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  1. Thinking about buying the Yamaha tank Bib Leather Tank Bra STR-4XY49-10-01 Its the dual pocket studded version Big bucks from Yamaha Any recommendations on where I could get the best on line price? Appreciate any other ideas or recommendations as well!!
  2. Has anyone used an aftermarket radiator fan that is more efficient; flows more air, etc? Any recommendations? Thanks, Richard in AZ 1988 VR
  3. Looking to get a tach for my bike. Anyone have any recommendations for a good, yet reasonably priced one? Also, what is the popular mounting location?
  4. Does anyone use the electronic deer whistles on their bike? If so any recommendations? Thanks
  5. 2006 RSTD Looking for a replacement seat like the Ultimate http://www.ultimateseats.ca/yamaharoyalstarTD.html Wanting to get a seat that is lower than the stock seat, yet comfortable for long rides. Also want to put a chrome rail around the seat. Backrest is a plus. Going to take the passenger pillion and passenger backrest off, but will want to be able to use this in case I ever want to take a passenger out on this bike. Recommendations?
  6. I am finallizing my checklist for my trip and wanted to get a Radar detector. Is anyone using one that you might recommend? Its been a long time since i have used one. We didnt have laser and the new stuff when i last owned one. Any recommendations? Thanks Al
  7. I have a Leatherman Wave Multitool and like to carry the two tool carriers with it on my belt. When I ride I always have it with me. Well, the sheath is wearing out and I am looking to replace it. Anyone have recommendations on what they have found to be good sheaths for this multitool? Iowa Guy
  8. I need to replace my clutch and brake fluid in my 91 VR. It has 7000 origional miles and I'm pretty sure it could be the origional fluid. Any special process I should consider. Open to fluid type recommendations and why.
  9. We are taking off tomorrow for a 9 day getaway, having new avons put on this am. 18K out of the last set, not too bad. We are spending the 1st nite in Natural Bridge Va, next nite in Black Mtn. then 2 nites at Mt Pisgah. Then a nite at the Biltmore Inn, next nite in Blowing Rock, then wind our way back up the Parkway. Looks like the weather is gonna be pretty good, any recommendations on neat things to see along the way is appreciated. If ya see a shiney 06 out there stop me I will buy the coffee. Craig
  10. Hey all, I've been in the market for a bit for either a Venture or Goldwing. Someone in my hometown has an 1983 Venture Royale with 19,000 miles on it and is asking 1,800 bucks. He says it starts and runs fine and is at his auto dealership so he is going to drive it back to his house tomorrow to sell (about 40 miles). Sounds like an honest guy overall and he said he has owned it for only two months and intended on keeping it (just got the plates for it last week) but he is hard up for cash and has to come up with 10 grand for something to do with his business partner. He said he's had at least 25 emails on the thing. He said he just bought it 2 months ago for 2,500. Could someone tell me if this is a good deal and also could it be a bad idea to buy this? Any recommendations? I'm 5'7 and currently own a vstar 650...just looking for something me and the wife could go on longer trips and be more comfortable. Thank you
  11. I am planning a trip from Ontario to Lake Placid, New York for July 14-17th. Can anyone suggest any scenic/twisty routes while there or things to do and see. As well looking for recommendations on hotels to stay at in the area. Thanks for your thoughts.
  12. Looking for a windshield bag for my 06 RSV. Would like the trifold pouch; any recommendations?
  13. The cone on my right speaker is flopping around. Whats the best way to get to the speakers. While I'm on the speaker topic, any recommendations on speaker replacements for 89 VR.
  14. Okay, so the wife and I are leaving out on our first long road trip in June. I've been working on the trailer and plan to stay at campground along the way but am looking for someone willing to let us bunk up with them for a day or two along the way so we can shower and refresh ourselves. We will be going from Colorado Springs to Chicago, then following Route 66 down. We will be at the Eureka Springs Meet and Eat for that long weekend. Here's the map of our route: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=217067729114273134767.000498d3e23585862bb97&ll=41.376809,-96.37207&spn=22.416404,35.551758&t=h&z=5 And here's our trip book of some of the stops along the way. I had to remove the pictures to make it small enough to upload.... Nothing in it is set in stone but I wanted to at least have some ideas of things to see along the way. Although we would appreciate recommendations or VR Assistance at any of our stops along the way, if there is anyone in the Chicago area, we will be there on the 19th and 20th of Jun and need a place to sleep. Any recommendations of "must see" things anywhere along the route would be great as well! Thansk! Mike
  15. I"m thinking of buying a parts cleaning bin. But, is there really any advantage to having one as opposed to just using a bucket with some cleaner it it? Floor space is limited, $$$$ are limited too! do they include filters or do they just pump dirty fluid? Is there a vibrating action or are they just static? Any recommendations?
  16. Any recommendations on a good tank bag for an 89 VR? Also for a good rear passenger bag. Like to know what kind of features to look for and why.
  17. Anyone in the Colorado Springs/Denver area have recommendations for someone that can mount/balance tires and do other basic maintenance on my '06 RSV? I'm a new owner to this bike and haven't had to do too much on my v-star since I've been in this area...I hate the high prices of the dealer and would rather go to an experienced, smaller shop or something. Services I'm currently looking for (over the next couple of months): Replacing front tire Replacing kickstand 20,000 mile services Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
  18. Planning to ride out to the Dragon in late Sept and spend about 6 days out on the road. IF anyone is interested in riding along or meeting up please post here. Dates can be OPEN but, as of now, my vacation starts Sept 25 for a week. Now, also I would like recommendations on where to stay and what to see in the area including NC/Tenn/Va. I am interested in Riding the Dragon of course but, also want to ride the Blue Ridge and Cherolaka Hwy, as well as any other recommendations here. I dont think I want to spend all the time right down the street from the Dragon (hwy 129) as I know there are a lot of other things to see in this part of the country. I am planning on leaving really early on the 25th and want to be back within the week. I plan to do a Iron Butt ride to get as far along as I can and I think it will be about 800mi or almost there. I like Senery, twistys and good food, so what do you say! What should I see? Ride? Eat? Can't leave earlier to go to Ashville meet so this will be my chance to see the area. James
  19. Are there anyone recommendations for helmet communication systems? More interested in something that's built in, (comes with the helmet).
  20. Looking to get AFFORDABLE motorcycle insurance for my 2008 RSTD. Any recommendations?
  21. I am looking for a set of bag liners for my '07 RSV. For those who have them, what are your recommendations?
  22. We plan a trip in the first weekend of June to Windsor. Decided to stay over the night, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for places to stay and, of course, eat. We are going to Willistead Park for Art in the Park. Thanks folks!!
  23. Bought a new-to-me 97 Royal Star Classic. Since I am not sure of the maintenance history I was going to change (among other things) the spark plugs and wires. Any recommendations on what brand of wires, or where to purchase from? Thanks.
  24. I'm looking for recommendations on a Bike Cover. It should be a name brand, waterproof, full size and pack up small for travel. The RSV is garage kept so heavy duty cover isn't required. Please include manufacturer, product name and size. Thanks Mover
  25. Originally I just used the name of our Motorhome "KountryStar" for my user name, but later it didn't sound appropriate. So, yesterday, I changed it to "Nemo", which is kind of a backwards and upside down spelling of my real name, Owen. And now, many thanks to you other members for all of the helpful advice and recommendations which are posted on this forum. I keep a file of many of them for future reference. You're a swell group!
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