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  1. Hello again fellow forum friends. Klim- the world known gear manufacturer graced by doorstep with their latest Traverse line jacket and pants. They are definitely designed for on and off road adventure touring, which is what our brother @cowpuc does with his Gen 1, except he and his wife prefer jeans and t-shirts to Kevlar and Gortex. When I grow up and can ride half as safe as Cowpuc, I might consider reducing the amount of protective gear I wear. But until then, I will wear all gear all the time. Here is my review- hope you like it. Comments are always welcome https://ultimatemotorcycling.com/2020/11/08/klim-traverse-jacket-and-pants-review-all-season-lightweight-protection/ VentureFar...
  2. I was looking around and found that there are several of the vendors which are offering motorcycle rain suits. Although they are cheap in price but can't figure out which one is the best brand i should have to prefer. Alpinestars, Dainese, Joe rocket and REV'IT! are most known brands in the list.Nelson-Rigg is also offering good collection in this category. Any suggestion and experience. I don't want to find my self wet just because of some bad selection.
  3. Hope you all have a very Merry and safe Christmas. Wish we had a bit of snow on the ground to help with the seasonal spirit instead of all this rain! Oh well.
  4. Hope every one has a special day with family and friends. It has been a frog strangler here today. Must have gotten 4 to 5" inches of rain. More coming. Ride safe. Arrive alive!
  5. Can anybody compare the aero stich over suit to the triumph, for wind & rain blocks? I have a triumph that does a great job on wind & rain but velcro is pulling loose in several places in less than a year. Thanks TC
  6. I know that somewhere in this site is a thread about how to properly clean a windshield and what to use but I can't find it. I have read about the use of Pledge cleaner and a 210 cleaner are these good products and are there others? Has anyone used Rain X to let the rain run off. I worry about getting a rainbow effect when the Sun hits it. What does everyone carry with them in there bags for cleaning?
  7. djh3

    Rain Boots

    Just got back from a trip that I had to don the rain suit 4 out of 4 days of riding. 3 of the days was not bad an hour maybe 2. Anyways the last day I just rolled the suit, and boots up and bungied them to the trunk rack as it was easier. When I got home I noticed that the heel of my rain boot has a tear in it. The ones I have now are maybe 5 yr old so close to replacement. They are the "spyder" type that have a complete sole. I am thinking about the Tourmaster or Nelson Rigg type. The cover just the toe and the heel is open. Can anyone tell me do these keep your feet dry with the heel being open? Are they a good rain cover? Looked at the Hopnel rain gaiters but the couple reviews didnt seem like the folks were very happy about the fastening methiod.
  8. Over the past weekend we received 6 times as much rain as we've had over the past 2 & 1/2 months!! Now, one might think that we got flooded and washed away but in the past 2 & 1/2 month's we've maybe recorded an inch of rain. No wonder I spent the weekend "tinkering". http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=73903
  9. Seattle !!!! 80 days and 80 nights, """ AND NO RAIN """ in Seattle !!!!!!! ( well it drizzled one night, about 1/10th of 1/10th of an inch ) Maby this is a " Sign " from " On High " !!! something, is, ( or must be ) going to happen !!!!! Hmmmmm ??? what could it be ???? :whistling: Added, comment: --- As a result of this situation, I have been forced to " go rideing " Every Day !!!!!!
