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  1. was on my first night ride. going down the highway thought it was cutting out but wasant sure still had plenty of power. then was town driving stopped at the busiest intersection would not rev up then all power went dead. pushed it to the side nothing. pushed into a church parking lot pulled cover off. reached down to left side of battery. lights came back on. and would start. rode one block same thing. so every time it would start cutting out would reach under left handle bar wiggle wire and it would straighten out made it home doing this. any ideas. not the fuse box or battery cables. wire to computer above the area. :think: why why
  2. Due to a power outage, only one paramedic responded to the call for a woman in labor. The house was very dark so the paramedic asked Kathleen, a 3-yr old girl , to hold a flashlight high over her mommy so he could see while he helped deliver the baby. Very diligently, Kathleen did as she was asked. Mother Heidi pushed and pushed and after a little while, Connor was born. The paramedic lifted him by his little feet and spanked him on his bottom. Connor began to cry. The paramedic then thanked Kathleen for her help and asked the wide-eyed 3-yr old what she thought about what she had just witnessed. Kathleen quickly responded, "He shouldn't have crawled in there in the first place .....spank him again!"
  3. Hi everyone. I know the subject has been mentioned in passing in previous threads but I thought I would go over the situation again but with some photographs this time. As most riders know the removal and fitting of a 2nd Gen. Rear wheel is a real bind so after the last time I refitted the rear wheel to the cost of four stitches to my right hand when the wheel came off the splines and pushed my hand into the side of the rear fender. I thought about a better way and came up with this, I checked on the site too and it is mentioned in passing on another thread. First I raised the bike up to the top of the lift and placed the wheel under the rear fender, I then positioned it and carefully lowered the lift down to a height that I could easily lift the wheel up. I have an old axle (you could use a length of round bar) that fits first into the pumpkin and through to the swing arm. (Left to right through pumpkin) oposite to the proper axle. I had both mufflers removed as I had removed the rear end to clean and grease the swing arm bushes otherwise you would have to remove the left muffler to do it. The axle or bar protrudes from the pumpkin so that the wheel when lifted is placed on it and pushed and slightly rotated to engage the drive splines. It can then be pushed all the way through to fully support the wheel. You can then put the original axle through the swing arm and brake bracket etc from right to left and this will push the other axle out from the left side as you push the axle back in the proper place. I hope this can be of help as it made life so easy and I managed it single handed and still have all my fingers. The job is made a lot simpler. Neil. (Old Miner).
  4. I was going to post this in reply to a members fuel problems, but decided to start a new thread so it could be located later for reference. Here is a bunch of pictures I took of a 1st gen fuel pump a week ago just for S&G's. The RSV is probably similar, but I don't know. Just offering this as maybe some help in understanding the mysterious fuel pump. It is not a really technical description below, but the basic operation. In a nutshell, the pump operates by energizing a coil and pulling the plunger towards the contact end. This pushes in the contact assembly on the other end, breaking the current path to the coil. The plunger returns to rest position, contact closes & cycle repeats. When the plunger pulls towards the contact, it pulls gas in from the tank into the pump cavity via a one way valve. On the Return stroke the fuel is pushed out another valve towards the carbs. This happens until 1 of 2 things occur, first is pump builds up pressure in line and and the plunger does not return forward to complete pump stroke. 2nd is the fuel pump circuit times out after 4 seconds of not sensing motor running and cuts off current to pump. On pump end there are two diaphragm type valves, one allows fuel to be pulled in to pump cavity, but not pushed back out. Other allows fuel to be pushed out towards carbs, but not flow back into carbs. Not my best tech write up. Gary
  5. Ok took the RSTD out on the interstate for the first time today. I went to put on the cruise and when I pushed the switch on it did not come on. it did come on when I pushed it all they way up but not when I just push it to on and it clicked. is it normal to have to push switch all the way to the top of the switch travel before the cruise comes on? Thanks for the help
  6. I have a 04 Venture. I have had mic-mutes for three years now. Has been working great. Yesterday the wife and I went for a short ride. Right off the bat the communication was bad. A lot of noise and terrible clicking when we hit the talk buttons. One LOUD click when either button is pushed to talk and two LOUD clicks when you turn it off. It is really bad. Not fun at all. I have the driver and passenger seats off and have checked all connections. Any ideas?
  7. Quite the nice ride, about 150 miles or so. On the way out to our destination we saw 2 military cargo planes about to land, a little baby windmill (Compared to the giants at the local wind farms), and a rainbow all within a minute of each other. Here's some photos... 1. How did we get into the movie "Cars??" 2. I found Big Tom's bloomers hanging out to dry 3. This is the place we invaded... 4. Us Ventureriders gtta stick together! BB, BT, and Rickster 5. We saw some Canadians inside... 6. Even Beer 30 was there!! 7. There was evidence E-Fishin-C had been there 8. We even think we saw Starfan there... 9. Of course the Harley had to be pushed in... (to quote Harleyman, not me) 10. A Motley Crew if I ever saw one! 11. See, I can too stil swing a leg over.. 12. Not sure if Big Tom is trying to ride b1tch or pee on my saddlebag...
  8. For those of you who have done valve adjusts and timing checks . You know that the chrome cover on the engine's generator cover must be remove when manually turning the crankshaft. You also know there is a"special washer" that must be removed. This is part of the "stator cooling" assy.. NOW, which way does this go in. Or does it not matter? It is basically a washer w/ 2 sides(edges) slightly angled. And also the center is "pushed thru" as stamped from the factory. Which way should it sit? with the washer looking almost even w/the crank bolt or w/the washer set so the rough center faces out...and not flush w/bolt??? I was doing work on it today and forgot which way it goes. I am such a putz.
