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  1. I'm having a serious case of the screammin meamies. I am on vacation! Plans for the week included buying a 1T portable hard drive to back up my laptop onto. Hard drive was bought but said plans got put off due to other things getting in the way as in one of my mares doing her best to make my vet rich. The "fun" began when said laptop locked up while I was online. Tried activating the Task Manager to shut it down and restart the puter but the program would not come up so I just turned it off. Apparently that has corrupted my hard drive and the puter will not load into Windows. Fortunately I have 2 laptops so I was able to access Gateway's website and find out what I needed to do to get it back up and running. Gateway said to pull the hard drive, copy it so I would not lose all of my data and set the puter back to factory specs which would erase any data on the hard drive. I went down to Best Buy to have the Geek Squad check it and according to them, the data on the hard drive cannot be accessed so I've had to buy a new hard drive. Not a biggie except for one minor detail. . . . All of the stuff I have loaded on said hard drive, pics, a ton of bookmarks, a semi serious collection of eBooks [Kindle!] and an equally semi serious collection of audio books! OUCH! To top it off, the Geek Squad informed me that a MINIMUM charge of $250, which could go as high as $2500, would be needed to send the old hard drive off for data recovery. And that is not including the cost of another portable hard drive to copy the data onto. OUCH!! The HELP! is this: Is there anyone out there that can do the data recovery without it costing me the proverbial arm and a leg ? Any recomendations for someone who could?? I can redownload the ebooks and the audiobooks but considering how slow my internet connection can be, that could take forever. Also the pics, bookmarks and assorted other goodies, for the most part, cannot be replaced. HELP!!!
  2. Been gone a while, any one miss me?? Computer did crash and I lost most of my stuff So Quickstep gave me some of his tax return...and I am the proud Mama of a new Apple Mac "big screen" 'puter So, got new modem and internet provider too. Any one who has my email address needs to PM me and I will give them the new one.
  3. I've been waiting and hoping i could retrieve some information of my crashed hard drive, it would have been nice anyway since the back up got chewed up as well... But, alas, no such luck so i'm getting ready to bite the bullet and start entering two months worth of stuff into my old 'puter. First though I wanted to upgrade my virus protection which meant removing Norton and installing something better. Great idea!! One problem, it calls for a re-start, 'xcept it didn't:doh:. So of to the puter guru, I get there and discover my 2 wheel wheelbarrow is gone from the truck, i suppose it fell off on the way over there:confused07::confused07:, but if'n it did, I sure didn't notice and I didn't see it on the side of the road going home. Then I learn the second hard drive has gone to h3ll:bang head::bang head: The puter guy said he thinks that he will be able to retrieve info from this one though:o Somebody shoot me!!
  4. barend

    for sale

    '98 Shadow. look in classified Gremlins are having a ball on my 'puter so i can't upload pics. Let me know if interested so i can send direct. Thanks!
  5. Usually i can figure out how to fix a problem but this time im stuck. Ive got some kind of malware or something on my puter that redirects my browser. If i search for something and try to go to it my browser ends up going somewhere else.....sometimes when i click back it will then go to where it was sposed to, sometimes it wont.....this is getting extremely frustrating.... sometimes in the address bar i see "abcjump" when its doing this..other times i dont... I have done searches on how to fix or get rid of this and im not getting anywhere.......add to that it redirects me whne im searching also... I have adaware, spybot search and destroy and avg running on my puter.....i also tried to restore my system ( xp) to an earlier date and it wont do it......arrrrrrr anyone have any ideas or help to offer? I have been using IE because foxfire was giving me probs a while back and I deleted it.....I also have avant browser and it seems to be infected also...
  6. I do not know what the heck i did........but....... windows xp wont start......i get the screen with safe mode..last good config..etc to choose from.........but......none of them work......puter just keeps trying to reboot up. I F8 'd and choose to not reboot at start up or something like that it says to try to get an error message....... what i got was. UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME Im stumped......and no i do not have a cd to reboot from..my system has it all in it and for some reason I cant work around the problem this time and get going. Now i did install a program that BuddyRich had mentioned to someone called " Advanced Windows care from www.iobit.com Its free and will clean up a lot of registry problems. " I ran it and was done with the scan and was cleaning up stuff when it kind of froze so after sitting and sitting i shut down the puter and this is where i am....... thank good ness we have the old puter for Haylie.........sloooooow but works... is there anything i can do to at least get in to safe mode and restore my last good config.....i did do a restore point before i ran the scan
  7. Where are you????? you've been aweful aweful quiet.......did Redneck take ur puter away??
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