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Found 15 results

  1. Just saw that Web Bike World had picked this as one of their products of the year. I've never even heard of it but I know there was a recent discussion here about the best action cameras. At a list price of $399.00, it had better be very good. Sena Prism Review - webBikeWorld
  2. Guest

    New Yamaha Bagger

    Did you click on this new thread thinking it was a new offering from Yamaha? Well...not exactly...but it IS cool looking. Click on the link to see just how good a bagger can look. http://www.corbin.com/yamaha/ylnrbag.shtml Saw this in a recent Bagger magazine.
  3. Just started yesterday? no recent activity in shout box.
  4. The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts. When I click on "New Posts", I sometimes get the above message below the list. I really don't understand it ... especially for the most recent one which was my own thread that has no posts other than my own. ?????????????????
  5. I am new to this site and have really enjoyed reading all of the tech tips from a vast variety of owners. I'm particularly interested in plugging / removing the AIS on my 2001 Venture. I have read several of the post and was looking for anyone who has done it more recent. Any recent updated tips would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from anyone!!! Thanks, Jakbag
  6. I've noticed a "Welcome to the forum" pop up a few times for "new" members who have been here for a while already. Lone Eagle being the most recent. What's this about?
  7. For all Yamaha Models, here is a listing from Transport Canada for the Canadian Owners. The most recent V-Star recall is included. http://wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/7/VRDB-BDRV/SEARCH/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&mk=2032!4783&md=0&fy=0&ty=9999&ft=&ls=0&sy=0
  8. Hello all. This would be my first real post here. Turns out I need some parts or advice. What a way to start off, heh? I have a 83 VR. Mk1. (Is that correct?) Two of the carb slides are giving me issues. It seems that they have separated. On one, the plastic slide has broken apart. The other was intact, so I just pressed it back together. Should I worry about the reassembled one? Is gluing the other back together feasible? I have all the parts. I have gathered these are quite expensive, and not that common. If I have to pay dealer prices, just two would be almost what I paid for the bike! The breaks look clean and very recent. Any ideas how they broke? Did I cause this? Funny thing is, I had her running before tearing into the carbs. Would not idle, but ran none the less. She sat for a couple of years non-running before I came along. Should I post a WTB somewhere? THANKS IN ADVANCE Michael
  10. This summer, during last part of June or Early July, my wife and I are considering trailering the bike to Colorado, staying in a cabin or condo, and riding around to see stuff. We are looking at the areas around Estes Park/Rocky Mt Nat Park/Boulder for places to stay for a week or so. Anyone know of good reasonably priced places to stay and things to do? We are recent empty nesters and are looking forward to just the two of us. The boys and I can go some other time. Iowa Guy
  11. 1. those who are riding through Michigan after a long day on the road and need to ease some of their pain 2. those who have lost their jobs in the recent economic downturn...(perhaps Squid will find a way to get back to Michigan yet) http://www.healthzone.ca/health/newsfeatures/article/770422--marijuana-school-prescription-for-a-higher-education
  12. Im not looking to start a flaming war or anything. This is just being posted as a precaution. I went to the Venturers website to check on a tech link before and was immediately hit with a Trojan virus. Now I know that the site has been the victim of several malicious virus attacks in recent months and I was hoping the issue was resolved. It obviously is not the case. My McAfee system caught it and contained it immediately. Again, its just a warning to be careful.......
  13. How bad is it? When at highway speeds (50 or above) and I gun it to pass, the clutch slips for a few seconds. Please tell me this can be adjusted "out"! 1987 Y. Venture Royale, 87,000 mi. 215 lb. payload. Recent oil change using oil designed for motorcycle wet clutches at $3 a quart from autozone (Valvoline I think) Is a clutch job a huge deal? Can I do it without a bunch of specialty tools? Some previous posts talk about Heavy Duty springs or an oil fix.
  14. First let me say that I'm new here, and I appreciate all the good info on the site. I ride a VStar 1100, but I'm going to move to a Venture. I want to get back into the long haul rides, and 2-up the V Star just isn't enough for me. I want to look for a recent model, maybe '06 or up. Here's my question.. I thought I read somewhere that there was a change in the transmission gear cut in '08 that made it more quiet. Now I can't find where I saw that, maybe I misread it at the time. Are there any major changes in recent years that I should know about when deciding which year to go with? I've looked at the history of the venture, but it just doesn't go into that detail. Any tips would be great..I'm looking fwd to joining you guys as a Venture rider! Chris J
  15. If anyone is interested in purchasing OEM exhaust please let me know. I figure I would ask you all before posting them on eBay. I used the exhaust for my 600 mile break in, then replaced them with RoadHouse slip-on's. They are in mint condition (no scratches, etc). After a recent trip to Chattanooga with 19 Harleys, I ended up replacing my 08 Venture with an 09 Street Glide. Great bike!!
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