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  1. I have a 2001 Yamaha Venture Royal Star with 114,000 miles on it. Today the bike quit on me and I determined that the battery is not being charged as the battery voltage does not increase past the 12vdc while revving the engine. I disconnected the cable from the rectifier and tested the diodes on all 3 pins and they check out fine according to documentation I found on this site. I also checked the 3 stator pins in the rectifier cable with the engine running and at idle they are around 25vac and when revved up they go to over 100vac. I am looking for input as to: · Are there other tests I could run? · If it is the generator would only the stator need replacing? · Do I need special tools to replace the stator? · Could it be the rectifier? · Something else I have not thought of? Thanks for any assistance, Lyle
  2. Just wondering, it was previously discussed in a prior thread on stator and rectifier problems that the 2006 through current model has the highest output stator,equal to the upgraded models that are available as replacements. If that is so, they recommend that the wires be hard wired.Would cleaning and dialectric grease help prevent the bad connections that happen in these areas or would it somehow make it worse? I'm not having any problems right now, but was trying to do some preventative maintenance and save some time and money down the road. I don't want to have to hardwire until it is necessary.Also, what are some thoughts on replacing just the rectifier to one like SkyDoc17 sells. It is supposed to be better.but I'm not to good on electrical, and wish some one could explain it as simple as possible so hopefully I understand.If it would help,I would replace the original to get the most out of the system.Any thoughts or experience on this would be greatly appreciated
  3. Cody Thoughts and Impressions. Pics at http://www.cast-aways.com/codypics1.htm The good, the bad, and the ugly... Day 1. Thursday Meet up with Lone Eagle for breakfast, and ride to Elko Nev. Nevada is boring as hell and hot. Drank lots of Gator Aid at the rest stops. Trailer is towing great. New gimbaled ball hitch ball doing great. No lights, but Vic’s behind me riding sweep. Played leap frog with a group of Star Riders. Road all tore up in front of the Elko's Motel 6. First long day in a while and out of condition. Hurting. Pizza for dinner. Motrin for dessert. Day 2. Friday Off roaded out of Elko. What a mess. Breakfast and fuel in Wells, and watched the group of Star Riders head north into Idaho on Hwy93. We continued east on I-80 to Rock Springs. Fueled up again in Wendover. Droped bike at the gas pump. Dang this is a rough trip. We keep heading east.. More sand and sage brush. Fuel mileage ain’t all that great. 24-25 mpg. Bike not starting at the push of the starter button. Curious?? Worse night ever in a Motel 6. No A/C. More Motrin. Day 3. Saturday North to Cody… via the GPS. Fuel and breakfast in Lander Wy. Great family restaurant. Kooky waitress. Fun. Left turn in Thermopolis. Deka battery croaks. Buy wet cell from auto parts store across the street and leave for Cody 85 miles away. Didn’t think to top off our tanks. Made Cody on fumes. Checked into the Skyline, put the Deka on the charger. Flopped on Bed ‘n died. Day 4. Sunday Members start arriving. Vic, Russ, Dave, and Jan take over the sign in ‘festivities’. Chips, Dip, and Sody Pop turned into 2-8’ long Subs, and 4 party platters. Great time. Day 5. Monday AM spent trying to locate the damn rectifier. Know 1stGen, but 2nd is new to me. Checked the wet cell battery. Charging at 14.2vdc so decide to ride the Bear Tooth Pass via Chief Joseph. Left Deka in the room on the charger. Great ride. Most stayed in Red Lodge MT for lunch. Wasn’t hungry so headed back to Cody. Wet Cell died 16 miles outside of town at the beginning of a construction zone. Brian Fries rode by, took my room key, and brought back the Deka. 2 ½ hours later finally made it to Cody in time to hop in the shower and get over to the Ponderosa for the Chili cook off. Russ, Dave & Jan, and Irv & Teri cooked up some great Chili’s and fish wraps. Awesome. Not bad for a simple planned Ice Cream Social…. Day 6 Tuesday Hung the Gremlin Bell on the scoot. Gotta get rid of the gremlins. Things start looking up!! Found the rectifier. Not where the manual sez it is. Easy, once you know where. Dano wired up the Indian Rectifier I brought along. Lot better job than I could have ever done. Many Thanks Dan!! Spend