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  1. I am having a very noticeable rattle under the bike and I am trying to determine if it is a loose baffle. I have another collector that I had a sleeve welded on where one of the pipe connections had broke off and when I look into the muffler tube hole I can see what looks like a baffle. When I stick a foot long rod in and peck on the baffle, it is solid. When I pulled the right muffler off, where the knock seems loudest, and did the same thing on the collector on the bike, it also seems to be mounted solid. It there another baffle in there that I am not seeing or feeling that could be loose? RandyA
  2. I have noticed a rattle in two of my speakers one in back and one in front both on the right side. Still have warranty left so should be covered right. Also cassette quit this past weekend had to dig the tape out. Is it worth having the dealer replace the speakers or are there better replacement speakers out there. Can't decide on whether to have the tape deck replaced or not my late 70's early 80's collection showing a lil age. My dealer told me that clarion was the one to warranty repairs on the radio and you kind of get what you get on replacement he mentioned refurbished control as an example. What should i expect from my dealer. Has this been an issue for anyone like to have my guns loaded when i take it in if i need them.
  3. Hello folks; I am a new member and need some help. I just purchased a 1988 Venture Royale, approx 57k miles on it. Still in real good condition and runs strong. I have begun to improve on some items, first thing I did was to add the progressive springs in the front forks, what a difference, thank you for the advice. Here is my situation; I hear a rattle noise in the clutch assembly when the bike is on the kick stand leaning to the left. When the bike is straight, it does not seem to rattle. I took off the cover and inspected the clutch assembly. I do not know what it should feel like from factory? My clutch plates attached to the clutch ‘boss’ the whole assembly seem to be a little loose as I am able to wiggle it back and forth slightly. Not sure if there is supposed to be wiggle room? I think that is where the rattle is coming from. I need help in trying to take off the big nut in the center of the clutch assembly? It is a 30mm nut and I have socket to fit it but I do not know how to hold the clutch boss and clutch basket in place to loosen the nut? I am also wondering if there is a washer or bushing behind the clutch boss that may be worn? Or if the 30mm nut is just not tight enough causing the wiggle room that I am finding? Any advice that any of you can give me is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for any help. Yours truly, Mark
  4. Got home today and Wolfie came out and told me her wolf got bit by a rattle snake. My response was bs we have been setting record lows for the last 2 weeks it was 8 degrees this morning. She says come here and sure enough snake pieces scattered around the yard she shot it twice with a 20 gauge shot gun. She saw it bite her wolf above his eye and later we discovered our 18+ year old lab got bit on the snout as well. I can't believe a snake is out already.
  5. Have a new to me 97 and don't have the cables to lock my helmet under the seat (not sure I like that option anyway). What has anyone else done as a useful option that they are pleased with? I as looking at the Kuryakyn Universal Helmet Lock, but have two concerns; 1) Is it wide enough to mount on the stick sissy bar? 2) Does it rattle? I've seen a few reviews saying so, but they seem to be in the minority; the rattle would be a deal breaker. Thanks!
  6. Hey Guys! Oh and ladies! The guy could not get the money for ole Blu so I get to keep it! I've been riding and getting used to the bike but one thing still drives me nuts. Every bump I hit causes rattles from the front fairing. I have tried to tighten and secure everything but it is still there. Any insight from the pros? I found that it is much more fun to change the plugs on my gen 1 then it is on a royal touring. Whew!
  7. So not long after first getting the venture, I managed to let it roll forward of the kick stand while parked, and it scratched up the front left part of the fairing. I decided I would try paint from colorrite.com and see what I could come up with. Started out by sanding the area down to the plastic. Then a couple coats of primer. We wet sanded with 800 grit paper between each coat. Next the base coat on the affected area. Then we scuffed the rest of the the red on the fairing and one last wet sanding with 1000 grit paper. Last thing was 3 coats of clear. We wet sanded between each coat with the 1000 grit. All in all, I'm very pleased with the results. The color is as close as anything you can get. I can not tell any difference. The metal flake is the same size and density. After a few more hours of rubbing compound use, the mirror like finish will look even better than it does now. Bottom line is... Don't be afraid of using the rattle cans as long as you are willing to spend the time on prep and finish.
  8. 08 RSV I have two rattles that I would like gone but don’t know what to tighten and don't want to just start farting around. My faring seems to have a minor rattle, well, more of a clunk when hitting a jarring bump such as RR tracks. The second seems to be the trunk lid. Ok, this one didn’t happen until the “trunk rack” was mounted (at the dealer). Anyone had these problems? Any tips on how to make them go away? Thanks in advance Me
  9. I've got a 2005 RSTD with ~ 13xxx miles on it. After changing to Flanders bars, I have started noticing a "clunk" or rattle that is most noticeable when coming to a stop, but can still feel/hear it when going over some bad parts of the road. I can feel a vibration in the handlebars and can hear something as well. Checked the steering head bearings by elevation the front wheel and pulliing up, no slack and the wheel doesn't "flop" to either side. I did give the locking tabs a whack to make sure they were tight. Everything is tight that I can see, may only be coincidental with the handlebars, but looking for some help.
  10. I have been hearing a rattle and maybe a slight exhaust leak out of the ole girl. And for those of you who knows my ole girl, SHE DOESN'T RATTLE. For some reason my rear exhaust clamps will loosen up every now and then. Am I missing something or is there a bigger problem coming down the road? After tightening them up, everything goes away......
  11. where can i buy a hitch at. are they available online. anybody expriencing a rattle sound maybe from the rear. sounds kind of like a disk pad rattle or squeak but thats not what it is. i have a 2008 venture.
  12. As I noted in an earlier post, I have had a rattle in the engine when it is tilted over on the side stand. I have come to the conclusion that is gear related because if I tilt the bike over and then put it in gear, the rattle stops. Therefore I did a tear down on my 86 1300 engine and I think I will use the entire gearset out of it. I would just rebuild the engine, but there are some pretty deep pitting in the cylinder bores on a couple of cylinders, so I guess I will stay with my 1200 engine. A concern I have switching out the gearsets is there are shims on the side of the bearing that is at the 90 degree set of gears that go out the rear of the engine. Actually there are shims near where the u joint is and also shims on the inside of the bearing where the little gear cover is. I know that these shims are what set the engagement at that 90 degree angle. I have not compared the shims from my 1200 engine because I have not got it out yet. I guess I could put it together and see how much free play that I have. I am wondering if this has anything to do with the thrust washer being worn out again, but I have yet to have any skipping during acceleration or pulling hard in 2nd gear since I did the gear undercut about 60,000 miles ago. I have had it skip a couple of times during high rpm 2nd gear deceleration. This was also with pulling a 450 pound camper up and down mountains. For those of you that are not aware, I did not replace the thrust washer with the newer, harder and thicker replacement because I did not know the new one had been upgraded. This was about eight years ago or more. I just flipped it over. It has so far given me 50% more miles than the original set up did. So, is there anyone out there that has done an entire gear change out and had gear mesh concerns? Good or bad, I would like to hear from you. I need to get this all done soon because I want to do it before I go to Vogal and that is coming up fast. Muffinman, I think you are right in your earlier comments. Is there anything in particular that I need to look for? RandyA
  13. I have a strange rattle in my engine. When the bike is tilted to the left, while on the side stand, there is a rattle. When I pull the bike up straight, the rattle goes away. Anyone got any suggestions on what you think this may be? It has been doing it for quite a while. When I had the collector off the other day, I could not tell if there were any baffles loose in it. RandyA
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