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Found 11 results

  1. So I'm heading home from a Tim Horton's where our club had just met. I'm on a 4 lane section of what is mostly a two lane road and getting ready for a left turn to the exit ramp leading to a 4 lane limited access highway (I hate when they cheap out and put the exit and entrance ramps side by side like that!). As I prepare for my left hand turn, I see a Jeep Wagoneer or some such, with out of province plates, come barrelling up the ramp from the 4 lane. I slowed and checked the driver's head and, sure enough, he's looking behind me and just rolls through the stop sign at a good speed and directly into my path. By now I'm on the brakes and the horn and the a**hole gives me a dirty look - I guess he didn't like me honking. I swear, it took every ounce of willpower I had to keep from hanging a right (There was no oncoming traffic and I had the time and the room) and chasing him down. A few good kicks into his car's pretty blue doors (Or preferably his ugly face!) would have felt soooooooo good. But, once again, I realized that I'm the one who would have had the chat with the men in blue so I swore at him (Had to do something - he was too far to hear any way) an continued on my way. What a week - still don't know what's happening with the wife's car after Sunday's deer encounter and now this. Hope to relax in Port Dover tomorrow for the 13th. I need a break about now. Andy
  2. Just posting a warning to everyone about using Harbor freight ramps to load a Venture. I bought the ramps just knowing they were going to be the cats meow. Had them around since 2-29-12 & just used them for the first time last Friday. Hooked onto the little trailer I have, backed into the shop door, lined the Venture up and drove it on. No problem????? Drove to Hog roast / Poker Run for ABATE Dist # 10. Went to unload next morning while the boss was in the 5th wheel "gettin purdy". Mark & I had agreed that we would meet in a city that was about 60 miles from each of us. I had a long hour to unload & prep for the short ride. WELL, I put the ramp on the end of the trailer, unstrapped the Venture and proceeded to roll back to the ramp and eased onto it...........BANG,xy//!!..!@#$%^&, oh no the ramp must have slipped. Nope it broke right where the tang sets on the trailer, then broke the hinges (3 of them) between the sections. Fortunately the trailer was only about a foot tall, but there I sat with the rear wheel stuck between the sections about half way down the ramp and the bike still about 2 feet on the trailer. Well I hollered for Babe, and I hollered for Babe, AND I HOLLERED FOR BABE, well you guessed it she thought I was hollering for the dogs & ignored me. So I finally thought you can't stand here all morning so I tried to push the bike back off the ramp, but when it went back about another foot it pinched on the non-broken ramp and pushed the bike over to the right & you all know what came next. Yep, I just got my right leg out of the way and let the 980# behemoth lay down. Dammit. You all know the feeling or if you don't you will some day. Well 3 guys came to my rescue & helped me set the bike back up (Thanks Pig Cookers" and get it off of the trailer & broken ramp. Of course I was 15 min late getting to meet Mark & Babe said "What took You so long??" Gish. Oh well nobody got hurt & Venture got one little mark. My 1st to put on it. Long story with a warning. When I got home I read the label on the box I took the ramp out of Friday. "1500# capacity cumulatively 500# on each section evenly distributed". WELL everyone knows you read the direction after the SCR3W UP. Be careful if you buy one of these ramps they will let you down if you know what I mean.
  3. Hey y'all. I'm going to have to trailer a bike to PA. I'll drop the tow vehicle and the open uhaul trailer at my daughter's and ride the bike back to SC. I do have my own enclosed 6X12 that I've used to take the bike camping occasionally. We remove the bike and camp in the trailer. Anyway, I can't use it becasue I can't leave it in PA. So, I was wondering if anyone knows if I can trailer either my Millenium or my Royale in a 5X9 trailer with the ramp. I think the overall length of my MM is 104", but don't know if it would fit in the trailer due to the tall ramp sticking up and possible hitting the trunk. I think the Royale may be a bit shorter and an easier fit for the 9' trailer, but haven't measured that bike and am not home right now to do that. Uhaul does have an open 6X12 trailer and even an open motorcycle specific trailer with ramp and chock, but neither are available in my area. I've thought about maybe loading the bike diagonally, but still think that tall ramp would possibly be a problem for the bike's trunk. I need to leave here Monday, so don't have a lot of time to consider options. O.K., please chime in with any ideas. Thanks. Rusty
  4. ok folks it's finaly time to officialy welcome squidley and sweetnothing to TEXAS. since they have been living here almost two years in sin. i have aquired their Official TEXAS PASSPORTS. now in order for these two yankees to become Official law abiding citizens. they have to be baptized in the Brazos River and since i told them to come on down. i get first dubs at their dunkin. the dunkin will take place on September 25, 2011 SUNDAY at 2:00 p.m. ( sooner if we all get there ) at the public boat ramp off f.m. 2004 and lake jackson we will be meeting up at the shell gas station in waller at 290 & 352. k/s up at 9:00 a.m. will travel over to bellville take 36 to sealy and continue down 36 to brazoria, turn left on 332 to 2004 at lake jackson. then go south a little to the boat ramp on the right. others could go 288 down to lake jackson and continue on to the boat ramp. reguards don c.
  5. Alright folks. I have a need. I want to store my trailer up near the ceiling of my garage to free up floor space. I have actually already used a cumalong to get it up there and safety chained it to the joists. It was cumbersome and I had to be careful to raise each side evenly to keep it from tipping. But, I want to make a system to hang it up and get it back down a lot more easily all by myself. That way I will probably use my trailer more often instead of using my truck to go get smaller items. Any suggestions? The bottom of my ceiling joist is 10' 4" above the floor. I thought about building a plywood ramp (reinforced with 2x4s standing on their sides and screwed along the length of the outer edges of the plywood). I would hinge the plywood at the rear to the bottom of 2x4 vertical studs extending down about 30" from the joists. This would allow clearance for the raised trailer to hang below the bottom of the joists. I would lower the front of the ramp and push the fairly light trailer up the ramp and secure the tongue to a stop at the front of the plywood. Then, I would only have to lift the tongue up and secure it with a safety chain. The plywood would also act as a storage shelf for light things associated with the trailer (folding chairs, small tent, etc. Did all that make any sense? Rusty
  6. I have a 2005 Venture and a 37 foot 5 th wheel toyhauler. I have lowered my bike rear (Barons) and the front due to my short leges, 29 inch inseam. Yesterday I tried to load my bike and I hit the trailer floor right where the door/ramp meet the trailer floor. I had to back down the ramp without getting into the trailer. Has anyone found a way to change the angle of the ramp ? I would hate to raise the bike back to stock because I am happier with the bike being lowered. I plan of leaving next week for Rockford, Il. then Seattle, Wa. then Anchorage and need to get my bike loaded. Cb
  7. jlh3rd


