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  1. I have 2014 Spyder, RT. 1330 engine, cognac in color, carries 2 up with ease, goes like scart rabbit. So far so good. Now the Dutch comes out in me.... after paying all that retirement cash for original purchase I cheaped out and did not add the CB intercom for about $1500. Instead I bought a JMCB 2003 with intercom for about $400. Everything worked kind of more or less fine,, well the intercom needed new cords as well to satisfy the Edset head gear, but after that addition the only problem that continued to rear it's head was the CB part,,, I could send, but didn't receive in the headset. The set showed reception and nada in the ears,,,, thought that maybe I was slowly going deaf, but my wife informed me that was not the case,,, so I have to believe her and go with it. So I have transmission, reception, but it doesn't get to the CPU on my shoulders. I had done some cutting, eliminating and reinsertion to the headset cord and thought that maybe,,, just maybe, I had screwed something in the process. I had called JM about the problem and after going through their standard questions and answers they determined that there must be something wrong and I should send the set to them for evaluation. So I was about to embark onto that part of the process this week, when I thought..... I Know!!!! thought, why not try it once more now that I have the faring off, and I can easily plug my portable into the mix to see if it may be the antenna. Well I did, and found that everything now works perfectly,,,,huh????? no matter how I hook things up,,, everything works,,,, s t r a n g e!!!
  2. OK, I know most folks are not to interested In AM Radio Reception on motorcycles. However: If you are, I have hit on a simple ( but cost a few bucks ) way to greatly improve AM Radio reception on the bike, and also cars. Being a Ham Radio Op, helps a little here. ( I'm also an antenna, "freek" in addition to a Motorcycle adict) Anyway, by modifying some Unused, Ham radio Antanna's I have come up with a greatly improved AM Antenna for the bike. If interested, PM me for the Details, if you are interested in an Antenna project, IF, better AM reception is of interest to you.
  3. I figured that I would come here and ask you folks a question as we have a lot of different knowledgeable people here. Lonna and I have cell phones through Walmart Family Mobile. They use towers from Tmobile for their service, but Tmobile doesn't let them use all their towers, only certain ones. At the new house here we have terrible reception, so bad to the point that we dont call out unless we absolutely have to. This is a huge pita as I know there are times I just want to grab the phone and chat with folks, some of them even from here :/ The thing that I like about the Walmart plan is, well, there isn't a plan, or a contract such as it is. I absolutely hate having to sign up for anything now these days and have a 2 year minimum requirement So my question to you folks is this, do they make some sort of antenna that will help me get better reception here at the house. AT&T has great reception here, but "Their" plan is another 2 year deal, and will cost me more money. What say you brethren, am I looking for a unicorn?
  4. ...She gained a son! Saturday at 11:30 Michelle Sparceno became Mrs. Glen Malek!! It was a beautiful cerimony and the reception in the evening was at a wonderful reception hal and everyone had a fantastic time! The reception line was sort of comical with Michelle having 2 sets of parents whereas the groom only has her mother left so even though she married into the Malek family she had more of her family to receive guests. Took a ton of pictures, about 500...
  5. Do any of you use the XM radio thru the Garmin 550. If so where did you get your antenna (GXM 30) and how much did it cost. Do you get good reception with it and any troubles with it. Thanks for the info. Lyle
  6. Hey folks, this is my first time to post a thread. What I want to do is replace oem antena w/ shorter black antenas w/o loosing reception quality. What is a good brand and where can i fetch-um? Thanks in advance. Carl:7_6_3[1]:
  7. Well, here we go again with a stupid CB/AM-FM problem. I tried out the sound system on on my '85 for the first time since I bought the bike (replaced a broken antenna). Radio and CB lights up and all buttons and knobs operate as they should, tape player sounds great, but no CB action at all and reception is almost zero on the AM-FM (as though no antenna). The antenna coax has continuity, both pos. and ground. I'm wondering what component I should check first. Any ideas guys? Come on boys....restore my hearing for me.
  8. Looking to add a rack to my trunk what years will fit..how about Honda, H.D., etc.will any others work? Been watching Ebay... any other rack vendors? I have a broken antenna so how about the Marshall Mod , I have read about it , will it give better FM/ CB reception? Not really worried about transmitting as would rather listen. Will the thin Harley style whips , from the ultra classic, work with this set up?
  9. Please forgive me....I'm new to venture Rider so this is a repeat post (I originally posted it in the watering hole) Greetings all, So I've seen several ventures without the trunk and I kinda like the look. Before I attempt the eight bolt modification I was wondering if anyone in here has already removed the trunk and if so can you share some pics with me and explain the process?? I plan on putting on an aftermarket seat but leave the antennas in place so I still get good reception...any thoughts would be great! ....and yes my wife might not enjoy the ride as much but if it's a long trip I'll need the trunk anyway and back on it would go. Dave
  10. Guest

    Trunk or no trunk....

    Greetings all, So I've seen several ventures without the trunk and I kinda like the look. Before I attempt the eight bolt modification I was wondering if anyone in here has already removed the trunk and if so can you share some pics with me and explain the process?? I plan on putting on an aftermarket seat but leave the antennas in place so I still get good reception...any thoughts would be great! ....and yes my wife might not enjoy the ride as much but if it's a long trip I'll need the trunk anyway and back on it would go. - Dave
  11. I would like to improve my AM reception if possible. There are places where I cannot get the AM stations that I can in my trucks. Improving FM reception is a welcome addition although I can get all the stations that my trucks can. The Marshall mod confuses me a bit as i don't get all the lingo and the bases and stuff... (Just what the hell is a PL259?? He references it but makes no mention of it in the parts list...) Anyway...I don't need a folding bases. I have a metal grommet in my cover that the antenna slips through. I was very proud of that mod and don't want it to be wasted by going with a fold down bases. My base doesn't fold down now anyway due to "oldness". So...what IS the best antenna to use and what base would I use? And is there anything else I can do to improve my AM reception. Stupid questions but...can I run TWO antennas for improved reception to the radio? I do not use the CB antenna and have actually taken it and the entire holder off. (We don't use CB's here or rather, when I tried nobody answered me.) Is it possible to split the AM & FM signals to different antennas without having some sort of Radio Engineering degree and a thousand bucks. Or even run two AM/FM antennas or is two not better in this situation?
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