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  1. OK folks. I need to rebuild the event countdown page for 2013. This is mainly for our regular events, not the smaller meet and eats. Take a look at the VR Rallies page and let me know the dates for your regular events and any that need to be added. I'm not real strict on what is included but the page is a bit tricky to build and if possible, don't want to be adding little dinner rides and etc. all the time.
  2. Hi Everyone I have reading some the recent post about bypassing. The class air ride system but I want to Install the class on my Venture. Has anyone installed this on a regular Venture ??? If so can you give some feed back. Thanks. Jim C:223:
  3. What is everybody using for oil in these old V4's. Standard 15w40 or the Mobile1 synthetic? I used Mobile1 VTwin in my Buell but not sure about my 85 as it is new to me. Older bikes in the past I used just regular 15w40?? Only 55000kms. Thanks
  4. while riding in 5th gear if I roll the throttle too hard the clutch will begin to slip, My question is how difficult is it to replace the friction discs in this bike is it something a person with regular ability can do? about how long does it take? or should I have it sent in to a shop. Bike is a 84 xvz12.
  5. Can someone tell me if its ok to replace my grips with regular grips and take the weights off what will happen
  6. I cannot change the time clock on my pc from milatary time to regular time. What to do? Hal
  7. captdrac


    Does platium or Iridium sparkplugs work better and/or give better mpg than regular sparkplugs?
  8. New to this talk of the Kumo tire. I have a 2000 Ventura and just put a sidecar on. The sidecar has its own brake and I can remove it for two up. At 74 I might not do that very much, wife has problems with legs on long rides when two up. From what I read its as good as the regular MC tires. Do you think one would work on the front to help with steering. Won't rake front in case I want to ride without sidecar. Thanks, labill
  9. I'm planning a trip from San Antonio to Springfield IL at the end of May. I will be in Illinois for about a week and I am concerned because the last time I was there the only gas I remember included ethynol. My question(s) is/are...is there regular gas available in Illinois? If not, does using the ethynol mix negatively affect our engines? Sure appreciate any help on this. Thanks in advance. Jim T
  10. I need to know how to properly diagnose a bad ignition coil. For a while I have had a vibration mainly under load and feel I loose power at the top end where everyone is bragging of all kinds of power. It feels like when I rev it up that its just not all there. I currently have Iridium plugs in there but am not impressed and am going back to regular NGKs. Ive thought about changing to after market coils and wires but dont want to change if it will do me no good. So how do I find out if I have a problem?
  11. For any of you that have an Advance Auto Parts Store in your area they have Seafoam on sale this week. $6.99 which in my area is at least $3 off the regular price.
  12. Guest

    E-85 gas

    There has been E-85 pumps installed where I buy gas sometimes, which is no biggie to me cause I don't use it. I thought the E-85 was going to be cheaper than regular gas and it was 20 cents higher I asked the cashier and that was joke, so did I miss something or was E-85 suppose to be higher?
  13. Is there a difference between the Midnight Venture and the regular Venture, other than color? I am looking at a new 2006 Midnight Venture.
  14. What fuel does every one use?? I have been using the highest Octane I can get get, but read that some just run Regular gas???
