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Found 17 results

  1. Just curious about mixing a radial ct on the rear and a bias ply on the front. I remember stories about how dangerous that was on a CAR - what about our bike ?
  2. Question..........I put new Bridgestone bias tires on my bike. They don't grip as well as my former bike with radials. What is the harm of switching to radial tires for my 2001 Royal Star Venture? I generally haul a passenger, and I'm an overweight, tall guy. I'm not sold on any brand tire, just wanted a tire which is safe, grips well and doesn't follow all the grooves on the road. Suggestions? (on brand) - Comments on radials? Thanks. Dave
  3. hi folks when i bought my '99 rsv motor trike in nov. 2010 it had bf goodrich p235/60 r15's on it. i can't remember what the front tire was. but i put my old avon cobra 150/80r-16 on. squid thought since the trike had radials on the rear might as well put a radial on the front. it's now coming time to put new shoes on the trike. i have found that cooper makes a p235/60 r16 radial. and firestone makes a firehawk indy 500 p235/60 r16. i kinda like the look of the cooper cobra's. i guess i realy comes down to what i want to install. but i just thought i would ask ya'll are using on your trikes. thanks best reguards don c.
  4. So, I'm planning on putting new tires on the scoot before we leave for Cody. I got a price "on-line" which is out of the US on E3's bias ply. I then requested a quote from a local supplier and darned near fell off my chair. Front was $51 more and rear was $62 more and that's after a 20% discount. I am waiting for a response as to if they quoted on Radials. So, my Q is, do you guys buy bias or radial E3's ???
  5. After seeing the idea in this thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=46995 I started looking for one. Found one from the Stratoliner S (RoadlinerS wheel is also the same)that was polished. Ultimately decided this was easier (and cheaper) than buying the painted Strat/Roadliner wheel and having it either polished or chromed. Was able to get the complete rim with tire and rotors. The Strat and Roadliner rotors are full floaters so will be ideal when I do the caliper upgrade. The tire is 130/70R-18. Its a radial and only has a 63H load rating (600lbs) versus the stock 150/80-16 71H loadrating (761 lbs). Haven't worked out yet how big a deal that is going to be if any as of yet. 130/70-18 is the same size front tire as the wing and it has the same load rating. Since no one makes a 15" radial motorcycle rear tire, my choices are to run mixed radial front with bias rear or purchase a 130/70-18 Bias Dunlop E3 Front although the recommended rim width for the Bias E3 in that size is only 3 inches and the Strat rim is 4" wide. There is a 140-80R -18 front radial that is close to the stock OA diameter and width and fits a 4" wide rim. That would fill out the fender more. Riding it, there doesn't seem at this point to be any noticable ill effects from the Size, radial, bias mix. That being said I'm in SOuth Florida- 11 turns in 318 miles- Not sure what it will feel like in the mountains or pushing it hard. The Slow speed handling is noticably improved as would be expected from the smaller tire. It looks to be over all about .8 inches shorter in OA height, something I don't really want, but it is what its unless I replace the tire. These are all the caveats I can think of at the moment. As I ride it more may have some more input. Put some pictures here and put them all in a gallery. RSTDdog
  6. whats the big dirrerance in running the factory type bias tire vs going with a radial?? i noticed the dun e-3 offers it in both but dont know about the avon.
  7. Currently shopping around for tires and came across motorcycle-superstore's website and came across the best deal on Dunlop D404 (Rear and Front). - 150/90H-15 for $90.99 (Rear) and -150/80H-16 for $97.99 (Front). For both tires, it is free shipping. What do you guys think? Not sure if radial or bias, etc. I may go ahead and order these tires tomorrow, before Monday.