    took a ride with a yamaha star chapter this past sat....group is basically new, formed in may.....there were about 12 bikes, i was #4.....got on the on ramp to merge onto an interstate. this ramp has a stop sign because of construction.....i approached the sign , and accelerated away...girlfriend on the back.....the rider behind me on a valkrie, blows past me.......i was pissed....now, do i say something to this guy ...i don't know the exact rules of group riding, but this can't be right........yes or no.....
  8. Last Wednesday coming through Nashville, The wife pulling the horse trailer, 4 dogs and 2 horses and me following on the TD, some idiot decided to cut from the left lane to the off ramp. He had already pretty much missed the ramp and shot straight across the three lanes. Wife locked down the truck and trailer (which was of great surprise to me - being behind her) Fortunately, I wasn't to close and slid around and hopped a little but got lined out. When I got back so I could focus on her, it was just like the wrecks you see on tv - tire smoke, gravel and dust everywhere, she was headed for the sloped median between the highway and the offramp with the trailer sideways, the guy had gotten to the ramp and slowed down. She got off the brakes and straightened it out but WOW what a ride. Thanks to her quick thinking and GREAT driving, everyone is safe and happy. It's a terrible feeling watching your loved ones sliding sideways down the highway with nothing you can do but wait for the dust to clear. Moral of the story - watch out for idiots from the left lane to the offramp, don't follow to close - and learn how to grip that seat. (I may need a new Mustang now!) Of course - The guy disappeared and the cops were nice but said there wasn't much they could but keep an eye out for the Black piece of crud 4x4 Chevy pickup.
  9. amr


    does any one know of a ramp wide enough to put your feet down and weight rated enough to ride/load a venture up in the back of pickup and who would sell such a ramp thanks mike
  10. Well today it was my turn to have an accident. I was driving on the Hwy in the right lane about 65 mph and I had a vehicle directly to my left. I noticed in my rear veiw mirror a white vehicle coming up on me fast this Hispanic guy tried to split the difference between me and the car I was forced to the shoulder as he passed it appeared he was beating someone and trying to hold them down in the front seat. I didnt crash from being on the shoulder. I caught up to him and looked at him while I was next to him did nothing else but look. I guess this set him off because he tried to run me off the road at this point. I sped up hoping to get away and outran him for awhile but he kept coming after me. I was hoping he was gonna give up but he didnt. I got off at a ramp going a good clip and had a car in front of me and he was closing fast on me like he was gonna ram me I couldnt go around the car in front so I decided to go off road but this exit the ramp is a raised ramp and much higher then the surrounding terrain. I m not sure what happened but I believe I lowsided after I started down hill on the grass/gravel I lost control somehow landed on my back and right side. I went to hospital to get checked out little bruised up but I'm in one piece and nothing appears to be broken little bit of headache though (Helmet on some small scratches looks like my butt and side took the brunt.) It wasnt worth chasing him down to find out if he was hurting someone else. I'm lucky I guess. Didnt get the plate though. I guess he caused another accident down the road though. My bike is probably pretty screwed up I know I broke alot of right side plastic.
  11. Ok so i have the 99 rsv and have never hand problem in last 3 years with this i need some help. up to about 6 months ago the passanger was 5' 8 and about 105 lbs. But when i got the "you work to much and when you are not working you are riding and i just dont enjoy that anymore." I upgraded to a new passanger. she is 5' 10 and well about 150 lbs i would say. well this is cause the bike to sit very low and in a on ramp or off ramp turn i am scraping pipes. has anyone had this problem and if so how did you fix it. I added a little more air to the back shock but that did not seem to help to to much and dont want to push adding to much more there. do i jsut need to go to an after market air shock or any other ideas?
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