  9. greetings i am broke down here in carlsbad nm. haw can i find out if we have any members here without having to scroll through the whole list? bike just clicks when starter button is pushed. also when it is pushed speedometer guage goes from right to left. can i boost bike?
  10. I had a unique opportunity yesterday morning. I took my 06 RSTD to work and upon my arrival I removed my riding boots and mesh jacket and stuffed them into the left (port) side saddlebag. I also had a sweatshirt in there which I laid on top of my jacket. I closed the lid then realized I left my pager in my jacket pocket so I pushed the lock / button to open the lid again. No luck. The button would not allow me to depress it. I checked the lock with my key to make sure the lock was okay and the key turned freely but there was no way it was going to allow me to depress it and release the lid latches inside. One of my employees was nearby so the two of us pushed and pulled on the lid and the lock / release button to try and get it aligned better in case something was jammed. Still no luck and the button still wouldn't budge. I pryed off the plastic trim plate that surrounds the lock cylinder but that didn't give me access to anything. I had visions of getting the sawzall out of my employees truck and cutting the lid off. As one last attempt before resorting to such drastic measures, I got my assistant to pull up on the rear corner of the lid as hard as he could without breaking it to allow me to get a couple of fingers inside. I managed to grasp the edge of my sweatshirt and pull it out through the crack. The button then worked and the lid was open. We took everything out and tried shutting the lid again and all worked fine, but when I tried locking the lock I had a dickens of a time to get the lock to unlock. Last night I dismantled the whole works and found that when we pushed the lock button down so hard we managed to bend the actuating arm that acts to lock the bag as well as actuating a paddle plate, which in turn pulls on a long rod that then actuates the latches. What a complex assembly for such a simple task! All is straight and true and working properly now, but I would advise all RSTD and second gen riders to be very careful about what they put in those bags and make sure that nothing gets too close to those lid release levers. I also wonder if any of you have run into this problem on your bike before?
  11. I have a '03 Venture. I bought it used and it had a Corbin seat on it. The corbin is a nice looking seat and has been pretty good for short rides. I took a 400 mile 10 hr trip on Tuesday. My behind hurt so much that I was standing at every red light that I came too. I had to make a two hour trip today. I had purchased a stock seat a few months back and thought I would put it on and give it a shot. The seat is off a RSV midnight. To say it was uncomfortable is a understatement. Pushed my testies up and was just uncomfortable on the bottom. I did like the fact that it seem to be lower and pushed me a little fwd toward the tank. I'm 5'8" , with a 28" inseam. With all these facts I have been looking at seats and seat conversions. I need to know what others have and what they think of them. I've looked a the Russel All Day, a lot of money, but have not really heard of anyone having one. I know seats are like oil everyone has their own preference. But this is a lot of money, anyway I would go. Need help with options and riders thoughts. Thanks in advance.
  12. This is what happens when you push youre bike to drag the floors or pegs. In this case he pushed at the wrong section of the curve and front wheel lost contact so rear tire pushed him into the gaurd rail. This is a good friend of mine and is a good rider he just got careless but is lucky to have walked away. The bike however will have to have a front rim, front finder, and new forks. Not sure if I put this in the right place but I thought we can all learn from not only our own but others mistakes. PLEASE RIDE SAFE!
  13. Guest

    Odd electrical issue

    Was out for a ride with a friend today and noticed that almost every time I pushed the PTT button, the headlight warning light came out on the console. It only happened when it pushed the PTT button - never any other time. Any ideas what would cause that and where to look?
  14. Appears you all get another year. Being pushed out again, to June 2009. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23834411 Brad
  15. After new Avons, progressive springs, and other maintenance items including swing arm bearing removal and service, I now have an 80 mph wobble that I never had before. On a downhill it started as an oscillation then increased frequency before could react with the brakes but stopped when hauled down to 65 or so. Cautiously ran up to 75 on another straight stretch but was uphill, and no sign of it to that point, but wasnt looking toy with that demon until rechecked everything on the bike. The swingarm is as per manual assembly and torque values, and has no play, same with steering head bearings, front axle, rear axle etc. This bike has never acted like this at speed until this maintenance project. Always was a little saggy in the front with old springs and slighlty wallowing if pushed hard in turns but manageable, and had no high speed issues. Now its on rails in the turns when pushed hard ( which leads me to believe everything is mechanically reinstalled), but top end is scary.That being sad, wondering if the increase ride height on the forks could cause this. Like the Avons, cant be them, pretty sure anyway. Any frame geometry techies out there that would know if raising the front end would potentially cause high speed wobble?
  16. Well I finally got up the courage to watch the video of Leslie's funeral. I think that's the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. I know it seems like a weird thing to do, to video a funeral, but since I wasn't able to attend in person I needed to be able to see it for myself. The next day I went to the cemetery to visit the grave site. I think watching the video made going to the cemetery a little easier but not much. Today I went and looked at my bike for the first time since the accident. I don't know how I managed to survive this. The front wheel is pushed back into the radiator. The gas tank is almost flat on top. The G2 bars are bent. The windshield is gone. The headlight, passing lights and turn signals are gone. The fairing is toast. What a mess.
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