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  1. A few weeks ago I asked the question about what riders are using for a cover for their radar detectors...if you use one. I now have replaced my radar detector cover, and thought I would share this info with you, as well as pictures...and pictures of my new Radiator Protector Screen. Very short story: about 15 years ago I was using a new Valentine One radar detector on my '97 BMW R1100RT. On one of the rides, from Seattle to San Francisco...I am standing on the side of the Insterstate shaking water out of the speaker hole of my new Valentine One...because the lousy windshield of the R11RT directed rain water straight at the radar detector. If it weren't for Valentine's great warranty, I would have just wasted $ 500.00. Valentine took care of me, and from then on I started using a rain cover for my radar detectors. At first it was just the saran wrap style covers they "used" to sell, that were like miniature shower caps. Then about 6 years ago I bought a real neat cover from LegalSpeeding.com, as they sghowed them and sold them at the Seattle Motorcycle Show. I still sued that same cover for 6 straight years, and it worked...perfectly. Even when transferring my detector from one bike to the next, the detector cover always did its' job. When I decided to put my updated Valentine One on my RSMTD, I thought it would be nice to get a new rain cover...sort of as a present for the radar detector. I went shopping for a new cover, but LegalSpeeding.com no longer carried the same cover. The one they sell now is large, bulky, and butt ugly. I did a thorough search, and found that the one I wanted was sold by the manufacturer out of New Zealand. Currently, there were NO distributors in the USA. I asked a supplier of Long Distance...IronButt rider products if he would start selling these covers. He agreed, and now they are again available to us...at a much lower price. I got my new cover, and again...I love it. It is a thin clear plastic, that snaps together like a tupperware product. It has one hole in the area of the powercord, to allow hook-up of the cord. I can tell you thast this thing is 100 % waterproof, and my previous one that lasted 6 or more years, also lasted through more than 350,000 miles of hard riding. If you are interested, go to: http://www.sampson-sporttouring.com/radar_detector_weatherproof_covers.html Here are some pictures of mine, installed on the bike: [ATTACH]70840[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]70841[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]70842[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]70843[/ATTACH] As the guys website shows, they have these covers for several models of radar detectors. My point folks...is IF you use a radar detector, these covers will save you LOTS of money by protecting your detector from rain or other elements. Secondly, here are pictures of my new Radiator Protection Screen: [ATTACH]70846[/ATTACH] I made this myself. It cost me less than $ 13.00. It is made out of a balck painted piece of 2' x 2' sheet metal that I bought from Home Depot. It is very easy to cut to size, fold a bit here and there, and then is attached at one point only, at the very top. I love it, and it does a great job of protecting my radiator. Thanks, Miles
  2. When I was shooting the Rusty Wallace Driving School this past weekend I also stayed and did a little walking around the pits of the Legend Racing Series. The engine they all have to use is a Yammi. They haul... Radar gun showed 98MPH on the small straights. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Lengine.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/L19.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/L24.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/L13.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/L8.jpg
  3. My question is...how many of you riders use a Radar Detector on your bikes? And secondly...do you use a Radar Detector COVER on it, to protect it from the weather? I am NOT looking for opinions as to which detector to use, and which cover is best. I simply would like to ask...do you use a radar detector, and if so...do you have a cover for it, OTHER than a plastic ziplock baggy. I mean....a real world custom made...serious duty cover made to protect your $ 400.00 + radar detector???? I am going somewhere with this, so I ask you to please just bear this out, and let's see what the numbers are. If you want...go to the VR poll pages, and answer there.
  4. While riding with a friend in his pickup I noticed he had a radar detector. It was plugged in but on the transmission hump and facing the passengers door. " Fat lot of good that is going to do" I thought. Then it went off and a minute later we went through a radar trap. A fluke I figured. Then it went off again and a police cruiser passed us going the other way. Then a few minutes later it went off again and stayed on. I finally spotted a cruiser about three cars behind us. Obviously when you get zapped with the radar it bounces around inside the cab a few times. What is the cumulative amount of radar you are exposed to? Around here you can go through 3-4 traps in a day. Does anyone know of a study which takes in the total effect of multiple zappings inside the cab?
