C484374%3B329nu0mrj I installed the button. http://images.photos1.walmart.com/232323232%7Ffp43333%3Enu%3D33%3B6%3E%3A%3B9%3E238%3EWSNRCG%3D32%3C4843754329nu0mrj I removed the right side cover and had to relocate the relay from the center mount to the back one to make room for the remote. http://images.photos1.walmart.com/232323232%7Ffp43445%3Enu%3D33%3B6%3E%3A%3B9%3E238%3EWSNRCG%3D32%3C4843755329nu0mrj Relay now on the back mount. http://images.photos1.walmart.com/232323232%7Ffp43332%3Enu%3D33%3B6%3E%3A%3B9%3E238%3EWSNRCG%3D32%3C4846947329nu0mrj I used a zip tie to secure the remote to the two front mounts. Then I connected the button and the remote with bullet connectors to allow me to remove it if necessary for maintenance. http://images.photos1.walmart.com/232323232%7Ffp43453%3Enu%3D33%3B6%3E%3A%3B9%3E238%3EWSNRCG%3D32%3C4843757329nu0mrj Thats it! Simple, out of the way, easy to activate, and less than $3.00 out of my pocket.
  2. Found this post over on the Delphi Goldwing II forum. Have not tried it, cannot vouch for it, just thought I would pass it along. Not sure I have a need for it here in Florida, but may do it just to check it out one day. Cross posted from GL1800Riders.com GL1800 Remote Starter Feature Being that it’s too cold to ride, I figured I’d take the Wing in for a checkup. While it was in the service department, I had a rare opportunity to hang out with the mechanic as he did the requested service and he shared with me a feature of the Wing that I never knew was there. He said he’s seen it on the ‘net but I never have so I thought I’d post it for those of you that don’t already know about it. The 1800 has a remote start feature that utilizes the remote key fob. Once it is programmed it works really well. Nice for those of us in the colder climates, the bike will be warmed up when I get to it. I won’t have to sit there and warm it up so it doesn’t stumble as I pull away. The mechanic said that Honda was planning on having it as a feature but with everyone being so lawsuit happy they backed away from having it in case a sensor switch went bad or something and allowed the bike to start in gear. (damned lawyers ruin everything) So, instead it is an “unsupported feature”. There is no warranty coverage on this feature, officially it doesn’t exist. Sort of like the opening ceremony option. Anyway, he did mine for me but I wrote down the program sequence to pass along. Here it is…. With the key in the LOCKED position and the trunk open, press the CALL button on the remote. When the horn sounds press UNLOCK.. Immediately press CALL again. When the horn sounds hit UNLOCK. Hit CALL one more time and as soon as the horn sounds, latch (close) the trunk and within 3 seconds turn the key to the ON position. When correctly completed, the CALL button becomes the REMOTE START button. Resetting the ECU or disconnecting the battery resets the CALL button to its previous function and the process will need to be repeated to make it work again. The bike must be on the center stand in neutral and the fork must be locked for this feature to work. Once the bike is running, you must insert your key and turn the ignition switch to ON before you take the bike off the center stand or it will immediately kill. Works great! Try it, you’ll like it.
  3. I have searched and searched the forums and have read a lot on the three different choices we 2nd gens have (YSS, Hagon, & Works). 1. Has anyone ordered either a Hagon or Works with the remote adjuster? If so does it mount where the oem air valve goes? 2. Has anyone wish they had got the remote adjuster that did not get it? Edited: I have called all three companies and never mind my questions. They all so that they can not put a remote adjuster because it is to small of a shock. So that everyone has updated pricing this is what I was told. YSS: $499 + shipping take about 2-3 wks Works: $799 + shipping 3-4 wks Hagon USA: $399 for standard $469 for heavy duty FREE shipping 2-4wks Dave Quinn: Hagon shock $469 heavy duty + shipping (he said he couldnt really tell how long for shipping because he feels hagon in england is backed up so he said 5-8 wks. All shocks are rebuildable according to them as well.
  4. I'm in the market for purchasing a Radio Remote Control Unit for a 2nd Gen RSV. I've tried Pinwall, eBay and thought I'd try here as well. They're quite expensive new so I'm looking used first. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jakbag
  5. Has anyone ever been sucessful in fixing the keyless entry remote. I have one that went dead. Tried a new battery, cleaned the terminals still dead. If you have how would one go about trouble shooting to determine which electric component needs replacing?
