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Found 18 results

  1. """The policy limit is $3500.00 less your $250.00 deductible.""" Does this mean that the MOST I can receive is $3250.00. Or Does it mean that after the value of the bike is determined with all its accessories then the $250.00 is applied from the total value of the bike. If after the deductable value is subtracted and the value is still greater than $3500.00, then the most I can receive is $3500.00? Any insurance Professionals out there?
  2. The freely available service manuals offered by Juggler are great but the main service manual is for 1983-1985, the 1200series. Just purchased from Ebay store Green-Manuals the 1986-1993 1300 series manual for the fair price of $7.45. You will receive a CD by mail, free shipping, but will also receive a Email with a link to be able to download the PDF file for immediate use. Also comes with the later supplements.
  3. Sense my great licence plate swap did not work out I will try this.... Here is your chance to own a lot of plates from around the world. For everyone who sends me two motorcycle license plates from their state they will get one entry in a drawing to receive one of all the plates sent in...... woo hoo!!!!! I am doing this as I would like to collect one motorcycle license plate from everywhere possible. All states, prefectures, provinces, countries, counties, etc as possible. If you want to play, post here and I'll PM you with my mailing address. how easy is that?? IF you will send me a third plate from your area I will send those plates to freebird (The guy who runs this forum) to hang in his garage. This drawing will be limited to the first person to post to this thread from each state. after they receive my address by PM they have three weeks for me to receive the plates then that state is released to the next person to post from that state. So who can send me some plates??????? The drawing will be held at a yet to be determined date as I may have to go on travel for work and it may take a little while for people to get excited enough to go to their garage to look for old plates or to go to the salvage yard to take some off of wrecked bikes....
  4. Just an FYI for those that do not receive this page. http://www.bikerspost.com/forum/topics/motorcycle-checkpoints-in?xg_source=activity
  5. OK for those that saw the "Hey Bongobob" thread from Boomer CPO, there is a package coming to me this week some time per BradT's instructions. I have no idea what is being sent!! Sooo, lets have a guessing game to see who comes the closest to what I actually receive! Winner gets a Banana Split the next time (or the first time) I see them. Winner must be present with me to collect prize...
  6. I have a Garmin Streetpilot 2820 on the left handlebar. I also have a Sirius Stiletto 2 satellite radio on the right handlebar. I've noticed in the streetpilot literature that with the right antenna, it can receive XM (for traffic, weather and music). Since I already have a Sirius subscription, I've been trying to figure out if the Garmin can receive a Sirius signal (if so I would consider putting the Sirius radio in my car and using the Garmin as the satellite receiver on the 2Gen). Web research is leading me to think the answer is no, something about XM and Sirius having different reception constraints. Are there any experts here that can definitively say either way what the capability is between Garmin and Sirius? David
  7. Subject: Fwd: Fw: [GBRTK9] Fw: Virus coming!! READ ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM Hi All, I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for this virus! I checked Snopes, and it is for real. Get this E-mail message sent around to all your contacts ASAP. PLEASE FORWARD THIS WARNING AMONG YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY AND CONTACTS! You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open any message with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK,'regardles s of who sent it to you. It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns' the whole hard disc C drive of your computer. This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address on his/her contact list. That is the reason why you need to send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it! If you receive a mail called' POSTCARD,' even if it is sent to you by a friend, do not open it! Shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst virus announced by CNN. It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept. COPY THIS E-MAIL, AND SEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS. REMEMBER: IF YOU SEND IT TO THEM, YOU WILL BENEFIT ALL OF US
  8. Hi Everyone, I finally figured out how to handle the situation with my missing/stolen body parts... I gave the bike to Squidley. Now, he needs some parts to get this thing road ready, and since he's done so much the past few years to help so many on this site, I think it's only right that we try to help him get it going. Many of you have already responded via private message with offers of parts and/or questions. I was going to try to do this on the sly, but reality has reared its head and my handling this thing would be a nightmare logistically. So, my newest brainchild is to just put out an open call for help as Squidley is at this moment in the frozen tundra of Michigan and he has a trailer with him. Therefore, if anyone has any of these parts, please let him know so that he can make arrangements to receive them. He is a bit shy about receiving help so ignore his "We're okay" BS and let him know what you got. It will be easier for all as he can make arrangements with the donors for the best way to get the parts. He needs a fairing (front and back), both right and left cowlings, and covers for the saddlebags and trunk. Oh yeah, and the passenger backrest. I'm sorry if I've embarrassed Squid with this notice, but like I said, he's helped so many of us and it's time for us to help him if we can. Happy New Year to you all. Be safe and warm! Chuck (Moose)
  9. Sure hope that mystery gift from Squidley will be there, I have been waiting patiently to receive it, I think. Does anybody know who has it and if they are coming.
  10. When I post to someone and am waiting for an answer. I have to back out of the post and go to another than go back into the post I posted to and than I can see a new post. Is it just me and some sort of a setting I need to make happen? In other words, I can't receive any new post if I don't get out and come back to the same post.
  11. A while back for my birthday I got a TomTom Go720. Very nice, but I was wanting a Zumo so that I could run my phone mike through the GPS. Well, has anyone ever tried to "Y" a Blackberry and TomTom in somehow so that you have receive your calls?
  12. "Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So - if you give her any crap, you will receive a ton of sh**." (Just ask Sleeperhawk!!!)
  13. I can not hear the CB when I turn it on. It powers up, channels change, keys up with the PTT but I have no audio. Does a mic or headset have to be plugged in to have receive? Also the squelch is open, so I know it isnt just being squelched out.
  14. This one is really rampant right now. I've personally received the email almost every day for the past week. If you receive it, do NOT click on any of the links to open them. http://www.snopes.com/computer/virus/fbi-facebook.asp
  15. I would like to conduct an experiment on a fairing, but I don't want to damage mine, so if somebody has a damaged one (both inner and outer) that I can have for the price of shipping, I would like to receive it. Regrettably this would probably come off a wrecked bike.
  16. Me and Mrs went for a ride tonight and found out that my headsets, will receive the radio but will not transmit our voices, any ideas , can't see any loose wires!
  17. Did you receive the pics I sent you via email?
  18. I have been meaning to mention this but keep forgetting. If you wish to receive email from other members here, you must enable that option in your UserCP. It is set to "NO" by default. You need to click on UserCP in the menu bar, then click on "Options" and then check the box "receive email from other members". We use secure emailing here so by checking that option, you are NOT actually giving anybody your email address, it only enables email through the forum mail here. Thanks
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