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  1. This is amazing. Randy Driver survives his pickup truck's demolishing by two semis - CBS News
  2. A little while back my funds were running out and Randy Atkins found a bike for me in TN that needed work but was very reasonable.I bought the bike with the help of Randy and had it shipped down here. I couldn't work on it at first because I am still recovering and the holidays were here but lately I have been able to start doing things to it as you can see in the first pic it needed a right fairing and other things done.I have since replaced the fairing and plastic to the class and CB, changed the oil to Amsoil, flushed the brakes and clutch,replaced the headlight and I have both front and back tires mounted and balanced ready to go on, I had them for my other bike.It still needs more work but it is getting there.I have managed to make a mess in my driveway. Tom
  3. Lewis, Thanks again for organizing and running the Vogel 2011 Rally. Thanks to Rick Haywood I got the Killboy link for the pictures taken last friday while riding the Dragon. We went up late in the 2-4pm pictures, and back down early in the after 4pm pictures. I have purchased the high res version of this pic for you and should have the link to it soon. Thanks again, Randy
  4. Randy and Beth showed up on our door step at 8:30 this morning just as I was having a medical issue and they helped me get to the couch before I fell flat on my face. Talk about good timing. Mary called EMS and I got to spend the day in emergency. They really couldn't find anything wrong and I'm feeling better now. Had a rough weekend on and off and I guess it might have been some kind of virus or something. Mary thinks I'm getting cold feet but I got to say my whole body has been freezing. Anyway, if there's a merit badge for good deeds please give one to Randy and Beth.
  5. remember these randy??
  6. Hi all Randy stoped by to day to see how I was coming along. ( thanks for stopping by Randy ) I have with the help of Blackjack and others have held a M/D in my shop over thr last 2 years. I will be happy to do it again if anyone has an intrest in the meet. I am open for a time in March to hold it. Ist, 2nd, or 3rd weekend. I know it use to be the 2nd sat. of the month but if another weekend works out better thats fine. Let me know if you are interested in attending and when wold work best for you. Ride Safe and Keep warm Steve
  7. Out of all of the maintenance/repair/mods that I've done to my MK11 (which includes just about all of them) I've always dreaded the Valve Shim adjustment Task. And now I know for good reason. To me this maintenance task requirement is one on the biggest negatives of the Yamaha V-4 engines. I've read all of the articles and manuals written about this task and had a good general understanding of the process. But, having studied up on the subject, the task really struck me as a major PITA for several reasons. My first reservations were about work space access to do tedious micro measurement task in a confined area with my ageing eyesight and fat clumsy arthretic fingers. (And my seemingly constant lack of suitable and locatable lighting source issues.) Visualizing the task, I just could not imagine it being physically possible to actually do. But, of course it is. In fact, as RandyR (who graciously agreed to help me) and I discovered my fears were unfounded and the factors I feared the most were actually quite easy. Thats not to say that the job was without it's obstacles and did in fact turn into a major PITA, as I first suspected but, for very different and unforeseeable reasons that I never would have imagined. The first problem that presented itself was a tool issue. The feeler gauges needed for the measurement of the valve/shim clearences needed to be within certain ranges for the intake and exhaust shim specs. We discovered early that the offset or bent gauges made access easier than the flat ones. Then of course the set I had on hand was not that type and had the measurement markings rubbed off...... Of Course. :doh:So we jumped on the bikes:7_6_3[1]: to ride around the corner to the nearest Advance auto parts store to remedy that situation. Four Hours, fifty miles and multiple stops at every,Auto Zone, Napa, Pep Boys and Northern Handyman retail locations we could find we eventually discovered that each of them sells several different type sets but no one set contained all of the gauges we needed in the exact sizes we needed..... Of Course.:doh: We finally settled for having to buy multiple sets which we adapted to satisfy our needs. At least it was a nice day for a ride. That problem solved, the next wrestling match was mental due to a counterintuative issue resulting from the tightening of the valve from wear rather than loosening (as Randy explained it to me and one might imagine). Or more specifically how that translates mathmatically (Not my long suit) for the proper replacement shim selection. Being somewhat mathmatically challenged at that stage of the day, I left all the mathmatical calculations, converstions and contemplations to Randy who seemed to be good at it and really getting into it. But evidently, it was a long day for both of us because after completing the clearence measurement for each valve, the out of spec shim removal and installation of the "correct" replacement shims we remeasured the valve/shim clearence on the replace shims to check our work. To our dismay the "corrected" clearences were ten times more out of spec then they were before we "Fixed" them. Apparently, when doing math calculations decimal point placement is critical. Who would have thunked it? After all, who really spends a lot of time mentally dealing with