  6. Has anyone purchased non (OEM) [ame]For Nintendo Wii Remote and Nunchuck Controller Combo[/ame]. Was wondering if aftermarkets are any good?
  7. After reading many articles on the Go Pro Hero and Drift HD 170 cameras, has anyone used the Drift HD 170 and if so, I would like to know the Pros and Cons in your opinion. I read the posts here on VR about the Go Pro but think I like the aerodynamics, viewing screen, controls and remote on the Drift maybe a little better...but not sure......sooo help me decide .... THANKS ... Freddie
  8. ok guys, a little help here please! I turn my radio on with the remote on left handlebar, start listening to favorite tunes, everything going ok, and then about in 10 mins or so the remote starts jumping from setting to setting by itself. It will go to the bass,treble,fade settings back to aux then sp/headphones etc. Cant figure it out.Is it the remote or the radio? Anyone else have this problem? HELP!!!!!! OH 2002 ROYAL STAR VENTURE.
  9. Lost my push to talk button for the passenger cb remote. I checked some parts diagrams and it doesnt seem to list the button itself just the whole remote for around 430.00 or so....dont think so Tim! Any ideas out there?
  10. I have been looking for a replacement for the rear shock for my 99 RSV. After much searching I contacted Dave Quinn motorcycles and can purchase a new rebuildable shock for around $400 with manual preload adjuster or $554 with remote adjuster. this is for the standard shock or $464 manual or $624 with remote adjuster for the heavy duty. I have ordered the manual heavy duty for $464. and was told I could add the remote feture later if I wanted to. Will keep you informed after installed and used. We are also planning a trip to Nova Scotia in July and find very little information about roads and sites to see, so any Canada members that can give me a heds up would be great!
  11. I have a 2001 RSV, the base of the radio remote has crumbled, and is no longer able to be secured to the bracket. I used JB Weld, but was wondering if anyone knows a part number for just the plastic case. I have checked all the online catalogs, but only find the complete remote. Thanks in advance for you help.
  12. I have intermitant use of my CB since sometimes it will turn on and other times it will not. I am sure that if I open the front remote controller and clean the contacts on the CB switch it will work. Just checking with the real pros!
  13. I bought a used amplifier on ebay and the previous owner had changed the plug with one that wouldn't match my wiring harness plug. Most of his leads were labled and I have them all wired up except two. They are the orange and yellow lead coming out of the amp. I think they go to the sb (sky blue) and lg (light green) lead that go to the remote controller but I don't know which goes to which. Could someone help me out. My bike is an 89 Venture Royale and some of the wiring colors may have changed with the models. The wiring diagrams I found all are just "block" diagrams that don't show the exact pin locations, etc. I don't have a headset to try the remote controller if I wanted to connect them one way and then the other to see which one works. I'd rather not do that as I don't want to damage the controller. Thank you for your help. Sam
  14. How many of y'all use these devices? I found one called Scorpion on a Valkyrie I had purchased, and the siren was very piercing, but I totaled the bike about a week later, so I never knew much about it. Does anyone have one they like? How about the remote? Will it work while you're away like at a mall shopping or something? How sensitive are the electronics? "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" comes to mind... Price doesn't matter as long as it's reliable...
  15. I just got a Monster brand iEZclick Ipod remote and it works GREAT. Waterproof and has a thick rubber body with a slot down the back to make it easy to mount. http://tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:gJQhAkZMAe3nNM:http://www.freshpilot.com/wp-content/images/monster_iezclick_ipod.jpg I'm making a bracket that slides into the slot in back and bolts to one of the mounting bolts on the brake cyl on the throttle side of the handlebars. Simply rotate a thumb up and press the button you want. Glove friendly buttons as well. got mine for $18.00 on amazon.com I'm thinking of getting another one to mount one back by the queen seat to give her the ability to change songs.
  16. I recently received a PM from another member wanting to know how I remotely controlled my Ipod while riding. He was interested in some pictures and information on the solution I used and if it could be operated with glove. Below are a couple of pictures of the solution I have used for a couple of years without any complaints. I use a Griffin AirClick with my 4th generation 40Gb Ipod with the unit set on shuffle. I can operate the remote with my riding gloves to control the volume and play/pause the music when stopping. The buttons are alittle small for winter gloves though... I strapped the remote unit on the clutch reservoir to make it handy while riding. I put the Ipod in my fairing glove box and have it connected to a 12v plug to provide continuous power. I also ran a headphone extender out of the fairing to plug in my EarFuze earphones (great fitting units!). With this setup, I can keep the Ipod out of sight and the effects of weather.