the afternoon napping. Feeling melancholy about doing another long ride. Figure this will be my last. Mooched over to the Ponderosa to visit. Turned around and Ponch and Company had the scoot tank off and were wiring up the tach in the ignition pod. Cool!! Day 7 Wednesday Slept late, but met up with Kurt for a run to Ye Auld Meat Shoppe to pick up the Buffalo burgers for the noon BBQ. Vic, Russ, made a run to Wal-Mart for fixins. BBQ went great!!. Went back to the room for a siesta. Woke and Vic had already taken all the raffle prizes over to the Holiday for the group banquet. Hard to keep up with him…. Group dinner was incredible. I won a few things in the drawings… After glow gathering in the parking lot of the Skyliner til the wee hours. Broke open the bottle of Seagram’s to share with the group. Day 8 Thursday Vic and I rode to Shell Falls in the Big Horn. Great ride. Averaged 44 mpg for the trip. Lots better mileage when the rectifier is doing it’s job. Dano wired up the trailer so I’d have lights on the way home. Another Cool!! Last night in Cody. KSU in the early AM. Day 9 Friday Left for Pocatello via Jackson Hole Wy, and Teton Pass. Went thru the park. In the East Gate and out the West Gate. GPS got confused so canceled Jackson Hole. Stopped for fuel at Old Faithful, and it was going off while we pumped. Great timing!! Day 10 Saturday Left Pocatello early to beat the heat to Winnemucca Nev. Hit a little rain… 2-3 miles. Tried out the new cool vest in the afternoon. It worked. Helped with the afternoon heat. Great sunset at the motel. 5 minutes later it disappeared behind a dust storm. Weird weather…. Day 11 Sunday Winnemucca to home. Tough dealing with traffic again. Pulled into a local station for Vic to tank up and say our good byes. Vic still had another 90 miles to go. I’m 15 minutes from the barn. Recap The Cody VR Rally was the best I’ve ever attended. Not because of anything I did, but because of the hard work of Lone Eagle, Russ, Dave and Jan, and the fantastic people who came. The bar has been set a little higher for the east coast next year. New products all worked. Cool Vest, Indian rectifier, gimbaled ball hitch, Trailer wiring kit… after Dano modified it, and most of all the Gremlin Bell!! Met some of the best Venture Riders ever that I’m very proud to call ‘My Friends’. ~CONDOR~
  4. Hello everyone: Cody is our first VR event. Having a blast regardless of what we are doing. Enjoying our new found friends. Relaxing this morning. Wives visiting in the shade. I am observing Dano and Condor replacing a rectifier on Condor's RSV. Amazing Talent. Sure glad I brought the Ipad along to keep up on the site. Looking forward to future events!!!!!!!
  5. It's not a Venture but I am hoping someone has experience with these bikes. The problem; The battery goes dead and the engine dies. It happens faster if the headlight is on. The system. 1971 Honda SL125. A 6 volt balanced charging system (rectifier but no regulator). It has a four wire rectifier. Two from the stator, one battery neg and one battery pos. it has a two step 3 wire stator. White stator wire goes to headlight switch and activates second step of stator and is switched to the yellow wire when the headlight is on. The yellow wire, first step, goes to the rectifier. The pink wire goes to the rectifier and is common to the white and yellow. What we have done: We resistance checked the stator. Leg 1-0.3 ohm Leg 2-1.7 ohm. No continuity to ground. AC output out of stator leg 1 7.5 to 9.5 volts AC at rectifier. Leg 2 7.5 to 9.5 volts AC at rectifier. Diode check rectifier front .350 volts to energize, back open on all 4 diodes. Disassemble selenium rectifier and clean all connections just in case. Perform voltage drop on positive and ground wires to the battery. Resolution. The problem is not resolved. We have 6.3 volts 0.1 to 0.9 amp at the battery running and 5.91 volts and falling with -2.1 amp with the headlight on. Questions: Is stator resistance ok? Honda does not publish a spec. Is stator AC output voltage 8-9 volts ok for a 6 volt balanced system? Can the rectifier diodes test good and it still be bad? Any ideas? Plan; Our current plan is to wire in a rectifier from an automobile alternator and see what happens. Anything else we can try? Thanks Mike
