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  1. I have a Sebring 2002 LXI that had the issue on the timing chain 2 years ago and make the engine to stop working. Since I had health issues, I had never the money to decide between fix it or replace it for another one. Today they ask me around 4800$ for the total replacement of the engine with 5 years warranty from Jasper, or I have as option a good deal on a Saturn Aura XR 2007 with 125000 miles for 5500$, and as far as I can see only some rust in the hood latch internally, that I was checking and it is a normal issue. Did somebody has any experience with Jasper or Saturn that can help me to decide what to do? Thanks in advance for any opinion about it. calperin
  2. Is there a list of words that are currently "Off limits" for subects in the wateringhole? I know politics are off limits... but what else? 99.99999 percent of my theads have been Motorcycle related. There have been many non-motorcycle related threads on this forum. My fear is that a very few here, are going to go out of their way, to get threads deleted they don't like. thanks in advance Joe
  3. Hi new to your site and am looking for some information from the experts here. I am going to look at a 1987 Venture Royal on Sunday and hoped that someone would be kind enough to tell me what some of the known issues or problems are related to that model, things to look for etc. Any help is appreciated........
  4. Hi new to your site and am looking for some information from the experts here. I am going to look at a 1987 Venture Royal on Sunday and hoped that someone would be kind enough to tell me what some of the known issues or problems are related to that model. Any help is appreciated........
  5. Anyone related to or know someone related to Mrs J.D. Ritchie. I was going through some of my parents stuff and found this old diary from J.D Ritchie.
  6. So... bored sitting on the couch and watching Deadliest Catch. Seeing all that Twitter crap going along the screen. Pick up the phone..Google Twitter..and the next thing I know I have a Twitter account. Now I don't have a clue what to do with it. I don't want/need to foll a bunch of garbage..so I started thinking/wondering..anything good motorcycle related ? So... Is there ??
  7. This is not motorcycle related but for those of us who use the internet to order stuff such as household items, furniture, etc you need to check this place out. I have been dealing with them now for several years and their customer service, delivery, quality cant be beat. I have ordered futon mattresses, dishes, a whole living room set, office chairs and many other items from them usually at a pretty good price and free shipping to boot. Any time that I had an issue it was immediately resolved. I cannot say anything bad about them. Im sure your wife will like this site as well. Mine surely does....And they take PayPal. Were always looking for good places to deal with and I have found this place to be one of the best out there. http://www.wayfair.com
  8. I like looking through the Instructables website, because I feel handy even if I am not. I get their newsletter with featured projects, and the latest one I received had an instructable that some of you might like: Motorcycle Lowers (low deflectors) You may or may not have need for this Instructable, but browsing the related ones might be fun and spark your imagination. Heck, some of you might enjoy the Swirled White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake one more! Dave
  9. Ok a somewhat new development in my saga with the VR. Lately, (yesterday and today) the bike has idled high on initial decel and then slowly drops to around 900 RPM. The choke is off, and the linkage is free, all other throttle linkage is free moving as well. My theory is this could be carb float related as I am having hard start issues when the bike is warmed up and a strong smell of raw gas when the ignition is turned on. Otherwise performance is awesome with very crisp and smooth acceleration, plugs all look good and about 5 oz of Seafoam in every tank of gas. I am puzzled as carbs are not a strong point for me. Give me an ECU, injectors, O2 sensors, a MAF and a laptop and I can get most things purring. So gurus of the carb please enlightened me. I have done a rudimentary float level check, cleaned everything I could with the carbs on the bike and I believe the floats need adjusting but I am curous if this high idle could be related. Thanks
  10. I think Tom and I must be related... I HATE SNOW!!!
  11. I would like to install a good volt meter on my 89 VR, for I understand the dash meter does not provide a reliable read. Is that correct? So I would appreciate some good suggestions as to what there is out there and where a good place to install it. And any other related suggestions?