  17. Well, I got a cheap garage remote off of fleabay and took it apart. The battery was 3volt and I confirmed that with my multimeter. I want to hard wire the remote into the motorcycle electrical system. (No need to replace batteries) I went to Radio Shack (I know, radio shack is not a good place to buy stuff, but it was convenient) and they had two types of voltage regulators. One was a 5 volt regulator and the other was a programable regulator. I purchased the 5 volt regulator thinking that most IC's are 5 volt. Well, the voltage regulator didn't work. I confirmed 5 volts at the remote and the polarity was correct, but the remote circuit must have some sort of limiter on it. I disconnected the 5volt regulator and reconnected the 3volt battery and the remote worked fine. Reconnected the 5 volt regulator and it didn't work. Fortunately I didn't fry the remote board. However, I will have to go back to radio shack and get the programable voltage regulator. I have been taking pictures, when I am done I will post a write up.
  18. Well i got bored, and was tired of reaching for the remote. So let me know what you think.
  19. http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=LT1076CT-5-ND I want to buy a cheap garage door remote from fleabay and install it into the tank plastic of my RSV. I plan to remove the remote from the plastic housing and mount it under the tank plastic. I will wire a momentary button and install into the plastic. The only thing visable will be the momentary button, with the remote electronic circuit hidden underneath. I don not want to have a battery that needs to be replaced, so I want to wire the voltage regulator from accessory power to supply the remote. The remote uses a cr2032 battery, which is 3 volt. The voltage regulator I am looking at is 5V, but I do not think that is too high for the remote. Anyone have any experience with this voltage regulator? Is it a stand alone voltage regulator? Any advice is appreciated.
  20. For all you hobby fliers. http://www.flixxy.com/rc-plane-b29.htm
  21. After not riding for 25 years I purchased another Royale. Having to do some work on it to get things back to where i'd like them. Here's one. After replacing the speakers I discovered the cassette deck still works fine. It just needs a little nudge in FF to get it to play. I would like to find the cover that goes over it if someone has it. The radio took a little more work, after cleaning the contacts I now have a radio that works without having to hit it. I do still have some minor issues; I am getting static from the speakers with the bike in gear from idle up to about 2500RPM (not sure since it is hard to tell when driving). Also get feedback from the speakers when I turn on the ignition switch, it's like the hissing you used to get when a (tv)station went of the air but much softer. Any suggestions? I took the two button remote apart to see what I could see. It now works as well. One minor problem, I had three springs roll out of it; two to hold the metal balls for the contacts and one slightly longer, thinner one. No clue where that fits, but no biggie since the remote works. Just curious! Lastly, since I cleaned the contacts and got the radio to work it seems that i've had more E4 errors. Coincidence or are they connected some way.
  22. Does anyone know how to get to the rear Remote Control Unit. My PTT button fell off and I got my hand on a new Remote Control Unit. Now I need to install it. I know the trunk has to be removed to get close to it.
  23. OK...here's the problem. The chat is hosted on a remote server. I did that long ago so as not to put any extra load on this one. It is remotely hosted but connects to our database on this server to authenticate users. Now because all the databases are different on the new server, it will have to be re-configured on the other end. Basically that means a new installation on the remote server. It is working now because I still have the files up and running on the old server. It will be next week before the remote server is reconfigured to communicate with the database here. So why does any of this matter? The problem will be that any new members that sign up now won't be included in the old database so won't be able to get authenticated on the chat server. I THINK though that you can sign in as a guest. Let me know if you have any issues with the Chat. It is going to be a bit confusing for me for the next few days while I basically have both servers up and trying to figure out what info is being pulled from where.
  24. Found This one on internet. New Garage Door Opener Works of High Beam switcher, and doesen't requre soldering in to existing remote. I Think this is interesting koncept. Check Out: http://www.f2pelectronics.com/
  25. I was going through the book and taking appraisal (yet again) of my new purchase yesterday, and found that I am missing the passenger CB/Radio Remote switch. Now, I don't know how necessary or how well they work, but it would be nice to have it nonetheless, so I was wondering where one might get their hands on one of these switches. Thanks.
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