  5. I rode the tail of the dragon yesterday and it was crazy. Way too many idiots with no regard for human life yours or theirs. The tn leo's had 2 units with hand held radar guns working and it didn't faze the speed demons. Wolfie and I pass through today in the pu and saw 1 tn leo with radar two others with a wreck they had the rider lying out on his/her back beside the road. I think that is damn good place to stay away from.
  6. I am finallizing my checklist for my trip and wanted to get a Radar detector. Is anyone using one that you might recommend? Its been a long time since i have used one. We didnt have laser and the new stuff when i last owned one. Any recommendations? Thanks Al
  7. May 19, 2011 At approximately 11:28 hours this date an officer of the Traffic Management unit was conducting radar operations northbound on Municipal Road 80 near McCrae heights when he observed a Harley Davidson motorcycle travelling at a high rate of speed southbound. The officer’s suspicions were confirmed by use of radar and a speed of 162 km/h in a posted 80 km/h zone was obtained. (82 km/h over the speed limit). The vehicle was subsequently stopped and a 31 year old male with an M2 drivers licence from Hanmer has been charged with the following offences: • Stunt Driving – Driving in excess of 50 km/h over the speed limit • Speeding – 162 km/h in a posted 80 km/h zone • Drive motor vehicle – no current validation (Plate expired in 2010) Traffic officers as well as uniform officers will continue to conduct radar enforcement to identify aggressive driving throughout the City of Greater Sudbury during Road Safety week.
  8. Sailor


    It is a sure sign of spring, a nice sunny day and the government tax collectors are swarming. Went into town and back today, about 5 miles, went through 5 radar traps and saw two other tax collector cars. Could be worse I suppose, could be politicians.
  9. On our way back this past w/e from Indianapolis to Omaha NE, we pushed our speed pretty hard. We ran mostly about 80 to 85mph most of the way. I tucked in behind a Truck or SUV that was going faster than the speed limit and just followed them as far as I could. I stayed at a safe distance of course, but still follwed them lane change by lane change. My thought was that the radar was going to spot them before me. And, my Brother-in-law says that a cop is going to stop a full sized vehicle before stopping a bike. What do you think? Secondly, when 3 or 4 bikes are all doing this and you pick them up on radar, I'm not going to stop unless I am specifically singled out by the cop. I told the other bikes that if we get caught that 'the one' would be stopped and the rest of us would wait for him at the next exit. - Which bike do you stop if they are all going the same speed? craigr
  10. OK Ive read a FEW threads on mounting the XM antenna on the bikes..Has anyone found the absolute best place to mount the ANTENNA for XM?? Pictures if possible..ALSO Is it worth it to get the Weather subscriptin also..does it show radar maps??
  11. Hi Folks I am new to the forum and just bought a 2009 RSV-S today. I am trying to integrate my GPS, Passport 8500 Radar Detector and XM into the aux input so that I can hear them over the bikes stereo system. I am not using a headset nor do I have bluetooth. Do I need a box like Mix-It to make this application work? Thanks for any inputs this is an awesome forum. Steve
  12. A month ago I took it upon myself to help out newly hired police office with his ticket writing abilities...evidently I had forgotten what a little speed trap this town can be (AND yes, i was speeding and yes i desired it--but it still stings) Any way, yesterday as I was embarking on an nice 100+ mile ride, Sun a shining, basking in the near 60 degree of warmth. Did I mention that it was sunny So I'm putting a long at a nice semi-legal three over the limit and pass right through the State's version of a highway speed trap. there where two motorcycle cops and one or two unmarked cars to boot. Well little did I know, but the two MC cops were radar'ing in the other direction--life is good, for me. HOWEVER, not even a mile down the road, here comes a small pack of riders heading towards me. OK...trying to be the good brother that i am, I attempt to signal them of their "potential" doom. I tried to gesture down; I pointed behind me, as if i was firing a hand gun, etc. And well, most of those other riders were nice enough to wave back at me. Well, I tried. SO, my question is: What is the best, most well known mean of saying..."Hey fool, slow down. There's a speed trap ahead." Any thoughts?