  10. We finally have rain. I will not complain because I know some of our friends down South have had a very hard time from Isaac. I hope things improve for you folks and pray you are all surviving. We are listening to the weather people, who sort of ruined our Saturday. We believed them so we did not go to the Rabbit Hash event we always ride to. It did not rain until 8 or 9 PM. We could have gone. Yesterday we caged it to an event across town. It rained going there, but when we got there it was fine. Today so far it is solid rain. So we have to wait and see. Oh well there is always next year. But I admit I am selfish and want to ride really bad. Yama Mama:smile11:
  11. A few weeks ago I asked the question about what riders are using for a cover for their radar detectors...if you use one. I now have replaced my radar detector cover, and thought I would share this info with you, as well as pictures...and pictures of my new Radiator Protector Screen. Very short story: about 15 years ago I was using a new Valentine One radar detector on my '97 BMW R1100RT. On one of the rides, from Seattle to San Francisco...I am standing on the side of the Insterstate shaking water out of the speaker hole of my new Valentine One...because the lousy windshield of the R11RT directed rain water straight at the radar detector. If it weren't for Valentine's great warranty, I would have just wasted $ 500.00. Valentine took care of me, and from then on I started using a rain cover for my radar detectors. At first it was just the saran wrap style covers they "used" to sell, that were like miniature shower caps. Then about 6 years ago I bought a real neat cover from LegalSpeeding.com, as they sghowed them and sold them at the Seattle Motorcycle Show. I still sued that same cover for 6 straight years, and it worked...perfectly. Even when transferring my detector from one bike to the next, the detector cover always did its' job. When I decided to put my updated Valentine One on my RSMTD, I thought it would be nice to get a new rain cover...sort of as a present for the radar detector. I went shopping for a new cover, but LegalSpeeding.com no longer carried the same cover. The one they sell now is large, bulky, and butt ugly. I did a thorough search, and found that the one I wanted was sold by the manufacturer out of New Zealand. Currently, there were NO distributors in the USA. I asked a supplier of Long Distance...IronButt rider products if he would start selling these covers. He agreed, and now they are again available to us...at a much lower price. I got my new cover, and again...I love it. It is a thin clear plastic, that snaps together like a tupperware product. It has one hole in the area of the powercord, to allow hook-up of the cord. I can tell you thast this thing is 100 % waterproof, and my previous one that lasted 6 or more years, also lasted through more than 350,000 miles of hard riding. If you are interested, go to: http://www.sampson-sporttouring.com/radar_detector_weatherproof_covers.html Here are some pictures of mine, installed on the bike: [ATTACH]70840[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]70841[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]70842[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]70843[/ATTACH] As the guys website shows, they have these covers for several models of radar detectors. My point folks...is IF you use a radar detector, these covers will save you LOTS of money by protecting your detector from rain or other elements. Secondly, here are pictures of my new Radiator Protection Screen: [ATTACH]70846[/ATTACH] I made this myself. It cost me less than $ 13.00. It is made out of a balck painted piece of 2' x 2' sheet metal that I bought from Home Depot. It is very easy to cut to size, fold a bit here and there, and then is attached at one point only, at the very top. I love it, and it does a great job of protecting my radiator. Thanks, Miles
  12. Had a great weekend. Several of us rode from Saltspring up to Gold River on Vancouver Island for the weekend. Went up 19A along the coast then over to Gold River. Weather on Saltspring was great, we got to Campbell river and it clouded over, half way to GR we hit rain. Rained hard overnight. Light rain when we left. Back to cloud on Campbell river and sunshine on Saltspring. Ok, after Nelson and now this I give up, I am going to have to change from Sailor to Rainman.
  13. Took a scenic ride this morning b4 all the rain & was IMPRESSED..took 100 west then 96 south for about a 1/4 to 1/2 mile then turned on Harding....this twisted and looped back to Leipers Fork then we took 96 back to 100... wished we had taken some of the other side roads. It was GORGEOUS ride..then the rain set in about 11:20 and we sat it out just lazed around. planning on leaving early so we can take some side roads going back....
  14. Never heard of the Hocking hills before but 12 hours later the wife and I had a cabin rented for the night and saddled up and headed out. Two highschool kids were on a mission trip in the dominican republic and the youngest at young teen camp. We took 52 south out of Chelsea, MI into OH 109 to Lima. From there we headed east and picked up 56. What a great drive. We took a pit stop about an hour from our destination and realized a strong storm was trailing us. We arrived at the cabin around 4:30 thinking the storm might pass through for us to go out for dinner. Not so. Wind, hail, rain well into the night. I managed to kick back on the covered deck in the hot tub and watch the strom roll through. Good thing for the coffee we found to brew up for dinner! The next day we spent meandering through the hills and state park with several miles of hiking. What a great day. The evening closed in a torrential downpour on I-75 heading towards Toledo. We found a car to follow and watched their tail lights for 45 minutes. The rain finally ended around Toledo and we managed to dry out a bit by home. Check out the hocking hills. A great ride. Larry
  15. On my way to Maintenance Day, my Froggtoggs jacket zipper went. Bought the rain suit over a year ago and didn't have my purchase receipt. Marcarl and a few others had a similar problem and suggested that I call customer service. A real person answered right away and a new rain suit with a much stronger zipper just arrived by mail - no hassle and no cost to me. Great customer service!