  12. Friend at auto body shop, not computer savey brought a car engine code reader for $425 from snap-on guy, asked me to look it over, I found it works with windows xp only, he has win7, told him give it back. All snap-on ones work with xp only. Anyone know off one that would work with win7, for no more cost. Its not something he has to have but he sees alot more warning lights on the dash and he has to send it out to clear it before he returns it. thanks for any help
  13. http://www.kcra.com/r/25795718/detail.html Well now it's motorcycle related. There's even an RSV out in front.
  14. barend


    To Verizon Wireless!! I switched back to using my Omnia phone last month and about had a heart attack when I got the bill, $950 dollars in usage charges all while not using it for anything internet related. Took two hours, but they did credit all of the usage charges back to me. Sometimes good things happen! :happy65:
  15. As we are getting ready to go into what is a three day weekend for some of us( I get Good Friday off), along with the temperatures looking at being in the mid to lower 80's for Friday and Saturday, I know there are going to be a bunch of us out there. I know that for me, this is the weekend that I have been living for after the most miserable winter I can remember in a long time. The really sad part about this is it is almost like clockwork in our area, there will be a motorcycle related incident. It will either be a cage/bike, an inexperenced new rider, someone pushing it too hard for the conditions or alcohol related. This will be especially true for a weekend like this. So, I am saying this to me, just like the rest of you, be careful out there. RandyA
  16. This isn't bike related, but thought some may enjoy this little movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=jEjUAnPc2VA
  17. Wednesday afternoon, 1st gen cruise control failed today, no lights at all but when we swap out the light panel it works fine on another bike. What relays are related to the cruise control? Are they by the headlight assembly? Any other information would be helpful. 519 574-7115
  18. okay, this is the last call for the vendor area from me. we are going to have an indoor area in the main hall for vendors. if you have something that you make that you would like to display and sell, the vendor area is free. it does'nt need to be totally bike related such as jewelry or leather work etc.. we will also have an area set up to sell your used bike parts and bike related items. so if you have something to get rid of bring it with an attached price tag with your name on it. all this stuff will also be in the main hall in a secure area. any questions pm me or danob11. i am really looking forward to seeing everyone that is coming. and wish i could see all the folks that aren't coming. there's still plenty of time to register. see you there. bill
  19. just want to rmind all you folks, we are going to have alot of ladies there. so nothing wrong with prizes for the ladies. i will be sure to bring some, and i hope others do to. they don't have to be bike related. you gals no what you like so you do the shopping. linda says she likes turqouse rings. :rotf:
  20. I realize this ain't bike related but I know some of you work in the corporate IT field and am hoping to get some guidance / feedback. As many of you know, I am the "network admin" at my company. We are running an out-dated version of Symantec Antivirus. It's a corporate version centrally managed on a server. While the software is out of date, I can still get updated virus definitions but I'm feeling a bit "insecure" about it. I'm wondering what ya'll are using in your corporate environment ... pro's/con's ... any info you can give me. I prefer not to again use Symantec or McAfee.
  21. http://www.alleghenyludlum.com:80/pages/companyinfo/stainlesscars.asp
  22. Anyone here techno savey about PS 3's and the related issues with home entertainment? Got some issues with home audio?
  23. mraf


    This isn't bike related just a question. Does anyone work for CSX railroad?
  24. While cleaning my recently purchased 2006 RSV (after driving it home 1000 miles), I noticed that on the left side around the carbs & under the tank, everything is covered in a layer of oil/dirt. The right side is clean. I also noticed a drip of oil under the bike & found oil dripping from 1 of the 4 tubes that vent out the bottom left side beneath the passenger floorboard. I'm guessing they're related! How big of a problem do I have & what can be done about it? Could it be just that there was too much oil in the case & if I lower the level I'll be ok? Or is it more serious? Thanks for the help...JR
  25. I am new to the Venture have only put a few hundred miles on it, I have a vibration that starts about 65 mph and gets worse up to 75 that makes the bike almost buzz like they did 30 years ago is this normal? Mine is a 2006 w/5000 miles on it and the vibe goes away if I pull in the clutch and let it coast so it must be engine or drive train related. I also just switched to straight synthetic oil abut 300 miles ago, this really quieted it down but now I have noticed this vibe beginning and it seems to be rpm related. Any ideas?
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