decimal points and metric converstions unless your like ah counting money. :mo money:There are probably a lot of people like Randy that are good at and get into that sort of thing. I myself, am more of a generalist. I know it, I admit it. Upon that realization, we decided to call it a day and regroup for the next. The next day, being armed with the mathematical truth of the error of our ways we jump into the appropiate corrective action with fresh minds and energy. Note to self: When things appear to be going smoothly, it would be prudent to pay extra special focused attention and proceed with extreme caution. I'm not sure if the foregoing concept is one of the reconized "Murphy's Laws" or not, but, if not it should be. Half way through the secondary corrective-corrective action shim replacement, we find for no explicable reason, a stubborn valve shim that refused to be removed from it's shim bucket....Of Course. After repeated failed attempts Randy gives up in frustration so that I get a chance take my shot at it. Being the adaptive,suedo-mechanical engineering master mind that I think that I am, I immediately decide that it is another tool issue and decide to apply a jeweler's screw driver to the problem. Finding the smaller blade more accessable to take purchase on the shim it apparently lacked the tinsel strength necessary to be used as a pry bar. As I soon found out. Suddenly there was a barely audible snap sound as I noticed the end of the screwdrive bit had broken off. But, where did it go? Could it have fallen down the open spark plug hole into the cylinder directly below? If so it has proven to be unretreavable thus far using a telescopic magnet. Or could it have flipped over and fallen down the space along side of the timing chain down into the dark oiley bowels of the engine inevitably destined to be the perverbal "monkey wrench in the machinery". If I ignore it's disappearence and relocation. So far it is nowhere visually or magnetically apparent within a six foot radius in all directions that I can tell.:bang head: The only recourse I can think of after days of searching is to start a disassembly process on the bike until I either find it or hear it hit the floor. Any suggestions?
  8. I have always thought Randy Quaid was a little out there, but loved the parts he played in the movies like cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation and a couple others, but what the heck is wrong with him now? Is it too much drugs and alcohol or just a need for attention. Here is an article today where Randy and his wife were arrested in Vancouver for some charges in California for breaking and entering and now they are asking Canada for asylum? Weird! http://www.leaderpost.com/business/Randy+Quaid+seeks+Canadian+asylum/3713231/story.html Brian
  9. Got the brake light fixed and time for "road test". Called RandyA and ask him if his purple beast didn't look lonely sitting out in the garage. So arrangements were made and I was out the door and gone. Great weather, no place to be and no time to be there. How much better can life be! Thanks Randy for leading the way. Wiping the grin from my face my take more than Plexus !! SGN Just had to share, now please somebody pass the biscuits ....
  10. :thumbsup2:I want to thank Randy very much for using his carbtune on my RSTC. It made such a big difference already. So much smoother. Can't wait to see the long term benefits. Again thank you Randy for allowing me to disrupt your life for an hour.
  11. RandyR and I took the opportunity of a perfect weather ride day to tour the North Georgia Mountains.......AGAIN. It was a great ride and I was glad to do it with an old friend. Thanks Randy! The rest of you should have been there.
  12. Let me stress how easy "greasin the splines" are. This is a job I was really putting off, sounded like a lot of work and just more than I wanted to get into. RandyA had been after me to "get it done" so last night was the time. Off work about five and a call to Randy, yes we had everything we needed and he would be on his way. About six I was in the shop taking off the saddle bags and getting tools out. Off with the rear caliper and muffler, out with the cotter pin and off with the castle nut on the rear axle, even had to fight the rear light bar but not bad. With the help of Randy and the center stand, lean the bike over and out comes the rear wheel and tire. 4 bolts and washers and the rear end is removed, a pull and I'm holding the drive shaft. So good so far, a little cleaning and grease application and re-assembly starts. Now the part that had me worried - putting the drive shaft back in - the horror stories about how difficult it was to get it reseated! My first attempt doing it "my way" was a wash out. Laying on the floor I look up and see the sly grin of Randy staring down at me, he says "Want me to show you the trick", I reply "Well it's evident my way didn't work". He hands me a small pair of needle nose vise grip pliers and tells me clamp onto the gear end of the shaft, will not damage the gear, just tight enough to hold on to it. Slide the shaft in until it stops, now push down and the rear of the shaft, lifting the nose end with the splines and push it in. :wow:the things goes right in !!! My attempt and his took all of two minutes !!! Put it all back togeather, put the luggage back on talk about Asheville Rally, drink some water, compare light bars, talk about life and solve all the worlds problems. Hey, we got motorcycles what are we standing around talking for. lets gear up and ride. 8:00 PM ride with a good friend - what more can you ask for.... Thanks, Randy for all the help with "Tent Peg" Steve Neal P.S. Grease those splines NOW the drive shaft you save may be your own !
