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  1. I downloaded and printed the Jason Mod articles and pictures along with the Blocking off the AIS article and pictures. I am going to do both of these mods. My question is, once you do the AIS blocking and then go onto the Jason mod; what do you do with the vacuum hoses from cylinders 2 and 3 once you have spliced in the small 3/16" fuel tubing as shown in the pictures? Thanking you in advance. Chris
  2. Been round and round with this exhaust problem. The good news is that now that I've had it apart 3 times, and have lubed the pipes and collector with a hi temp never seize, it all comes apart and goes together quickly. I pulled it all apart to get the closest inspection of the collector. I was sure there would be some visible signs of failure, but there's not. Externally it looks great. No cracks, all metal seems solid, but put it back together paying special attention to all gaskets and connections, and she still has "the sound" .....you know...the "hotrod" sound. I'm out of options. The baffles must be having an issue inside the collector. My question is: If I cut a square as big as possible out of the bottom of the collector, will I be able to gain enough access to weld the naughty baffle (s) back in place? I did a search and found only pics of the collector with baffles removed. I'd like to keep mine as quiet as possible, so would a competent welder such as myself have anything to work with once I open it up, or should I spend the big bucks and get a replacement...??? The ones I see on e-bay right now are going for $150 , which is OK, but the ones I'm seeing look to be in worse shape than the one I have. I'm planning on pulling it back apart tomorrow, but I don't know what to expect when I open it up. Anybody out there who's done this before? Thanks:confused24:
  3. I saw a real nice gold VR east of Rochester NY today in Wayne County. It had a tag on it that said "Fifth Anniversary". What model year would that be anyway? Also, if the owner could PM me for a quick question, it would be appreciated.
  4. I have a quick question about valve stems. I am going to put 90 degree valve stems on my 03 RSV. There are two sizes available 8 MM and 10 MM. I have searched the forum and found threads on valve stems and could not find the answer to my question. I did read on the forum that the front and back wheels are different as far as the the valve stem hole. True or false? I'm going to put K&L valve stems on, either part number 32-5419 10MM or part number 32-5414 8 MM. Now my question is what size is the valve stem hole, 8 or 10 MM?
  5. I have a wonderful set of cobra pipes on my new (to me) 09 RSTD, however, the community around me has many small children that would be appreciative if I was a little quieter around the neighborhood I stumbled on to this system online and was wondering if anyone had any experience with it or had seen/heard it in person. If there are any others like it people know of or that have a good balance between being heard on the road in traffic and quiet enough at low rev not to rattle the windows like a freight train going by I would appreciate it. http://www.nationalcycle.com/n41310.html JB
  6. New here but I was told by a friend that this is the place to come to if you needed information about the Venture. I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this question or if it's been asked but hey, like I said, I'm a newbie here. I just bought an '09 Royal Star Venture S. My question to you riders is, does anyone know somewhere I can pick up an after-market driver's back rest? One that is easy to install, able to fold down to allow a passenger easy access to the back seat and perhaps even removable for simple, every day local riding. My back ain't what it used to be and I'm looking for something for long distance riding. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance....... Bluez
  7. I'm looking at a used '06 Royal Star.... I've always been a fan of the Venture line, ever since they came out in '83. But what really DOESN'T do it for me is that fugly shroud that goes over the air intakes and blocks air across the legs. My question is: can that gawd-awful thing be removed without jacking up something else or affecting the engine intake? Like does it also support something else, etc.? Thanks to any and all.
  8. Good afternoon. I've googled a bit and looked around some on this site and have a quick question. Just picked up an 84 Venture and am trying to take the saddle bags off. There's a key toward the back and it does rotate freely. What do you do after you turn the key to remove the bags? I've pulled back, pushed forward and pulled straight out. I'm wondering if the key itself is actually doing anything, almost too easy for a 30 yr old lock. TIA
  9. What constitutes a 2nd. Gen starter...Is it a starter from a 1300cc bike or is it a starter from a 1999 and beyond? I guess my simplier question could have been what constitutes a 2nd Gen bike? Newbs gotta ask newb questions....