  13. According to a Marine Pilot: In addition to communicating with the local Air Traffic Control facility, all aircraft in the Persian Gulf AOR are required to give the Iranian Air Defense Radar (military) a ten minute 'heads up' if they will be transiting Iranian airspace. This is a common procedure for commercial aircraft and involves giving them your call sign, transponder code, type aircraft, and points of origin and destination. I just flew with a guy who overheard this conversation on the VHF Guard (emergency) frequency 121.5 MHz while flying from Europe to Dubai. It's too good not to pass along. The conversation went something like this... Air Defense Radar: 'Unknown aircraft at (location unknown), you are in Iranian airspace. Identify yourself.' Aircraft: 'This is a United States aircraft. I am in Iraqi airspace. ' Air Defense Radar: 'You are in Iranian airspace. If you do not depart our airspace we will launch interceptor aircraft!' Aircraft: 'This is a United States Marine Corps FA-18 fighter. Send 'em up, I'll wait!' Air Defense Radar: (no response ... total silence) :D
  14. Ok so Sunday the nice state trooper in Wisconsin decided he would give me a ticket (not to the policeman’s ball either. 68MPH in a 55MPH zone, which is a $160.00 invitation to court or just pay it and suffer the consequences with the insurance company. Before you ask I have no idea how fast I was going all I know is that I was going up a hill in the passing lane and the trooper was at the top of the hill with his laser radar on. The rest of the story is history as they say Please resist the funny comments I told them all to myself. I don’t know if I should fight it or just pony up the $160.00 and call it a day. My gut tells me to at least go to court and try to fight it. Anybody know any thing about laser radar? Accuracy? Problems with their use? Interference? Any LEOs out there that have any words of advice? Other than cough it up and get over it? If I don’t show up they find me guilty if the trooper doesn’t show, what happens then. Will they dismiss it? Not to happy with myself…. I haven’t had a ticket in over 40 years. Advice Please
  15. I was thinking about getting details covered as I am getting ready to leave for VentureWest next week. I was wondering if radar detectors are legal in the northwest states? I will be travelling thru MT, ID, NV, CA, OR ,and WA. if they are illegal is it just illegal to run them or is it illegal to even have in your possession? I would also like to confirm that radar detectors are legal in BC and Alberta, I seem to remember that they were but now have the laws changed? Thanks Brian:cool10:
  16. In todays paper there is a story about one of our local small towns installing picture radar out on the highway. It was also noted that warning tickets would be issued for the first month. Well, this local kid on a Honda decides to make a run at it and see what happens. He ends up getting clocked at 101 mph above the 55 mph speed limit. The only problem was he did not notice the Police Officer sitting there clocking on hand held radar both coming and going. The paper showed one of those pictures with the horizontal lines on the wall behind him and he don't look none too happy. At least the cop did not give chase, he just went by his house Sunday with a warrant for his arrest. Seems like the kid had a bit of a reputation on his Honda. RandyA
  17. Top this for a speeding ticket... Two British traffic patrol officers from North Berwick were involved in an unusual incident while checking for speeding motorists on the A1 Great North Road. One of the officers used a hand-held radar device to check the speed of a vehicle approaching over the crest of a hill, and was surprised when the speed was recorded at over 300 mph. Their radar suddenly stopped working and the officers were not able to reset it. Just then a deafening roar over the treetops revealed that the radar had in fact latched on to a NATO Tornado fighter jet which was engaged in a low-flying exercise over the Border district, approaching from the North Sea. Back at police headquarters the chief constable fired off a stiff complaint to the RAF Liaison office. Back came the reply in true laconic RAF style: "Thank you for your message, which allows us to complete the file on this incident. You may be interested to know that the tactical computer in the Tornado had detected the presence of, and subsequently locked onto, your hostile radar equipment and automatically sent a jamming signal back to it. Furthermore, an air-to-ground missile aboard the fully-armed aircraft had also automatically locked onto your equipment. Fortunately the pilot flying the Tornado recognized the situation for what it was, quickly responded to the missile systems alert status, and was able to override the automated defence system before the missile was launched and your hostile radar installation was destroyed. "Good Day."
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