  8. I am reposting this here to answer some questions in other threads. The Avon Cobra I am running on the frount is 150/80R/16 radial frount tire. I bought mine from Bikebandit.com, it was 164.95 Plus 7.95 shipping. they ship fast too. For me this is one of the best things I have done for the RSV, it seems to solve all of the handling problems, and rides great. I do have the kumho ct on back, its a great combo. I really believe that the RSV needs radial tires. I am reposting pictures of mine mounted on the 2004, I will check with Micky he has my 2000 which has the cobra and nexum, to see how many miles he has on it now. Gregg
  9. What PSI are you running in the Avon Cobra Radial front tire? TIA
  10. Finally got the brickstone off and the cobra mounted on frount. Avon Cobra 150/80R/16 Radial Going from the brick to the cobra radial, improved ride and handling, I knew the ride would be much better, but I did not realize that the handling would be so drastically improved. The brickstone had plenty of tread but rode like a brick, and apparently made the bike handle bad. Road to my Dr. appointment today up I-75 and was very happy, rides and handles like my 2000 RSV did, but without the chrip. The cobra is the perfect mate for the kumho on back. Trust me the cobra is the frount tire for the darkside, its the right size and its a frount radial not a rear running backward. Tire came from bikebandit order Sunday evening before and went to work, got it tuesday. tire was 154.95 plus 7.95 shipping, tire dealer in town put in on the rim $10. Gregg
  11. I am looking around for new tires for my rsv and came across the avon corbra which is a radial tire . Has anybody used the avon cobra tires on there bike? My plan is to buy avon tires anyway but i was wondering if the radials were ok on a rsv. :confused:
  12. Took my RSV out for a short ride (20 miles) yesterday after installing the Kumho car tire on the back. Overall I'm pleased with the handling. I'm still experimenting with air pressure. I started with 40PSI Low speed parking lot handling is good... an improvement over the brickstone it had. In town speeds are great... handling seams nimble by comparison. Highway speeds 60MPH seems almost crisp. Tracks good... smooth.... But feels like its a little harder to maintain a straight smooth line. I'm sure with just a little seat time I will adjust. This reminds me of the old days when Radials were first becoming popular and I installed a set of Radials on the rear of my car and still had Bias on the front... The car handle different. The rear felt strange for awhile. I wonder if its the same thing with the bike... Is it different because its a car tire? Or is it Different because its a Radial? I really think its the Radial and my next step is to find and install a Radial Rear Motorcycle tire on the front. It will be a little while before I can afford it tho. Anybody recommend a RADIAL tire for the front?
  13. I know that most folks here recommend Metz & Avon tires..pretty much a given. Why do most folks buy the bias tire instead of the radial tire?
  14. I put the new Avon Cobra Radial on the frount of my 2000 rsv, I already have a nexum 165/80/15 radial car tire on back. The ride is great, and the handling is super. I did not think it would make that much diffierence in the ride, but it does, much smoother on rough pavement. Seems to have improved grip in curves, will keep yall posted, as the miles add up. thunder beach was a blast Gregg
  15. Been surfen the post about tires. looks like Avon is the choice:think: After looking at the tread design on my new RSTD I am not a happy camper:mad: I had Dunlop's OEM on my VTX 1800R which ran good in rain, steel grates & high speed but @ 7K they were wearing:mad: My question is: Does Avon make the sizes that are OEM on the 2008 RSTD? Did not see any on there site:shock3: So what I need are a 150/80-169(71H) Radial front & a 150/90-15(74H) Radial rear:think: Or a brand with the Venom R type tread design:happy65: Ron:325:
  16. Anyone have or considering a front radial tire... Avon and Dunlop have them in our size 150/80R16... The new Avon Cobra and the Dunlop D251 which are listed for Gold Wings and are 71V which is are rated for 149 mph and 760 lbs Load rating... looks like this may be a pretty good setup... i don't think I'll get more than 2K more miles out of my Avon Venom front... I'll probably get the Dunlop as I'm not too impressed with Avon Tyres.. According to some websites these tires fit Honda VTXs and Kawi Vulcan 2000... Oh Yeah BTW Bridgestone makes a Radial in our size too. http://www.avon-tyres.co.uk/motorcycle/images/tyres/big/half/h_RGB-Cobra-AV71.jpg http://www.dunlopmotorcycle.com/tires/80_t.jpg
  17. I have been searching threads on this site about tires. It has been posted that you should not put a Radial tire on a bike designed for Biased tires. How does one know (or where can they find information) if a bike is designed for radial or biased? Chuck
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