  6. I had a pm a couple of days ago of a new member that lived close bye but I work rotating 12hr shifts so it was hard to get back to him so today I had off and was installing new front springs thanks to Skydoc and he came over to shoot the breeze. The new springs work great and I fab'd up a bracket for the aftermarket rectifier that bolts to the frame and exhaust but keeps it away from the drive and heat from the exhaust, this way I was able to keep the OEM rectifier in place with all the plugs just in case my new one craped out all I would have to do is take the side cover off and switch plugs and off I go.When I get back from my vaca I will have it powder coated along with other stuff on the bike, Oh back to the new member he is a great guy and needs tips on how to go riding without the wife...lol
  7. Okay, The bike has 28k on it and it's an '87 royale. Looks great. rebuilt carbs. But now the problem is the darn thing has left me stranded 3 times. I'm seeing voltage gauge running typical range (highest is 14v read on handheld meter) . However, after an hour of driving or so...fan running...etc. hot day...all of a sudden the voltmeter shows no charging (reading 12 v) no matter the rpm, immediate battery drain, fuel pump dies, and I roll into a shady spot to sit for awhile until the bike cools and I know i can start it without the fan coming on. Once it starts, runs fine for some time then it does it again. On a 80 degree day it's not happening. Stator checked out 55 vac across the board, and .7 ohms. when it's running good. Rectifier seems okay, but the manual really isn't clear on the test points. After reading similar stories, (except for the intermittent part) I decided to replace the stator. And if it's not the problem, well, at least now it's something I won't have to worry about. And no, I haven't had the opportunity to run electrical checks when the bike died. which would have been more telling. Now, I have checked and cleaned some grounds, but being an old car mechanic I also think that the main symptom of it only happening after bike gets hot and pulling heavier load with fan, tells me it could be stator wiring breaking down under load and heat, and not a bad ground, which I would think would be more of a consistent problem, and not typically heat related. I also checked continuity of pos / neg from rectifier to frame/battery and it's good. Any suggestions on what else this could be? thanks I'm taking my license road test this friday, so I need to ge this this fixed NOW. LOL.
  8. Just doing some tinkering on my 83 XV. I started it up because I was gonna maybe tinker with my new carb synch gauges. After a couple minutes of warm up time I notice a wisp of smoke coming up thru the frame. Shut it down to have a look see, and what I found was a connector from the rectifier doing a meltdown. Real hot. Three white wires from one side and three black ones going towards the stator? Anyone have any ideas? Didn't seem to effect how it runs but definitely something is wrong. Me not so happy.
  9. Me and my better half decided this summer that it was time for her to learn how to ride. I kept an eye out for something small and not in the best of shape in case she was to drop it. So... I just brought home an 81 Suzuki GS550L yesterday. It's actually in pretty good shape considering it has been sitting outside at my Dad's for the last few years. It belonged to my cousin who has been waiting for my brother to fix it. Neither ever had much success keeping it running. There were no keys to be found anywhere so I went to the locksmith with the ignition today to have a set of keys made using the code on the housing. I hooked a battery up to it, turned the key and everything lit up like it should. When I hit the start switch and nothing happened. When I pulled off the cover on the right side to try and track down why it wouldn't turn over, I noticed some wires that had been cut. As far as I can tell, someone swiped the rectifier. They didn't even bother unplugging it. They just snipped all the wires in one clean cut. For some reason, my brother comes to mind. First question, would cutting those wires make it not turn over when the start button is pressed? I've had other bikes and they would still at least turn over without a rectifier. Second question, what other years and models used the same rectifier? I'd be able to increase my odds of getting one if I knew. Third question, anybody here have an extra one laying around? Fourth and last question, would any of you know if there is a manual somewhere online that I can download? Thanks, Bill
  10. does anybody know how to test a rectifier, a new stator did not do the trick, electrical is not my thing, battery is good and so is the regulator,thanx:sign67:
