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Found 17 results

  1. I know there was a group buy for the Shindengen voltage regulators, but I didn't buy one then. Now I see that the Shindengen is a series voltage regulator, not a shunt regulator like the original. This means that the stator will be cooler because full current won't always be flowing, and should last longer. Does anybody know a good place to buy one?? http://roadstercycle.com/images/Shinde1.jpg
  2. Hi This is my first post. I have a 2012 venture. I would like to know if I replace the regulator with a high output one,if that will help my voltage without replacing the stater. Thank you Cheny
  3. ----in one of my work benches. I was looking for something and re-discovered this thing. I think it is a voltage regulator.?.?. Many, many, many (those are to explain my memory loss) years ago my '84 Venture Royale stopped charging. As I recall, I first changed the voltage regulator (cheap way out if it worked), but that did not fix it. I replaced the stator and it was like brand new. This thing has followed me around from Southern California to Michigan to Indianapolis. I do not know if it is the replacement I bought or if it's the one off of my VR. My guess is that it is the original from the VR. I do know it will not fit anywhere on my GL 1800. Here's the deal--- if you can identify it and have a need for it (or just want it), you can have it for the shipping cost. I would probably try to send it parcel post. No guarentee, but as I can best recall, it was working fine and I would not have kept it if I did not think it was O.K.
  4. Ok I have a situation with my charging system. Let me see if I can properly explain the problem. Recently I replaced the voltage regulator with one from electrosport. This is what my system is doing. while riding home from work at night I can see the head light, passing lights, and tail and running lights fade like they are only on battery, and then with in 3 seconds brighten back up to normal charging. it oscillates like this mainly at least as far as I can tell at higher speeds and in top gear. Does anyone think that this is just a bad regulator or my stator going bad? Please help! Jet man
  5. Well, After my second no start because the battery had lost it's juice, I finally installed the high output mosfet regulator. The AAA, gave me a boost (Boy I'm' glad I have it!) I was getting Burger's after my night shift. well I thought it might do this RRRR click click.: So I got back to the garage and tore into her found the side cover leak I had fixed it as well. Boy what a stupid place for a voltage regulator!! So I will find out later today if it works Sorry no pics I was a little pi#sed off. but now its' done. Cheers Mike R. In Calgary..
  6. OK, so winter has its icy grip on me. Time to install the Shindengen voltage regulator I bought from Dano in the group buy and adjust the valves on the 86. The Shindengen regulator was first on the list. When it was first talked about on this site it was said that this replacement voltage regulator is far superior to the old one but not the same dimensions. This poses a problem for the mounting. The Shindengen is too wide to mount in the stock position. I found that it would hit the muffler and not let the muffler be mounted. Mounting it here seemed detrimental to me because of the heat factor also. So an alternate site has to be found. You have to give credit to the Japanese for this bikes compactness of its various components. The Shindengen regulator was mounted in the left air-duct on Saltydog 83 std. This to me sounded like a excellent place for mounting with one exception. I was worried about any high frequency interference in my radio being that it would be mounted under it. I for one like my FM radio. Like a local station says in its promos "There's no weather warnings on a I-pod". So my choice was the right side air-duct. The installation was tight but do-able. I started it after buttoning it up, no radio noise and it works just like it was explained. Ramping up slowly,perfect. So far so good. The valves have never been done on my 86 to my knowledge it has roughly 38,000 mi. So I start to line up the necessary gaskets, shims and tool. The gaskets and shims are no problem. The tool thats a problem in itself. Seems nobody stocks this tool. Unless your willing to spend bu-ku bucks for it. I'm cheap. I know it. So that being said, I started to make my own. It started out life as a 13/16-7/8 box end wrench that was modified earlier for some past job. The box width was pretty close to what was needed. Randy R contributed pictures of what the tool actually does. Which helped to get a mental pic of the valve tools dimensions. Plus Dingy posted a PDF file of a original tools dimensions. The total thickness of the 13/16 wrench wasn't enough to depress the shim buckets. So after welding the outside some to build it up and grinding it flat the appropriate thickness was achieved. The size 13/16 didn't fit the cam hex at first so some filing was done until it did. It worked like a charm! Total time involved in making the tool was roughly 2-3 hours. It isn't pretty but it works. Valves done. Thanks to everyone for the great writeups on the Shindengen voltage regulator and valve settings. Also the PDF charts and pictures about both. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=39671&d=1262284449
  7. I am in the process of installing the shindengen voltage regulator. The question I have is if I install this in the air duct under the radio will it increase interference with the radio in any way? Being the three wires from the stator run into the regulator. I am also going to remove my tachometer and fix it, if possible. Mine has always been slow to react to changes in engine RPM. I removed it once and lubed it up thereby fixing the problem with it. But it has now gone back to slow response again. Has anyone a spare tach if so how much do you need for it.
  8. I'm doing some repairs to my 89 to get it ready for a trip in a couple weeks. I noticed a 2 pin connector with nothing hooked to it. It's on the left side and it was sitting on top of the gas tank, under the seat. It has 1 red wire and 1 black. It appears to be tied in to the run between the regulator and the main fuse. Any chance this is where what Yam. calls a "condenser" connects? I mean the filter capacitor that is numbered #72 in the upper right hand corner of the print. Does anybody know where #72 condenser is mounted?? Anybody know what it's value is? Frank D.