  15. Hi, Just recently purchased a 2006 rstd! Just wondering what type of regular maintenance i need to be doing?
  16. I just had a Venturerider survey pop up on my screen, it asks 4 questions, and then lets you choose a gift for participating. Anyone else take this survey??? It said they are not affiliated with VR. Friday, February 5, 2010 Dear Venturerider.org visitor, You've been selected to take part in this anonymous survey. Tell us what you think of Venturerider.org in this 30 second questionnaire, and to say "thank you", we'll offer you a few exclusive offers... Question 1 of 4: Where are you viewing this website from right now? At home At work Other Next... Question 2 of 4: How often do you visit Venturerider.org? Once a week or more Less than once a week This is my first visit Next... Question 3 of 4: Would you pay $10 for a product worth $50? Yes No Depends on the product Next... Question 4 of 4: Do you think you will come back to Venturerider.org again in the future? Yes No Don't know Next... That's it, all done! Thank you for your participation. As we submit the answers to your questions, we are checking our inventory to see if we can offer you a gift as a way of saying thank you for answering our survey questions. Submitting your answers: Submitting your answers: Checking gift inventory: We have the following products available to give you as an exclusive gift for your participation. You may choose only (1) product of the list below. Thank you for participating in our survey! Claire Klein Jewelry For Women & Men Regular Price: $97.00 Your Price: FREE!* Shipping: $4.99 Embrace Fragrance by Christiano Dolce For Men / For Women Regular Price: $95.00 Your Price: FREE!* Shipping: $4.99 Disaster Aid Kit Regular Price: $89.00 Your Price: FREE!* Shipping: $3.99 We have the following products available to give you as an exclusive gift for your participation. You may choose only (1) product of the list below. Thank you for participating in our survey! Advanced Acai For Weight Loss Regular Price: $70.00 Your Price: FREE!* Shipping: $3.97 Dermitage Anti-Aging Skincare System Regular Price: $89.95 Your Price: FREE!* Shipping: $3.97 Smile White Pro Teeth Whitening Kit Regular Price: $84.00 Your Price: FREE!* Shipping: $0.99 (Promo Code: "SAVE") Friday, February 5, 2010 Dear Venturerider.org visitor, You've been selected to take part in this anonymous survey. Tell us what you think of Venturerider.org in this 30 second questionnaire, and to say "thank you", we'll offer you a few exclusive offers... Question 1 of 4: Where are you viewing this website from right now? At home At work Other Next... Question 2 of 4: How often do you visit Venturerider.org? Once a week or more Less than once a week This is my first visit Next... Question 3 of 4: Would you pay $10 for a product worth $50? Yes No Depends on the product Next... Question 4 of 4: Do you think you will come back to Venturerider.org again in the future? Yes No Don't know Next... That's it, all done! Thank you for your participation. As we submit the answers to your questions, we are checking our inventory to see if we can offer you a gift as a way of saying thank you for answering our survey questions. Submitting your answers: Submitting your answers: Checking gift inventory: We have the following products available to give you as an exclusive gift for your participation. You may choose only (1) product of the list below. Thank you for participating in our survey! Claire Klein Jewelry For Women & Men Regular Price: $97.00 Your Price: FREE!* Shipping: $4.99 Embrace Fragrance by Christiano Dolce For Men / For Women Regular Price: $95.00 Your Price: FREE!* Shipping: $4.99 Disaster Aid Kit Regular Price: $89.00 Your Price: FREE!* Shipping: $3.99 We have the following products available to give you as an exclusive gift for your participation. You may choose only (1) product of the list below. Thank you for participating in our survey! Advanced Acai For Weight Loss Regular Price: $70.00 Your Price: FREE!* Shipping: $3.97 Dermitage Anti-Aging Skincare System Regular Price: $89.95 Your Price: FREE!* Shipping: $3.97 Smile White Pro Teeth Whitening Kit Regular Price: $84.00 Your Price: FREE!* Shipping: $0.99 (Promo Code: "SAVE") page 1 | page 2 page 1 | page 2 ? Copyright 2009-2010 All rights reserved. We are not affiliated nor partnered, with Venturerider.org. Venturerider.org has not authored, participated in, or in any way reviewed this advertisement or authorized it. The trial products offered on the last page pay this website for orders placed. See important terms and conditions regarding this ad here. * S&H charges do apply. Some of the products described on this site have terms regarding continued billing after the free trial period ends. This is referred to as negative option, or continuity billing. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you are fully aware of the terms associated with each product before you order. See manufacturer's website for full terms and conditions before ordering your free trial as these vary by product. Please keep in mind that these are separate companies and we are not the best source for information about orders or specific policies. Because these companies control their own policies, shipping and other fees may change periodically. page 1 | page 2 ? Copyright 2009-2010 All rights reserved. We are not affiliated nor partnered, with Venturerider.org. Venturerider.org has not authored, participated in, or in any way reviewed this advertisement or authorized it. The trial products offered on the last page pay this website for orders placed. See important terms and conditions regarding this ad here. * S&H charges do apply. Some of the products described on this site have terms regarding continued billing after the free trial period ends. This is referred to as negative option, or continuity billing. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you are fully aware of the terms associated with each product before you order. See manufacturer's website for full terms and conditions before ordering your free trial as these vary by product. Please keep in mind that these are separate companies and we are not the best source for information about orders or specific policies. Because these companies control their own policies, shipping and other fees may change periodically.