  13. It had been a few months since I have been able to do any of the N. Ga M&E's but I was able to ride on the run to Dahlonega last Saturday hosted by RandyR. Here are a few pics of the day. It was a great ride and Randy did a great job of planning a very scenic route. It got a little hot later in the day but, all in all it was a great ride with old and new friends.
  14. Hey Randy are you going after that gear set??
  15. Finally got a pretty Saturday to take the bike out and get the riding itch out of my britches. I've done a bunch of work on the bike over the winter and RandyA came over and helped me with carb diaphragms and lower in the needles. This is just my first impression of the improvement in performance, but SON OF A ______!!!! That puppy is fast now, I can't believe how much better it runs. Thanks Randy, you set me up right! Here are some pics of the bike now that I've worked on her for the past 3 months. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/PICT0014.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/PICT0016.jpg Randy, I believe I owe you a few more beers. Whoo Hooo!!!!
  16. I'm a simple veteran of 1969-71 & I am riding my bike to support a VET who has earned the right to fly a US Flag in his yard. Here is a facebook page with some info worth reading... http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=190716948379 (from the page) 90 year old Retired Army Colonel and Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Van T. Barfoot has been ordered by his homeowner's association to stop displaying his U.S. flag on his own flagpole in front of his own home. The homeowner's association disapproves of the 21 foot flagpole (not the flag) and has now hired a law firm and legal proceedings against him appear to be pending. Mr. Barfoot is a true American hero and has earned the right to display the very flag he fought so hard to protect. He is a veteran of three wars: WWII, Korea and Vietnam. He also won the Purple Heart and several other decorations before retiring from the service in 1974. Call and or fax Coates & Davenport, the law firm representing the home owner association. The following is email info about a ride starting in Richmond, VA to support the Col & to protest his Homeowner's Association... -------------------------------------------------------------- I have received info about a ride to support a medaled Vet & to protest a neighborhood association group which will prevent him from flying the US Flag. The info is from my DSCR friends... [divider] Got this off my VROC website. I think I will go. Anybody else? I received this email today from My chapter of the American Legion Riders. If any one is close enough, I urge you to turn out and support this American hero! Email Contents: I received an email from Lester Brewer asking for Riders on 11 December to ride with them in protest of the treatment Col Van T. Barfoot, Medal of Honor recipient is receiving for flying the American Flag at his home. Col Van T. Barfoot, Medal of Honor recipient has been ordered to remove his flag pole. Coates & Davenport law firm, representing the home owners association has ordered Col Barfoot to remove the flag pole by 5:00 pm today or face legal action. Late yesterday afternoon they extended the order for one week, Friday 11 December to comply with the order. A resolution signed by President Bush in 2006, reads: Homeowner associations may not adopt or enforce anything that would restrict someone from flying the American flag. In response to the treatment of this Medal of Honor recipient, Lester Brewer is asking other Riders to ride with him on 11 December to protest this treatment of an American Hero. If you plan to ride, contact Lester at less_brewer@comcast.net. Note: This is not an American Legion sponsored protest. Date: Friday. December 11, 2009 Stage: American Legion Post 284, 505 Springdale Ave., Colonial Heights, VA Depart: 11:00 am for Col Barfoot's home Riding Order: Large flags small flags no flags cages For God and Country Randy E. Guild \---\ [divider] Les/ALCON Okay, I have about 6 willing guys from my group going to ride at this time. I would like to see more and am in hopes there will be more later. My group is meeting yours at the AL on Springdale in Colonial Heights about 1030 - 1045. The South Richmond Hog group is forming up some personnel also. SRHD Hog group is meeting at 1000 at SRHD on Courthouse. Don't know about Ft. Lee guys yet. No response. Les, where does this guy live? Any other info on the resolution as yet? They may get this settled before we go so we need to be prepared to abort if necessary. Correct?? DSCR Group: Date: Friday 12/11/09 Time: 1030-45 Place: American Legion 505 Springdale Avenue Colonial Heights, VA SRHD HOG: Date: Friday 12/11/09 Time: 1000 Place: South Richmond Harley Davidson Courthouse and Hull Street Road Chesterfield, VA Randy E. Guild Project Manager \---\ -----Original Message----- From: Lester Brewer [mailto:less_brewer@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 5:49 PM To: Guild, Randy E (DSCR) Subject: RE: Flag Pole Thanks Randy, We need all the support we can get. Les -----Original Message----- From: Guild, Randy E (DSCR) [mailto:Randy.Guild@dla.mil] Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 2:02 PM To: less_brewer@comcast.net. Subject: Flag Pole I am trying to get together our group of DOD civilian workers and veterans to ride with us. I Will give you a head count on Weds. Also I let other half of group at Ft. Lee know what is going on. Maybe they will join us. Randy E. Guild Project Manager DSCR-VIA \---\ ----------------------------------------------- That is all I've got on this. Can you believe this? To Vets, the flag is very special. So many of our friends & realtives have been laid to rest under it. johnb
  17. randy thank's for the licence frame you made for us , it came in the mail today and it looks great. for anyone that bought one you will be glad you did. I had to install it on the bike right after it got here and when i went to the bike shop today i had four people ask where i bought it at. So once again thank you randy for doing this for us. Ed.