  10. I have a question for anyone that's used one of the Harbor Freight lifts, pros/cons, good,bad. I think I remember a post where someone said they were a little "tipsy"? They have 2 different models, a "motorcycle", and a "motorcycle/atv" which is 12" longer. My wife thinks that it would make my life easier with one of those vs the regular m/c jack. Hey, I'm all about something new for the garage. Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi guys, I have a couple of friends that have picked up the Venture. So... in the follow the pack mentality.. I'm selling a couple of bikes to a friend and looking for a used Venture. I have my eye on an 89 with 65K miles. Owner says it was serviced 2K ago. Question: What should I look for, or be aware of regarding a Venture of this year/mileage ? Any unique issues/repairs etc ? I know every bike has it's own issues. I appreciate any input. Bill
  12. I recently purchased a used Roto Cover. I took it all apart and cleaned it up nicely including all the electric contacts. Each side has 2 pushin light bulbs. When putting it back together I noticed that the light bulbs have some differences. I've included a picture of the light bulbs. One has a blue dot in the center and a blacker tip where it pushes into the socket. My question is, are the differences of any concerns as to which one goes into which socket. A 2nd picture is attached of the sockets. One of the sockets has an extra wire that I think is the ground.
  13. I am looking at buying a set of mud flaps from Chiholwee leather, but they only sell flaps for the road star and the v-star. My question is, will any of these two models fit my 2009 royal star tour deluxe fenders.
  14. My 2007 Midnight Venture is still under factory warranty intil Feb 2013, then I have 2 years extended. I have noticed in the past few days the riders seat is starting to split down in the creases. Also the left rear speaker is blown. I know the "Bumper to bumper" warranty isn't AS Bumper to bumper as it should be. So my question is, should I approach my dealer with these concerns or am better off just dealing with them myself? Thanks in advance. Joe 2007 Midnight Venture Monroe, GA
  15. I know we have a lot of different craftsmen and professions here on the site. I have a question for the builders here. I have a 30X40 metal building that I use for a garage, it has a 20X30 upper loft type area. The weather down here in the Houston area has been crazy, 75 one day 45 the next. The humidity is crazy as well. What is happening is it's literally like it has rained inside the garage. The floor is soaking wet and has small moisture puddles on the floor, everything is sweating. It has a metal corrugated roof and there is obviously no venting of it. What do I need to do, to stop the sweating inside the garage. I am thinking of spray foaming the inside ceiling, I know the heating and cooling is creating condensation and I need to get some sort of vapor barrier. Any words of wisdom from y'all in the know would be greatly appreciated. Here's a few pics of the garage also.
  16. I got an extra trunk for my '99 from the p.o. and I've got a question. Has anyone though of, or attempted to put speakers in the lower sides of the trunk? I've been trying to come up with a way to get some bigger speakers with a little more umph without putting them in the saddlebag lids, I'm thinking just behind the armrests. Haven't done any exact measurements yet, but I think I might be able to get a 6 1/4" in there. My Chevy Equinox has 6 1/4's w/seperate tweeters and I think that setup would give me about what I'm looking for, no window breaking bass, but just a little more thump. I'd probably lose about 4" on each side inside the trunk, but better there than in the bags. Been spending too much time at night thumbing thru Baggers Magazine I guess.