  16. Here are a few pic's I took. Made it home with no rain and safe. Joe
  17. OK it is looking like I will get wet wet wet on the way to MD. I have never ridden more than a few miles in town in the rain. On this trip I will be pulling a trailer, also something new for me. I did get new tires last week. Unfortunately I was only able to get about 80 miles on them to get them scuffed in. They still have the nubbies on them. I will have a supply of Ziploc bags for the GPS. I will be wearing my Gortex Blaze orange hunting gear. So I should stay warm and fairly dry. Other than the obvious like slow down, keep longer distance for stopping, what are some things I should do and or watch for? They are talking up to 3/4 inch of rain with possible ponding. What is the the best thing to do if you come over a hill and find standing water on the road? I wear glasses, How do you keep them clear? How do I keep the helmet visor clear? The wind screen sheds water pretty good at speed, but blocks the wind from blowing water off the visor. What else do I need to know? Some jerk at the weather service did not read the rules about no rain for MD....
  18. Anyone put Rain X on their windshield?
  19. Moped (Ron) and I will be leaving when the rain stops in Cincinnati. So I am not sure when we will arrive in Oberlin, but we will be there before dark tomorrow. It is 9:25 PM and it is raining now, so hopefully it will stop tomorrow morning. I am really excited about the trip. See you all soon! Yama Mama:happy65:
  20. I picked up this 05 Tour Deluxe in Omaha this morning. Rode it 190 home in the rain. It was exactly what I expected!! Now to get it cleaned up after the rain.
  21. The Last rain storm my with & I rode through pulling the trailer, I could not see a thing, (picture this) the wife looking over my right shoulder, telling me I'm in the lane, no where to stop and wind & Rain hammering us from the left. Now I now how the pilots on a B 52 bomber feels. I was watching the gauges, keeping the bike at 45 ( the wife talking to me through the intercom) What the Heck do you use on your windshields, to stop rain from beading? and the inside of the shield from fogging up?
  22. 2007 RSV, been mine nearly 3 weeks. All the lights worked for a while, I assume the rain might have affected something, about 1.5hrs in the rain, noticed a couple days later no passing lights, so maybe or maybe not related. The lights are good, all the fuses that are shown in the owners manual are good. I have a push button switch just left of the 12v acc. plug in the dash that I think may be for these lights, there is no toggle on the light housing like some Ive read about. I can see 2 red wires that arent in the harness going that direction, but I stopped before taking anything loose on the fairing. What is involved to look at this closer? anyone else have a setup like this?
  23. I have a set of Frogg toggs that thatworks great that I paid $69 for them.Yesterday while at sams club I found a set of Rain Gear that is identical to the Frogg Togg.I took them home and compared the tags that they came with and they are identical information on them as the frogg toggs and they were only $26.95.Supposed to rain today so i will give them a test.Great deal I think. http://www.samsclub.com/sams/shop/product.jsp?productId=prod1113446
  24. We had some rain night before last and the bike sat out in it while I was working. Temps were in the low 40's. Bike would turn over and catch, just couldn't get it to continue running. Wound up letting it roll downhill to start. What's up with that?? Figure it's moisture some where, just no clue where.
  25. ...I'm all wet. I need some recommendations on rain gear. I've got a pair of Frogg Toggs, but they're too bulky and not heat resistant. They're great as far as keeping the rain and road mist off my shins, but the right leg has too much extra material that winds up resting on the exhaust. It's already got a hole in it behind the right knee, and it left a tarnish on my pipe (which I can fix.) I'm basically looking for rain gear that's not baggy. Even if it's something of a heat resistant rubber pant suit that's loose enough to be easy going over the top of my jeans and thermals. Btw, as GAWildKat just took the liberty of reminding me, I'm not on a Venture yet. I'm on a Suzuki Volusia 800, and the exhaust runs down the right side of the bike, just below my knee.
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