  18. Randy I just wanted to check and see if you have found the source of your problem yet?
  19. Mama Laura is now on board. My hubby (RandyA)finally took the time to turn me on and get me set up. You must read all my messages real slow. That's how I type! I had such a GREAT time in Asheville. I'm sorry it's over. It was great to be with all of you. I can't wait till Randy says we can go to another one. Now since this is my first time, I'm going to check out all the post and pictures I can tonite. Talk with you soon. Mama Laura (Laura Lou)
  20. hairman


    Thanks for a great time today. I just made it home.
  21. My dear MC family God has shown his face on me and brought the most wonderful man into my life (even if he does ride a Goldwing...it pained me to tell you that...). I met him last Nov. Bill Jarrett of Sebastopol, California. He is kind, gentle, funny, sweet and very strong. Very much, a manly man. We planning to sign the dotted line and whisper sweet " I Do's" on June 28th in our backyard here in Galt. The boys really like him, especially Randy, my youngest. He treats my kids with respect and is sentsitive to what the loss they have been through. Thanks for all your prayers, support and sweet words of kindness to me. What say you about a honeymoon? Estes Park, Colorado or Alaskan cruise?
  22. I plan on purchasing a set of headsets this year....I use a half helmet. Which headset seems to be the best quality and reliable? Thanks for your input. randy
  23. It is one year today. Although this belongs mainly in the memorial thread, I am posting here due to information on the accident, lawsuit and other information that maybe helpful to other riders some day. Please record your life with photos, notes, cards and emails. Are you on the computer at night or in the morning when your spouse and kids are in bed, at work or school? Send them an email. Let them know you love them, adore them, etc. Leaving for work? Packing a lunch? Stick in a note saying you love that person. Proud of your new bike? Get a FAMILY photo of all of your around it. Anniversary coming up? Mark it on your calendar with stars and hearts. Keeping these little momentos in a box, in the computer, etc come in handy in the case of a lawsuit. The insurance companies want PROOF you were a great dad, great mom, super husband or wife. I have taken in a LOT of photos, love notes, cards, emails Tom sent me long after I had gone to bed that prove his 'significance' as a husband and father. Who would have ever guessed one would need to prove their worth. Lets not talk about his wages. They do not care. Tom is being blamed for 50% of the accident. Their stint is, He CHOOSE not to stop, but to try to go around the back of the trailor. This is based on the driver of the truck and the driver of the car behind the trailor. I am going to give my deposition June 18th. I have been warned, and will go in to be briefed, that it will be brutal. I cannot be defensive when they ask questions like "how often did you have sex? What different ways did you have sex? What hobbies did you have together? How much time were you together when not at work? What medical problems did your husband have? What drugs did he take? on and on and on. I plan to have my cousin go with me to sit by me and help keep me calm. I have to put it in my head "they only care about the money. Keep your cool. Its just a business deal". I am mad because they are trying to blame HIM for even part of the accident. So, I will stand my ground. I will be calm and answer only what they ask and be careful with my words. I still have not sold Tom's bike. I will be putting it in the paper soon. It needs to be sold. I no longer have insurance on it, so I guess the guy will just have to start it and see that it runs. I do not want to be liable for anyone driving it. The kids and I are doing better every day. Its rough, but it will get better...one day at at time. Thanks AGAIN and AGAIN for all the love and support that has poured out from this site. You were and are Tom E.'s family. You saw to it we had your support, and we appreciate it so much. I will be printing up all of the things said about Tom and taking it to the lawyer's office to add to the testimony of his family here and his life, with Don's permission. I am not sure if that is legal or not, to print what you all have said in condolences. I keep trying to gather each piece of EVIDENCE of Tom's life. And all of you were a big part of that. I may even print the thong threads.. That thread was the last great laughs we had together. Tom loved a play on words and rushed to the site for weeks before the accident to see what else had been said about those silly thongs. He laughed so hard. Couldn't wait to tell me what someone else had said about that. Funny how loosing your purse can put the ladies into a tail spin about cheery pairs of thongs. I cherish those laughs, those smiles you all gave him. Thanks again, you sweet loving riders! I LOVE YOU! Sherry, Jason, TJ, DJ and Randy (TJ graduates from Highschool memorial weekend. Jason broke up with his GF in Nov and moved out in Dec to the UOP campus. DJ will graduate next year. Randy and DJ have both grown at least an inch. Randy will graduate 8th grade next year.)
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