  17. I am not one to really complain about service but I really got a kick out of this exchange. I found a place that had two sets of pads for the front and one set for the back EBC Sintered pads. (because that is what I want!) for $86.00 shipped. Having not heard of this place before I decided to shoot a simple email to their customer service (which is what they said to do on their website to ask any question) and ask a simple shipping question. Here is the exchange simplified for reading... I will not post the company name but they claim to be one of the largest suppliers of parts in the country. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To: customer service MONDAY Dec 17, 2012 9:52 am Subj: brake pads If I ordered EBC brake pads today, when should they ship? -------------------------------------------------------- To (TDunc) TUESDAY Dec 18, 2012 1:34pm Subj RE: brake pads Could you please provide your order number so I can better assist you? -------------------------------------------------------- To: customer service Dec 18, 2012 1:51 pm Subj RE: brake pads Never Mind.. The original question was MONDAY 12/17 @ 9:52am: "If I ordered ebc brake pads today, when should they ship?" Original order WOULD have benn for $86.00 worth of pads. I was asking for an approximate ship date? See Below for original e-mail. -------------------------------------------------------- TO: (Tdunc) WEDNESDAY Dec 19th 1:29pm subject ...... All orders take 1-4 business days to ship out. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. Thank you --------------------------------------------------------- TO: Customer service @ __________________- Thank you but I have already asked the same question, received an answer, placed an order and received the product on my doorstep in the time it has taken you to answer one simple question. Thank you very much for your time and Thank you tremendously for the laugh you provided by a company that 1) can't answer a simple question and 2) does not care that they made a mistake and never tried to save the business.. Good luck in the future sir. TDunc............... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was good for a laugh for me...... Or am I being a scrooge!
  18. I have a question for the brethren, it's about my Harley. As some of you know I have a '79 FLH Electra Glide that I'm working on getting back on the road. I want to install an oil pressure gauge onto it, it had a cheap one, with the plastic compression fitting tubing. I want to put a good quality oil filled gauge that will stand up to the vibrator. I also want to use a braided stainless line from the oil pump up to the gauge which will fit up in the fairing or on the handle bars. If y'all have some links or personal experience I'd love to hear from you. I have 2, 4 day weekends coming up for Christmas and New Years and 1 of those weekends are going to be spent doing nothing but working on my Harley....Thanks in advance for your help with this
  19. I came into a set of JM headsets today and have a question. When I plug them in and switch them on the front works fine, but the rear h/s does not work and there is still sound coming from the REAR speakers, but at the same volume as the front headset. There is a mic mute installed, and the p.o. did have all the audio stuff apart when he changed out the original trunk that was cracked. I've tried everything that I can remember from my other Venture and nothing works or changes. Both headsets work in the front too, so I know they are both good. HELP!!
  20. Now that I have a sidecar on my 2004 RSV, I notice the need to feather the clutch considerably more than before just to get it to move. I have read that some of you put V-Max gears in your RSV to make 5th gear more useful. My question is for those of you that have done this does it make much of a difference in first gear, just trying to get rolling?
  21. Well, It finally happened. I was involved in a motorcycle wreck. Only major damage to me is I have no palms and no hide on my left side. The really bad thing is they consider the bike totalled. The question is do I keep the bike with lower payment from the insurance or turn it over and get a new one? I will post pics when I can.
  22. how do you measure speakers, from corner to corner or left top to bottom right? I went looking for speakers, and the guy asked this question. I did this
  23. Stopped in at my local Caribou Coffee shop this morning to pick up a cup. They have a daily trivia question. Answer it correctly and you get 10% off. Todays question is: What is Ethiopia's main commercial export crop? Don't know if anyone goes to Caribou Coffee or if they have the same trivia contest. But, if you do, and they do, believe me the answer IS NOT political refugees. Not sure if I will ever be welcome back in their shop.....
  24. I tried looking for this specific question but could not. When I had my Suzuki Boulevard, I got new tires. I asked the tire guy about whether I should go by the pressure on the side of the tires or what was in the manual. He said always go by what the tire says. I had a new set of Kenda Kruz tires. Really great. I did 40 psi. front and back. So which is the correct pressure to go by? I have an 06 RSTD. Thanks in advance Dave
  25. Decided to take my front wheel of myself this time to take it to a bike shop to have a tire mounted on it. Usually I just have the shop do the whole job. So, my question is, what the heck do I have to do to get the axle out? I loosened the allen head pinch bolt, but I can't get the axle to break lose. I'm using a 22mm socket with a medium size breaker bar. Makes me wonder if I should get out the ole impact wrench. This axle is a left hand thread, right? Thanks for suggestions, Lynn
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