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Found 19 results

  1. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kTQ6wZlivo]YouTube - Goldwing Drag Racing[/ame] I really think if the riders had some real racing under their belts the times would have been a little better, but the venture did preaty good for a 500 cc difference.
  2. Changed the oil in my 04 today, it had reg oil that the guy I bought it from had put it. but this is only it third oil change. It did have a very low chirp to it. I changed to the mobil one racing oil and after about 10 miles, no more chirp, no whine just a perfectly quiet bike. Well except for the mufflers I modified. Mobil One 4T racing 10-40 Gregg:missingtooth:
  3. Just stumbled upon this youtube video of a Venture and a couple of Goldwings drag racing. Running in the low 14's I thought the Venture held up very well to the Goldwing. [ame] [/ame] Dennis
  4. My wife got a coupon on cyber Monday for 20% off the Dale Jarrett Racing Adventure so she signed me up. So on Febuary 9 i'll be at Talladega Superspeedway to do 20 laps, driving 10 with a instructor and 10 by my self in cars that do do up to 185 MPH. Is that going to be fun or what, i canted wait.
  5. Just saw this online. Someone riding in a race t-bones a deer, gets up and keeps racing! Very lucky rider! http://jalopnik.com/5930273/this-motorcyclist-t+boned-a-deer-and-just-kept-on-riding
  6. I always change the Mobil 1/filter in the spring even when it has less than my usual 3000 miles between changes. I am beginning to think that 5000 mile/once a year change intervals would be adequate. What do you think? Is anyone using a 5K change interval with a top shelf fully synthetic oil like Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40?
  7. Ok Now that I am basically road ready, I want to tighten the front end. The Class is working perfect but regardless of the air pressure the when driving over manholds & bumps the front kinda clunks. So I'm going to redo the front end. 1. New Progressive Springs 2. New Neck Bearings - the neck bearing are tight but since I will have the handlebars off why not do the bearings I need a good source for Springs. & good = less expensive. Also are Lytle Racing Group or Air Balls Racing Neck bearing good? If not which do you recommend? After this is done it should be time for long distance cruising time!
  8. well i have my new strat in the shop for the winter. i have been plagued by an oil leak in the rear rocker box. the first fix did'nt work so i had to do it again. i had a bad casting with a flaw in it. this time i put a new casting on it and it should do the trick. i thought about warranty, but the dealer would have never found the cause, and i would,nt let them touch it any way. i thought about putting a patrick racing 120" kit in it over the winter, but i'm just getting to old to for the hot rod bikes. i did put one of the new cobra propower autotune fuel processors on it and have a patrick racing big air kit for it. i'm trying to not get carried away on decking this one out but you know how that goes. linda told me she would buy me an exaust system for christmas but i'm still researching that.
  9. Rick Mercer is a Canadian comedian who likes to go out into communities and do some activites there and have some fun with the locals. This week he was in Shannonville Ontario with a bunch of people racing their modified motorcycles and sidecars. The Rick Mercer Report is one of my favourite shows as he just goes out and has fun wherever he goes. Brian http://www.youtube.com/mercerreport#p/c/0289C71A11404509/38/GNritwnjZnc
  10. Received an email about Yamaha and Daytona. Apparently they haven't given up on racing yet. http://www.yamaha-motor.com/emailview.asp?p=337 First time I've ever received anything like this.....
  11. ... i've read in the other Thread you want to see a Photo of me. Well, to be honest, i don't care much about Pics which contain me, and i have none on my own. But .... every now and then a Pic with me is popping up somewhere... So, i finally found one to show you. It has been taken on the Drag Racing i've contributed on October, 18 last Year. Here it is ... http://www.torsten-konrad.de/gallery/beschlrennen5/viertelmeile09_176.jpg Don't get me wrong, I'm the Guy on the left Side of the Picture ... :crackup:
  12. I just pulled the flywheel out to send to Dano to do the starter clutch upgrade. As long as I'm in there, is there anything else I should be checking out or doing? I will also be pulling out the clutch to put in the HD spring from PCW Racing, and plates if needed. Again, anything else that I should be checking out while in there?
  13. for a new two wheeler for better gas mileage!!!! Also seems that he has converted daughter and grandson to drag racing in the process!
  14. I went to get my son from school again today on my 1999 RSV (58,000 miles). My clutch kept slipping really bad today. It done this on the way there and back. I bought this bike back in August of last year and it didn't start this until this year. I changed the oil in it last month before I did any riding. I used Mobil 1 racing 4T fully synthetic 10w-40. I bleed most of the black fluid out of the reserve and put fresh in it. It looked pretty clear in the clear hose I was using. Do I need to keep trying to bleed it or what? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks hairman
  15. Howdy folks, my name is Dave. I just purchased a 92' Venture Royale and am really liking this bike so far. I have been in the motorcycle industry most of my life. I started out in Myrtle Beach SC at a Suzuki and Honda dealer in 1977. I was stationed there in the military for ten years and worked during the days at the local motorcycle shops part time. I raced motocross on Suzuki's and hondas til about 1985. Then I started Drag racing on a 1985 Fz750 and a 1985 V-max. I continued racing til 1995 riding everything from street to progas and top gas turbo funnybikes. My wife put an end to my racing career when my friend Elmer Trett got killed on his Top fueler. I guess it was time to quit anyway. I look forward to meeting some fellow enthusiest in the Yamaha world. I have had many different bikes through the years. I currently have The Venture, 1983 Yamaha 650 turbo, 1984 kawasaki KZ1100, 1982 Suzuki gs650, 1982 Honda Cb650 Nighthawk, 1984 XL250,and a Zuma. I just love old bikes. Good thing I am a mechanic! Most of the bikes just sit in the garage. We have a working horse farm and the horses seem to take up most of our free time but since I got the Venture I have kinda got the bug to start riding more. If any of you are in my neck of the woods don't hesitate to come by and set a spell........Dave
  16. I went to the Maple Grove Speedway NHRA nationals on Saturday and it was awesome. First time for me and I'm glad that I brought ear plugs. I cannot get over how fast and loud they are. Television just does not give it any justice. 300MPH in the 1/8 mile in under 4 seconds, that's fast. It is unbelievable as to how much money sponsors pay for these guys. John Force (Castrol) was there (what a blow hard) and he had five (5) tractor trailers there, two of which looked like living quarters, one for selling apparel, and the other three were for his cars. I realize what all he has done for the drag racing scene and he is one of the best, but when he opens that big trap of his, it just goes right through me. His daughter was racing too and she really good too; in fact she was ahead of him when qualifying. I would have liked to have gone up on Sunday for the finals, but was unable to. Anyway, I saw a 2000 millennium in the free parking area. Was that anyone here?
  17. Ok folks - now for something completely different. The City of Buda, Texas Lions Club hosts an event every spring. It is the WEINER DOG RACES!! That's right, two days of dachsund racing and other fun stuff. The festivities are on April the 26th and 27th this year. The "Run for the Roses" is on Sunday afternoon. Anybody up for an afternoon of "hot" dog racing? This is like the 13th annual race. We will be going up on Sunday just to have fun. JB
  18. its there answer to the VENTURE [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4amDWh9IUg]YouTube - Robot Jockey Racing[/ame]
  19. Just said good by to my faithful friend today. Digger my greyhound whom I rescued just over 8 yrs ago when his racing career came to an end. Life is a bit sad at the moment. Went for a blast over the hills to clear the head.
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