  17. 100 hours of instruction over three weekends. Holy @& that was some work. (In addition to my regular day job during the week. At any rate, I will be teaching at Southwest Tech in Fennimore, WI. Any other ridercoaches in IL, WI, IA?
  18. The Captain's Starship is running heavy......primarily from all the unsold Venture parts in the cargo hold. Mr. Sulu tells me I need to get rid of some of the extra weight or I'll never reach warp speed......so here's what I'll do. In the "1st Gen. parts for sale" section, I'll be posting a new thread called "Help Save the Enterprise" in which each week I will list a part, some previously listed, some not, for a stupidly low price (against Mr. Spock's wishes; he tells me this is not logical!) just to get rid of this stuff. I'm tired of tripping over it; it's cramping my style! Each part will run at the special price for one week, from there it's on to eBay for whatever I can get out of it or back in the regular classifieds at the regular price. I would much rather these parts go to one of you than some eBay shark. Check early; check often (just like voting in Chicago!)
  19. 07 venture, stock battery......battery failed 3 load tests; mine, Battery Plus, and the dealer......shows 12+ volts, drops to 6V under test......dealer has already been given the go ahead to replace it free....but he must try to " bring it back up " first ( 24 hr charge)..... here's my questions.....he says that my battery tender, which is a Battery Tender jr., will not properly charge this type battery...nor will a regular charger, and that they will damage this battery......that i need to get the charger that yamaha has...........i might buy the story about a regular charger, but not about my battery tender not working on an agm as Battery Tender says it will....so......who's right? and...what should the minimum voltage reading be under a load test.....( just for my clarification) and...my regular charger does shut off when battery shows charged, so why shouldn't it work also
  20. I'm in needing of my first oil change since buying the RSV last week (9,700 miles ). The owner last changed it at 6,600 miles I'm bringing it to the mechanic tomorrow for both front brake pad to be replaced, as there starting to squeal a little. He mentioned $40.00 bucks to change the oil on the RSV. ( I us alley do oil changes and maintenance myself , but I thought I would ask how much ) I asked which oil is and filter would he be using for the $39.95 oil change He replied he would use regular automotive oil, ( Castrol ) to be exact, and been using in bikes for the past 25 years, and his friend who has 135,000 miles on his Vulcan, has been doing it this way since day one owning the bike,. In my Honda VTX, I used to run Amsoil oil at $9.95 a QT, and changed it every 4,000 miles instead. http://www.amsoil.com/a/synthetic-motorcycle-oil Has anyone heard of using regular engine oil in the RSV ? If everyone's doing this here, it would be allot cheaper ( Approx $15.00 in materials ) vs $50.00 right now in oil changes. When you ride approx 20,000 miles a year such as I do, it can add up quicker Thanks for your help
  21. I have created an alternate chat room for when the regular one is non functional. LINK: http://xat.com/VentureRider **EDIT** The first time you come in the chat will assign you a whimsical name. If you type the word "name" you will get instructions on how to change your name. Please make it your regular VR name.
  22. So, I'm ready to instal my new progressive springs and I'm looking for opinions/facts about which type of fork oil should I use and why. Should I use regular fork oil, a synthetic blend, or a full synthetic? Advantages/disadvantages of each?
  23. Anyone has any experience with this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/MOTORCYCLE-TRUNK-ROAD-V-ROYAL-STAR-VULCAN-C50-M109R-VTX_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a1Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem270362274300QQitemZ270362274300QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Not sure if it is even worth it. I just like the light on the trunk. Could the regular passenger backrest be fitted on that? I don't like the one on it. Thanks
  24. Drove my truck to work this morning. When i stepped out of my truck I saw a guy standing next to a car wearing a motorcycle jacket and holding a helmet. Or so I thought, I looked again and he was just wearing a regular wind-breaker and holding a bag. Spring better get here soon. I need to go riding.
  25. NewEnough has just put the JOe Rocket leather michael Jordan Jacket with the armor on sale for 179 bucks with sizes up to 60. This is a good deal for us big guys as its hard to find big sizes plus they just never go on sale for us. I dont think they will last long regular price is 499. Here is the link http://www.newenough.com/closeouts/leather_suits_jackets_and_pants/joe_rocket/michael_jordan_2k7_team_replica_leather_motorcycle_jacket.html
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