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  1. I did a low speed drop onto the pavement yesterday at lunch time headed back to work. An old fella pulled out at the back of a car lot and didnt look. (or just didnt see) I wasnt ever in danger of hitting him but I did have to brake hard, when i did my front wheel hit a slippery manhole cover causing me to slide a bit and dumping the bike and me at about 10-15 mph roughly. The old guy didnt stop or even look back as far as i know, but i am ok with a few bruise and scrapes but just feeling really stiff and sore. Here are some pics of the bike and the road I was on when I wiped out. I am thinking insurance will total the 85 but I will hafta wait and see what is happening until Friday at least. the pics are here; https://picasaweb.google.com/103959080138590887139/20111018Oct172011RoadrashEtc# I hafta add thanks to the Diamond Gusset Defender motorcycle Jeans I have no road rash on my legs, butt, or hip, but still bruised. IMHO road rash is way worse that a bruise and I am happy that my hip doesnt resemble a raspberry.
  2. Hey, Thanks to a little low speed OOPS on a wet curve at the entrance to my subdivision yesterday, I now have a bit more road rash on the bike. All seems ok for the most part, but the farring plastic at the starboard edge, outboard of the speaker grill, has suffered the most. Seems to me I recenlty saw an old online Markland catalogue somewhere. If I remember right there were some chrome caps that fit onto that edge that would likely neatly cover up my bit of damage. I have never seen a set of these in person or on ebay, despite years of browsing, so I conclude that I'm not likely to find a set of these in this lifetime. Strikes me though that this edge is quite vulnerable and damage there must be fairly common, even if the bike never leaves the vertical plane. What do others do to either protect against or cover up road rash on this edge? Thanks, Brian
  3. I just got off the phone with Tom. He called me to let us know what was going on. First his health. He has 9 broken ribs, collapsed lung (fixed now) Laserated liver, lots of road rash on back, arms and shoulders, also road rash on his helmet. Good thing for the helmet. At this point no surguries needed. He is very sore and on lots of pain killers. He sounded pretty good considering everything. Now for what happened. He was headed south on Hwy 441 when a 93 year old women ran a red light and hit the front of his bike. This caused him to loose contol and pulling the trailer the bike and trailer jackknifed throwing him off the bike which sent him sliding down the road.. He is now out of ICU and like I said sounds in pretty good spirits considering everything. His biggest concern is how to get to his bike and get his belongings after he gets out of the hospital. I will call him later today or maybe tomorrow and remind him that the accident wasn't his fault and that the womens insurance needs to pick up all the costs and rent him a car and such. I am unemployed right now and if I can figure out the money side of it I might ride down and see if I can help him with everything that needs done. Anyway thought everyone would like to know what was going on. Here is his number if anyone wants to call and lift his spirits. 772-260-5431. I will update you when I get more info.
  4. If you are the kind of person who has a reaction to Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac-whatever... Basically, if you get a rash (contact dermatitis) from any of those, in case you didn't already know- It's caused by "urushiol" found on the leaves. Once you've touched it, you have about an hour or less to wash it off THOROUGHLY, or get ready for the tin weeping blisters to come along... Anyhow, if you like Mangos... Be careful. I found out this weekend that Mangos caontain Urushiol in the skin, stem, and leaves of the plant. I ate a mango (skin on) last Thursday, and I looked like Jospeh Merrick byt Sunday. A shot in the keester of steroids didn't help, so now I'm on a 12-day prednisone reginmen... Also while I'm in here, I might as well clear up some other things about Urushiol (poison): 500 people could itch from the amount covering the head of a pin. 1 to 5 years is normal for urushiol oil to stay active on any surface including dead plants. Burning poison ivy leaves is a BAD idea, as urushiol becomes airborne, and WILL get on you. Rubbing the rashes won't spread poison ivy to other parts of your body (or to another person). You spread the rash only if urushiol oil -- the sticky, resinlike substance that causes the rash -- has been left on your hands. Popping the blisters will NOT cause anything to spread.
  5. I recently took quite a skid down the ashpalt road with my RSV on me instead of me on it! Ouch! I was wearing riding (hiking) boots and my left ankle is twisted and the foot is broken because the boot came off. Boots in good shape. The jacket was a $250 classic style cycle of good quality leather which has road rash all over it especially at the elbows. Something still penetrated it and into my elbow. The sewn seams were ripped open on one arm. Jacket trashed. The leather gloves were in the box. I wore instead a lighter fabric glove and my hands & fingers took a beating (better than nothing - at least hands were not bare!). Gloves trashed. The helmet was a 1/2 shell. It has road rash on all 4 sides. My face has 1 small scratch (lucky!) Paramedics cut up the long legged pants - what was left of them. Ended up with major road rash on both lower legs and some on the butt. I will be buying a better boot, new jacket, full helmet that opens in front, throw away my open fingered gloves. What I would like to know if you have any experience with the Cordovan and/or the Kevlan systems riding jackets, I would appreciate your opinion. Thinking of them instead of the leather only because it gets hot in FL behind a fairing & especially in traffic!
  6. I had to change my "signature" from "never" to "one" accident! Locked up rear wheel in panic on my 01 RSV. Slid about 250' on the asphalt per accident report. Not sure if it would have been better to have ABS or linked brakes which might have prevented the lock up & the lay down. Otherwise I might have hit the bastur* who pulled out in front of me and ended up hitting the car instead and sending over the bars & into the sob! My RSV has about $8K damages and I ended up with road rash and busted up ankle. Thank God I had enough sense to wear my helmet, leather jacket and gloves (which are all trashed!) or else I might not even be able to type this!
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