  9. My charging has been rather erratic lately. Some times it seems to be barely charging and other times the needle is right up by the line at 14 volts or so. Often it is right around 14 volts at idle. A few days ago the needle went as far into the charge zone that it could go but settled bake down after a few seconds. Tonight, while pulling away from a red light, the dash lights and head light got extra bright all of a sudden. I looked at the volt meter and it was as far as it could go. I pulled to the side of the highway and turned off the engine. I then restarted and it did the same thing. This happened 5 or 6 times. A couple of times it would drop back where it was supposed to be and then suddenly do it again. After 6 or 7 times it finally mellowed out and acted like it is supposed to. Do you people feel that the regulator is going out or maybe a grounding issue. Back in the 60s I had a 49 Harley that did this same thing but after just a few seconds it blew out all of my bulbs. That time it turned out to be the battery ground was not tight enough. That old bike had a 6 volt DC generator and a regulator just like a car. With this system the regulator is ground to the frame itself plus I read yesterday or the day before where someone said that these alternators don't charge at idle but only once past 2000 rpm. I think tonight I proved that theory wrong. OK who's got ideas? Dick
  10. Ok all you electrical genius types. I am somewhat stumped here. I know how to test the stator using the AC voltage test and it seems to be fine. Is there a way to test the Regulator? I have an 84 VR. Is there a way to retrofit a MKII regulator? The plug has more wires in it than the 84. When I parked the bike for the winter it was charging fine. Over the winter I added a couple of relays (for horn and highway lights). A chrome bumper converted to LEDs and a 12v receptacle. So I'm wondering if I did something wrong but was very carefull with these installations. I soldered and heat shrank every joint etc. Is there a way to test for excessive drain while running? I had a "rebuilt Stator" that I got off eBay a couple of years ago and installed it. That didn't solve the problem. But it may not be a good one either. Any ideas?? Wayne
  11. Well, I got a cheap garage remote off of fleabay and took it apart. The battery was 3volt and I confirmed that with my multimeter. I want to hard wire the remote into the motorcycle electrical system. (No need to replace batteries) I went to Radio Shack (I know, radio shack is not a good place to buy stuff, but it was convenient) and they had two types of voltage regulators. One was a 5 volt regulator and the other was a programable regulator. I purchased the 5 volt regulator thinking that most IC's are 5 volt. Well, the voltage regulator didn't work. I confirmed 5 volts at the remote and the polarity was correct, but the remote circuit must have some sort of limiter on it. I disconnected the 5volt regulator and reconnected the 3volt battery and the remote worked fine. Reconnected the 5 volt regulator and it didn't work. Fortunately I didn't fry the remote board. However, I will have to go back to radio shack and get the programable voltage regulator. I have been taking pictures, when I am done I will post a write up.
  12. http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=LT1076CT-5-ND I want to buy a cheap garage door remote from fleabay and install it into the tank plastic of my RSV. I plan to remove the remote from the plastic housing and mount it under the tank plastic. I will wire a momentary button and install into the plastic. The only thing visable will be the momentary button, with the remote electronic circuit hidden underneath. I don not want to have a battery that needs to be replaced, so I want to wire the voltage regulator from accessory power to supply the remote. The remote uses a cr2032 battery, which is 3 volt. The voltage regulator I am looking at is 5V, but I do not think that is too high for the remote. Anyone have any experience with this voltage regulator? Is it a stand alone voltage regulator? Any advice is appreciated.
  13. Are all voltage regulators for first Gens interchangable ??? I have an 84 and can get a 86 on Ebay. Tia JB
  14. I have not been able to locate a voltage regulator for my bike, if you have one for sale or know how to order one asap please contact me at ezornes@ comcast.net or 765-284-2586 lv msg. thank you Erik Zornes:think:
  15. Got a wierd little thing going on with my front headlight. Sometimes it's nice and bright, other times it's dim. My first thought is possibly a bad ground somewhere. It seems to be just confined to the headlight, because I haven't noticed the dash lights dimming. Has anyone else had a situation like this? I'm going to test the regulator and stator first, just to make sure they are ok. The bulb is new, just replaced it, but the old one was doing the same thing.
  16. I have been using So. Seattle for parts cuz they were the cheapest... But my last shipment took over 3 weeks and included a couple of unanswered e-mails.. Their site was down yesterday and I did some poking around and heard of some grumbling that they might be in financial trouble... I don't want to start rumors here just watch out if you use them. Well I need a regulator and started shopping around and found a place that beat most by $30.00 and So. Seattle by 10... $47 for a regulator.. Well their site was messed up and wouldn't put the regulator in the shopping cart so I called them... I also was wondering about shipping.. Some vendors pad the shipping to make their cheap prices not so cheap... Well it seems they have better prices over the phone and charge less for shipping on phone orders.. I ended up paying $44.00 with shipping came out to less than So. Seattle's unshipped price. So I would suggest getting your part numbers from their website and calling the order in to their 800#. I'll let you know on shipping... they said 6-7 days. If anyone else has used them please reply to this thread. http://www.carolinacycle.com/default.asp
  17. 1984 Venture Standard. My charging system failed when I got to the Soo Thurs night. I had to leave the bike there and am now in Minneapolis for the weekend. I have no output from the voltage regulator and think its bad. The stator puts out 5 volts AC at idle and 10 volts at 2000rpm on all 3 coils. I checked the connectors and the diode check on the regulator is OK. 1. Do these readings on the stator sound OK? 2. Where can I get a Voltage Reg fast between Minneapolis and Sault ST.Marie? Does anyone have 1 I can buy? It will take 3 days from the dealer. My battery is a year old and charged OK from a charger. The bike starts and runs except for charging.
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