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  1. I wish to apologize to all on this forum for my insensitive posting regarding the "tragedy in Conn." thread. I realize that I did stray from original intent and I regret that.
  2. 9/11/01 I was on my way to work when the news came over the radio. As I worked outside I remember the eerie quite of the day and it took me a while to realize no planes were flying. A day of remembrance for all our fallen heroes.
  3. Hey All, went downstate to a Family Reunion and seen two different RSV's. Both bikes were Black Beauties, and looked nice. Sure made me miss my 03 RSV "Sweet Thing". After riding the Heritage this year I realize how little it is compaired to the massive and comfortable the RSV. So consider yourselves Lucky. Hope to see you all sometime soon. Later-
  4. So another year is drawing to a close. There have been some good times and bad times during 2010. I wish I could say that it was the best year ever but for many folks, it simply wasn't. We had some members with serious health issues, some that lost jobs, others that lost loved ones and still others that saw long lasting relationships come to an end. I've had my own share of problems but I need only to look around to realize that I don't have it so bad. I have so many things to be thankful for. I have a secure job, a roof over my head, plenty of food. I have a family that loves me and that includes a wife that is so lovely and sweet that I thank God for her every day of my life. I hope that she NEVER comes to realize how much better she could do than me. One more thing though, and I am so very serious about this. I am so thankful for the family that we have become here. Let's face it folks, some days are better than others. We all have a bad day from time to time but when those days come around, I can always come here....here to my extended family...and there will be something that makes me smile. It could be some good natured teasing, a stupid joke, an act of kindness that one of you has shown to another.....many things here bring a smile to my face on a daily basis. I wish each and every one of you a Very Merry Christmas. I thank you for the joy that you have brought to my life and I thank you so much for being a VentureRider member. If it weren't for each of you....who the heck would read this?
  5. So, the bike is parked for the winter and the honey-doos are on the back burner and another thread about toilet paper caused me to think about this topic .... so, here's one of mine... .... and mine is definately a guy thing... (but I'm sure the ladies will have some similar stories)... It really "irks" me when I walk into the john and up to the urinal to see that some guy had peed all over the floor. I mean... who are these people that can't keep their pee IN the urinal? Do they know they are getting it all over the floor? ... Do they realize there is guys like me who are repulsed by stepping in some other guy's pee? Do they realize that by splashing it all over the floor they might also have soaked their shoes and/or maybe even their pant legs? What are they doing that causes them to totally miss the urinal....are they thrashing it side-to-side?? ... just who are these people anyway?? Just once I'd like to catch one of them in the act!! LOL Now that's just one of my "pet peeves" .... let's hear yours! (this should be interesting...) LOL
  6. It looks like they are building an assembly plant in India, how long until they realize the lower cost to build there and send it all over there? http://www.google.com/url?url=http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hDa0x2B3eo354OC2sDnDgrvFR0GQ%3FdocId%3DCNG.07a5df7c6b6557b51ab3e6a8600d21ee.201&rct=j&sa=X&ei=yF7QTJf3LI-u8AbnnsSaBg&ved=0CDMQ-AsoATAA&q=harley+davidson&usg=AFQjCNESmJJOWzoJ9cRB4O3wo-FnRk5rXw
  7. Does anyone have a clear taillight lens they would be willing to sell? I can't find just a clear lens. I am planning on purchasing an led taillight from radiantz or custom dynamics, and would like to get a clear lens to go with them. I realize clear alternatives makes an led kit that comes with a clear lens, but it has no license plate lights like the others, so I don't want that one. 05 RSTD
  8. For those who ordered t's and headwraps I should have them out in the mail this saturday...sorry for the delay but the vendor promises me he will have them in my hands by Friday......I didn't realize that I sold all the headwraps at Christmas time and need to re-order more....my bad
  9. I sent this link to my kids and some friends I really hope it sinks in http://d.yimg.com/kq/groups/3095586/8629942/name/SMS%20Car%20Accident.wmv Although this is a made up video, hopefully it will make people realize that it is also a reality that occurs all too often.
  10. I just bought a video camera to record my 2 grand kids and our travels. What kind of program do I need to add music to the videos when i put them on a DVD. I'm hoping there is a reasonable one out there and it should make the pictures a lot more enjoyable! I realize its not bike related, but thanks in advance for any help. I'm like a babe in the woods on this!
  11. Just thought I'd take a moment to thank each and every one who has been paying their taxs for my new hearing. The VA finally, begrudingly, acknowledged that my hearing had gone to H... and fitted me for a hearing device. Not really a hearing aid as one would think of in the traditional sense. This device, the Phonak, filters out the background noise, and provides a clean audio signal. It's really amazing to realize that folks arn't mumbling. So, once again, Thank you. My wife also wants to thank you as she no longer has to repeat every thing two or three times.
  12. What is a good way to check engine cyl compression? I realize it sounds dumb but there has to be more than one way
  13. My Multimeter has a tachometer function on it.....My Question is where would I hook the leads = red and black, without tearing my bike all apart.....I realize an inductive pickup would be easier but mine doesnt have one...
  14. was out on my morning coffee run. still dark,approaching my all time favorite stoplight, where i have had several close calls from people running it, like real close.anyway the light turns yellow i stop,then red and a jerk in a van blows by me and runs it. blue flashes all over the place ,scares the hell out of me before i realize he got his picture took. :clap2::clap2:wanted to follow him and tell him, hey idiot, you just got a ticket. some times i just love to see big brother doing his job. :rotf:
  15. Hello Everybody, I have a question about our CHAT ROOM. I am usually on there every night, with the usuals who are Mini Muffin, Beer 30, Ruffrider, dray, Howie,Skid, Rocket, gmc, flb and several other pretty faithful chat users. My question is why is it some of you never try the chat room? Mini and I have been faithful to the cause, because we believe it is a nice way to get to know other members, who you more than likely will not get to know because of the distances between our home states. You know like California and Ohio for instance. I have met Servicedog, Ladyrider, Princess M from California and Vicco from Oregon simply by coming on to the Chat. What a wonderful thing. I realize that many do not have the time to get involved with this every night; but I guess I am saying why not come in just to try it one time. What would it hurt? If you hate it, forget about it, I also realize there is the problem with the time zone differences. Here on the East side of the USA we usually come in around 9PM and hang in until around 11PM if I do not dall asleep at the keyboard. It really is fun. We can really get into interesting discussions. One night we almost solved the problems of the world. Do not miss it. You will never know unless you try.Anyway, please come to try it one time. Hey it is free and we promise not to hurt you. Peggy:big-grin-emoticon:
  16. Just looking at that 97 Royal Star on Ebay with a buy it now price of $3,100.00. And this is from a dealer. Guess they are starting to realize what a 2d Gen is really worth. :rotfl::rotfl: Correction. It is a Royal Star Tour Deluxe. Guess that explains the BIN price
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