  11. Can anybody post a picture or give me a thread link showing me where the rectifier is located on my 86VR?
  12. After spending a good deal of my summer trying to figure out why my VR wasn't charging, and now that the riding season is over, I finally got her to charge properly again. I should have gone with what my first gut instinct told me and replaced the stator right from the start. I went through a flow chart I found somewhere on here to try and figure out where the problem was before tearing into the engine. I had stripped it down to the frame and pulled all the wiring to check and clean all the connections. I cut out the connector and hardwired the stator to the rectifier. But according to everything in the flowchart, the stator and rectifier were both fine and the problem had to be somewhere in the wiring. I finally cut the connections between the stator and rectifier and tested the stator again. The stator was definately the problem. Unless I'm illiterate or something, nowhere in the flowchart did it tell me that I needed to disconnect anything before testing it. My gut was telling me to do one thing but the books and flowcharts seemed to be telling be something else. I've worked on cages all my life but seldomly ever on bikes, so I was trying to follow the books as closely as possible. I realize noe that I've got it fixed that of course I would get false reading with everything plugged in. The power from the battery would feed back through all the wires and give me the false readings. I guess the books and such took it for cranted that I would just know to unplug things first. But then there are alot of things you have to leave plugged in to get an accurate reading. How was I to know? So to make a long story short, unplug the stator and rectifier before you test them in order to get an accurate reading.
  13. I need someone whos very well versed in the RSV charging system to step in here. I have had this charging system issue on and off since last summer. A new rectifier last year solved the problem. I had also replaced the sidestand switch. This year the stator went and I replaced it with the higher output one from Buckeye Performance. Still had an issue so I went ahead and replaced the rectifier again. The bike ran fine for a few hundred miles then it began discharging again. I got it home and replaced the battery with a new, higher powered battery and still the bike is discharging. At 2500-3000 RPM's the DMM reads 12.10 V. I am at a total loss now. I will say that from the time I noticed the gauge flashing red I had about a 40 mile trip back home. A few times the bike began charging again then went back to flashing red. All connections are clean and tight and contact points are lubed with dielectric grease. So, anyone here got any ideas....Since I got the stator from Buckeye, RickH, you have any ideas? Squid, Muffy..Goose?? :bang head:
  14. Before anyone asks, yes, I did search the entire site and can't find a darn thing pertaining to this issue. Here goes. I have two good used rectifiers. One is apparently for the 83-85 model and the part number is 26H-81960-A0-00 and the other is for an 86 - 93 (I think anyway) and its part number is 2WR-81960-A0-00. When using the procedure outlined in the Repair Manuals, the procedures both for the 83-85 and the 86 and up refer to a "brown wire". However, the newer model rectifier (2WR) doesn't have a brown wire like the earlier model rectifier. Is there anyone experienced in this area to be able to explain why the 2WR rectifier would not have the brown wire like the Repair Manual states it should. Or am I just going nuts. Any light anyone can provide would be of great assistance.
  15. I need to replace my rectifier. Is there an easy way to access it or do I have to remove the lower fairing/etc?
  16. The voltage on a 85VR dropped into the yellow 8volt area & drained the battery, replaced the rectifer/regulator worked just great for 2 weeks, now volt meter is down in the yellow zone again. Manual indicates that it may be the starter coil [where do I find the starter coil?] & have I burned out another rectifier? I enjoy wrenching, dont understand electrical :confused24::confused24:at all so walk me through slowly. Thanks in advance Stewart :canada:
  17. I posted earlier, not the battery for sure. As my 99 Venture gets hot the charging rate falls. Will start charging at 14.2 charge rate to battery. As it heats up, after 30 minutes the rate falls to 12 or less. Battery reaches discharge after 3-4 hrs. I cleaned terminals at black plastic harness to Rectifier. I don't just want to replace rectifier without identifying problem. Any ideas?
  18. Anybody have a dead stator and rectifier laying around they want to get rid of cheap? I wanted to take them to a guy who says he can rewind the stator to put out more power and upgrade the rectifier to handle the extra output.
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