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  1. I sent you a pm about the progress of delivering rad I brought back.
  2. Just want some information about the rad you gave me to deliver. Do you have e-mail address of the guy who wants the rad? You said you were Taz on website but which one?
  3. So I'm about to change the Rad Fluid On My 91 VR. 1) I'm guessing that the Rad Plug just above the oil filter is where I drain the rad fluid. Is that the lowest point for the rad fluid or might there another place also? 2) I'm plan to put the plug back in and fill with water and drain again a couple 2 or 3 times? 3) With it full of just water I plan on running the engine so to circulate the water through out the entire cooling system to get every last drop of old anti freeze out. 4) After I flush the Rad for the last time, I'm going to install Sky_Docs Rad Drain up grade Kit. 5) I've read that any anti freeze today will be just fine. But to stay away from silcone based anti freeze. I plan on getting regular Prestone premix 50/50. 6) How much Watercooler additive do I put in. I'm planning on a summer visit to Las Vegas and the surrounding areas this Late June / early July. Any suggestions?
  4. OK so it was bound to happen. My 88 collector, which had been repaired by the PO rotted out at the weld. I have it all unbolted and I have the new(used) one ready to go in. BUT....How can I get the front headers off without removing the rad etc. From this thread it looks like I should be able to. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1002 But I don't see how it's possible. it doesn't look like you can move the header far enough forward to get it out because the rad is in the way...and I can't move the rad without draining it because the lower hose is too restrictive. Any suggestions?
  5. Trying to install the Chrome Rad Grill on my 91 VR. How does the Chrome Side Rad cover with the reflector go on? Normally the OEM rad grill goes on 1st then the side rad with reflector cover next.
  6. Well I'm making this seem much worst that it is, but the problem is starting to get worse. I finished putting my bike all back together after a whole host of maintenance tasks, like the valve clearance adjustment and unbolting the rad to give a little wiggle room to replace the regulator/rectifier. So a few days ago when I parked my bike after an hour long ride I noticed one drop of green coolant sitting on top of the lower cowling by the air filter. I thought, boy that's strange, how did that get there. I had a sick sense that something was going wrong. During the next ride I looked forward and noticed that there was coolant spray on the back of the front-right fork. I knew that something was wrong for sure now. When I parked I looked all over the rad and noticed that there was some coolant around the top of the rad fins and on the very top of the rad. It appeared that the coolant was coming from above the rad. So I stripped the bike down a fair bit to inspect further. I didn't notice any coolant leaking while the bike was off, so I knew this was a leak being caused while the water pump is on, putting pressure to the whole system. I also noticed that the 5" long heater hose that fed the top of the radiator had a decent size kink/bend in it. So I replaced it with new heater hose and better clamps. I should have done a hot idle test, but I decided to put the bike back together hedging my bets that I fixed the problem. Well, on today's ride to work the problem quickly developed and got much worst. The front fork was getting spray (though I could never see any stream of coolant while riding), the coolant was also streaming up my handle bars, on my right mirror, all over my tank, and some on my pants. This made a nice stain on my brown work pants which I am not happy about! So I'd appreciate any thoughts, suggestions, past experiences shared. No leaking when the bike is off, but it appears to be leaking above the rad when the bike is on. Though I haven't had the bike stripped down and running, the rad cap and hoses above do not look like they are wet, they still have some dust on them. Thoughts?
  7. The Yamaha engineers ,what were they thinking , That you have to remove the Gas tank to reach the rad cap,what they ran out of ideas where to have an extension,,,,, AS IF,,, The 1st Gen is easier to Maintain and yes I do miss the 1st Gen It's definately a Sport Tourer in my books But than The 2nd gen is much comfortable to ride even if up here Im called as a Wanna Be Harley
  8. What would make a rad Fan fuse blow? It wasnt a nice site, Was sync the carbs and I look down and fluid all over the place Went to check the fuse and its blown
  9. Seen a RSV the other day with a small dr backrest that mounted under the rear seat, looked great but I have been unsuccessful at finding anything like it anywhere. Also on same bike there was a rad grille made of plastic and aluminum mesh. The outer was a plastic frame amd the center was the aluminum mesh. Does anyone know of a source or sources for items which may be as I described? Sorry no pics and the bike was in a city which I was only passing through at the time.
  10. How to Remove Your 2nd Gen Radiator Well let me start off by saying 14 months ago I had a little Mishap, http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2437&highlight=Radiator+Leak I had to remove my Radiator and I decided to have it welded. Seems that part Held up ok... but now I have another leak, so here go’s Also, I had to use my Daughters Dig Camera and the pictures are not that great But I hope this helps someone if needed. (Note: all left and right are As if I was sitting on the bike) # 1 Remove the two bolts on the left and right lower fairings (# 4 mm Allen Wrench) #2 Look way under the bottom in the middle of the two lower fairings there will be A black plastic screw that helps hold the lower fairings together... the black bolt goes into this hole. #3 now remove the one bolt on the other sides near your air filters #4 here is a critical part in removing the two half’s. Make sure you Remove the RIGHT Lower fairing first, or you will most likely break on of these tabs, if you do JB Weld holds them back In place just fine. I know this because I broke on last year! This is how the two half’s look a bit apart left/right #5 remove the white plastic hose holder down under at the bottom of the lower fairings. #6 Now remove the black power wire on the left side for the fan this will be located on the left side. #7 Now remove the drain plug and drain the antifreeze. #8 Now the FUN part… loosen the top clamp for the rad hose. And next the lower clamp, I did notice the first time I loosened The clap after the factory had placed them they were very hard To get to.. Now I placed them so I can remove them in the future If needed. #9 The Bottom hose MUST be removed first, stick a screwdriver Or whatever in base of the hose to loosen it a bit. Do not tear the hose. Just deal with it and it will come loose sooner or later. #10 now work on removing that top hose in the same manner, As it starts to come loose you will be removing the Rad with A pulling downward motion and also remove it from the top TAB HOLDER. #11 Now with the RAD kind of hanging in place make sure you might want to put a towel on the rear of the front fender as well.. DISCONNET the Orange Plug from the Temp Censer. Squeeze the top/rear and it will pull right off. Now you have removed the Radiator. Here are some shoots not very good but what to Remove from the Rad before having it Welded Or Adding the Rad Parts back onto a new one Like I just ordered.. I will have this one checked And re-welded for a back-up in the future maybe. Here are some pics of how my old one looks now and the old Weld, looks like it help up.. I also have ordered a NEW RADITATOR Cover from Steve. To match my MM Venture. So maybe this will my love of removing 2nd Gen Radiators? http://www.wagnercustomproducts.com/ Should look very kewl! I hope nobody has to go through this ever! And if So I hope this helps you a bit. Feel free to PM me if you need to contact Me about this project if you ever have to do this. Thanks again Scotty. Jeff
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